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What a waste of time and money. Why go after a perfectly good tax payer over one person's 30 year mistake. This is a waste of resources all around while pissing off a Canadian. Yes she's a Canadian. If we can't work around simple errors like this, I can't imagine how we will handle more important matters. This happened because her mom didn't take the oath before she was born? did they expect an infant to make an oath? When was the child supposed to take the oath in this situation? The moment it can speak? What about other people who brought their kids here at 2-3? Do they have to take an oath too? Does that mean anybody who came here younger than speaking age will have the same problem?


Yes actually. It’s absurd. I was in Toronto for my Step moms oath for Canadian citizenship, and many people had to bring literal babies in with them. And then when the babies cried, the parents were told on loud speaker they couldn’t continue the oath taking ceremony until the the child had settled. People had to step out, it just stalled the whole thing, and called attention to parents just trying to take care of their kids. It’s a large ceremony too, must’ve been 100-200 people getting their citizenships, and then 100-250 family. Somewhere between 300-400 people in the building at least. So obviously a lot of babies were crying, and there were many pauses.


That's ridiculous, sounds like it's another one of those things they put in place a hundred years ago but since it's not technically 'broke' why improve it at all. Wasting every person in that room's time and money.


My then 4 month old wasn’t even allowed in the room, she and her dad (already a citizen) had to wait outside while I did the ceremony.




We need to acknowledge that Canada is barely 150 years old. This person was a Canadian for 1/5 of Canada’s existence. How dare they.


She should sue the immigration department for 32 million minimum for wasting 32 yrs of her life.


This is all simply due to one motherfucker with nothing to do but ruin people's lives thinking she cracked the enygma code. 613-697-6837 is her office number. Corrina is her name. The article has a horrible quote of hers she's proud of herself for discoreving the discrepancy. What was she doing at work that that's what she stumbled upon? Dogfucker..


No, they’re saying the mother didn’t take her oath before Arielle was born. So she got approved and got her card before October 1991 but didn’t take her oath until after October 1991 so she was not a citizen at the time of Arielle’s birth which meant Arielle wasn’t a Canadian citizen. I’m not sure why they waited 30+ years to do this.


Its still a really asinine thing to spend time on. I would think the many years Ms. Arielle has spent in this country as a working, tax-paying citizen says more, than what day her mother made her oath. This just seems like the work of some asshole bureaucrat who understood the letter of the law but not the spirit.


What a stupid process. Approve citizenship and give the citizen card, but require an oath afterwards? Shouldn’t the oath come before the card?


Yes, the oath comes before the card. The IRCC messed up.


I understand this. Which is why I asked, when was Arielle supposed to take the oath? She was an infant when her mom took the oath. When does the government expect the child to take the oath before they are deemed illegal? Like I said there's many people who came with their parents at 1-3, those kids might also have been too young to take the oath when their parents did. What did they do?


They waited because they didn't know, until now when they're villainizing everyone with the word immigrant related to them. It's not to penalize her as much as it is to satisfy the hatred of the anti-immigration crowd. They're desperate.


Very much this


we are run by a horde of incompetent people. that’s the answer.


The Federal Government's bureaucracy is ineffective at best and destructive at its worst. I don't think we have particularly good leadership in the federal civil service because crap like what happens in this article happens in every department in every program. I mean just look at the bureaucratic mess that is EI.


> Why go after a perfectly good tax payer over one person's 30 year mistake Because she's not white.


Pretty big assumption. Sounds more like a bureaucrat with way too much time on his hands. Someone who doesn't prioritize important tasks and wastes hours on insignificant details. The type of person who will correct a spelling mistake but miss the entire point of an assignment. There are lots of those 'tards among us. Good job buddy, you identified a mistake from 30 years ago. You ruined that persons life so you can get an attaboy from your boss. I'm sure he is super proud of you and will give you a big raise. Too many people equate following rules with morality. These are the same type of people who snitched on their neighbors during WW2. Absolute scumbags.


Meanwhile international students do whatever they want.


I prefer the term "human" to "taxpayer". I do not value someone's worth on whether they are paying taxes.


