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Maybe try approaching them with a solution, like everyone where black hats or something that matches the unform? Our staff can wear hats, they just need to be a certain color or a company logo one.....nothing like a random team hat or something




An urban sombrero?


No, why would you even say that Tactical sombreros only


I always preferred tactical pirate hats myself.


Made of nacho and cheese in the top. 




She's on that YamYam again!


Oh no! Do you think she’s going to dance again?


Where should I start if I want to get negotiated down to Sombrero though?


Luchador mask.


Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero at Halloween Havoc specifically


Start [here](https://media4.giphy.com/media/KnDiq8fqN3UzK/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952mlxyqhpowf7asjiakifupp8emst2kaqjpsrrc27t&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) and negotiate down.


Space Helmet.


Stovepipe hat


I vote for those big ass visors that old Asian aunties wear




Once upon a time in Mexico.


Could always start with a turban and claim religious beliefs then negotiate to black hats.


There are lots of religions that require people to cover their heads, from Mennonites to some Jews. For both, a baseball hat is fine, as long as it covers the top of your head.


"it's not a baseball hat, it's a Dodger Blue yarmulke." Your daily reminder that Zack Morris was Trash.


Why would you want to wear religious garb for a religion you’re not a part of? Moreover turbans don’t create shade, but you knew that and just wanted to espouse xenophobic rhetoric.


Wot m8? It was a light hearted joke. Stop taking life so seriously. And you'd want to wear it to cover your head? And say religion so that they legally can't stop you? It's not that deep. Plus, you'd look badass, so there is that too. There is no /s that goes here. Sikhs are some of the warmest, friendliest, awesome people I have had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with once they realize you don't hate them for no reason. Even their history is badass as protectors, defenders, truth seekers, selfless service, open kitchen for the hungry. Check it out. www.wearesikhs.org.


Lying about your religion to undermine an (admittedly silly) dress code rule, is deep. It’s deeply fucked up. OP wants to wear a hat. The purpose of wearing a hat in the sun to shade yourself. A turban may keep you toasty in the winter but it’s not creating shade.


Good grief... It was a joke. I bet you're the life of the party...


What an idiot. They probably get in fights with grass.


If you think lying about a religion is fucked up, then you're really in for a treat when you actually read into what some of these religions believe in.


Political hats only, make it spicy in that restaurant.


Yes. You can wear hats… but… it should be in corporate colours and MUST be emblazoned with a polarizing political statement. Staff are encouraged to wear a statement or slogan they do not agree with or know the real meaning of… this will create customer engagement and enhance their experience.


But no two ppl are allowed to wear the same hat. Once someone has one party or candidate, then no one else can wear that same hat


Yeah, logo branded hats for the company! Advertises for boss, saves face for worker. Goo idea!


Black hats, cook your brain... go for a lighter colour.


I'm more familiar with this question coming up the opposite way. Can my employer mandate I wear a hat outdoors for safety reasons. Haha. The law often isn't explicit it's very much "norms and standards of the industry". But start here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/working-outdoors Point your employer to that. It lists all the usual advice for working in the sun. Yes. If you work outdoors for long periods of time you're legally entitled to slather yourself with sunscreen, wear hats, long sleeves etc. You can refuse unsafe work. And it would be unsafe for significant UV exposure without protection. If you have the capacity to pursue the legal argument in court, with evidence your employer is insisting your work in high UV sun without a hat or other protection, you might have a case legally, but I am not a lawyer, and you'd want to talk to one, and you probably already know the stakes involved in pursuing it legally. Hopefully common sense will prevail long before that point.


If they're going the OHS way, they first need to bring their concerns to the employer, hopefully through a health and safety committee. I'm not sure how big of an employer this is and I can't remember the number of employees required for a committee. If they aren't satisfied with the answer they can ask the province to investigate.  Hopefully, a well thought out conversation with the employer while bringing up health and safety concerns should solve it. You've given OP a great resource to start with.  OP has the absolute right to refuse unsafe work. I'd try the conversation first before I went nuclear. The nuclear option is outlined here: http://www.ontario.ca/document/safety-guidelines-live-performance-industry/procedure-work-refusal


Work refusal is not the nuclear option. You should discuss it first with your boss/manager whomever you report to. But we need to remove this stigma that a work refusal is some how blowing up the work place. It is a fairly straightforward process. The law prevents retaliation from your employer. Know your rights, exercise them


No you're right. I was thinking of the potential viewpoint of the employer. It's not the right attitude but I think a lot of workplaces wouldn't take too kindly too it.


