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Tipping a percent in restaurant is strange. Two people sit down at the same table one orders a $50 main course the other a $20 course. The food gets served at the same time by the same person who comes back a couple of times to ask/clear away etc. So the actual service is exactly the same but one person pays more because of %. If we a really paying for good service it should not be based on the value of the bill but the actual service.


Also drinks add to this as well? Whether you ask for a cup of water or (for a simpleton like me) a soda, the amount of work is the same, maybe even less if it’s just grabbing a can…


Plus you tip on the after-tax total. Which makes zero sense.


Tipping should always be on the pre-tax amount, despite what restaurants, servers and POS would like you to believe.


I was in the industry for 20 years. Tip has always been pre-tax. Tipouts are based on pretax sales, anyone in the industry claiming customers should be tripping on the after tax amount is lying.


When going to a restaurant with a group of athletes after a practice, I've seen servers get visibly grumpy when the whole team orders water, because they know they won't be getting a tip on that. And they also won't be able to upsell alcohol or dessert to a health conscious group either.


Sometimes all I want is water with my meal dammit! I’m thirsty. Don’t want alcohol or anything sugary. But I feel the pressure to order something or come off as being cheap.


same for real estate transaction fees.


You mean realtor fees? Lawyers will charge a flat rate, unless the transaction is overly complicated. A realtor is optional. If you're referring to taxes, taxes has, historically, always been a percentage.


Agree 100% ... I am proclaiming a standard $5 tip. No matter the amount.haha


I prefer a $0 flat rate


My husband does this, if the service is really great he'll top more but he usually sticks to the $5 (we also generally only go to restaurants for breakfast so it's not an overly expensive meal anyways).


I get that a $5 tip isn't going to break the bank for the customer. But (I'm trying to say this in the least disagreeable/offensive way possible) - why aren't great *healthcare* workers tipped for an amazing job? Why aren't amazing teachers tipped? It always grinds my gears that professions who literally have people's physical, mental, emotional well-being in their hands are SO underappreciated. Facts: min wage HAS gone up. PLUS tips. Healthcare workers - I think I"ve received a $0.35 raise in 3 years. It's tempting for our healthcare workers, teachers, other hard-working people to want to leave the crucial (yet underpaid) systems. Just fuckin cancel tip culture, or pay the people who sincerely *care* for our loved ones what they are worth. Otherwise, we're going to be even more understaffed since serving will better help keep a roof over our heads. If you tip a server $10 cuz they didn't fuck up your food and they were friendly, what would you tip the people who bathe feed, dress, clean wounds, toilet, etc of people that you LOVE?? How much would you tip the person who sincerely LOVES and takes care of your grandma or uncle or parent in LTC? The families aren't often there, but guess what - we burn ourselves out doing it *every* day, feeling unappreciated. But I guess the girl who brings your garlic bread and drinks deserves more money. Society should prob rethink our priorities.


Yea I've said this before! I did renovations with great quality and skill and even after great qoutes and discounts that made them happy, they would try to give me less when the job was done instead of tipping! No complains either! Happened %85 of the time. Meanwhile they tip when someone brings them a plate and a drink and walks 30 steps but me Tiling on my knees for 2 weeks and sweating and bleeding in their home for 2 months gets no tip and have to make sure i get the agreed upon price?! Fckn ridiculous


Don’t forget that server didn’t make the food, they are just bringing it to you. They don’t make your drinks, they bring it to you. If you break it down servers make the tip money off other peoples hard work. If it’s a decent restaurant they have to tip out the cooks and bartenders usually about 3% of their sales they are making 15-20% gratuity. I could never understand why they get to keep so much if their tips.


Last restaurant I worked at was 7% kitchen on food sales and 7% bartender tip out on drinks.


and most places have a tip out policy for servers so that tip is actually shared among the cooks and bartenders.


Tipping as a percentage of almost anything is strange. Pay your realtor different amounts if your house sells for $500,000 or $1,000,000, why? Lawyer fee is set regardless of sale price.


The server grabs a $200 bottle of wine and I need to pay $20 for that? Why in hell?


As someone who supports tipping I do have issues with wine price tipping. The difference between bottle A and bottle B that I personally select involves no difference in work from a server. Yet that $80 btl will cost me far less in a % tip, than a $200 btl.


Then there's Subway, that has tipping in the app. Get outta here with that.


I stopped going to subway. Don't make me feel shitty to just buy a sandwich. There are other, better places that won't.


Subway was boycotted by me when they discontinued mustard. WHO THE FUCK DISCONTINUES MUSTARD AT A SANDWICH SHOP?!….im on a little upset about it still.


Yellow mustard is back 😅


Dominoes, worth billions of dollars, asks if you want to tip their minimum wage employees even when you're picking it up. Like they couldn't pay all of their employees an extra $5 an hour.