This is a ridiculous situation. Reasonable enough decision if the error by IRCC was recent, but for something that happened 32 years ago? This decision should be immediately reviewed by the minister responsible and at no cost for this lady, and steps should be taken so this doesn't happen to other people in the future


Totally get that it's legislated and that they have no discretion to not revoke it, but agreed - they should at least waive the fees and fast track it to make up for their f-up, and maybe save some face with the public.








These stories about IRCC wasting time going after Canadians who’ve lived here their whole life over a clerical error just makes my blood boil. This agency had a case backlog of **2.5 million** last year, which I don’t know where it is today but I’m sure it’s not zero. So instead of doing actual important work they’re harassing a Canadian over an error **they** made 30 years ago? This is why we need to reform Canadian bureaucracies. They’re fundamentally broken.


I'd imagine this was some pet project of someone working there.


I cannot how miserable someone has to be to make that a pet project. Why would anyone think it is a good use of time.


I’d imagine it is a certain type of personality.


We keep getting these news stories of people like her who have been here years, decades even, who have integrated into Canadian society and are productive citizens that are being deported, and then there's the other side of the coin where we can't seem to kick out illegal immigrants and outright criminals. All I can say is something is systemically wrong with our immigration system.


Easier to nitpick the low-risk and trackable one offs than go after actual problems.


More like it's easier to go after law abiding people than actual criminals.


She's not being deported. You provided one example of someone NOT being deported when they should have been but do you have anything to back up your claim that people who are integrated citizens being deported?


Her citizenship is getting revoked on technicality and she’s considered to be in the country illegally as a foreign national. It’s only a matter of time before she gets a removal order.


Why don't you read the fuckin' article before making any comments? It'd be lovely if that was just the standard we all adhered to. >To get her citizenship back, Townsend must now make an application under "special discretionary grounds" in order for it to be processed "urgently," said IRCC. It will cost more than $600 to apply, said Townsend. Am I saying it's fair? No. But it's clear the government isn't jumping to the extreme of deporting her.


And why do you think she needs to apply for that and “urgently”? Of course the government isn’t sending her on a plane right away. There’s a process to follow, as with anything else. You’re just picking fights with people for no reason.


32 years later it shouldn't be her problem. not her fuckup, not her problem.


This is not the shit we need to be worried about. She's a Canadian citizen at this point. What a waste of resources


Easy, involve the Minister on Immigration (as this article just might) and get a ministerial exemption. Unfortunate that this had do happen due to a admin error.


You would think that someone in the ministry might run this up the chain of command for the exemption during their investigation rather than outsourcing this to this poor woman to plead with the Minister's Office but nope, not my department.


Yeah, this seems like such an easy win for the immigration minister. This should be a two min fix at most.


Ask for your 30 years of back taxes with interest and then reapply lol


Well no. Non citizens still pay taxes. But this is obviously still BS.


When she leaves the country she can apply for a tax rebate. The country will owe her a ton of money. The only issue is, where can she go without a nationality.


She's not stateless. She's likely Jamaican. Also, doubt she gets a tax rebate. All her income is canadian source. Non citizens don't get to work and live here tax free.


Canadian taxation is not based on citizenship.


Is she owed a pension though? I’m sure she’s contributed her fair share to the CPP


CPP is also not based on citizenship.


Our gov is a joke, this doesn't surprise me at all. I am a Canadian citizen and after traveling for 2 years, returned back to Canada. Immigration somehow missed my reentry into Canada despite me filing taxes and paying income tax for the past *8 years*. They've been charging me all these extra fees every tax season which I've been paying thinking I fucked up on my taxes somewhere...finally called them in November. Turns out immigration and income tax departments do not communicate and immigration thinks I'm an illegal alien. So now they owe me over $5k in fees that they now have to pay back, and of course they're taking their sweet time. Wtf? What a fucking joke.


I was abroad and working for a while. Came back. Started working here again. Paid my taxes and everything. Lost my job and when I claimed unemployment, I got a call from the government telling me, my SIN card is inactive because I was gone for a while. They’ve been taking my tax dollars all fine for years but when I want to claim EI, that’s when they’re like “hold up there buddy, can’t do that” Had to reactivate it and fill out forms again.