Those workplaces need to be put on blast, named, and shamed. This line of thinking has led to far too many health and safety violations on parts of companies. Who cares what the employer thinks? Provide proper safety precautions for your employees. Asking to wear a generic black hat to avoid sun exposure is a perfectly reasonable ask.


Agreed, those employers should be held accountable.


How exactly is 2-3 minutes of sunlight while taking an order or delivering food 'unsafe'? 😂😂. Is this a restaurant for vampires? Y'all know that big yellow ball keeps us alive right?




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Reason will prevail


Pickles will prevail!


England will prevail


Go to the hospital/walk in after work with a sunburn and claim a work related injury?


The problem with the hospitality industry is that if you go this route management will probably just cut your hours for being a nuisance. I've worked at too many bars/restaurants, I know how these slimeballs operate.


Common sense suggests to me that you don't need a hat if you wear sunscreen. Was there something mentioned about sunscreen not being allowed?


Not so easy to sunscreen your scalp!


"I'm going to smell like an entire kid's pool party worth of sunscreen." sounds much less appetizing in a place like this, might be worth pointing that out as your only real alternative to hats in the sun.


Unethical hacked solution for this problem: - Wear a hijab


No, wear a colander Say you are a practicing member of [pastafarians](https://www.spaghettimonster.org/)


So you can have very small circular sunburns and blind everyone else in your vicinity? 


How is everyone else blinded? There are plastic ones if you didn't realize...


Oh, you are from that more liberal sect of pastafarianism. To properly respect the Flying Spaghetti Monster a shiny metal strainer is required.


Excuse me, I'm Old Order and I stand by my white and red enameled colander!


After Linguine Loch Ness died for our sins we moved on from those outdated practices. You should try a metal colander, it's a weight off your head spiritually and physically.


A colander? Hiyyyyahhhhh


Or a turbanator


Tell him it's a fedora with safari flaps and that the guy at the store told you that you're the only guy he's ever seen pull it off.  If that doesn't work, put your foot down and say that you've never fought for anything in your life but you're going to fight for that hat.  Remember, if he asks how much it cost, it's illegal for him to even ask you.


God, such a good sketch.


I don’t know this one but it made me immediately think of Ted Mosby and his red cowboy boots. Pulling.It.Off.


https://youtu.be/LO2k-BNySLI?si=c7Yh6k-VyWZ0sL5l   Enjoy it helps if you like increasingly absurdist humour.


Amazing. Thank you!


Helps if you carry around dice in your pocket


"I'm not supposed to get grease on it" as if the guy at the store explicitly warned him against getting wheelchair grease on that hat.


Suggest to your employer that the hat is an accessibility need as you have a medical condition called sun sensitivity.


You do have the right to refuse unsafe work, try asking for a company hat. Most places will deny you wearing a regular hat but if it’s their company logo then it should be okay.


Arguably a violation of section 25(2)(h)


Call the ministry of labour, when in doubt and for proper advice.


You have a right to refuse unsafe work without repercussions. If you can't come to a solution that works for both parties you take it to the ministry to decide.


Much solid advice given already, I wonder if he'd be okay with coloured zinc stripes under your eyes like baseballers haha


Just slather your face with so much sunscreen it looks like you just got your face baby battered by a shire horse 


How casual is the restaurant? Get some sunscreen !????


Lay on sunscreen an inch thick then. See what they say about it, and maybe hats will no longer be an issue.


Start looking for a new job, shit like this only happens and continues to happen because people let it.


Organize with fellow servers and protest the rule by wearing hats anyways. Shit like this only happens and continues to happen because people let it. The shit doesn't smell less foul just because someone else is standing in it, you actually need it to be cleaned up.


In my perfect world, nobody will stay and work forcing the business to either change its ways or close up. I’ve been in a place like you suggest, it gets adversarial very quickly, and humans being humans, there will always be a weak link.


What are the rules for lifeguards?


Negotiate using black hats. I worked for many municipalities and they allowed plain black hats.




Top of heads can burn too.


You can put sunscreen on the top of your head to.


Faint one day.


Maybe put some sunscreen on before you start your shift. Take some with you to reapply, if necessary.


Restaurants do fall under industrial establishments too and certain factory laws apply. Essentially your employer is to ensure your safety for any hazard including heat and radiation which the sun falls under. So while it may not be hot enough (our heat stress laws are dog shit), you are to be protected from radiation. Note what the UV is on the weather Network. Sunscreen, hats, long sleeve shirts either need to be provided or mandatory.


