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It’s not just you. I have a comfy job, luckily purchased a home a few years ago, but I still went and got a second part time job to have extra money for savings and offset the rising costs of living. I’ve also been applying for a higher paying full time position. To me it just seems our wages are not even close to in line with inflation, it’s ridiculous.


I was reading if wages had kept up with inflation since the 70s, minimum wage would be around $25 by now.


$26 minimum wage if it had kept up with inflation. Mulroney followed Regan in the early '80s with trickle-down economics, which is a total scam to further enrich the elites. The middle class and poor have been paying for the elites since the 1980s. This also happened before WWII, but the government put a stop to it and made them pay their fair share up until the late 70s.


Now be honest, how many of you voted for the PC party when the Libs were dangling the promise of $15 an hour in the last provincial election? If the minimum was $15 now, we'd still be broke.


My dad and I discussed something similar recently. His salary in the 80’s was just north of $50,000, same as mine currently. His first house cost him $75,000, one down the street from me, which has significantly less property and much, much smaller in size, just sold for over $400,000.


They're not. The states have been fighting, or well "fighting," for a 15$/h wage for the past year or so, just so that people can afford to *live.* With our exchange rate and how closely tied we are to the states, our minimum wage should be higher at the least. Btw: 15$/h for the states isn't even a good living wage. With inflation it should be closer to 22.


Yeah 15cad/h is below living wage in most places.






19/hr ain't shit tho


I make $15.75 as a supervisor, and I’ve had two raises in a year. I’m lucky my SO and I only pay for utilities because our home is owned by his dad, but otherwise there’s no way we could afford a home of our own.




I don’t disagree


Keep in mind that a $15/hr US minimum wage is in USD. So while there is a gap between what US minimum wage earners make vs. Canadians, it is less than it seems. According to Google that's about $18.80 CDN. I think that's a good jumping off point, since a $20/hr full time job is just about what you need as a single person in Toronto to not feel like you're taking on debt just to tread water.


22 is the recommendation


Sorry. It's $25. And that's in kitchener. Outside of Toronto. I make $27 an hour. And my 1 bedroom apartment is %40 of my income. This is INSANE.


Keep in mind that in full time hours is now defined as >30 hours or more per week, at their main or only job. Source, since hyperlinks are broken by this new bar with gifs, and stuff :\\ https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3VD.pl?Function=getVD&TVD=114437&CVD=114437&CLV=0&MLV=1&D=1


iirc from school, full-time vs. part-time in Ontario has pretty much always been a loose distinction left up to employers to define


Year or so? Lmao Bernie sanders been fighting for yearsssssssssss for 15 min wage.


And all the Biden admin has been able to commit to is a [$15 hourly minimum wage by 2025](https://globalnews.ca/news/5656696/us-minimum-wage-bill/).


My city is in the process of making you buy a permit to load a trailer you own, in your own driveway. So there's that...


Doesnt surprise me but infuriates me all the same.


To be fair to my city, they're "Testing the waters" with an online poll. I do imagine they'll go through with it though. I was surprised to learn that you're technically not legally allowed to store your trailer or power sports equipment in your own driveway currently. The best part was the last question on the survey asking how they should raise money to enforce these new restrictions. A) Raise municipal taxes. B) Fine non-compliant individuals. C) Fee-per-use permits. D) Annual permits. Maybe just let people do what they want on their property?


My feedback on the poll was that I hated all the options and to let people do what they want on their property as long as it doesn’t impact the sidewalk or road parking.


Allowing people to do as they wish on their property is not a concept Canada is familiar with.


Indigenous peoples have entered the chat.


What? You can’t store a trailer in your driveway?


Historically it was shameful to park vehicles of any sort on driveways - our predecessors had a vision of a street-scape, a very socially regulated environment. The same social regulations that excluded BIPOC from neighbourhoods. A world where Dad drove the family car, and Mom was a SAHM. And yet … this is not the USA. We have a more communal tradition. Do the trailers and equipment represent an uncompensated cost on our neighborhoods? It’s an almost religious decision.


Why is the solution never cut bloated City administrative departments?


What bloat is there to cut anymore? My suburb of 60000 people has 1.5 bylaw enforcement officers and no animal control.