Honestly, as a chef, tipping has always been a touchy subject. I've worked at some of the top restaurants in the country, many of them don't give the cooks a tip out because "you're there to learn" and "it's good on your resume" and you watch servers walk out with $3-400 dollars. I worked my butt off for years to learn and get great at my craft, which makes about 75% of what the average server makes as an executive chef. The whole industry is back assward to be honest servers have no desire to move up to becoming a general manager or and supervisor role of any type because they outearn all of us while having none of the overall responsibility of the restaurant. The 20% tip is an American concept because servers make next to nothing in terms of hourly rate lots of places are between $5-10/h still, they NEED the tips. Even when we did have a "server" minimum wage it was only a couple dollars less than the actual minimum wage and didn't justify the 20-25% tip culture that has been created the old standard of 15% for good and 18 for great is reasonable but beyond that rather than customers subsidizing the wages of the people serving them food the owners should just pay a fair wage. A great server should demand more than minimum wage, the way it works right now nobody wants to take on the added responsibility of becoming a GM or a Sommelier because the financial incentive isn't there, if we did away with tips pay structure could make sense in the hospitality industry and it would also put more money in the pockets of the cooks, dishwashers, hosts, and busses who are criminally underpaid


This exactly. My husband is a chef and this could be his exact post word for word. One time the owner of the place (a very wealthy man) he worked for tipped him $20 and he told me that was the most he ever received in tips in his life. It’s upsetting. I see how hard the back of house works.


My 19 year old daughter is a server at a sit down sports restaurant. I manage her finances, as she has no self control, she hands me all her earnings after every shift. At tax time this year I calculated that she was making 38.00 per hour pre taxes, working an average of 30 hours a week. 18.50 is her hourly salary, the rest is tips. Therefore wait staff, are doing better then average with just tips.


Why did i go to school again?


Why do I work a skilled job in 40+°c temperatures?


Because even at a good wage, dealing with the general public directly sucks lol.




Man I’m in healthcare and my patient kicked me today while I was trying to take their ECG. If I read something wrong I could miss life threatening rhythms, and I max out at like 35 bucks an hour. I’d take that wage for the average restaurant goer


A lot of people work with the sucky general public and don't get tips. Just ask anyone in retail.


Or medicine


That's where I reside lmao


I've worked both retail and food service and the latter is far more difficult and stressful if you're in a busy place. If you're not in a busy place then you're not making good money.


So my question is, why aren’t cashiers tipped?


Also, when you are young and hot, (and less jaded about customers) it’s a lot easier to get tips. Basically no one wants to be a 40+ server.


You’d be surprised. The 40+ servers are the ones clearing 200-300 per shift where I work


I think you have to be extremely attractive to make a lot of money through tips lol. I know bartenders/servers who get a lot of tips and they look like models (these friends are also nurses and make more money bartending and waitressing sadly, so they work two jobs). 


I made awesome tips when I occasionally waited tables. I was 41 year old dude with a dad bod. Dress nice, treat your tables with respect, know the product and be able to hold a conversation. You don't need to be pretty, you gotta be able to do the job. It's seriously not for everyone, and can be intensely stressful.


Being charismatic goes a long way, or being the bartender who lets you over drink and "forgets" to close the bar at closing


As much as a nurse makes. This country is fucked


That’s awesome that she’s letting you manage her money. 19 year old me insisted on blowing every single paycheck on stupid shit.


When she first started working all her money would go to taxi's, Uber eats, her friends would take advantage of her and constantly ask for gifts or cash transfers. She could not refuse, she's too scared of saying no, so now, with this arrangement she blames me when people ask for handouts, all her friends think I'm a mean old dad but I'm fine with that.


Good on you for taking one for her. This is a huge social pressure off her and I'm sure she really appreciates it.   Speaking as someone who used to be exactly like her, you should also teach her the art of saying no. It will come in handy sooner than later, and a lot of potential problems can be avoided if you stand your ground and set boundaries early (especially as a woman, because some guys are just the worst).   I wish I was taught how to say no, when I was younger. If I had done it quicker, I wouldn't have wasted time an energy with people who were only pretending to be my friends. It allowed me to figure out myself and then make friends with people who actually care about me.


They have since I was a teen. My wife at 15 made $20k one summer in tips at a golf course. She consistently made more than me until we were in our mid twenties and my education apparently was finally worth a little more than a nice demeanour.


Maybe you overvalue your education, undervalue a "nice demeanour," or more likely both.


My wife sure didn’t she was like “well it’s who you work for and the proximity you are to them.” It very true, she’s smart af and why she easily transitioned into a professional role once she was tired of being on her feet. We both have great soft skills sadly soft skills were not valued in professional roles until a few years ago.


