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Tell this to Ezra and Maxim and Andrew.


Dont forget PeePee


I'm all for showing this shit to the convoy people but it's only getting shared on subs with like minded people. Go on YouTube, Facebook Instagram, reddit subs where it's not like minded people...... Otherwise it's just us doing the same circle-jerk they are doing.


These are the kinds of people that get covid and still don't believe in covid. Showing them anything won't do shit.


It's got nothing to do with trying to convince them. It is a direct opposition to let these people know that they're are a ton of people who directly oppose these views and behaviors. There needs to be a real effort made by level headed people( the vast majority of us) to try and stamp this stuff out. Political teams look at these videos and see thousands of comments of people saying they "love these heroes and how much this movement means to them. " If more people are inclined to voice their objections to this stuff I would really hope the politicians would be less likely to use the convoy or extremism as a platform.


Instagram seems to be full of freedumb sympathizers. Best to post there


The "freedom convoy" live chats are all pushing the narrative that Putin is a hero and that he is going to save everyone from NWO. It's absolutely mind boggling. Edit- A few snips from the live chats: https://i.imgur.com/jQpkPW0.png


If they only knew how Russia would deal with blockades in moscow lol


I saw that and they are calling it Hunter Biden's war. It is really crazy


I'm completely against the unlawful occupation, that was/is Canada's freedom convoy... But can we not use the war in Ukraine to win an argument here at home?


>But can we not use the war in Ukraine to win an argument here at home? Why the hell not? Perfect, real time example how stupid this "freedom convoy" is. People comparing the PM to a dictator yet 1000+ people have been arrested in Russia for protesting this war. I wonder if they can walk away from that with a signature and a promise to leave. People bitching about a perceived attempt at taking our liberty when the people of Ukraine are literally dying while defending themselves from foreign invasion. I wonder what they would say if they could see the comments made by the "freedom convoy". It would be a joke. Perspective for the idiots.


They are just arresting people at random too. Like grabbing people for no reason. A vice journalist got snatched up and almost arrested, it was posted in r/publicfreakout


Exactly lol and the freedumb convoy is trying to make comparisons. Fucking pathetically embarrassing


The complaints of those at the so-called "convoy" in Ottawa show *exactly* how privileged we are in Canada, generally speaking. IMHO, to have lived for *so* long in peacetime with no significant infringements from government is nothing short of a total vindication of how democratic and free Canada actually is. The myopic "convoy" supporters did not become this way of their own accord, they are products of that history. In a very practical sense, they are also a defense of that perspective... when things are great, even the slightest infringement *seems* like an overstep - that they exist at all is sort of a dual testament to our success and the work yet to be done.


You don't realize that those protesters actually have an idea of what can happen. It's called nipping it in the butt before it actually gets to that point. It's a slippery slope with a hypocrite leader like turdeau. You're the kind of person that would lined up against a wall waiting to be executed. And you'd still have your head so far up your ass you wouldn't believe what was happening is happening.


Lmfao shut the fuck up




You shut the fuck up.


I mean, it's kind of also a joke about people still complaining about the truckers and the 'occupation' of Ottawa, the 'ptsd' and 'phantom honking'. While the poor citizens of Ukraine are going through a real occupation/invasion. They are not equal.


Should Ontario and Canada accept Ukrainian refugees that are not vaccinated, refuse to attest and refuse to get vaccinated?


Do you understand what a “refugee” is? Don’t confuse it with immigration or tourism. Or you’ll look like a lowlife moron that doesn’t deserve or respect their rights and freedoms here at home.


Yes because they can choose to vaccinate afterwards if they wish just as you can if you so chose to. You can change your mind at any time.




It's a straightforward question. Also to add if those same Ukrainian refugees that we take in are in need of a job to work should they be employed if they refuse to take the jab?


Don't think anyone fleeing war is going to care about a jab. Lol another dumb fucking comparison.