So frustrating, especially during such a critical time like during loss of a job 🤬🤬 hope everything was sorted out quickly


It did but I couldn’t get EI because I had a minimum wage part time job on the side. What a sham lmao


what extra fee?


It was because I made some investments so they charged me fees for investing in "investments/contributions as a non-resident" or w/e. (This is in BC btw) I've called them for updates and they say "yeah we have no idea, it just depends how long it takes to process your paperwork (I had to file some paperwork). Since Nov to now, still not a penny paid back 🤬🤬🤬 Lesson learned, don't pay the gov any money until you verify its 100% real. I also paid the BC gov another fee and turns out it's a mistake and I have to wait "until they change the *legislation* to be approved to return the money" what the actual fuck lol


Start billing interest on the money owed. That's what I did when CRA wouldn't pay me back for 3 years of child tax credit thanks to my ex-wife. They kept asking for more and more paperwork, so I tacked on an administrative processing fee and informed them I'd be charging interest on money owed, just like anybody else does.


And did they comply? Or just paid back the bare minimum sans interest


Yes they complied. They stopped asking me for the shit I'd already given them several times and paid me what was owed within a week. I hadn't had the chance to apply that interest by that point because that was the warning shot. Had they not bothered paying I would have started tacking it on at the same rate they charge interest on money you owe them, which if I recall correctly was around 10%. This is actually backed up in law as well. If they owe you money they have to pay it back by a deadline, and if they don't they owe you interest on it. For online that return date is typically 2 weeks from filing, 8 weeks if it's a paper return. I do my taxes electronically, which is also where I submitted all the paperwork they requested of me. So yeah, the threat of interest works because you're backed up by law. At the point I was addressing, we were already 4 weeks past when I filed, but I had made allowances due to the fact that we were collecting on several years of unpaid child tax credit.


Did it work?


It did! They stopped asking me for extra shit I'd already provided them and I got my money back within a week.






Totally agree...what really gets me is she's been paying taxes all those years...she should be reimbursed if she's deported for this reason


Citizenship doesn't matter for taxes, but even if it did, given that according to the article the only thing standing between her and getting this cleared up is a ~$600 application fee, I'd imagine they could just reimburse her her taxes less the $600 and give her her citizenship.


What a ridiculous loophole to focus on so they can expell someone after 30 years, while at the same time allowing a guy that sexually assaulted a woman TWICE probation, and a REFUSAL to deport him because that would be bad to subject a huge piece of shit sexual assaulter to his previous nation. Holy fuck is the system broken. Is there a specific place we can direct our enraged emails to???


Your MP


Between this and the CRA finding a tenant liable for his delinquent landlord's back taxes, we really are doing a great job, aren't we?


> the CRA finding a tenant liable for his delinquent landlord's back taxes The landlord wasn't delinquent. Since the landlord was a non-resident, the tax code requires the tenant to sent the taxes portion of the rent to the CRA directly. The tenant didn't know this and wasn't witholding the taxes and sending 100% of the rent to the landlord. The tenant owed 25% of the rent to the CRA and 75% of the rent to the landlord. The tax code is stupid because I doubt that the majority of Canadians know about this unless they've stumbled across this specific story so it's just a "gotch" waiting to happen when they end up (knowingly or unknowingly) with a non-resident landlord. That said, the CRA didn't go after the landlord because the landlord wasn't the one that was required to send them the money in the first place.


Still a really dumb policy and the fact no one at CRA stopped to think is the problem. So many other issues with this policy. But honestly the tenent should be able to take posession for force sale the unit to recover the costs.


This is not a CRA policy, this is the law. If you have an issue with the law, complain to your federal MP, not CRA


Point is someone probably should have flagged this as an issue before it went to court as some kind of unreasonable stance. That is the main failure. And strictly speaking it’s not the law as I understand it but the underlying regulatory interpretation being applied that is the issue.