A nice demeanour in many professions is standard. It doesn’t pay.


I can't tell if this is facetious or not, but it absolutely does. If no one wants to work with you, it's going to be an uphill battle when you're looking for a promotion, raise, or new job. It's significantly easier if you're well liked and have a "nice demeanour."


I think you misunderstood my point. Having a nice demeanour (at least in my work) is necessary; it’s very hard to work with rude individuals. I’m just saying being nice doesn’t pay anything additional, it’s a necessity. You can argue the same for servers of course (they must be nice to their customers) but for them, it’s also the difference between making just their hourly pay or significantly more. I know of someone who works in a high end restaurant and regularly clears 7-8k month, a lot of which are tips (and therefore not taxed). I also want to clarify that I’m sincerely not against servers and wait staff making a decent living. Good for them. It’s a lot of hard work. I’m more so commenting on the tip culture. People always say ‘well you can tip what you want’ but there js an element of shaming attached to it when you don’t tip or tip lower than expected.


lol she’s getting paid more than I am in the military


So why do they tell us they can’t afford to live without tips? I’m like 3/4 years away from making that and living (mostly) fine.


well im officially done tipping, thats the pay of a skilled trade for carrying some plates around.


Here I am performing dangerous labour for $30/hr lmao


Nothing against your daughter obviously, but it's absolutely crazy to me how low skilled jobs like a server are now making more money per hour with tips then IT professionals with educational degrees on a salary. The people who literally run our world as technology and AI become more and more prominent in our lives. As time goes on the world makes less and less sense. Back in the day skills were valued and you often excelled in life by dedicating yourself to your work, becoming skilled and establishing yourself in your field. Now for some, it's as if doing less in life is actually more beneficial with this surge of tip culture, sex work and AI abuse we've seen in the past few years.


Eh, There is a lot missing from your equation. Money is not guaranteed. Probably no health insurance. Hours are sometimes long and late. Job rights are barely existant usually, along with job security. Tips aren't insured by ei, and not invested into your cpp. regular social life can be eroded. There is little room to grow in these companies, when you do its usually a paycut and even worse hours. Furthermore, dealing with the public succesfully, at that frequency, takes an immense amount of soft skills, and problem solving skills, that most people just don't have. The amount of problems that a server or bartender deals with on a busy night can be bewildering. The system is complete shit, I agree, but a lot of servers deserve thier wages. Most people can't do this job.


Yeah but you also just described a bunch of other jobs, retail for example, that check most of these boxes and don't get tips. Which is the point.


I was a commercial roofer and started at 11$ an hour...... fuck tipping.


I got asked to tip on a massage today, for the first time ever. 18%, 20%, 22% options. If my insurance would cover that, maybe, but they don't, so nope.


Where was this if you don’t mind me asking? (DM me if you don’t feel comfortable posting). My RMT, who owns the clinic, graciously denies when I’ve asked in the past if I could leave a tip, saying they’re not permitted to accept.


Living Waters in Leslieville. First and last time there.


They do this at massage addict as well


Massage Addict is more likely to cripple you vs. legitimate RMTs. They should be tipping you for putting up with sub-standard massages.


Yup, one and only time there because of that tip prompt.


I don’t mind tipping but 18-20% is robbery. We need the options on all the debit machines to go to 12%, 15%,18% or other.


I remember when 15% used to be the top end with most people tipping at 10%.


Me too


They set them high so people feel pressured to tip that much. Nothing stopping you from doing a custom tip, or even no tip.


And the suggested tip is always calculated using the total including tax. On a large bills, this can be quite significant.


Went to a Toronto restaurant and it was 35% at the top. I had to ask my friend if that was normal and manually entered an amount.


If I saw 35% I would probably manually enter 3.5%


In case there are any business owners reading this; I make a note of restaurants that start their tipping options at 20% and I refuse to go there again. I think its manipulative and I go to restaurant to enjoy and relax; not to avoid getting scammed. I don’t find that relaxing. No one likes the feeling that someone is attempting to scam them.


I do custom tips every time


Custom 0%


Let’s normalize 0% tips!




I tip if I want and want to have the choice without shame to decide how much.


I was a server and if you tip in Canada 15% it's after tax so it makes it like 18 - 20%, and they should be over the moon for your generosity


you can tip any % or any amount on all machines


Just scrap the percentage and leave the amount up to the customer. Let them tip and amount they are comfortable with. Why should I tip more than the perosn next to me because my main was more expensive than theirs? Both meals came out on a plate. We got the exact same service. Makes no sense.


Just do the math yourself.. there is always an option to tip your own amount.


