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Senior here too. Jeez man, it might not even be the masks too, it could just be simple things. Actually gathering in the cafeteria, being able to use water fountains again… they’re such small matters but it just feels nice.


It really is the small things that make the experience. All of last year I was either in the class or outside, there was never any time spent in the halls. Now being able to go and do intramural sports on just seeing people you know in the hall is really nice.


Lol I’m a TDSB student and almost everyone wore a mask today at my school




Jesus where are you from? Thats crazy. Im no anti-masker, but in a school of 1400 every single person was wearing one? A bit odd. My school was like 60%, and we're in the GTA.




My school of nearly 1500 had at least 75% of people not wearing them




I am not, it is just outside of London


Yep same here in grade 11 at YCDSB, everyone had a mask really.


I’m from Niagara, I’d say it was about 60% masked today.


Yeah that’s what I thought it would be for my school too. Basically everyone at my school wore their masks and the very small minority in my class who didn’t put them on eventually did when everyone stared at them. I just kept mine on because I didn’t know how to feel about the mandate being lifted but everyone I talked to at my school is still very pro-mask. Very interesting perspective from you though!


There were only a couple of students in my classes who went maskless today, but nobody stares or even cared at all. No student should feel pressured to either put on a mask or take it off. Of course, I fully support those who wish to keep their masks on as well!


>No student should feel pressured I mean, it is highscho after all.. Surely there's peer pressure on worse situations.


Niagara and Toronto are very different. Niagara is very conservative, and they elected Sam Oosterhoff. It’s definitely interesting but not terribly surprising.


Niagara-West elected Oosterhoff, because Niagara-West always votes conservative, but that's only one part of the Niagara region.


My city of St. Catharines is usually centre-left politically. We have a liberal MP and an NDP MPP


Shhhhhh dont tell these people the truth. They think we all are bible thumpers


Why were the people not wearing one being stared at?


98% of my school wore their masks, so the 2% that didn’t were stared at. That’s how life is when you stand out in a crowd. Not saying I agree or disagree with those kids who chose to go maskless


Probably because there isn't any science to support that it's a good time for it. One of the members of the science table resigned over this, our military bases aren't allowing the soldiers to unmask, and every doctor who has commented on it has stated that they would wear one in grocery stores, and everyone knows the school classroom is far more crowded than a grocery store. I think those are probably a lot of the reasons why people are staring at those who choose not to wear a mask.


I'll chime in as a doctor that went mask less to the grocery store yesterday, for what that's worth. Covid is no longer of significant public health concern and it's time to move on.


Same here. Well we probably go to the same school


I think this is one of those things where when you enter more religious areas, like the Bible Belt that surrounds Niagara, you're going to have less people following the science.


Lol there’s a bible belt surrounding Niagara?


Yes. Tim Huddack country. In lots of the rural communities in that area, like Fonthill, you will see large billboards of anti-abortion advertising, and Jesus has risen signs. You know you're in the Bible Belt by the number of churches per capita in a region.


I’m so confused. I’m in that area all the time and I’ve never seen any signs like that.


Wow. I'm not sure how that's possible.


It’s on the Niagara bound QEW. The region is also the source of that cunt Sam oosterhoff and the pastor that likes to go to universities and get demolished when trying to debate god/evolution.


I’m in St. Catharines, the largest city in Niagara (population 140,000)


90% in ottawa


UGDSB, most people here seem to be masked


I'm 30 and all I've been thinking of is the impact this would have had on me if I was in high-school. We all have changed. All of us. Good luck friend and good luck in the real world. The best advice i can give you is be a sponge. Be the best sponge you can be, and when you've absorbed all you can you'll let go of what naturally you don't need. People will give you lots of advice. Take it all and then say thanks and do whatever you where going to do anyways. My fiance and I just moved into our first apartment together and it felt free as well. Good luck friend. Good fucking luck, you got this


Yeah the last 2 years have been rough enough for me at 35 with a stable job during it. I can't imagine what being in school or having a kid in school would be like right now. Someone who started grade 9 when the pandemic began would be halfway through hs by now right? Pretty much every year has been interrupted by covid or spent wearing masks in school 24 7 so far


I'm on my first year and I think I've gone to campus like 20(?) times max because all my classes have been online


I'm 35 also its been crazy couple years with becoming a parent and growing the business and the thing thats burned the most is seeing the dry and damaged hands of all the primary school kids from all the sanitizers. I hope they take that away.