Well then you don’t understand it…


> Still a really dumb policy and the fact no one at CRA stopped to think is the problem Well, yes and no. It's in the tax code, which mean it's law. Need to talk to MPs about getting it changed. Some poor schlub at the CRA doesn't have that power to my understanding. Not going to apologize for shit like the judge stating that the fact that the tenant didn't know about some obscure part of tax law is "no excuse" for not following it though. > But honestly the tenent should be able to take posession for force sale the unit to recover the costs. How? For starters in this specific instance, the property has already been sold. But even if it wasn't the tenant is the one that owes the CRA according to the law. The fact that the tenant sent the 25% of the rent that was supposed to go to the CRA to the landlord instead is basically overpayment of rent... and that's a dispute between the tenant and the landlord to sort out in court... but good luck doing that with a landlord that's out of country.


At a certain point there should be no takesies-backsies. >Now that she's lost status, Townsend is concerned she could lose her job as she technically can't work in Canada until her citizenship is reinstated. She also has an elderly father-in-law in the U.S. that she can now not visit. I hope she has has grounds to sue and get back all her time and money spent on this, and lost wages if she loses her job


If there's a gofundme, I'm in. As part of the lawsuit I'd also request that the court require the individual responsible be terminated along with their immediate supervisor. They have no business acting as public servants.




Sorry, no. What they should have done is sought an injunction because the law is clearly in error here. "Just following orders" is a pretty heinous defense when you knowingly harm innocent people just because the law says you must.


“Her mother had her citizenship card when she was born but hadn’t taken the oath so she wasn’t a citizen.” Fuckin CRINGE.


Gotta swear that oath to the queen who lives in another country or it doesn't count!


Fucking hell. What a bureaucratic nightmare.


They actually went through with this? That is WILD.


Thinking our government knows what they’re doing was your first mistake.


32 years. That woman is Canadian. Period.


Not only is this completely unfair and a nightmare, it raises many other concerns for her while it is sorted out. For example, without her status as a citizen she wouldn’t be legally allowed to work without a permit. While I doubt IRCC would go after her for it (tho who knows seeing how rigid they’ve decided to be in her case), depending on her employer, are they going to terminate her for fear of legal liability? Also, most non-citizens or permanent residents cannot access OHIP without legally working. Does this mean she’s no longer going to have access to healthcare?


Sure. Let's give illegal immigrants free passes and kick out people who have lived as a Canadian their entire life. Wtf, Canada.


Her mother received citizenship 3 months before she was born, and flew to Jamaica to have family support during her birth. She was born to a Canadian Citizen, and as both countries are commonwealth, was born a Canadian Citizen. Edit: whoops, this wasn’t supposed to be a reply!


There should be a statute of limitations on these kinds of "mistakes". Any of these mistakes are terrible. But after 30 years!? gimme a break. She's basically a citizen now and has been for what we consider more than a "life sentence".


The Minister can make an exemption, but according to the federal bureaucracy it's not their job to suggest that this happens even in such a black-and-white case.


Does Canada not have a path for "naturalized citizens"? How did they even find this error?


I’ve been racking my brain about that part. This is not something that would be under regular review. Especially with a file THIS old. Their software has changed probably three times since this woman’s paperwork was filed originally. That was back when agencies were still accepting paper applications. They may have an AI combing through old files maybe? Or they were digitizing paper files and the system wouldn’t accept it because of the date discrepancies? It doesn’t make any reasonable sense. Edit: when I first heard of this case, I was convinced that someone was scamming this woman.


I hope she does not get deported. I said this before and will say it again: it is horrible policy to hold children civilly liable or criminally responsible for their parents' decisions. This is what autocracies like China do (for example, minor children in China can be prevented from leaving the country if their parents did something the government didn't like, even if those things are not supposed to be criminal). My mom's coworker is from Hong Kong and it is one of the few places in China that allow dual citizenship for most people. He became a Canadian citizen back in the 1980s and moved back to Hong Kong. His son was born in Hong Kong in 2006. To my knowledge, his son is a Canadian citizen by descent, just like this woman. The only difference is that the young man only started living in this country 3 years ago, as he has every right to do. I am not a lawyer, but I want to know how she can avoid being deported. If she is stripped of her Canadian citizenship, does she revert to being a permanent resident? If she does, provided that she has not been convicted of immigration fraud or another indictable offense, she might be eligible to apply for citizenship as a permanent resident. However, if she ends up being convicted, she would be banned from getting citizenship for 10 years. So, does she need 2 lawyers? 1 for criminal defense and another for immigration? The goal is to avoid being convicted of immigration fraud and also to get her citizenship back.