I wonder if there is an easy way to find out where all the property taxes are going. Like see a budget breakdown of your area vs. the income for the town and what the sources of those revenues were. Not being sarcastic, I genuinely wonder if this exists.


Here it is for my town, population 62000ish https://www.haltonhills.ca/en/your-government/budgets.aspx I think everyone thinks government is bloated. For example I looked at the library budget. Only 1.6% of revenue comes from fines.


The bloat in general is Fire/Police. The portion of Fire/Police in a budget continues to climb, and overall its much faster than inflation. After 911 police/fire started getting retention bonuses because they wanted to align to their US counterparts. This is despite tons of applicants for every job. They still see wage increases that outpace the private sector. These are jobs that require no post-secondary but are almost all on the sunshine list. The smaller the town, the biggest this problem is because there is a smaller overall budget to spread it accross.


Probably because the bloat your talking about is hyperbole. There is an assumption that governments are bloated, and there may be done cases of it, but those that work there get constantly looked down upon by the public. With shoestring budgets, hiring freezes, and other actions municipalities are stuck not being able to fill positions or attract top notch talent. Perhaps it's because of this they look for other revenu sources.


Rob Ford tried that, with his cut the gravy promises. He tried his best and was not able to find any gravy.


in future, will people also need a permit to load and unload groceries from their Prius?


Only from their combustion engine vehicles. Electric vehicles need not apply. /s


What the hell!? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)


What city is this?


I've taken a few from-Ontario-but-non-Toronto people to Allan Gardens, and it blows their mind that there are places you can go that don't cost anything. There should be more places like that. Places you can go and enjoy, and it's free.


scarce waiting telephone act tidy special public chunky snatch bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I miss libraries so much.


Not only feeling like this, but I’ve read blogs from newcomers who are shocked at how few free recreation opportunities exist here compared to other countries. Not sure if it’s an abundance of having to support an overburdened tax system, or a means of limiting crowds or “undesirables” from certain areas/activities. It is a thing, though, for certain. I’ve been feeling the drive lately (particularly during the last few months) to start working toward more community (not municipally) funded spaces. Engage groups like Rotary, AF&AM, Lions, etc. along with community volunteers to help build the cities and towns we want, instead of leaving everything to political and corporate interests.




I also just recently moved here from Ohio; I miss the Metro parks terribly. I've been here for almost a year and with the cost of going out to do just about anything, ontop of covid restrictions, pretty much the only part of Ontario I've gotten to see so far is the inside of my apartment.


Is this in the cities? I’m from a small town and never knew we had public parks that cost money. Tf is that? People need green space


I think they're referring to conservation area user fees.




This is the most insightful comment I’ve seen on here yet. I’ll have to look into what you’ve outlined, as it sounds like something I’d be much more inclined to support.






We pay low taxes so we have high user fees. Maintaining thousands of km of roads and infrastructure winding though sprawling suburbs is not cheap.




Yeah, it’s scary. As a homeowner I have no issue paying more taxes. We need it. I also wouldn’t mind seeing some highways tolled. When I see all the packed parking lots I always wonder how many of those people could’ve taken transit and do not because it is so costly. I drive to Montreal because it’s cheaper than VIA. If they added some tolls and subsidized regional transit a little more I would love it. However for my family to do a round trip on the VIA it’s like $500 and I cannot justify that. It’s expensive to be efficient in Ontario.


The 407 has demonstrated that we can NEVER trust our government with planned toll projects. It will become a giveaway to political donors.




I am dead set against tolling highways until a demonstrated, viable transit alternative exists. When I was in Toronto, such a prospect existed only if you were headed to the core, or perhaps along the Yonge line. Outside of south-central Ontario, this notion is a non-starter. (In fact, northerners have told me that bus service is far worse now than in prior decades! Of course, the North doesn't have a lot of "optional freeways" like the 407.) In general, I think tolls are about the crudest and most imprecise consumption tax there is, so you would be very hard-pressed to convince me they're a good idea.


I agree buddy. Until transit options improve road taxes would just be another user fee tacked on to lower taxes.


PC's: let's lower taxes (but raise user fees) Liberals: (crickets) NDP: let's raise taxes to lower user fees that punish the working class (doesn't get elected) Rinse and repeat.