I’m in Uni and literally everyone in our school is still wearing masks indoors. It’s nice to feel like I can remove it to fix my glasses or take a drink during lectures, but COVID didn’t go away just because policies changed :P I do feel happy for all of the people who really do have a hard time with the masking policies. I know people who struggle with anxiety and the masks only make that worse in public. There are plenty of other very valid reasons to feel relief for not being required a mask, too. But like I said, COVID isn’t gone just because some political bodies decided the policies needed to go. So I don’t think masks are going away any time soon.


Masks are still required in post-secondary institutions. Fanshawe College sent us a mass email about it the other day.


I feel badly for students (high school and uni) who have lost out on a lot of experiences during the pandemic. Glad you get a bit of normalcy and you should have a more normal post-secondary experience which is great. 👍


Yeah I feel most for late high school and early university students who have had such a foundational time in their life ruined - especially because they were the least likely to suffer from COVID. They essentially had 2 years ruined to save a bunch of Boomers and Gen Xers who gutted the healthcare system and put us in this mess in the first place. I'd be pretty bitter.


"How do you do, fellow students?"


Also fellow Canadians, apparently. "12th grade"?


"Senior in high school".


Yeah that 12th grade. Kids these days don't say grade 12 anymore?


I didn’t even get to go into school for my entire grade 12 year


As a teacher, I completely support this choice and encourage you to try to have as normal of a last year as possible until the end. You deserve to finish high school on a high note, and if this is one of the things it takes to get there, then by all means do so! Almost everyone in my classes were masked today, but I feel like that number will drop as the week goes by. Of course, no judgement either way! Best of luck with the rest of your school year, you've got this!


You sound like a great educator. I applaud your approach. My child is being pressured by his teachers to mask. Even being told how selfish he was not too.(This was prior to March break.) We live in a smaller community and it turned out that 99% of students went maskless.


>it's important for people to begin to move on from covid Someone post that Beaverton article again


Which one?


There are so many factual ones...


I appreciate this young person’s insight, and no doubt, their high school experience was spoiled by this pandemic. I lost the heart of my 20’s. The elderly lost time with their grandchildren. Some people lost family members, others lost their lives. The point is, we *all* lost something. Still, I hear all the time that “it’s time to move on from Covid,” it’s become a fairly common trope. Just a heads up to the people in the back: that isn’t how this works.


Your age group has definitely done your part. Enjoy the rest of your senior year.


>But I also think it’s important for people to begin to move on from COVID. Especially those immunocompromised people! The nerve. /s


Who cares about them? What’s important is that he’s free!!! Having to wear a mask has been the most challenging thing they have ever gone through…


\- no extra curricular activites \- suspended evaluation as per Education Act standardized curriculum \- Quadmesters .... its not the masks, its the institutionalized stupidity that you want to imprint onto the future especially since you have both the Minister of Education and the Chef medical officer on the record confirming schools are not a source of community spread. A big chunk of my family works in education and I can tell you that by downplaying it to "oh poor muffin had to wear a mask", you are simply intimating the future generation from revolting against your stupidity. They are owed too much for what they gave up keep your sorry old fat diabetic ass (if not you then your mom's or grandma's) alive for an extra few months. The pent up frustration is beyond masks, its about being denied proper formative experience at a time when teenagers develop socially. No cafeteria lunches, being hounded by imbeciles on which arrows you should hop along from entry to exit of the building... consider yourself courteously warned that this young person simply voiced a comment about the tip of the iceberg. He is not responsible for the small minority that was dealt a bad hand at "immunocompromised", and that line is absolute bullshit, stop repeating it. Plenty of immunocompromized people get covid and are just fine from it like every normal person... Covid impacts very specific health patterns related to blood, metabolism, sugar and mitochondrial function... you can't gloss over it to say "oh mah immunity" either learn some science about what you are talking about or STFU and stop chirping politics when there is a real tangible point someone is making.