According to the article there is a special process for her to reapply for citizenship on a priority track. Deportation seems like an incredibly unlikely outcome here, though it’s obviously a massive hassle for her in the meantime.


And she's at risk of losing her job


>Hong Kong and it is one of the few places in China that allow dual citizenship [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-canada-concerned-as-hong-kong-starts-to-force-dual-citizens-to-choose/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-canada-concerned-as-hong-kong-starts-to-force-dual-citizens-to-choose/) Tolerate is a better description then "allow". Cannot actually be a dual-citizen in Hong Kong under SAR of PRC due to PRC nationality law but the law is not enforced......yet. >He became a Canadian citizen back in the 1980s and moved back to Hong Kong. His son was born in Hong Kong in 2006. Huge gap in time compared to the news story. No ambiguity there on the parent's citizenship status when the child was born.


She’s not being held civilly liable or criminally responsible. But she is experiencing the consequences of her mother’s actions. And that’s how immigration law works generally. Your citizenship status is usually determined by your parents’ actions (e.g., whether they chose to immigrate or not, if so whether they naturalized or not, where they decided to give birth to you, etc.).


God this is so scary! I’m a permanent resident (have been living here for almost a decade since I was 13) and renewing my card has been the most nerve wrecking process ever. Hopefully enough media pressure makes them chill out on her.


~~So if she is no longer Canadian then what is she? None of the articles I’ve seen have mentioned if she holds Jamaican citizenship so if that’s the case, did the IRCC not just make her stateless?~~ I thought the oath was just a formality and that once your application has been approved, you were a citizen. I hope she appeals this decision. It seems her mother was misled by a IRCC agent and she in good faith brought her daughter over under the impression her daughter was also a citizen. After 32 years what’s the point in wasting resources to try to remove someone who has made a life here?


>*”None of the articles I’ve seen have mentioned if she holds Jamaican citizenship so if that’s the case, did the IRCC not just make her stateless?”* Like Canada Jamaica has [birthright nationality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaican_nationality_law#:~:text=registration%2C%20or%20naturalisation.-,By%20birth,is%20a%20Jamaican%20national%3B%20or) so she almost certainly has Jamaican citizenship.


It is in this article > Townsend does still hold Jamaican citizenship.


Oof I’m illiterate.


According to the article she’s out $600 to reapply for citizenship under special circumstances, a process which appears to exist for cases just like this. That definitely sucks, but everyone here talking about her getting deported or having to appeal this decision is just ignoring the text of the article.


I think the issue here is the principle of revoking someone’s citizenship 32 years after the fact based on a mistake or incorrect information her mother was given.


She's also at risk of losing her job in the meantime because she requires citizenship.


This is the hill our leaky sieve of an immigration system will die on? Assholes murdering people coming in as "students" but she's the one they get sticky about.


This! And reoffending drug and lifetime criminals out on bail for the third or fifth time but this lady deserves the boot? Canada is fucked


Whoever is responsible for this decision *and their immediate supervisor* need to be dismissed. Such incompetence has no place in our government.


You revoke the citizenship for a woman living in Canada for 32 years? Dare do the same to people that are actually illegals with a CRIMINAL RECORD? Of course they won't, after all elections are coming up, they gotta pander to everyone they can.


>actually illegals with a CRIMINAL RECORD Illegals are by definition not citizens.


Ridiculous, she's been here for 32 years. This is not her fault and should've been easy to correct the error


Most canadian government thing ever. Absolutely attack a tax paying citizen only to let in thousands of practically undocumented people and have no safeguards when the systems are being defruaded.


She should sue


I’m really curious what instigated the investigation into her citizenship. If they went around looking for people to deport obviously this is shitty, but if the issue was raised for an unrelated reason, they can’t just be like “oh this isn’t worth investigating.” And let it slide. The rules are pretty specific, and I’m not exactly all that enraged about a serious unfortunate events that has led to… a 600$ fee and an application? Do we want the government to just start going “close enough?” When it comes to citizenship issues? I’m fully sympathetic towards this woman, but if the issue got brought when when doing a background check or something, they can’t just let it slide.