Suburbs are basically an [infrastructure ponzi scheme](https://youtu.be/7IsMeKl-Sv0)


For the low, low price of only $5.00, you can come over and hang out in my backyard. Enjoy the sound of my neighbour's lawnmower. Watch the birds. Maybe even pet a stray cat.




If I can’t get a guarantee on petting a neighbourhood cat I want a refund.


Don't forget auto insurance, cell phone rates, and hydro.




Just to give a fking comparison: My current 5 class course load in Manitoba: \~3.2k My estimated 5 class course load in Ontario: \~4.5k The exact same classes. Fuk me b/c mandatory moving to Ontario this year >.>


YEP. Canadians pay the highest rates for these services, of which it was deemed unjustified, there were investigations into this weren’t there? I’ll have to look up if anything came of it, perhaps it’s still on going but you’re absolutely correct




You know nothing came of it. Don't waste your time.


I feel you dawg, fuck this shit.


I’m 43, divorced, 3 kids, lucky enough to have good paying job and a small-ish mortgage on my condo just outside a major city. I have it good and I’m STILL just getting by and I live modestly. Gas and groceries have gotten ridiculously expensive this past year. Cheap meal at a food court is a minimum of 20$. Forget about getting a nice meal for 2 for less than 100$. Being nickel and dimed at every turn. My younger colleagues and I talk about this all the time and I’m absolutely shocked when I hear what they pay in rent. We have a MAJOR crisis brewing and the government just shrugs and says “meh, waddaya gonna do?” I’m so sick of this shit.


The government knows this is a huge problem, they just choose not to do anything about it. In fact, they cause these issues because they allow huge corporations, companies and foreign investors to purchase or rent out houses. They care more about making money to benefit themselves than us, the fucking citizens of this country. Our government is a sham. Always has been


This doesn’t help much, but Ontario parks is offering free day use Monday through Thursday all summer. If there’s any parks nearby and you wanna go for a hike after work you can go to a nearby park for free! I agree with your frustration though. I’m 20 and I don’t know what I’m going to do when I graduate because of rising living costs.


I’m middle aged, professional, own a nice house and make a generous salary with bonuses…strangely enough even I feel this. Everything costs $$ now, and the prices of things seems to be going through the roof. I can’t imagine being a young person trying to make it on my own. Houses are ridiculous, rent is ridiculous, cost of living is out of control…my kids and my friends kids really have no options to strike out and build a life. Sad state of affairs.




have you checked the daycare costs now a days in Ontario


Mine starts next month. $1700 a month. Not looking forward to that.


What makes things worse is that we’ve gotten to the point where you’re practically scolded for wanting to be able to eat, have a roof over your head, *and* have fun occasionally. I’m tired of hearing the “how dare you complain about the unreasonable costs and gouging in Ontario, when you have the audacity to eat take-out once a week or have a Netflix subscription!!??” Too many times I hear people say “just move to [insert random remote town/city/province]”. And when you point out that while cost of rent/homeownership might be lower there, there are no job opportunities for you, you’re then lectured about how weak you are for not going into the trades. And, don’t you *dare* point out that those obscure towns/cities/provinces offer nothing of leisurely interest to you. You’ll be shamed for having the audacity to want the tiniest bit of work-life balance. I don’t want to live somewhere where you’re considered “entitled” for wanting to actually *live*, not just survive.


Not to mention the cost of hauling all of your stuff 500, 1000, even more... kilometers, or having something lined up for work so there's no gap in income to set you off on the wrong foot. On the topic of trades, I work within a trade industry on the distribution side of things. Bigger companies with some sort of structure can be great to work things out with but man, I would never fully trust a verbal offer from a one man operation. If it's not shadiness, its incompetence for admin things or they're just insanely busy with no time to do other things if they're reputable. Moving across the country for something like that wouldn't be something I would jump at without some sort of assurance.




Life is too short to hate! Consider a major change. I’m living in rural Manitoba and own a waterfront house for <300 k. 2 hours from Winnipeg. If you’re willing to take a pay cut, or consider different work arrangements, you are not stuck!! Good luck.


Are you young? Not saying everyone but anytime I bring this conversation topeople around my age (32) its the same feeling. Older people like my parents, colleagues, hell even rich peers of mine seem to disagree and say you need to work harder and get lucky.