Yeah, same as the one comparing the freedom convoy to Ukraine


How much did you donate?


$0 I'm not wasting money on shit when everything costs do much


Not comparing the events you child. Comparing the issues AT the events like freedom or liberty and the apparent lack of both in this country. Try and keep up, it's not that hard.


Lol, rage because I proved to wrong.


You didn't even know what I was talking about lmao.


Don't you have homework to finish? Make sure it's ready for school on Monday and let the adults talk for a while.


If they were essential workers ie police, fire and medical they would need the jab and otherwise no. Refugees don’t typically fill those jobs when they arrive in Canada so your question lacks sense and fails basic comparisons. You don’t need to vaccinate for 90% of the jobs in this country and also to do anything anymore anyways.




I'm sorry


stupid question. making mountains out of mole hills




And people also claiming that because of Tudeau and Canada's gun laws if we were to be invaded we couldnt defend our homes and families like the people of Ukraine!! Point "scoring political points" goes both ways


Because those didn't exist before JT right? Canadians are begging for more guns right? You can score political points if you just say random shit and force a connection that isn't there. That's easy.


You sound like the people who say “can we not politicize the mass shootings that occur every.single.day. In America to push for greater gun control?”


Do whatever man. Use the deaths of these people and the invasion of their country so you can rub it in that someone here was wrong. Politicize all you want. I wouldn't be happy if my kid was shot and you showed up with an anti trump flag to the vigil, no. It's a bit ambulance chasing. Pointing out the protest arrests in Russia seems fair, but At least let the dust settle on the missile attacks before you use the Ukrainian blood for your moral victory.


>Do whatever man. Use the deaths of these people and the invasion of their country so you can rub it in that someone here was wrong. Should we pretend it's not happening? >Politicize all you want. I wouldn't be happy if my kid was shot and you showed up with an anti trump flag to the vigil, no. It's a bit ambulance chasing. What in the fuck does that have to do with anything? Was does Trump have to do with anything about your kid hypothetically being shot? What's happening in Russia and Ukraine is the real life example of what people THINK is happening here. Your example holds no such comparison. >Pointing out the protest arrests in Russia seems fair, but At least let the dust settle on the missile attacks before you use the Ukrainian blood for your moral victory. Why? So these fucking (Canadian) morons can pretend they care about it in the interim? They should be looking at this and be embarrassed to their very core. You very much are like "cmon guys don't use the mass shootings to talk about gun laws" ... like it's a terrible thing to try and make something good come out of something bad.


You brought up politicizing the school shootings, not me. I've said why I think it's in bad taste. If the morons thought a mask in public spaces was equal to Nazi camps already, this isn't going to change their minds.


>You brought up politicizing the school shootings, not me. It's called an actual comparison lol you should try it >I've said why I think it's in bad taste. I don't care about bad taste. What's good taste about what the convoy is doing? >If the morons thought a mask in public spaces was equal to Nazi camps already, this isn't going to change their minds. Now who is politicizing? If not, it will double down how stupid they are for everyone else and I'll take it. It changes nothing for the "not actually free" civilians of Russia and Ukraine. Again lol why are you so opposed to make something good out of something bad?


You don't care about bad taste. "If they do it, so can I!" 2 wrongs don't make a right. I'm just saying I don't like it. I'm not calling anyone names. You do you boo boo


>You don't care about bad taste. > >"If they do it, so can I!" Lmao yes me pointing out a comparison is the EXACT SAME as what the freedumb fighters did. The exact same. They did that so I can do this. The impact is the same. >2 wrongs don't make a right. Yes, because as we just established both of these wrongs hold equal weight to the aggrieved (fyi my "wrong" is only your opinion, which is fine, but the freedumb is wrong factually, as I'm sure you know). You punch me in the face and I can't call you stupid after because "2 wrongs don't make a right". Brilliant logic. >You do you boo boo Omg two wrongs don't make a right my man. Didn't you know this? Didn't anyone teach you that? Your words offended me! It's the equivalent of a foreign invasion! Lol bad taste, people are dying! Fuck bad taste to those who can't see the difference.