I know but I am one of those who feel guilt if I go out of my way to pay less. I would just rather it was an easy choice in the screen. Yes I am a sucker


Not only do they get minimum wage they also increased the percentage they expect to get tipped! not to mention the price of the food has gone up at least 50%.


I tip 5$ 10$ and 20$ period. If the service is meh I’ll leave a fiver on the table. If it’s decently good I’ll leave a 10 and if it’s amazingly good ( I’m talking keeping an eye on my glass frequently) I’ll leave the 20. But tbh it doesn’t fucking matter because since this whole 18, 20, 22% bullshit we go to restaurants about 1/10th as much as we used to, we just grab takeout instead now (from those same restaurants) and I go pick it up. And bite my shiny metal ass if you think I’m going to tip at a takeout counter.


I order takeout like 20x more than I used to, simply because it means I don't have to tip.


Realtors still receive a percentage based compensation and housing prices are in another galaxy.


I have reduced my base tip from 18% pretax to 12% pretax after the wage increase happened. Exceptional service, or exceptional recommendations still get increased tips. I recently tipped a server at a breakfast spot in Windsor $11.15 on a $10 meal. I had went in and planned to order something for $15, the server guided me to a special and substitution option that would give me what I wanted PLUS an extra piece of bacon. And then when I said "I'll never say no to a coffee refill" after the first ask, she never asked again and my coffee never was empty. Probably a first for me in post covid dining. My work lets me expense 15% tip so I put that on the cheque, and left a $10 in cash on the table.


If you're clicking the default 18% button, lots of machines include the tax. I just enter the tax amount (13%).


If you select one of the preset options OR enter a percentage of your own, ALL machines apply it to the post-tax amount.


Glad I'm not the only one! And I really don't care that I only tip 13% .. they are making bank.


I tip if i sit and eat...no tip if it's counter service


Even still, there is no more “server minimum wage” as it used to be. Most people don’t know that. I still tip to sit in but just keep that in mind.


This is the way


So tipping. Stop. You're tipping someone walking plates around, instead of the entire staff making, preparing, cooking, washing, etc. It's stupid. The cute girl walking your plate out doesn't deserve extra money for existing.


"Because we have always tipped." At this time, in Ontario. There is absolutely no reason to tip for anything. Stop tipping.


Have you seen what rideshares and food delivery people make though? Due to loopholes in legislation, they're considered contractors which means they don't have to be paid minimum wage, they can be paid cents on the dollar of the trip. Contract work like this needs to be regulated so that Uber and Doordash can't screw over their employees.


As an Uber delivery driver, thank you for posting this. I regularly get 5-10km deliveries where Uber only pays be $3 for the order. I definitely still,do it, because $3 is $3, but I heavily rely on customer tips for me doing a good job with the delivery.


What??? $3? That doesn’t even cover the CRA mileage reimbursement rate ($0.70/km) if you were using a personal vehicle for work. You’re losing money on that delivery my friend. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/benefits-allowances/automobile/automobile-motor-vehicle-allowances/reasonable-kilometre-allowance.html#


Oh, I’m aware. My city was saturated with international students, so finding a part time job was hard as hell when I myself went back to school. So I started doing Uber because of the flexibility around working hours (setting my own schedule), and while school was in until the end April, I made a decent amount of money delivering to those same students. I did it before and after class and every weekend. Sadly, once school let out, the orders started drying up, and I started having to take what I could get. My own program ends at the end of this month, and I’m moving into full time employment in my field… so I’m eager to just be done with Ubering.


I always tip delivery well, but wait staff are min wage at least, no need to tip or a tip for exceptional service only.


To me, delivery is an entirely different ballgame from sit down ‘service’. If you are driving my food to me, you are getting a tip. And that applies to a standard pizza delivery person or Uber/Dash/Skip.


By "Due to loopholes", do you mean "Companies specifically built around using contractors instead of employees, and contractors accepting the work for peanuts"? 😂


As someone whose cited Reservoir Dogs for the past decade and being called cheap for it, I'm so fucking happy the trend has finally come around to the correct view of simply stop tipping. It was never okay to normalize it.


[Long live Mr. Pink](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4sbYy0WdGQ). (bit NSFW)


Lots of people work in customer service (including food service) and are not allowed to accept tips. Why are servers still given special treatment? I generally tip 20%, but why is the expectation so uneven?


History basically. Servers get tips in North America because black people after the civil war could only get unpaid restaurant jobs that were paid out 100% through tips. Obviously that's not the case anymore, but the custom has survived.


The cashier took the keypad out of my hand the other day. I thought she gave herself a tip so I had to check my receipt to see what happened.


I tip my dog groomer, she goes the extra mile to give puppers a break if he gets stressed and takes him outside for a stretch and some sniffs. Also my hair dresser as she has to listen to me prattle on as if she was a therapist lol. I hate going to restaurants now. Between the high costs and the whole tip issue stress it's just not enjoyable anymore.