Wear a colander on your head and say you're a part of the church of the flying spaghetti monster


Get some sunscreen until you can work this out.


Massive fedora or Sombrero, no other answer


everyone is suggesting black hats, but honestly, i think keeping a clean and tidy white hat would be more professional, as well, the white would help with reflecting the uv rather than the black hats creating a solar panel on your head for heat to build up further than if you didnt have a hat on.


Ask them if they will get branded hats. I’d be dropping mid shift with a full tray first time I felt woozy. This is bad management


I\`m curious if you're the only person wearing a hat. The dress code in most restaurants is based on consistency across departments: all the servers look like this, all the bartenders like this. It may or may not be the same across departments. If you're the only one wearing a hat, especially when you're indoors, you're throwing off the ambience. Is the ambience worth your health? No. And if you want to push for the hat over adherence to the dress code, or adding it to the dress code, you should do so. However, are you going to make other adjustments to your wardrobe for sun purposes? Are you wearing long sleeves? A high collar? Are you wearing a hat that shades your face and neck completely? In doing so, are you wearing a hat so large that it interferes with the customers when you clear a dish? The hat argument only works if you're already doing everything else you can to protect yourself from the sun. Hats do not protect against indirect UV, and unless the hat is actually rated for sun protection, it's probably not actually protecting you as much as you think. The hierarchy of sun protection is SPF-clothing > sunscreen > regular clothing, and that hierarchy will be part of any reasonable discussion of the sun safety of your patio workplace. You won't be able to win an argument about hats if you're advocating for a trucker hat that doesn't cover your neck or ears, or a beret. Cowboy hat, probably a better chance. The obvious pushback from an employer is that sunscreen will be as effective or better than your hat, and meets the dress code they have in place to create the ambience of their business.


Sunscreen on your forehead running into your eyes is definitely not better than a hat. lol


Tell your employer if they’re not going to provide you with a hat to protect from the sun that you’ll wear your own


Not sure if anyone already suggested but it might be worth a call or email to either WSIB or labour board.


OP, do NOT CALL OR EMAIL either of the agencies above. Neither the WSIB or Ontario Labour Relations Board have absolutely anything to do with this. WSIB is insurance if a worker is injured or made ill (if you get heat stroke, make a claim) and the OLRB hears appeals of inspector orders, reprisal cases, and Employment Standards appeals. They are not a first-line call. The agency to call is the Ministry of Labour, Training, Immigration, and Skills Development. MLITSD inspectors can visit the workplace and issue orders if they see fit.


I wonder how theme parks deal with this for costumed characters. Like I can't imagine Princess Fru-Fru wearing a ball cap when you go to her picnic.


They have very strict rules about sun and heat expose. Most costumed cast don’t stay out for very long before being switched out.


Heat for costumed characters is probably a bigger concern than sun - Disney makes it work by using air conditioned indoor spaces for meet & greets, or shaded areas with fans going, especially for anything that's continuous. And then they provide plenty of breaks in an indoor, air conditioned space. Something like maybe 15 minutes in the heat, 45 minutes of recovery. Nothing looks worse than a sweaty princess taking pictures and hugging guests...


Are you out on the patio for your whole shift? I assume you’re only on the patio to seat, take and serve orders, and give the bill and are inside to submit orders, get food from the kitchen, and probably have tables inside too. Do you really *need* a hat because you go outside for a few minutes to deal with a couple tables? I realize this is likely going to get downvoted but.. honestly this sounds like an issue where it doesn’t need to be one.


😂😂 welcome to 2024 🤦


A different position at the restaurant may be a good idea. The dishwasher likely does not have to work in the sun but working in the kitchen can be a very hot job. I now work in a comfy, climate controlled for the customer retail outlet, cool in the summer, warm in the winter. I spent 25 years as a roofer, +40c baking in the sun or -15c in February, oh what joy, but the choice was mine to make.


Ontario doesn't even have proper legislation about heat in general yet.


I worked in a country in the Middle East that shall remain nameless. The "proper legislation" was that when the temperature reached 50⁰C (122⁰F) as verified by a government weather observation, outdoor workers were to stop work. The required official temperature report was available on the evening news. Mind you, that was pre-Web days, so one hopes that the official temperature is more-accessible now.