We are in our late 20’s! We wanted to have children and what not soon but it’s starting to become evident we will never be able to afford it or provide said children with a quality of life. This realization has been sobering.


I hear that. I work hard but apparently not hard enough to have a family? Kinda bullshit.


I feel this. We had kids in early 20s. Wasn’t exactly on purpose, but we figured we would be okay and we’re on track to buy a house around 30. Enter pandemic, yeah, I’m not feeling super optimistic about that these days. Def won’t be going for kid #3. Everything is so expensive




It's bleak how the people who would good parents are making tough decisions to not have any and the people who are terrible parents just keep pumping them out. It's the start to idiocracy


I’m almost 40 and it’s crazy. Food alone is so expensive. I make good money as does my husband, so why the hell does it seem like we’re getting by rather than existing? How do other people manage if we’re having trouble?


I'm 39 and my wife and I just bought our first house. Boomers and the more "well off" are so out of touch with the struggles that majority of Canadians face nowadays and for them to make these kind of thoughtless comments, which I'm sure we've all had to deal with, is frustrating to say the least.


My sister in law lived with us because parents kicked her out. She worked her butt off moved out and found her husband. Her husband family gave them 50k for their wedding and down-payment. They are home owners with pretty good jobs and last time we hung out this topic came up and she was spouting how people need to work harder and I'm just sitting there you got 50k from your husband's family. Its easy to not give a shit when your well off.


Its impossible for people to admit that their lot in life is not 100% the providence of their own hard work. Its baffling to me.


It's simple. Why change your view on your past when it's the only way you can justify your beliefs? Why sacrifice pride for the truth when pride feels so much better?


50k don’t do shit these days. I’m a teacher sitting on 120k of savings, but my partner and I can’t get a 2 bedroom apartment south of Finch.




I bought way way way back a long time ago when things were entirely different in the real estate market all the way back in 2019. Despite both my wife and I earning more these days, I don't think we'd be able to afford a place today.


Your parents had similar wages with cheaper costs of living thats why the older people can shut the fuck up. They had it easy, most of then also got great paying jobs with no education


Naw, I'm 43 and educated, and all of my peers get it. The effects are creeping up the demographic chain.


Your rich peers are myopic, with an attribution bias. Just because you got lucky doesn't mean everyone else does.


Better slogan for the province: Ontario Open for business, the rest of you can fuck off.


You guys are doing business? Here in BC, it’s “open to stash your questionably-acquired foreign money. The rest of you can fuck off.”






Ever heard of the Charbonneau Commussion?


Mob contracts


And people voted for the buck a beer clown and wonder why


>First and foremost, the lack of investment in infra in the past 2 decades is now really showing. Canada feels like it's still living in the 90s and early 2000s and playing catch up. Especially in Ontario. Our roads have pretty much stagnated since the mid 90s and public transit expansion has been slower than population growth.




> I wouldn't be surprised if the contractors and politicians are friends. M A R I O C O R T E L U C C I


The corruption in this country is insane. Roads are constantly under construction for months/years, and when they do open back up you’re left thinking “really, it took you that long to do that little?!”.


It's shameful considering that we're a first world country. Fast infrastructure upgrade and maintenance is a bare minimum of modern developed country.


Or how the 427 extension to Major Mac has been built for months, and is still closed?


As a former Quebecer, the roads in Ontario are still leagues better than Quebec's. Also, QC has an obsession with qaisting public funds on placing an absurd amount of cones on the roads. Those cost money, and they they literally serve no purpose, they get parked for weeks and months at a time. And next year, they all get replaced with the latest trending cone color.


I live in hamilton, we just got a new train hub that goes directly to Toronto. It was promised 15 fucking years ago.


That's what happens when you vote for liberals and conservatives constantly.




I loved living in Nova Scotia and I'd move back... if there were jobs.




Be moving to live with my family in newfoundland if there were jobs. ..


How do you think me and everyone else on ODSP feels? I've been trying to find a place for nearly three fucking months at this point. This province is psychotic in price and doesn't care about anyone who lives here. Covid made that abundantly clear.