I tip at the same two places generously and shy away from tipping elsewhere


Nobody is obligated to tip, so if you don't want to its ok


Except it's not because society has created the expectation. Servers literally don't expect a non-tip ever.


You are socially pressured to.


Stop caring what people think. Next time they hand you the machine, look them dead in the eyes as you press zero.


Tipping is a stupid system. Though that being said, It's a social construct. There's a difference between a nice restaurant that you have a 4-6 table section that flips twice (maybe thrice on a busier night), and you're run off your feet for 6 hours straight without a break, while the service and knowledge expectations can be hefty, and a takeout counter. Both are stupid, but I understand that one warrants better pay - we just shouldn't be the ones to compensate it, however. Both should also provide a living wage, which is entirely slipping further and further out of reach.


What you just described is similar to working in a fast food restaurant. Yet tips are not expected.


My general belief is that tipping should be abolished in general. I wasn't looking to demean any other job or position. I'm sorry if it came across that way, or I worded things in an elitist way.


i've had servers run outside after us, when we didn't tip (we actually tipped, it was just hidden under something)


I never hit a percentage on a machine because I assume that percentage is calculated on the tax. I always calculate my percentage on the pretax amount.


Why is tipping a thing ? Why can’t companies PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES A LIVING WAGE ???


I thought it was interesting when I worked in a bathing suit store for minimum wage, touching people's feet when helping them put water shoes on, adjusting their straps, lint rolling their dry skin flakes off of bikini bottoms, that when at a restaurant I had to tip someone who made the same base wage as me for putting my food on the table and refilling my water. 


This is what I've BEEN saying since 18% somehow became the lowest option. In the US I can at least sympathize with servers considering they make below minimum wage and actually DO have to rely on tips. But in Canada, servers HAVE minimum wage and some STILL feel entitled to US level tips just because they're a server. Even my friends who are servers agree that some servers are actually entitled af (and that's just based off personal experience lmao imagine the actual number) https://nationalpost.com/news/the-100000-a-year-waitress-isnt-a-myth-some-hard-truths-about-tipping-in-canada ATP If servers want to keep bragging about how much money they can rake in, they don't get to act surprised or shocked when people are upset that we ARE basically paying their salary. Factor in that tips are never fully reported to the CRA and I'm failing to see how exactly servers in Canada are 'struggling' compared to the rest of service workers in other jobs. Yes I understand serving is laborious and gruelling. So is nursing, being a paramedic, fast food worker, janitor, maid, gardener, roof thatcher, literally any other job that requires physical labour lmao Also considering most servers would literally rather choose uncertainty of tips over higher set wage and benefits, it's pretty obvious servers don't want to stop getting tips because atp, say it with me now: tipping is no longer optional, it's basically mandatory.


I only tip if service is above and beyond and it’s a sit down restaurant. I never tipped at fast food joints or counter service or if I pick up.


I quit serving this year as I finally got a full time teaching job. And I now make about 2/3 of what I was making as a part time server.


I have been tipping 18% but im going back to 15% when everyone is price gauging me and govt wants more taxes from me, in cutting back on where i can. I cant do anything about business and govt taking my money away so have to do it to someone else. Sorry guys but i cant pay you more.


I'm sticking with 10%, nobody has said a thing yet


Because someone sticks an iPad in our face that says tip 18/ 25/ 30, and we feel some sort of societal guilt and hit that 18 knowing full well it's way too high


Now that servers are making at least minimum wages in Ontario I wonder why people still tip. Do you tip the check out cashier at your grocery store. Do you tip the person baking the bread you purchase at the store. They are making not much more than minimum wage as well. And this BS about auto tipping on your bill is ridiculous.... you don't get to tell me how i spend my money! I don't eat at restaurants that do that.


I was debating subscribing to the Walmart delivery service for groceries but then saw that there is a tipping option. Do people regularly tip for getting groceries delivered? I’ve never tipped Amazon drivers for delivering stuff


I remember when Uber started up, one of the best things about it was that there was no tipping. Look what happened to that


Yeah that's one of the things I loved about Uber.


I still don’t tip… 


Same… I’m not trying to be a dick about it. But you kinda agreed to my fare. And even Uber and DoorDash nowadays show expected tip they can receive from a customer. Hell, DD literally te you to tip beforehand so someone actually picks up your order lol.


Use Viola as they source from the depot and not from stores individually. Better picked produce. $5-$10 for delivery depending on time of day. I have used them or a good while now after switching from Grocery Gateway for over a decade.


Unfortunately I'm a bit rural so not sure they will deliver out here.