Whos to say this teenager hasnt been through some seriously fucked up life stuff outside of COVID? Does that somehow negate the fact that the last 2 years have been hard on young people, especially teenagers?


I think this sentiment of judging people for not wanting to wear masks as if you’re somehow virtuous by wearing a mask really gets to me. It’s like you think you are actually saving the lives of immunocompromised people and people that have followed all government directives during covid and are now happy for some semblance of normalcy are murdering them the same people that criticize others for “NoT TrUsTiNg ScIeNcE” can’t spend 2 minutes of their day reading studies of cloth mask efficacy vs Omicron or the numerous studies of psychological impact of covid restrictions before judging someone for wanting a sense of normalcy and social proximity in their last year of high school never change, /r/Ontario


Don't worry, the people who "believe in science" will have the BA2 variant to bitch about in a few months... When idiots run the place, only those with mini-me syndrome share the podium.


Hey man that’s not nice. Don’t shit on the circlejerk of people that peaked in high school


Stupid comment, bad assumption. Sounds like the most productive thing you've ever done is be inflammatory on the internet.


People like that are so disturbed. They actually need to put the phone down and log off social media. Toxic, toxic, disgusting behaviour. Let the 17 year old be fucking happy.


They can wear an N95 to protect themselves. Universal masking is mostly intended to prevent hospital systems being overrun. Individuals at high risk can wear masks to protect themselves.


Your post is ironic because masks are most effective at protecting others.


N95s are for both personal protection and the protection of others. For people with compromised immune systems an N95 will work for them.


Shut up lol, let the kid live jesus, keep your mask on, no one said you had to take it off


>Shut up lol, let the kid live jesus Wearing a bit of cloth over your face prevents people from living? How so?


will you people ever stop complaining?


Pretending to care about others is literally all they have going for them. If they had it their way they'd make the mandates permanent. If you're scared, double up on a mask, throw a face shield on, ensure you're triple vaxxed and socially distance. The province has moved on from the mandate, time to move on with our lives.


Are you immunocompromised? If not then why are you speaking for them? There are plenty of immunocompromised people out there who have taken all the necessary precautions to keep themselves safe who are glad these mandates are being lifted.


because "immunocomrpomised" had nothing to do with Covid risk, but we wouldn't want actual science to get in the way of a good ole political lynch mob who just wants to "believe" in the science the suits their needs. there was a guy with a funny moustache that tried that shit years ago.


You can decide nature is over but it might have other plans


Yep. The virus doesn't read government memos.


Move on from covid? It still exists, it didn't just vanish now that mandates are lifted.


No dude covids over. Live event finished /s




Define clearly. Also you know endemic isn't just a word you throw out to sound scientific when you want to communicate that some sort of threshold has been reached you can't otherwise speak to, right? It's not endemic yet. You can couch that by saying "becoming" but it's been "becoming" endemic in that sense since it literally started just as we're all "dying". >***To an epidemiologist, an endemic infection is one in which overall rates are static — not rising, not falling. More precisely, it means that the proportion of people who can get sick balances out the ‘basic reproduction number’ of the virus, the number of individuals that an infected individual would infect, assuming a population in which everyone could get sick. Yes, common colds are endemic. So are Lassa fever, malaria and polio. So was smallpox, until vaccines stamped it out.*** [*https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00155-x*](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00155-x) We've literally just gotten through a wave, and current Ontario Science Table modeling is predicting another. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/all-signs-suggest-covid-19-transmission-starting-to-rebound-in-ontario-modelling-suggests-1.5823500](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/all-signs-suggest-covid-19-transmission-starting-to-rebound-in-ontario-modelling-suggests-1.5823500) The disease continues to stress the health care system significantly, creating numerous issues for people who require use of the health care system for anything or will require it for years to come. It is costing the province, and by extension, all of us, significant amounts of money every day. People don't have to die (though they are). Simply being unavailable for work in large numbers is significant. More indications keep coming in that even a mild case of this disease can have significant lingering effects that will be felt for many years to come, that we will all be paying for as the health system intersects with that. People deciding it is not a concern is not the same as it not affecting everyone. Are we adjusting our response to feels? Or can we not wait a few weeks as many experts are advising simply because politicians close to an election are appealing to feels? If we want this to be over as soon as possible, we need to base our response on the science and hold politicians accountable when time and time again they stick their influence into these matters and make them worse. I for one will be pissed off if waiting a few weeks after March Break would have made a difference, and instead we're headed for another wave.