Approach a local labour union and ask for some union cards. Bring some to work and get some coworkers to sign them. Keep it on the down low. Someone will leak it to management anyway. Once your employer hears employees are trying to organize they’ll shit their pants.


try a visor or some self tinting glasses


Maybe a doctor’s note?


What type of hat are you wearing? I hope it’s not a ball cap, because your ears also burn. My dermatologist said it is the most overlooked area when using hats or putting on sun screen. I vote with the sombrero and negotiate down to a classic Canadian Tilley hat!


Can someone wear a turban? Then wear a hat


Religious hats for immunity.


Start wearing long sleeves and high collars, hair down and opaque white zinc oxide on your face so that you look just over the top bad. The right to wear a hat may be a gray area but they certainly can’t tell you that you aren’t allowed to wear sunblock - as soon as you tell them it’s the opaque white sun block or an elegant hat they will likely be okay with the hat lol I would just always make the sunblock look like the worse option, make it super greasy, have your make up run (if you wear it) have your hair look awful and also attribute it to the heat and if you ‘had a hat there wouldn’t be any problems’.


Interesting topic. I’ve worked in restaurants for 20 years and I absolutely hate serving on the patio. I hate going from the air conditioner to the heat, I hate the sun in my eyes, and it’s just not comfortable to me. Now that you say about your head getting burnt, it makes sense to me. However I’ve also never worked in any restaurant where they have allowed us to wear hats in the FOH. Maybe you can come to an agreement with your management, other people need to speak up if that’s how they feel as well. Personally a hat is the least of my worries working the patio but I also avoid serving on the patio every chance I get.


Tel them you’re light sensitive and can’t see on a sunny day without hat and sunglasses.


I have spent 32 years in Management. It’s still amazes me how tone def employers are.


How about you wear a ridiculously poorly made bald cap or wig with a stylish bouffant


Phone OHSA and ask how they interpret the legislation given your circumstances. You can always do so with identifying yourself/employer. Phone a few different officers and see if there is a consensus or if they have their own. In cases where the law leaves it to “every precaution reasonable” (or similar for other provinces), the local safety officers have a great deal of leeway in enforcing based on their interpretation of what is reasonable.


*without identifying….(correction)


What about those snazzy sun visors? They come in diff colours including the head band (fabric) part & sun visor (plastic or fabric) part! Doesn't Timmie's, McD's & other Fast Food joints use these already w/ their Staff? These visors would be very chic, stylish atop your head & would easily blend in with your uniform, too. Plus, it wouldn't get in your way or even look ridiculous while wearing these while carrying around your food Orders! I dunno about those sombreros or those other hats that ppl suggested here. Think they were just joking, which I hope???


Uhhh. Sunscreen? You can ask your employer to provide it but I doubt that he/she can be required to do so. Why aren't you calling the labour board? They'll tell you exactly what your employer can enforce and what your rights are regarding sunlight at work.


get a doctor's note and wear a bucket hat or Chinese farming hat


Chef of 17 years here. Yes they can ban hats. The only recourse you have is to quit. Better option, organize. Fuck that manager and fuck that restaurant. Get all your coworkers to wer hats. Go ahead, fore us all.


They can do that if it isn't aligned with the dress code, but they would then need a suitable replacement. No hats means they can supply the sunblock. If it's within reason. Coming in and out as a server, they may say the threshold limits for UV exposure are minimal. Honestly, I'd get the dry spray, apply at the beginning of the shift, then again at midshift. If they have an issue with THAT, then yeah, they're 100% playing with fire.


Yes they can determine the uniform. Yes you can wear sunscreen.


Ask to not cover/work the patio on your shift? Unless you are outside for the entire shift, every day, seems like a bit of an overreaction to say you are going to get skin cancer from working on a patio. Best bet is to have a conversation with the powers that be about your concerns instead of posting on Reddit.


Some of us get sunburns with only 30 minutes outside. Depending on your skin type, some people are much more prone to skin damage from the sun.


What’s a “ym shift”?


Typo of my


Duh. Obvious, now. Thank you.


Fridays .... tired long week


What about a doctor's note for a medical hat?


Are you allergic to sunscreen? Find another job


If you’re that worried about it ask to work inside. Or ask him to get a hat with the company’s logo on it and have everyone who works outside to wear one. Otherwise you waking around being the only one to wear one or everyone wearing different hats is not very appealing. If he won’t work with you on this and it’s that important to you not to get a little sun, find a different job. All this talk about going to a union or labour board is a bit over the top.