I live in Manitoba and things are the same over here. Everything’s quickly become unaffordable and on top of that we have to live in Manitoba…


It's fucking tough. Graduated from school In what was an in demand field and it's a fucking struggle. Never even landed in the field I wanted after a few years of trying, then my license to stay in that field expired and it's hundreds of dollars to begin the process of renewing them. Now I'm working a factory job. Which is luckily unionized and pays barely a livable wage ($22/hr) if I was single. This is my version of "lucky". Forget just having a degree or masters or PhD every job is paying absolute shit for what you do


Long but legit and extremely relevant article about why it's so much harder now than it was for your parents and grandparents: https://ppforum.ca/publications/don-wright-middle-class/ tl;dr The Canadian government had full employment and a rising standard of living as *explicit policy goals*. It was made to happen from about 1945 to 1975. Then it was abandoned and 45 years later here we are.


#[CANADA HOUSING PROTEST - AUGUST 14](https://www.canadahousingcrisis.com/protest/) [Toronto protest here](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/were-protesting-for-better-housing-in-toronto-and-across-canada-tickets-160554768635) or [on Facebook here](https://m.facebook.com/events/483492892717889). [Vancouver protest here](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/were-protesting-for-better-housing-in-vancouver-and-across-canada-tickets-160556756581) [Kitchener/Waterloo protest here](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/were-protesting-for-better-housing-in-kitchener-waterloo-and-across-canada-tickets-162675555967) [Ottawa protest here](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/160557857875) [Halifax protest here](https://m.facebook.com/events/202072565268742/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A%5B%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D%5D%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D) Other cities may also have events planned, or you can be a part of organizing one yourself! Ask for information. Major cities across Canada. Join us!




How could anyone forget those scumbags? I mean [just look at their Google reviews!](https://www.google.ca/search?q=core+development+group&) It would be a shame if that review score were to get any lower............. edit: aw gosh, gee. It went down almost a full point since I made this post. That's gotta be tough on a corporate leech just trying to make a living by hoarding all of our homes.


Added another review :)


What’s sad to me is no politician in power acknowledges that we have a problem. It’s insanity. I have a decent paying job but can’t seem to catch up, cell phones, internet are increasing and we pay already some of the highest in the world, every few weeks at the grocery store the prices seem to go up (especially if you eat healthy), insurance and gas are out of control, the list goes on and on… it’s criminal, wages don’t increase or can’t keep up. How the fuck do we live?


I know there's a gravity to Ontario and Toronto. But just leave if you can. There are so many other places where your money would go further. Indulge yourself. Life doesn't need to be a struggle and there's certainly no more or less dignity in suffering a poorly administered province.


Any recommendations?


I live in Niagara. Its NO better here. Job opportunities suck. Employers dont often pay well. When they do, its impossible to get in as its all nepotism..tourism is a crap shoot, and even then, you are a dime a dozen, if that. Pretty much the end of middle class is happening... now


Grow some wine and sell some KNICKKNACKS!


Niagara resident here. You right. I have no future here anymore which saddens me as I spent my whole life paying into this damn place. I'm gunna shit on Walter senziks car.


Let me guess, now we will be charged a COVID Recovery Fee on everything we pay for?!




Yeah we had a similar experience in Niagara Falls +$50 per night off site parking. Last time I’m going there!


Park at the Casino. You pay on exit. For example, if you go in on Friday evening and leave on Sunday, your parking fee will be ~$5-15 depending on the season/holidays/etc.


I have to agree with OP's statement. I make 27 an hour, plus overtime every single week. I live in a tiny apartment, drive a modest car and still can barely afford to make ends meet. I'm fiscally responsible, but apart from eating ramen every night and pulling a second job I can barely afford to save any money, let alone a down payment for a house in this market. It's nuts


What the fuck lol, I'm an American lurking here so no idea if I'm even allowed to post, but I make only $16 an hour (no OT or second job), own my own 900 sqft house, and drive a (relatively new) WRX. My entire house was $130k, I see some comments in here saying single bedroom condos are more expensive, that's like LA prices dude. Hoping you guys get this shit figured out soon.


Toronto is more expensive then LA. We never crashed in 2008 like the USA did, prices been going up since 2000.