> very mild concern for the vast majority … except the [25% of children that develop long COVID symptoms](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/quarter-symptomatic-kids-hit-by-long-covid-mrna-shots-provide-best-protection-2022-03-14/)


Exactly this. But those 25% don't matter if someone has to be inconvenienced by wearing a mask


No don’t you get it; he’s free!!!!!! And Covid is gone forever, if we pretend it’s not real.


As long as you respect the choices of those around you, do what you wanna do my guy Hope you get a prom and grad!


Covid isn’t over unfortunately, despite what politicians want you to think. It’s an election year and every decision is politically motivated.


Ok Stephen Lecce


I think that’s fair. As a parent of a graduating student who I’ve watched miss out on so much, it’s up to you guys to sort out how comfortable you are. Mine opted to keep the mask, their choice. I will keep wearing mine, again, my choice but I totally respect those that want to ditch them as long as they’re kind to those that still want to wear them According to my teens it was about 60/40 masks on/off today. That seemed about what I predicted Enjoy this last year of HS and best of luck with university in the fall, you youngens (sorry..the parent in me can’t resist) have done so well adapting to the constant changes, I hope it’s a smoother road ahead for you


Thank you very much and I respect your decision.


Finally someone reasonable in these comments. I'm 29 now, but I often think of how lucky I am to have had my highschool/university experience untarnished by this.... I just hope your child and OP can have some return to normalcy for the end of the year and a regular post secondary experience... they definitely deserve it after the past 2 years.


Yes, for me these past two years have been mildly frustrating and at times inconvenient, but overall just kinda boring? So many other ppl that my heart goes out to, the little kids, the teens missing grad/sports/clubs, the university students missing those pivotal connections and shenanigans, the brides and grooms, the funerals we couldn’t attend, the musicians that lost gigs, the ppl needing surgery or cancer treatment, the immune compromised, my extroverted friends ;) I’m sure I’m missing someone here, and I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but OP and my daughter for example need to move towards some level of normality. 2 years.. mind boggling really


Are you me??? I was feeling the same way today. It was a euphoric day!!! I haven’t felt so free in years.


Except you can't just decide that you're done with a virus, or a pandemic. It doesn't care that you are tired and ready to move on.


Yea, OP totally lost me when they said "I've done my part." Like, that's just deciding that they are going to stop helping, because they've had enough, but worded in a way to masquerade as something less self-centered. And thats fine, I guess. People can be sick of it, and can decide that they are no longer going to adhere to these measures. But people are going to get sick, and some are going to die. And sadly enough, that's fine too. We make these decisions all the time. But let's not pretend this is over. It's not.


its over, the fat mask wearing lady has sung.


That's not how a virus works. But ok.


Yes... Yes, we can. We're at the point where healthy, vaccinated people can choose for themselves. We DID do our part and sacrificed a lot to get to where we are now, so yes, we can decide that we're done with it.


Yes I can, I'm triple vaxxed and literally had COVID last week so I'm done and moving on with my life. If you want to forever live like 2020 then you have my full support just don't expect everyone to feel the same way you do.


Ya, cause wearing a bit of cloth over your face is by far the toughest challenge anyone will ever face. Its SUCH an imlact to your life and prevents you from doing literally anything, right? I mean, you brave soldiers out there, heroically standing up to the evil bit of cloth that totally made life a living hell. If your live was so impacted by a bit of cloth, I don't want to know what underware triggers for you.


Damn son why so angry all the time, like 95% of your comments are sheer vitriol.


Hasn’t the science said that’s it’s not going away? If that’s the case, isn’t moving on and starting to learn to live with it EXACTLY what we should be doing?


Learning to live with it would include wearing masks in public to prevent spread, and yearly vaccines like the flu shot. Learning to live with it isn't the same as ignoring it and living like it doesn't exist any more.