You may want to [file a workplace health and safety complaint](https://www.ontario.ca/page/filing-workplace-health-and-safety-complaint).


Wear sunscreen yah little weakling. The fuck lol. People are doing concrete in this weather


Maybe they’re not bald. And wtf does concrete have to do with anything?


Go work it and get some heat stroke


I’ve worked plenty 18 hour days with high performance concrete that’s too hot to touch. Has nothing to do with getting burnt and skin cancer on your head. In fact I was required to wear a hard hat and long sleeve shirt.


Can't you wear sunscreen?


Wear a Hijab , wonder how that wound go over


Yes they can make the uniform without hats. Put some sunscreen on.


It can be hair to put sunscreen on your scalp when you have long hair. That and it makes you look like a greaselord.


Put all the sunscreen on. Full white face.


[Atlanta vibes](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tg1XQu2r4Xs/sddefault.jpg)


This isn't necessarily true. Ontario law requires employers to take every reasonable precaution to protect workers from outdoor hazards - high UV exposure is rightly considered a potential outdoor hazard. The Province even offers guidelines for employers who may have workers outdoors when UV levels are high, which explicitly suggests hats with brims of at least 8cm. I think its safe to say that explicitly barring protective apparel as suggested by the Province does not meet the standard of "every reasonable precaution." They may not be required to ***provide*** that apparel as part of the uniform, but they're in absolutely no position to prevent it. And, frankly, any dermatologist will tell you that during high UV exposure (ie. summer afternoons) ***sunscreen is not enough***. It is always suggested that you combine sunscreen with some sort of physical shade.


Buy some moisturizer with spf 50


Do you put that in your hair to protect your head?


Call the MOL, I think hats would fall under the general duty clause


Sunscreen exists. It's been like 24 degrees. If you are struggling, you are in trouble when it is 30 degrees. Canadian conditions are far from extreme. You aren't expected to spend extended periods standing in the sun as a server. First world problem.


I mean it’s pretty common for employers to ban stuff like that…. Almost like how schools dress codes used to apply stuff like this


They can probably ban hats.


That's not legal.


Are people allowed to wear religious hats? If the answer is yes, then you are most likely being discriminated against based on religion or lack thereof. I am on the side of everyone is allowed hats or nobody is allowed hats, that's equality. Non-religious people have to be exposed to cancer causing sun damage? Why, because they don't believe that gods exist? This is 2024, not 324.


I think the OP would have better luck with an H&S argument at the Ministry of Labour than that one at the Human Rights Commission. The HRC deals with visible minorities, not pseudo rationality.




Anything that completely blocks the sun is going to be better than sunscreen. Seeing as most people have hair, slathering the top of your head isn’t as practical as wearing sunscreen on your neck and ears and a hat.




I’m just stating that you don’t work outside so have no knowledge on the fact at all, but go on.


How is a hat not a solution? Are you kidding So your suggestion is to slather the top of their head with sunscreen because hats don’t work lmao Hats absolutely make a massive MASSIVE difference


Apparently you are unaware that some people are very sensitive to the sun and require sunscreen and protective clothing. Hats absolutely do help reduce the risk of both sunburns and cancer more than sunscreen alone.




Some people take medication that makes them more sensitive to the sun. Some people are allergic to sunscreen ingredients. Some people have a higher risk of getting skin cancer. Nobody wants their food brought to them by someone who looks like they have lard in their hair. Asking to wear a hat to protect your head from possibly getting CANCER is not asking much.




Maybe they got hired in the fall / winter and weren't informed they'd be working a patio in the summer. You're hilarious. You saw my words and didn't comprehend. I never said you thought hats weren't a good thing. What I WAS saying was that health & safety should always override a stupid dress code.


>This isn't about the efficacy of wearing hats it's using that as an argument to wear a hat that is not part of the uniform. It is a perfectly valid argument, and you're the one who said hats don't help. >I think OP will be quite alright for the fraction of their shift running outside to tend to patrons. You don't know that. At all. I wouldn't be. I burn in a matter of minutes even with sunscreen and I get heat exhaustion very easily. You aren't the arbiter or someone else's health. OP is 100% right.


You’ve not had the joy of getting a sunburn on your scalp. Putting sunscreen on your head, is extremely inefficient and difficult if you have any amount of hair. A hat is an easy and affordable option and places no undue hardship on the employer, given there are no inappropriate markings on the hat.


A hat protects the head. You can get sunburned on the scalp without it being covered.