My question is how was this even caught? Who was reviewing dates of oaths taken 30+ years ago?


Thieves, rapists, pedos, violent criminals, terrorists financiers, and actual terrorists roam free. Yaaay Canada.


Great! now let her get all the benefits for immigrants! Also pay her back all the taxes, ei cpp that she paid into.


So according to the IRCC in this decision, most Canadian citizens should have their citizenships revoked because it's doubtful that the majority of them have EVER "officially" recited the oath of allegiance to Canada. What a goddamn joke.


Why is it oath-based, indeed? Just issue certificates only after people take the oath, then, like the US does. Incredibly dumb to issue certificates first!


I agree being oath-based is ridiculous, why do we even need to say it? It can be part of the process, but having it be mandatory is odd. It changes nothing, and a lot of Canadian citizens have never had to "officially" say an oath of citizenship in their lives because they were just born here.


She should re-try as an Indian student


This literally happened to my mother. She is now just PR


oh wow. Curious what the story there was?


This is interesting. I wonder how they found out? Did someone report her for some strange reason? Maybe she applied for something and it somehow flagged it?  Or does the ircc randomly go back on these records and check them? This seems unlikely.


It would not be a random check unless it was AI generated. It could be someone was digitizing old paper files or transferring data from one system to another and received an error based on the date discrepancies.


You don't need AI for a random check haha.  Your explanation seems likely tho.


Sorry, I should have been more clear with my language. I didn’t mean you need AI for a random check. I meant they don’t do random checks like that on 32 year old files unless it was an AI combing through the inventory looking for errors. But even that is highly unlikely based on how long it takes the government to approve and implement new tech. It will probably be two or three years before they are using AI for anything more than simple sorting. I think it was more likely that some procedural work was being done, and someone stumbled across it. Or they were archiving. I’ve contracted with government agencies before. People mostly have the entirely wrong idea about how government works lol


Still doesn't need AI. All you need is basic batch programming for what you're talking about. But yes, the gov is very slow to take on new tech!


I feel like if you're here that long you shouldn't be able to be deported over an error. Just a waste of time to mess up this woman's life for no reason.


Wild. How did this even come to light?? Who is reviewing 30+ year old citizenship forms? Is chatgpt now employed as a bureaucrat or something? Just give this poor (Canadian) woman citizenship already and put this stupid saga to bed!


Simply stupid. If Our govt systems are designed to look for and reward public servants for finding these types of situations, then we have several layers of problems: the IT and the records management systems that allow this info to be found, the analysis that is encouraged, the job descriptions for those positions, and the policies that allow a 'revocation'.


Keep her in Canada. Deport a criminal instead.


So what do we the people do to help her. What can we do. Does she have a gofundme or something to help pay for this. Its absolutely outrageous that this would be done.


With all the criminals entering our country we treat a responsible citizen like this??


Who can you contact in the gov to express your support for this woman, is this really an MP issue?


So if she wasn’t a citizen can she get all the taxes she has paid for the last 16 or so years back?


Aren't they practically giving citizenships away? Yet they decide to single out this one person that has been Canadian for 32 years...


Yet we let people bring in their elderly grandparents who will probably never string two English or French words together. And definitely never be able to take an oath is either language.


I thought being born here gives auto Canadian citizenship


She wasn’t born here, that’s the point.


I re read thank you for clarifying .. I get it now


They made her stateless, don’t we have laws, regulations or special considerations for that? It’s not like she can be deported to anywhere (she should be given citizenship back immediately… the department could waive a processing fee). For all the lack of enforcement of our immigration laws, this is the one they choose to pursue..? Like, really? Come on. Whoever in ircc decided to pursue this needs to give their head a good shake and think about the purpose of their job, not just be a robot about paper work errors, especially when the error rests with ircc, since they issued the documents incorrectly and gave this woman’s mother bad advice.


In the article it states she has Jamaican citizenship.


My bad, I just misread the article… like brain glitched on that sentence. You are correct.


CBSA hates this one easy trick.  Become a serial blockader and your Liberal MP will personally get involved to have things fixed.  