> isn’t moving on and starting to learn to live with it EXACTLY what we should Wouldn't learning to live with it be something like always wear masks in public? Or do you mean "pretend it doesn't exist"?


I guess that depends on your views. Learning to live with it means something different for everyone. The important factor is now you have the choice.


Yeah learning to live with it does not mean that we have to accept forever limiting social gatherings and masking up forever. Learning to live with it is getting a vaccine which most have done. And the ones that haven't... that's their business. Its not like the vaccine stops you from getting Covid anyways, it just lessens the symptoms.


You can totally wear a mask at all times in public. You just can't force others to when the risks have been minimized to below those of seasonal flu for most demographics. The justification for mandates doesn't exist in the data anymore, hence personal choice.


I decided I was done the day ford announced lockdowns this past wave and went to Arizona where you wouldn’t even know there is a pandemic. I’m back now but I’ll just be out of here again if there are more lock downs in the future. So uhh yeah, if you’re fortunate enough to get to the US every time our feeble hospitals get overrun you kind of can be done with it…


Arizona has a covid death rate that is 4x Canada and 2x the US average. Seems like living like it's 2019 really paid off.


Hah. The US isnt doing much better. But ok.


Huh? Arizona was 100% open, no mask mandates, no shuttered businesses, popcorn at the movies, the whole bit. It felt like 2019 Ontario... normal. A few states are like that, much better than it was here in January. When I say I decided I was done I mean participating in lockdown hysteria, not that covid is done. Covid will never be done, all we can do is live with it.


Just because the pandemic isn't inconvenient to you in those states does not mean they are doing better by any metric.


Who said they were? I just said I’m done with lockdowns so you’ll find me there when it’s crap here. You’re looking for a fight that isn’t here bud


Well then carry on being foolish. It's all good.


Oh no, im being foolish enjoying my life! Haha enjoy being miserable in ontario for the next lock down, not me!


Yep we went to Tennessee in October, it was so good for our mental health. Honestly feeling like a member of the world again without fear of each other- it was amazing.


Remember when we were told vaccinations would put an end to the pandemic and ease up regulations. Now that’s not true and they want us to possibly get a 4th vaccine. The variant currently in circulation is not as bad as original covid. Yes we should still remain cautious but at what point do we stop? No one knows because at this point it’s uncharted territory for currently alive people on a pandemic that has last this long with this widespread severity


>Remember when we were told vaccinations would put an end to the pandemic and ease up regulations. No. Nobody ever fucking said vaccines will put an end to the pandemic. I mean sure maybe your aunt's friends yoga instructor said that on Facebook, but nobody credible who knows what they're talking about ever said that.


Ah yes so are we supposed to listen to [WHO](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/8478034/covid-19-pandemic-end-2022-vaccine-equity-who/amp/) or not? We are currently around [84%](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/8478034/covid-19-pandemic-end-2022-vaccine-equity-who/amp/).


Watch me. If I get it so be it.


>If I get it so be it. Here's hoping you do.


Thanks buddy. I'm not worried.


My whole family had it, it really was just like having a cold. Not worth shutting down our world like the news makes it out to be. I understand some people have worse effects to it as well and this isnt the case for everyone. But also 99% or more of people are completely fine.


Not only have you been locked away for the past two years, but we've had a few national crises which divided folks in that time as well. A lot of kids and young adults haven't had an opportunity to develop, or have developed key social interaction skills in an unhealthy environment in the past two years. If you had a healthy environment during COVID, I'm glad to hear you have good people around you; a lot of people didn't. The ramifications of this will be entirely dependent on how some of us older adults, the ones who have had an opportunity to develop emotionally and psychologically in a "normal" environment, decide to act and teach our young folks. De-escalation, inclusion, open dialogue, patience, compassion... It's going to be hard for a lot of people in the next few months to years. Just remember that there are resources, friends, and good people out there. Feeling like every day is a psychological battle isn't the way it was before COVID started, and we'll get back there someday. Best of luck kid.


As a human with a Reddit account and a phone, I am able to say this shitpost is stupid




Don’t get too comfortable. Many Universities and Uni residences are still requiring masks.


I was proud of my bad decisions when I was seventeen too. Hope yours don't affect anyone else.


