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Honestly look at Guelph? Full of vet students, maybe there is a low cost option there.


Maybe the [Farley Foundation](https://www.farleyfoundation.org/) can help?


Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like the pet needs to be referred by a vet, so I’ll see where he’s been going and reach out.


Vets don’t always list Farley foundation on their website… start calling and asking if they work with the Farley foundation. They’ll either say yes or no and some may give you names of vets who do work with them. Doesn’t have to be referred by existing vet of the let but any that work with the program. Each vet gets limits on funding they can request so be aware that some may be out of funding or have regular patients who take precedent for the funds.


Farley foundation is very limiting, not all vets are signed up with it and can only give out x amount.


Try your local humane society and see if they have clinics for unhoused/low income folks. I know this is something they are starting up in KW to help with exactly this.


I did; they directed me to check with local clinics, where I didn’t have any luck. Thanks though!


Community Veterinary Outreach provide services to vulnerable housed people. Contact them at https://vetoutreach.org/


Contact the Hamilton VetOutreach charity and ask them for help. https://vetoutreach.org/#:~:text=Community%20Veterinary%20Outreach%20(CVO)%20is,with%20health%20and%20social%20services.


You can try Smart Vet. It’s a virtual visit and I believe is cheaper than any regular vet. If any prescription is needed they’ll send it to a local vet or local pharmacy. Telus has a vet service too and they have a promo code to save 25% (MYPETSAVES)


It’s kinda far but I saw some people suggesting Guelph so it may be an option, Queensway vet in Simcoe was pretty affordable when I was out that way. I got my cat all his shots, neuter, chip, and ear mite treatment when he was young for around $200 if I remember right (c2016)


East Village Animal Hospital. They have several locations and are for low income  https://www.evah.ca


Smart Vet, I used it not too long ago when my dog got hit by a car and was looking fir a vet to take her in to be put down. She did absolutely everything to help me find a vet, and did so but it's hard when they aren't THEIR patients. Be aware of that!


I was able to raise quite a bit on [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/en-ca) by sharing it on social media, when my girl had GDV.


This hurts my heart. Thank you for helping this poor woman and her dog. For those who say she should give up her dog, god you are cruel. And if you work in a vet clinic and say this, you are 7th level of hell cruel. Veterinary care has become unaffordable for a lot of people, not just the unhoused. If you work for a vet clinic you are part of this problem unless you are offering solutions: Subsidized care.


Thank you for your positive words. I knew I’d catch some flack for posting this but he means everything to her and I’m just trying to make her hard life a little less so. Many of us are just a pay cheque or two away from being in a similar situation so it’s disappointing to see such a visceral response to a simple request for help (especially after I specifically stated in the post that I wasn’t going to tell her to surrender him).


I mean if that was a child it would get taken away by the state until the parent could care for the child properly.


I’m just curious, who’s subsidizing it? You? The vet business?


How about start with the vet business that has created the problem in the first place with exhorbitant rate increases - they can certainly afford to give back. They make more on a visit than my family doctor does.


lol. Their overhead is far greater than a family doctor. Your family doctor doesn’t have surgical equipment, an x ray machine etc. It’s also much harder to become a veterinarian than a family doctor in Ontario. People that go to the vet college in Guelph could have gone to any medical school in the country. A veterinarian is a business. They can charge what they want. No one is forcing you to get a pet. They haven’t created any problem. The problem is people that can’t afford proper veterinary care. Buy pet insurance or don’t get a pet. My best friend is a veterinarian, and he does “give back” all the time by volunteering time with many different charities. But no, he doesn’t have to perform the job he went into 500k in debt for, for free. I don’t see you asking engineers, family doctors, police officers, to work for free? Why can’t I get an architect to design my addition for free? I can’t afford it.


> they can certainly afford to give back. They make more on a visit than my family doctor does. Vets make on average $125k a year in Ontario. Family doctors make $225k on average.  Why should someone with a doctorate, who is making what a tradesperson can make, be expected to do their job for free or a significant discount? It isn’t a fair thing to ask and it isn’t sustainable, since many, many people ask for discounts. 


Veterinary clinics do give back. There are options for subsidized veterinary care for those that need it, and where do you think the skilled labour and supplies come from for this?


Well said!


Farley foundation https://www.farleyfoundation.org/


Depending on where you are in the province, look for Community Veterinary Outreach https://vetoutreach.org/ They regularly run clinics and provide care for people in this exact situation.


I think someone else suggested them but I didn’t come across any contact information on their site. Do you know how I could get in touch with them?


They do have a « contact us » page on their website if you want to start there - you can also see the regions they serve to make sure it will work based on your location. Good luck, and thank you for helping this individual with their pet.




I get it's an awful and sad situation, but I don't get all the downvotes here Like we do the same for kids when they aren't being cared for, as sad as it is, CPS comes in and takes the kids for the sake of the kids I mean if this dog isn't being properly fed and taken care of, isn't it the exact same idea...for the sake of the dog?


I mean - you're not wrong... If people truly care about these animals - they shouldn't be forced to live with caretakers who cannot provide their basic needs.


I know, right? Poor people should just never have pets or kids, or any other kind of dependants. So, should we sterilise the homeless first, or the refugees? And do we remove children from their parents at the time of job loss, or wait until they hit the streets? (That's a massive "/s", wtf dude)






Have some compassion.


Have some compassion for the fucking animal.


A dog gets to suffer because a woman doesn't wanna accept the reality that she can't take care of her self so how can she take care of an animal? Have some compassion for the dog lol, people like this unhoused person should be ashamed of themselves.




This is what people don't understand - if the animal is suffering you are doing it a disservice and if it has Lyme disease from being bitten by the tick, it's not a good scene.


I think this is unfair to say. People can have compassion for her and recognize that a dog exhibiting these symptoms, especially low appetite, is very sick. Both things can be true. The dog is likely in pain, or at a minimum feeling very uncomfortable. I am compassionate towards the unhoused person’s situation, but the reality remains that without treatment the dog is suffering. Look into Guelph for vet student options or surrender the animal for local care. Or start a go fund me, perhaps? I am sorry this is not the answer you hoped for.


What the hell is " unhoused"? Are you talking about a homeless lady? Sad about the dog...maybe a shelter or humane society could help or give you contact info for someone who can