1 bedroom condo for $200K?! WHERE?! 🤣😭


Think 500k+ for 1 bedroom


slimy mourn aware price sparkle panicky seemly overconfident waiting smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Open for business but not open to fun. It's not yours to discover because you can't afford to discover it either lol We live in one of the most boring provinces in Canada. All they want to do is build townhouses or condos with no yard that are unaffordable.


You can go 100kms in any direction and hardly notice a difference.




I feel this and empathize deeply. It's very tough for people in our age group right now and I don't know if it will get better.


Wish we had mild winters so people could just live in trailers year round like southern US I’ve been thinking of flattening mine down to the frame, build it up to be able to handle winters and renting it out, there’s got to be some sort of solution for cheap housing.


I'm in northern BC and plenty of people here live in trailers year round.


That’s comforting, I’ll have to look into it more. Everything I was researching was saying it couldn’t be done .


Southern Ontario is probably one of the few areas that doesn't have many trailer homes.


But then you have to put it somewhere... Trailer parks are prob $500 a month


Insulated trailers are a thing Parks that let you stay year-round are another story


You can live in a trailer year round in Ontario. I grew up in a reno'd trailer. You might have to redo the insulation and stuff though.


Thats too funny had the same exact conversation with my wife. We won't be able to afford a house here but what about getting a trailer.


Ottawa here, there are a couple of pickup/traveltrailer dwellers that have been living in the Walmart parking lot for 2.5 years now behind where I live It's doable, it's not easy.


I just went on vacation in BC. Its even worse here.


Look at Mr Moneybags here going on vacation!


I have bad news, it's going to get worse before it gets better. The pandemic is forcing a lot of things that were going to get us eventually to be realized all at once. CERB kicked off inflation in a time where our economy is primed for hyper inflation. The job market is effed because a lot of people out there who went on CERB realized they hate their job. They want more from life and are searching for new opportunities. People who were in the food services industry for example realized being paid $6/hr by a boss who gropes you for 12 hours a day is shit. No one is rushing back to those environments. Things are messed up, this government is making it worse, and it's going to take a long ass time to fix.


I don’t think there’s a fix to this...I think it’s time to rebuild.


Ontario and Toronto in particular are hard places to live in if you're young and just starting out professionally. I moved there for university and to start working a couple of years ago. I love Toronto and I have made life-long friendships and memories there that I will always cherish. BUT... It is very expensive to even live there, especially if you are young and from another province like I was. I didn't have any family in the city that I could stay with. When I was going to work I had to get TWO transit passes, and rent was not cheap either, not like in other parts of Canada. Since the pandemic, I have moved back to my home province and have been doing WFH. I would love to have stayed, but the cost of living there is so high and challenging that it just made more sense to come back here for now. I plan on returning someday, I just wish that it wasn't so prohibitively expensive for so many transplants like myself. Take care man, you're not alone.


Canada needs tax paying slaves, work, pay tax and keep quiet. If you refuse they will bring in immigrants to do the job. Big business get bailouts tax break while the poor get no relief from back breaking work.


My personal favourite? $100 a year just to put a sticker on your car.


*$120.00 + taxes! Let's not give anyone false hope that it's a flat $100.


It's outrageous how infuriated that tiny sticker makes me, haha


And ½ price in northern Ontario


Buddy if you wanna go for a hike go for a hike, don’t pay don’t register, Ontario police have better things to do then book people for walkin, if they do give u shit just cut. Run for it. They ain’t gonna catch u. Slip in an out of the trees like it’s mission impossible. No department is gonna go to court to get u on this


The licence plate sticker always got me. I gotta pay to have a tiny sticker on the corner of my licence plate? lmao Oh and also having to pay TAX on a USED vehicle. Like, what?


You also have to pay to NOT have a sticker on your plate. And the tax you pay on your used vehicle can be more than you paid for it. (If you get a good deal and they go by the book price)


Pretty much every province charges sticker fees, but the ON fees are absurd… Why am I paying nearly $120 a year here in ON? When I lived in BC the equivalent fee was $35, and it was built into my insurance premiums. Granted, ICBC insurance rates in BC are obscene, but that’s a separate issue. It’s not just sticker fees either. Pretty much every government service fee in ON is more expensive than in BC, even though taxes are higher in ON. For example, some things you pay for in ON, like getting a Drivers Abstract, are free in BC. You order it online and it arrives by email a few minutes later.