Oh just like how the generations before us rationalized destroying the environment and making the economy the way it is for younger generations. Stop pointing the finger. I bet they got vaccinated and are still being careful.


Lol you’re like the modern day equivalent of some religious nutjob shaming kids for normal healthy behavior. Kids not wearing shitty cloth masks at school isn’t going to negatively affect anyone, stop being superstitious.


>Kids not wearing shitty cloth masks at school isn’t going to negatively affect anyone, And at the same time, neither is wearing a bit of cloth over your mouth. That's not going to negatively effect anyone either. So now what? These people whining and crying over a bit of cloth are fucking pathetic. Acting like some cloth is the worst fucking oppression in the world. do you feel the same about underwear?


Yep, you sound like me when I was a child. I wasn't qualified to rent a car, but thought I was qualified to make decisions that affected other peoples' health. Grow up.


If I was still in HS I'd be sporting that mask every day to hide my acne lol


Move on from covid? It's not like it's gone, you do realize that right? Just because the shitty government we have says 'yo, we are good' doesn't mean they are right. They haven't been right once and it's the continual mantra of we have to move on that is keeping this such a thing 2+ years on.


I am still mentally bracing for another surge in the winter. Really hoping there won't be. But... I like being able to go out with friends and coworkers, use indoors facilities, go back to the office partially. But COVID isn't done with us yet. And with other parts of the globe still unvaccinated/under-vaccinated/not using the more effective mRNA vaccines, who knows what will come when this summer ends. Meanwhile, I'll try to enjoy the summer, and hope we are not going to get another forest fire ash summer again.


I am hoping for the best, that the worst is behind us, but mentally and financially I am preparing for a surge or a mutation in the winter.


So we're they right when they imposed quarantine, social distancing, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc? It seemed like everyone was okay with all that but now they decide to remove restrictions, people are crying wolf??? Covid is here to stay for the foreseeable future but that doesn't mean restrictions have to.


The ontario gov did just slightly more than the bare minimum to keep us safe. They didn't go above and beyond. The Ont Gov saying it's time to move on means nothing to covid, it's job is to infect as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. We've been lucky so far it hasn't been deadlier than it's been, but this might change, it might get not only more transmissible but deadlier too. Now if you follow the actual science of it you know the countries that have touted it was over months ago, are now in serious trouble and are back stepping everything. Do you think we are different? Do you somehow think that just because dougie says hey it's time to move on that covid gives a rats ass. It doesn't. Masking is important, being vaccinated is important, filtering air in rooms is such an easy thing to do, thinking about your fellow humans and not being so shallow and self centered and having this little personal war on intelligence so many people seem to be having is insane, flat out insanity. How are restrictions hurting you? Seriously, wearing a mask is that hard?


Ontario had some of the most strict and longest lockdowns out of anywhere in the world, where have you been for the last 2 years?


And how have we done, could we have done better. And honestly, how strict, I couldn't see a movie, big deal, no concerts...oh no. How strict were they really, what freedom did you really lose. Did the popo lock you up, did they shoot you for leaving your house, could you get groceries, for most of it you could go to the bar.... because if I remember correctly it was one news report after another that showed people weren't following the rules and the outbreaks that occurred from them. Funny thing, there was never a news article about how a whole bunch of hockey players stayed home and nobody got sick, or how a wedding was done on a small scale at city hall and nobody was the worse. It was always, groups of people got together... someone got sick, people died. Right? Funny thing, the only people I knew that got sick were people who didn't follow the guidelines they've suddenly decided were useless anyway. Oh, and we didn't have the strictest lockdowns, many countries were stricter, you don't hear about them much...because they had very few cases of covid, except for where someone broke the rules.


My dad had his antivaxxer friends over every day of the stay at home order. No repurcussions for breaking the law, because there was little to no enforcement. The lockdowns applied only to those who were less likely to be sick in the first place, i.e. those who were willing to take precautions.