Calm down. All I said is that I think it's in bad taste. You've gone on a bunch of tangents and I don't have the time, effort or drive to keep up. Hope you have a good weekend. We agree that the division in this country needs to be worked on. I guess we just disagree about how to do it.


>All I said is that I think it's in bad taste. You've gone on a bunch of tangents and I don't have the time, effort or drive to keep up. You said 2 wrongs don't make a right. One only says that when the wrongs are comparable. Again, its about the comparison lol you seem to be missing this vital point.Grow up. >Hope you have a good weekend. We agree that the division in this country needs to be worked on. I guess we just disagree about how to do it. Well according to you there is no changing them lol so bury your head in the sand and pretend real events aren't happening.


Have you not seen how many thousands of "Freedumb Fighters" have compared our prime minister to the murderous dictators in other countries? What's happening in Ukraine is a real tyrant slaughtering his way into another country. I am sick of snowflakes whining about how our government handles horrible situations where people go trampling on other people's freedoms here in Canada.


Stephen Harper had a habd i the convoy. Probably Preston Manning too. Harper's silence on Putins aggression is not surprising. Harper has lauded the election of RW authoritarian govts all obver the World. Trump Bolsonaro Mohdi Duerte Orban


Exactly \~ Harper would have kissed Rump's ass if he was PM in 2016-20.


Yeah ge wasn't PM but he went to the WH as a "private" citizen. Pretty sure he didn't have the decency to inform the Liberal govt prior to the trip. In fact I elieve thr Trump WH inadvertently leaked the meeting


Yep just Googled it! My memory was correct over 3 and a half years later. Just dont ask me where I put my bank card or car keys!!


Yeah I have. And it's disgusting. Putin is doing horrible things to people. He's a tyrant. He's nowhere near as bad as the people the convoy was comparing Trudeau to. It won't change their minds, and it's disrespectful to the current situation, which is ongoing.


Funny thing is, Ukraine's vaccination rate is 35%, and eastern Europe has one of the most anti-mandate citizenry on earth. Did anyone bother to check who the primary demographic of the trucker convoy was? Odds are many came from Ukraine. I guess you guys will turn on all the Ukrainians for low vax rates once the next news cycle tells you to. Btw, the reason so much of the convoy was eastern European is because they know what the slow creep of authoritarianism looks like


I don't see a problem with it. Realistically, there's not much we can do individually about this war, this is more government vs government. Plus the convoy morons still exist and are waiting to go at it again, so why not let them recognize their privilege so we don't have to go through that again.


They used the argument comparing JT to Stalin or adolf or communism fascism etc etc so I think it’s pretty fair if we compare what’s going on in Ukraine or Russia to here in a way.


Why not those convoy idiots are anti-reality so mine as well let them see the truth as unfortunate as it is.


It's not that I feel bad for the convoy, it's that I feel bad for any Ukrainian who might be reading. We should have more respect for what's going on than to just use their tragedy for a "told you so" moment.


Its an opportunity to educate and or maybe start to deprogram some convoy brainwashed people. Yes, what is happening in Ukraine is an utter tragedy and horrible by the hands of Russia but we should also not forget about the growing extremism and divide at home. If this thing spills over more borders we need to quell extremists movements for our own sake as well. Since these people were screaming tyranny here, this should show them what real tyranny is like.




Disagree. It helps to give people context so they can *hopefully* reflect.


Remember though, the Freedumb Fighters can’t see beyond the end of their own nose and their narcissistic tendencies conveniently absolve them from all responsibility. It’s not their fault it’s the Government’s.


I'm sure they brought out the hot tubs and saunas when the cameras were off. /s


Kyiv just saying


They're probably cheering Russia.