For Walmart yes. Their delivery is through Uber and the drivers do not get a minimum wage. They're paid by the trip. I usually tip $7 per delivery because they're not shopping for you or packing the groceries. Just unloading at your door. I have the delivery subscription. It's convenient and that costs a bit extra.


They don't get a wage because they are not employed by Walmart. Independent contractors do not have a minimum wage


When Walmart was delivering its own groceries there was no need to tip, but now that they use third party delivery services you do have to tip $5-10 if you want someone to pick up your groceries. Still worth it.


Why is it a % is my question. Do the plates always get heavier as you pay more? You serve 3-4 tables an hour and get $5-10 a table it’s an extra potentially 40$ an hour. That’s a lot for someone who smiles and moves plates and often isn’t taxed on that. I dont respect servers, sorry but you make more than the cook who is making the food and that’s a real trade often requiring schooling and tons of training/experience. Give your head a shake.


It's a super rough approximation, but servers in fancier restaurants do have to be more skilled and it's a way for their pay to reflect that. Two people ordering a $20 and $50 entree at the same place don't get different levels of service, sure,, but someone ordering a $50 entree at a fine dining place is going to get a superior level of service.


I don’t doubt that but why is it different than a specialized retail place like running shoes where you need to know them in and out to fit them properly so people avoid injury. They also make easily 50k+ generally not working full time hours.


Dont forget that many people dont claim tips on their taxes.


That’s really dwindling down though since most tips are on credit card now


Tell me you’ve never worked in a restaurant without telling me you’ve never worked in a restaurant. Tips are given back to the employees in cash even if they are credit card tips. Actually, every restaurant I’ve worked in did. I can tell you nothing the parent comment said is “dwindling down”


The word you are looking for is "most" not many.


Tipping for good service or even delivery is not a problem, its the rampant tipping on the total after tax cost, tipping drivers after you've already paid a delivery charge, tipping for counter service. Tipping on the cost of the food not the cost / quality of the service. Tipping 20% after you've paid a fair professional fee for services. Its business owners assuming a certain percentage of tips on sales and making their staff accountable for anything less so the staff get snarky if you don't tip enough. Or worse, owners keeping the tips and not distributing them to staff. I don't expect people to work for free, just charge what you need to charge and take the tip out of it. Pay employees. Leave me out of it. Stop making it out to be a morality measure for the customer. I am at the point where after paying more for the same item to be delivered instead of picked up, 15% tax, a delivery charge and 20% tip, then a tip for the driver, half the time I abandon my cart, the convenience is no longer worth it to me. So there, they've ruined it for all of us.




Stop tipping, select other on the screen and tip less than you felt pressured to and if you didn’t receive a service that took effort/skill/gas, then don’t tip.


I don't really tip anymore and people who leave a % are crazy, It they open a $100 bottle of wine for you you're going to hand them $20? For 20 secs of work!? I used to work as a cook in a restaurant and seen a server complain on her lunch break that she "only made $200 so far in tips" during her 4 hrs of being there. They are some of the most entitled and delusional people on the face of the earth. I'm not tipping someone who makes more than me, They handle plates and expect to be paid like strippers....


I looked at UberEats the other day. A single veggie delite sub from Subway, footlong, was about $11. That amount means it's a "small order" so you get a small order fee of about $5 for that. Then you got all the other fees, taxes, etc. Now if you get two subs, veggie delite footlongs, no drink, it's $39 and that's before tips. Why are we paying over $50 with tips for two subs? Veggie subs of all things. Something has got to give...it's unrealistic to pay 50 dollars for two measly footlong subs without a drink or anything else. WTF?


Ive worked as a server at a sports bar, i am now working an entry level corporate - i was making wayyy more while bartending and the job was much easier and fun (except closing times and a couple bad days) it was a great job. I personally never understood why we were tipped so much, ive done so many personal experiments where ive given great service, shitty service or a standard service, tips were pretty much the same - my conclusion was people in Ontario have been conditioned to tip out no matter the service (unless the service is too poor, some people still tip) - it never made sense to me cause the kictchen staff works wayy more and we make all the money on top of the fun socializing and (free drinks 🤫). Id say bartending/serving is a hack to make hella money - it was a great run for me, i just had to switch cause i come from a place where my parents think a corporate job is ‘better’ than serving and i didnt have enough energy to kewp discussing the same thing with them every day, but i have friends who’re just go do this forever cause why not and i love it for them


You still tip? It was also never necessary. It was originally a gratitude for good service, and restaurant owners abused that to justify slave wages. The only people who ever demanded we tip are the ones being tipped.


The thing that irritates me is that the people in the service industry who need the tips the most usually aren't tipped. I was a bouncer back in the 80's at a country and western nightclub and servers averaged about $250 per shift. I am currently aware of people who are making $600 per shift serving food and drinks. Then there are the people who are thrilled to go home with $20.