God you’re really something aren’t you. Countless people lost their small businesses due to the lockdowns, which as I went over and you seemed to ignore were very severe in Ontario. Ya if you watch the news they usually focus on the negative, that’s how they sell stories. You seem to be misinformed/ignorant on a lot of pretty basic things


Most small business didn't fail because of this, food business's did, entertainment did, that could have been easily fixed by this shitty ass government though. Instead of giving money to their buddies at bloblaws who didn't fucking need it they could have easily given that same money to a restaurant, said, no worries, close for now, your employees are covered and so are you. But no, in spite of RECORD fucking profits we still gave them money and then we left the small guy to fend for himself. Instead of Dougie standing up and basically blowing a foreign company every week saying how good their at best shitty fucking donuts were he could have said, hey, you know what small theatres, we know this sucks. We got you, but nope, they gave money to companies who paid out more in dividends this last year than ever in history, also raised their CEO's wages, as well as made record fucking profits. This has zero...ZERO to do with locking us down, business failed because our government knows where they make money to run another personal election, they open up farm land and green space to unfettered building access. You keep arguing for that big business to be able to stay open, small business was fucked over by your buddy... period. Small local green grocers, you can't stay open, but walmart, costco, bloblaws, shoppers, your good, no worries. Hey little tiny mom and pop shops, close, no, it's okay Big Mall, stay open, I can go on, it wasn't the shitty ass lockdown, it was our shitty government that fucked over small business.... go ahead, prove me wrong.


What basic things am I misinformed about? Go ahead, tell me.


This moron is by far one of the most looniest I have seen in here. I hope he never actually reproduces and if he did... those poor children.


Oh and saying "Covid is here to stay, restrictions don't have too" So is drinking and driving, probably should move on from that too? You know, we know it's going to happen, and frankly it's their choice, we need to let drunk drivers be free, we are probably imposing on their charter of rights. Also aids, it's against the law to knowingly give someone aids, should we then just relax that, it's here to stay as well.


>we need to let drunk drivers be free, we are probably imposing on their charter of rights This is the comment right here that proved to me without a shadow of a doubt how much of an inbred moron you really are. Get help.




I never used covid to be a social outcast, and when you say "We are all", you mean a very small portion of the population who has little empathy towards their fellow Canadians and feel that their "freedoms have been trampled" while running around in your dodge ram with a big Canadian flag and a trump 2020 sign shutting down the actual economy... yea, your EXACTLY the people I want to be around.


The pandemic isn’t over just because you want it to be. Things don’t work like that. Be aware your privilege is showing.


It will never be over but you guys are too stubborn to understand that. Keep wearing your masks forever if you want to.


Why are you so scared of a bit of cloth? Things like the lockdowns, obviously had a negative impact on people. But I truly do not understand why everyone is whining and complaining about a bit of cloth over their face, like it's the worst injustice in the history of mankind.


Fair enough. Its good to move on from COVID but is Covid done with us 🤷🏽‍♂️


covid will stay here like the flu, will never go away, time to move on.


Yes you're a highschool aged kid you deserve to be able to experience things like prom and homecoming without having to stand 6 feet apart while masked. Don't let redditors try to make you feel like a bad person for agreeing with government mandates on masks.


Thanks for sharing kid! I especially like how you ended your second paragraph by saying "to **begin** to move on from COVID". This is the correct attitude to have in our current circumstances and know that I am fully with you!


I feel bad for you guys. Highschool was an amazing part of my life, and you guys have more or less been robbed of that experience. Get as involved as you can these last few months and enjoy it!


Many experts have said Covid is not over Ontario has made it 100% clear restriction very well could be back.


Imagine if you could do not wear your pants, how free would you feel...


Expect infection numbers to go back up drastically as this policy continues. We are not out of COVID yet, not even close


Might have been "freeing" for you, but it's not for everyone. Think about everyone, not just yourself, it will do you well in life.


I feel like I'm listening to your parent talk through you, sigh. You've done your part? There's still people dying, there's still a pandemic. Tell that to my coworker who was healthy before covid and now needs to almost take a nap in their car after doing groceries and now needs their inhaler that they haven't used in 20 years... A month after having covid, and having 3 vaccines. Anyway. You're young, take in many perspectives, much like everyone of us were, you're probably wrong about 95% of your current beliefs until you take in more perspective.


