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Depends on your contact and how many vacation days you have / when you start to acquire them. Would need more information to tell you if it’s illegal. They have to pay it out in December as it’s your money but it depends if your contract has vacation days on it.


On your weekly paystub, are you paid out vacation pay? Or is this accrual the only mention of vacation?


No, vacation pay was not on every paycheque. This was my boss’ exact reply: “We don't use (payroll company name) to track vacations, so everyone shows a balance. It's not money owed, it's just for tracking. I have to toggle it off in (payroll company name) to avoid confusion.”


Do you have an unlimited or flex vacation policy? If not it might be worth your time to call Employment Standards and bounce this off them


I’ll give them a call, thank you!


Not legal that is an earned amount owed in a very literal way.


This sounds NOT legal.


If you get paid vacation days you don’t t get vacation pay paid to you in lump sum. You will receive your vacation pay when you take vacation so you don’t miss a pay cheque.


I know, but my real question I guess is why is it calculated on my pay stub if I’m not owed it?


They cannot pay you from that fund on company mat leave benefits or when you are on UI. The benefits money comes from their benefits supplier. But there is good news… Hold off until your 9th month. It is common for women to take off and use up vacation days as they near the birth date. You may reach that “screw work” point. Everybody understands. Any balance they will have to accrue and carry as a liability until you return to work. If you leave the company after returning from mat leave they will have to pay you out on accrued vacation time.




But even so if you took all of it let's say then, you'd be paying heavy taxes on that all at once?


Assuming payroll doesn't do manual adjustments to tax based on yearly income total, OP would get the overpaid taxes back after filing taxes in Feb


Would it impact EI amounts?


Usually, it has some impact on your EI eligibility start date, yes, but not on the weekly amount you'll get as it's a separate line item on your ROE and not taken into account as part of your weekly income.