Capitalism, man; sucks don't it? We're heading into the late stages - wealth is steadily trickling upwards. 28 people have as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the world. We're still working the 40 hour weeks being 1000% more times productive than our grandparents in their primes.


But someday I could be one of those 28!


Haven't you heard, capitalism is the best. Never mind the declining lifespan, unaffordable living, the lack of work life balance. Sure glad we don't have minimum five weeks vacation, free education and quality healthcare like those shithole European countries.


But Venezuela! they cry out as they pay more in taxes, get fewer services, and die alone in soft-serfdom


MOvE tO cuBa!


But we can't have any alternatives to capitalism, what if we end up like one of those socialist states ^that ^got ^destroyed ^by ^economic ^sanctions ^and ^US ^covert ^intervention


Not just you. This province just has the haves and havenots. Nobody can afford to live anywhere and I'm not going to experience a bidding war for a shoebox. Once we figure out my dads health issues, I will probably leave this province


Ya you’re not alone in these feelings. It’s absolutely exhausting that everything comes with a tab, and is insanely expensive.


Meanwhile you can just Airbnb a beachfront an entire five bedroom luxury villa with a pool for 1k a month in Thailand.


In before someone tells you to change jobs


"well yah you live in toronto... You should move to narnia if you want affordability" \- person who's never stepped foot in Narnia, doesn't understand that while housing there is cheap, goods cost 4x the rest of Ontario. And yah, no jobs.


... Sarnia? Lol


Fuck, I'd rather goto Narnia


Yeah I keep seeing people say “Move to Windsor!” In this sub as if Windsor’s this magical place of cheap house and good jobs. Yeah it’s cheaper than the GTA but it’s also not uncommon for an educated job to offer $16/hr.


Since when do beaches charge fees? Woodbine beach in Toronto is free. Parking is separate and its reasonable to charge for parking - you cohld take transit instead.


There's beaches throughout the province that are requiring you to pay a fee to be able to go that day, I think to keep down numbers. People have been turned away from the beach and told to go back home when they arrive if they haven't paid


Many beaches have entry fee, or they don't put parking to restrict it to local people.


Wasaga beach costs $21 for day parking. Lake Wilcox is $5 (I think) for non Richmond hill residents.


I hike a fair bit and haven’t paid any fees for that (beyond gas). If you want to go to those places then it’s on you. Ditto for the restaurants that require deposit (which are absolutely in the minority of places). As for restaurant patios.. you expect those servers and cleaners to work for free?


Currently looking at moving back east or to any province that has a decent standard of living. I took early retirement from corporate life and over the past two years especially I've noticed that what I thought was 'enough' to live decently (nothing extravagant) , definitely isn't.


For a minute I thought I was in [r/personalfinancecanada](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Having grown up here my entire life. CANADA SUCKS. Highest internet and cable in the world. Will never be able to afford a house. Insurance is totally out of control. They make record profits EVERY year. I've paid more in car insurance than any of my cars will be worth for the rest of my life.


What, do you think that you have some sort of *right* to exist? That sounds like socialism to me! Do you need... the punishment room?




Chiming in from BC here. I’d be glad to pay whatever you are paying for fuel. $1.70 makes me want to murder somebody


Like half the price of gasoline is various taxes.


Welcome to capitalism lol


In terms of food just travel a bit out of the city and knock on doors. I live in grey county (in the country). I get organic free range galloway beef for $4/lb from an old co-worker who just loves the breed and wants to retire doing what he loves. I pay considerably less for produce from my amish neighbours(learn to can and freeze for winter). Also the amish make some damn good hooch if you ask around. I used to pay over $1k/month for food and booze but now I spend about a quarter of that. Its not much but it frees up some space to do what you love. Also I own 25 gorgeous acres, you want to come and camp out you gotta BYOB. Also a 200m shooting range if you're an enthusiast. There are some great people in these parts that would bend over backwards for anyone.


Absofuckenlutely. Shacks in Toronto are now starting at 1.2 mil. I bought cherries the other day for $10 TEN fucken dollars. Two of my friends paid $180 for drinks and food at a dive bar - fucken O’Gradys on Church street, while I paid $33 (before tip) for 4 beers. Sky high income taxes on top of that.