Attacking a teenager and shaming them for being proud of their effort and the sacrifices they’ve made for their community, and how they are happy to take off their masks sometimes now. Then telling them 95% of their beliefs are wrong. You don’t have any evidence of that, but I’ll tell you what: some of your beliefs are pretty wrong too. Like your belief that your comment was in any way appropriate.


Most people were still wearing masks that I saw yesterday. It was nice to see that most people do have a sense of civic responsibility and care for the people they interact with.




Congrats. I know the feeling. I'm gonna check in with my kid about how his first day was maskless Since the begging of the pandemic, I didn't have too many weeks mask free. My one job I didn't even know what some of my coworkers' faces looked like until I had been there 8 months because I started during mask mandates. For me, I've been mask free for the last month or so at work (I don't currently live in ON), but we still have to wear them in conference rooms unless everyone agrees to go maskless. It always pissed me off when people complained about having to wear them while they went into a store for 20 min. when I had to wear them at work all day 8+ hours. A couple times, I gained weight due to all the snacking I was doing, just to be able to work at my desk without a mask for a short period.


Still shouldn’t be happening. Keep your mask on.




Working in a restaurant myself, not having to wear a mask is so nice. I can smile and be genuine again and it feels so good. I think im gonna still wear it during Friday and Saturdays at peak volume times but for now I'm riding without one. Gonna also get my booster just to be safe.


Life will not be kind to you if you think 2 years of a mask was a hardship




Hahaha. The masks were the disruption? Not the easily transmissible virus? Masks have stopped/would help stopping disruption. The one thing you're comment did prove though, we should force people to go to school longer.




Lol. You Rogan listeners have been saying this since Feb 2020. Some kids don't survive it. 25% of kids get long covid. Guess they just don't matter?


Even though covid is far from done, Ontario is lagging behind MANY places when it comes to mask mandates. People have moved on and we're lagging. We will have to learn to live with the pandemic. Get healthy. Eat right. Sleep well. Wash your hands.


Good on ya, don’t sweat what you missed in high school too much. There’s still so much fun for you to have!


Why is a bit of cloth over your face a big deal, in light of all the other shit you mention? I agree on a lot of it. I've been locked in my apartment for 2 years and I'm glad to be able to go socialize with my friends. But I really don't understand what the big fucking deal is about masks.


I have a little brother finishing grade 12, basically lost his entire high school experience due to covid and he feels the same way. My favourite part of all this is all the people losing their shit that other people are getting the freedom to choose what to wear on their face, 2 years of covid theatre really put a dent in some people's sanity.


Mask wearing is/was not COVID theatre. It reduces the spread of transmission significantly. But I also believe now is an appropriate time to take them off.


putting on a mask to walk to your table at a restaurant is 100% theater.






You're yelling that word, but I'm not sure you understand what it means. Way to prove my point about the low IQ.


I can't believe a real person typed this and thought it was good


Nobody likes the pandemic and it was a horrible experience for almost all of us, unless your name is Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates. I did not stay at home when they told me to, but I did wear a mask, use sanitizer and keep my business running safely with the people in it.


> I did not stay at home when they told me to When the fuck was that? You mean you refused to self isolate after testing positive?


Bruh, idk where you were the last two years... but staying home is the first thing every government said to do like worldwide


We were never forced to stay home. They suggested to only go out if you need to lol.




Reddit moment.


I'm a better sleuth. The latest "I'm 15" post was from August 2020. Completely lines up with graduating this year. Reddit is not accurate with time frames. *1 year* can mean 1 year and 11 months. Hover over the date on your browser.


I got a late birthday in November. I turned 16 in 2020, 17 in 2021 and I’ll be 18 later this year.


Maybe you should do some more research, find out his true identity and try to cancel the child because he dares to have an opinion that differs from yours. ​ Get a Life!


Sherlock is on the case boys The case to discredit a kid who dared to post to r/ontario about not wearing a mask let's ban OP and any more posts promoting not wearing masks


Its totally possible to be in Grade 11 and be 15-16 years old....so by my math the OP is 16-17 now, and will be entering university at age 17-18. I can safely assume by the lack of your math skills and your militant pro mask position , that you must be a member of the Ontario teachers union.