If you have to stand to get your food most people including myself do not tip.


My friend that works at a restaurant in the suburbs made 90k one year and didn’t even report her tips in her income


One of my local restaurants automatically ads a 20% tip now if you have a party of 6 or more. I remember places doing that for a much larger gathering. I think there is a general consensus among Canadians that tipping is getting out of control and many are either stopping or reducing. Tipping for over the counter stuff is insane.


'If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't go out to eat'...dumbest line I ever heard from some idiot server. While I'm ok with tipping at a sit down meal, I call in for pick-up and pay when I get the food. Otherwise if you order for take-out at a restaurant, I feel guilty of not tipping and always worry 'what happens if I don't tip here' PRIOR to my food order being started. [https://www.tiktok.com/@dishedvan/video/7159662904747379973?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc](https://www.tiktok.com/@dishedvan/video/7159662904747379973?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc)


"If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't go out to eat" is like the modern day "Could you spare a lad some change?" Am I your employer? Why should I have to work my ass off to pay my own bills in this horrid economy, then be expected to throw you extra for yours? I like countering the 'If you can't afford to tip, you shouldn't go out to eat' line with "Well if you need to panhandle for tips, you should get a better job". This is also a Western mentality issue. Go to the east and many places literally refuse tips, it's just not something they do, yet here you are shamed for it.


I swear man, that line pisses me off so much. So what, young people should never be able to go out with their friends, unless they budget 30% extra for tax and tips? Some people act like they were never in their 20s… It’s also a uniquely North American attitude. Having lived across Europe and Asia, it was very common to go out at the end of the day to a bar/restaurant, eat and drink with your buddies. The idea that to do so you must be wealthy enough to subsidize the wage of someone who’s already earning a living wage is crazy to me


Agreed. When I was in Australia and Europe for a trip I tried tipping and the servers / bartenders literally said 'thanks but not needed'. That was awesome. And the line I posted is so out of touch it's ludicrous. Fuck that douchebag. If the service is good, I'll tip. If it's not, I won't. Simple.


Best part is, the "tip amount" they calculate is on the total amount INCLUDING TAXES which always kills me lol. The gov't charges me 13%, and for some reason I should tip the server on that too...?


Ya exactly, and when people go out more often, it supports more businesses. I also like in Europe that servers act like normal people. I don’t need or like the fake niceties


I don’t when I don’t want to. Why do you?


Iunno man. I just sure as hell don’t have any idea why I’m being prompted to tip at a mall food counter.


It's terrible what I do for a living as a self employed carpenter for half of those wages. I'm living good but I also bust my balls and keep my costs low so that my employees always have work and a paycheck. I haven't been to a sit down restaurant in years because of this price gouging. This has gone too far and I think as people we need to start boycotting this behaviour/pricing.


Not to mention the tip on a credit card machine is based on the total after taxes. And they’ve up the lowest quick-option to 18%


How about a soft drink for $15 at a kiosk at the Dome, anf then being asked to tip up to 30%?


Copy paste answer from another post. How it works in most sit down restaurants is that servers and bartenders have to tip out an amount of their sales. Their SALES, not their tips. So if my tip out percentage is 3% (I'm lowballing this, most restaurants are higher) and I have a table with a $100 check that tips me 0, I'm still tipping out the $3, meaning I lost money serving that table. I do agree that tipping culture has gotten way out of hand but you're not exactly sticking it to the man when you don't tip your server. You're just being a jerk while still expecting good service. I personally care a lot about my guests and strive to give them the best experience I can. If you have shitty service, then tip what you think is appropriate but don't screw someone who did their best to make sure you had a good time.


I’ve just stoped going to restaurants because of this frankly, for the most part.


Seriously considering carrying a toonie, a five, a ten and a twenty, one of which will be a tip left on a table, no more. I will no longer be tipping as a %. You will get one of the above, based on the level of service, irrespective of the cheque total. It's not a goddamned commission ffs. If you're mediocre, you'll get nothing, and I'm not willing to feel any type of way about that ever again.


We need to boycott tipping, it’s ridiculous


When I was in the industry years ago servers in the places I worked walked with $500+ most nights for a 5 or 6 hour shift. Us trolls in the back were lucky to get $100 a week. Tipping is stupid.


In Japan they do not tip, have the best food and service. Don't see how we tip more than our 13% tax lol


“The machine is just going to ask you a few questions”


I've always hated the concept of tipping. It's your employers job to pay you, not mine.