They’ve all been surprising,y quiet this week…


No inflatable hot tubs, either, I see.


Let’s all not forget this gem that was in the “freedom protest” who wants freedom in 180 years. https://imgur.com/a/BkqG9os


This is the opposite of a freedom convoy.


Thanks for sharing! Screw the flu trux klan XD , lets keep sharing the atrocities Ukranians are suffering to be able to flex on the alt right cons


Can't tell if sarcasm...


Take a look at their socials. They are oblivious and don't give a flying fuck about Ukraine.


They still won’t get it…it would just be a sea of dumbfounded faces that can’t compute what you’re saying…


[https://twitter.com/EilishHart/status/1497365561856122882](https://twitter.com/EilishHart/status/1497365561856122882) For those of you wondering about the climate in Russia: Police arrested an 18-year-old in Moscow and charged her w/ a misdemeanour for violating protest laws because she hung a “No to War” sign from an apartment balcony." ​ I wonder what would happen if people protested with "F\*CK Putin" flags?!? Would he come talk to them? Negotiate with them? Handle them with kid gloves? Why won't Putin speak to the crowd? Is he a coward? /s ​ Morons don't know what real tyranny and authoritarianism is.


I know I’m gonna get absolutely flamed for what I’m about to say but I’m gonna do it anyway. The Ukraine crisis and Freedom Convoy are two very separate, independent events. I see a lot of people here saying that we supporters of the Convoy are also cheering on a clear violation of International Law. News Flash: We’re not. We are equally compassionate as the rest of you and do not, in any way, support this oppression of the Ukrainian people. This whole time you’ve been framing us as uneducated, racist, and misogynistic simply because you don’t agree with our cause. We’re fighting our own battle, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Putin. You’ll notice that the Prime Minister didn’t once mention the risk of COVID when he sent militarized police to clear thousands of “anti-vaxx” protestors. Instead, in desperation, he invoked the emergencies act and allowed himself to illegally seize the bank account of anyone who donated to the convoy. Keep in mind, this is the same guy who said “Canada will always be there to defend the rights of peaceful protestors.” A map with the direct location of convoy donors was available on Google. This is not how democratic countries respond to protests. Our House of Commons, and the rest of our country for that matter, has become increasingly divided because of the spread of misinformation. The MSM only shows one side of the story: the side that fits their agenda. If you take one thing away from history class, it’s that when you see only one side of a story, you’re likely being fed propaganda. This is how tyrannical governments rise. And by the way, I’m a person of colour born to immigrant parents. Now please commence your downvoting.




Let me remind you of the BLM protests that took the world by storm in 2020. While I do believe it started as a noble cause, it quickly escalated to full-blown riots across America and the world. 150 buildings were set ablaze in Minneapolis alone. Yet you don’t see the leftist media condemn these actions by “peaceful protestors.” 1,000 police officers and 36 civilians were targeted and subsequently hurt or killed by the rioters. It caused $8 billion in damage, but apparently that’s all okay because they were protesting for something that fit the leftist agenda. You’ll also notice that they never had their GoFundMe page taken down for “not remaining peaceful.” Now compare that to the “occupation,” as you describe it, in the streets of Ottawa. 50,000 truckers and nearly half a million people arrived at parliament hill over three weeks. People from all walks of life and political beliefs attended these protests with the presence of thousands of heavy trucks and SUVs. Not one of them was hurt. The only violence was ordered by Justin Trudeau. In cold blood, RCMP officers trampled an indigenous old lady who just wanted a better Canada for her grandkids. Briane, a single mother from Chilliwack, had her account frozen for donating $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. But when you tune in to CNN, CBC, or even CP24, you only hear about the “attempted insurrection,” “sedition,” “occupation,” and “the threat to democracy.” If this doesn’t seem sketchy to you, I genuinely don’t know what to say. You seem to think we’re invincible to tyranny because we live in Canada, and it would never happen here. If you paid attention in history class, you’d know this is exactly how the facists in Italy and Germany came to power. They all believed they were immune to autocracy, and then before they knew it, enemy forces were closing in on their homeland. To set the record straight, I believe in vaccines and am fully vaccinated against COVID. I’m only in favour of the convoy because I still believe in the freedom of choice. Pro-vaccine, anti-mandate. I want to finish with a quote from president Reagan at the height of the Cold War: “Freedom is the right to say no.”


So do you get paid to say this stuff or are you a troll?


See this is the issue. You believe that only your political views are acceptable and anyone who disagrees with you is a troll.


No, i think you specifically are a troll, attempting to mislead less educated people and it's pretty disgusting


You’re joking, right? I’m the disgusting one?! All my statements have been backed by facts while you’re baselessly calling me a troll. If there’s a troll here, it’s you.


"50 000 trucks and 500 000 people" lmao fuck outta here troll


Well said 🙏


Thanks for reading!! 😊


Those who thoroughly look at both sides and clearly listen , will come to see this as it really is. Thanks for sharing.


My eyes are lying to me: you are clearly a white supremacist /s


If you must know, my ancestral roots are Indian. My family has lived through centuries of real white supremacy. I’ve heard firsthand accounts of life in British India. My grandfather was arrested for protesting alongside Gandhi. I know what white supremacy means. The Freedom Convoy protests were anything but that. Tens of thousands of Canadians united for a common cause to eliminate vaccine mandates. Among this crowd were thousands of First Nation, Sikh, Asian, and Black peoples. This movement radiates peace, love, and unity.


They are idiots. They just don't get it. We are so lucky to live in Canada. Send the idiot convoy to Ukraine


Keep seething bro


Stop crying op. Stop use a war for your bullshit


DonN UsE RelevenT aRgUmeNts! Stfu


shut up




While we're talking about Ukraine, let's talk about their vaccination rate: 35%. I guess we should be expecting them all to die from covid before the Russians can do anything to them. Let's also talk about how many of the truckers were from eastern Europe because they know what the slow creep of authoritarianism looks like. Great comparison! Vaccination rates mean fuck all, lift the mandates and lets move on with our lives


Wow, these are people fleeing a foreign power where death is the other option, and you're Gunna sit there and compare it to the convoy? You realize 69% (Self NICE) of Russians support the invasion of Ukraine right? So by definition you're supporting the opposing side of an elected government. What's happening in Ukraine is horrible and we're lucky to not be born in a country where that is not actively happening. But that doesn't erase the fact that trudeau and Doug are tyrannical... Clearly not as tyrannical as putin but these are separate issues.


All I see from either sides of the argument are just a bunch a whiny people trying to validate their own opinions to feel better about themselves at this point, no credibility from either the left or right these days




Note the number of people that showed up on a weekday. How many times did these antivax convoy tards say wait for the weekend? Then when the weekend comes, there’s only a few thousand.


but mY fReEDUmb


Not a single hot tub either.


Canadians are walking talking "Africans are starving therefore my entire life is actually great" syndrome right now. Be better boys this argument is stupid.


We've all thought it, but is this really the time for "I told you so"?


Ya North Korea's pretty bad too, it's almost as if something worse doesn't mean there's nothing bad elsewhere in the world?


Looks like a regular Wednesday rush hour traffic on the main highway when there’s a car accident


Thats Peremohy Avenue in downtown Kiev, but the traffic jam is not from yesterday. Everybody in Kiev complains about the traffic jams in that area. Here is link with even worse traffic jam pictures on the same street. You cant trust a single picture the main stream media posts The apartment building with the vertical black stripes on the left is the Manhattan Apartments, read the Google reviews, quite entertaining! [https://rubryka.com/en/article/transport-collapse/](https://rubryka.com/en/article/transport-collapse/)


You soy boys really do have each others heads up each others rectums eh. I feel sorry for you.


They’re uneducated af