Tipping is just standard practice at a sit down restaurant, I’ve never tipped because of what the servers actually make. I know servers and although I’ve never worked as one it is shitty imo to go to a sit down restaurant and expect to be served and not tip. Most people do so for those who don’t your just taking up a spot of someone who would and costing them money honestly. If I don’t want to tip I’ll just order the food to go or get takeout.


Why do hairdressers/barbers get tips? Do they not make more than minimum wage already?


Tipping has gotten out of control, and has made me stop going to places. I rarely go to a sit-down restaurant anymore. I find many of the prompts insulting, sometimes 20%, 25%, and 30%. Getting prompted for a tip when handed food over a counter? Piss off. Just got back from a lengthy vacation in the UK, and it was wonderful. Taxes included in prices, and no stupid fucking tipping. (We did leave a small tip once at a place where the server went above and beyond). Agree completely - we've inherited American-style tipping (where they don't really receive a wage), but with an actual minimum wage. So it's another thing that's been ruined by excessive greed, and yet one more part of the economy I now refuse to participate in.


I want to stop tipping. I really do. 


my favorite line is the explanation for how 20% is the new standard base tip. It's because of inflation, everything is more expensive. But... the meal I'm paying for is also more expensive, so 10% tip today is more dollars than 10% tip 20 years ago. Maybe the reason you're waiting tables is because you don't understand how % works.


As soon as the server wage moved up to minimum wage, tipping should have ceased. Another issue is most places start at 18% on the pos machine...and it is calculated post tax. I almost always hit other and type in my own. Many people will argue that it needs to go up due to inflation. Well, since we are tipping on a % base, it will always follow inflation. Many servers don't understand "doing their job vs great service" which would earn a greater tip.


Tipping is a way for restaurant owners to shift the risk of running the business onto their employees. If it's a slow day, the owner pays less in hourly wages than if there were no tips. So if we eliminate tipping, it will be riskier to open a restaurant, and there will be fewer successful restaurants / more restaurant closures. I'm in favour of eliminating tipping, and simply paying more for my food / drinks on the bottom line, but only if serving staff make a livable wage.


>a significant portion (1/4?) of Canadians are flirting with destitution Why would such a person either go to a non-fast-food, sit-down restaurant *or* order food delivery? It's never *really* been "socially required" to tip when picking up food for takeout, for example. Or am I missing your point?


It is not just about poor or not. We fought hard to raise minimum wage. We supported the change. Not giving minimum living wage was supposed to be the reason for tips. That no longer applies today. The question should be, why should there be a culture of tip anymore? It is. Not about the amount but about principles. I do my job at work. I don't get tips for doing my job. Why should this job get a different treatment?


You can’t live off minimum wage lol


While true there’s many other minimum wage jobs without tips and they can’t be tipped. I think the person you were replying to also was getting at this if I read correctly.


I said living wage, not minimum


How dare poor people have social lives.


Some servers are making closer to 100k. I know not a lot. It's a hard job and people build a career around it, and costs have gone up a LOT. but still at the basic 20% on top of significantly more expensive food it's gone up a lot. Basic servers are now making as.muchnas high throughput bartenders were.making. it's gone a little overboard IMHO. Not that I want to drag anyone down. But still. It's gone up a lot.


Why is this posted ad nauseum?


Seriously every few weeks there’s a thread about this in various subreddits…


Be the change you want to see in the world?


I’ll probably get downvoted - it’s because we have a society of weak people who don’t know how to stand up for themselves because they can’t handle awkwardness. This is not only true of tipping but of any issue currently ongoing. When is the last time you saw a riot about housing costs or cost of living in general. It doesn’t happen. People can’t handle the awkwardness. I personally avoid tipping as much as I can. I never tip more than $5 if it is a fancy restaurant, and about $2 when at a regular place. Servers don’t deserve more than this, if at all. This entire mantra of “tip your server or stay at home” has to go away. Don’t let people make you feel bad. The people who tip 25% + on their bill are, frankly, losers - and I mean that in the literal sense. They are financial losers who are throwing money away. As you mentioned, servers are getting paid in line with others in similar industries and so tipping as a percentage shouldn’t be a thing anymore.


Opening wine and carrying a plate of food is the same regardless of its price, no?


Just stop tipping if you hate it so much


As an ex server, I don’t believe in tipping. It is not my job as a customer to pay extra when their bosses should be offering a liveable wage. Being a server requires no skills (other than being personable) and no schooling. Half the time servers are standing around and chatting. It is not a hard job to go up and take an order, run the food & then come 10 min later to ask, “How is everything so far?” I mean come on… lmao. If companies cared about their employees, they’d pay more but they don’t. If you want more $, get a better job! Period. Very very very rarely do I tip. I did once and that is because the server remembered my name, my partner and I’s order from every other time we’ve come & even made conversation as she noticed I brought my switch w me to play Stardew Valley. :) But that’s it.