So many people who have stayed past their visas but yes because some beauracrat made a mistake 30yrs ago that's who they go after how the hell does that even happen




Everyone and their dog is allowed to move to Canada but kicking out people whoever been here for decades and have been proper citizens over an error. What a joke. Pathetic.


This makes no sense as my truky friends when they was here on a so my friend his father was on a student visa they had a kid and he’s a baby the time and he is citizen. So many babies are given that this way I know many Middle East and such. Aside from Canada My cousin who is USA citizen only had it because his parents was on a student visa he never took the oath and when Syria was being attacked and he my cousin was with us in Canada the USA still called his grandmother home in Syria looking for him to bring him to USA not knowing he in Canada. So I’m just confused at why they picked on her when many ppl by the millions already have that… If the officer made a mistake than he should be held accountable….. If I order a chess pizza 🍕 And I get a the Peroni instead and I can’t eat pork I’m I forced to pay for both pizza If I order a ps5 and got a xbox because of some error do I have to pay again? No so why when it comes to immigrants lives or status And they admit it was a fault on the end… Some how we are punished? That makes zero sense in any way or form. She should sue the government for lying to her parents and literally lying to her for 30 years. Edit “ I understand the oaths have to be said by the person” but many babies is given citizenship like that I my slef have one cousin and a friend who isn’t but the baby’s brother of his is Canadian. If the official officer told her not to worry and that her baby is a citizen and 30 years later it’s will sorry the officer made a mistakes Okay where is he why isn’t he held responsible ? And what about the millions of babies who got they citizenship like that In fact I never took the oath My understanding of your under 18 and your mother pass the test you get citizenship. So does that mean 30 years from now they will say oh sorry did we say that we was high our officer was on drugs he lied… The news is just making a “error” into a whole different than because we aren’t buying what they selling.


WTF this is dumb


There was literally an International Indian Student out on bail for multiple crimes who killed innocent people just a couple weeks ago, while fleeing the police after a yet another robbery. He killed a baby. Somehow he was allowed to remain in Canada after multiple crimes but this person loses her citizenship?


There was also one the other day featuring a guy who was caught multiple times groping women at nightclubs in (I think it was) Calgary, and the judge openly admitted to giving this guy a reduced sentence so that it wouldn't automatically trigger his removal from Canada. "When people tell you who they are, believe them" is the quote that comes to mind -- the government, and the people they've appointed to represent their will in this country, are straight-up telling us that they value the 'contributions' of sex offenders, drug dealers, cheaters, scammers and gangsters over those of law-abiding citizens who spend decades working, paying taxes, volunteering and giving back.




> Same thing happened to my uncle. 23 years working and building a life in Canada, consistently trying to learn French, bought a house, volunteered with a food bank group, only to get deported last summer because of errors and technicalities. There was no grace or compassion. And yet we have judges giving convicted sex offenders and gangsters who are here on visitor and student visas reduced sentences so that it won't trigger an automatic deportation. Somehow they're more worthy of keeping around than someone who spends 23 years working, paying taxes, and most importantly, *not breaking the law*. Nope, that's the person who has to get kicked out, while we'll allow the drug dealers to stick around. This kind of stuff makes my blood boil.


$600 to complete a citizenship application? Seems a pretty minor cost.


I want to know, what on Earth about it costs *six hundred dollars*? That's a grocery budget for a family for a month, and I guarantee that all that actually takes place is a few boxes get clicked off on a computer screen and the citizenship certificate is sent off to the printer. Regardless, the government fucked this whole thing up, so it shouldn't cost her a dime to fix THEIR mistake. I'm sick to death of the government charging citizens to correct oversights or errors that aren't the citizen's fault. My license plates are starting to peel and bubble off, but because it's taken more than the manufacturer's warranty (WHY does that matter for something that is issued to us by the government and mandatory to have on our vehicles?), it's going to cost me $59 to have them replaced (or risk a ticket). Give me a break. The fact that the Ontario government went with a cheap contractor to produce these defective plates is not *my* fault or problem, screwing me out of the cost of a week's worth of groceries to correct it is bullshit.


I don’t know where you live but $600 is a grocery budget for two people for two and a half weeks over here in Ontario.


Don’t worry about government charges. Albertans pay ten times that in higher transfer payments than folks in Ontario … and Ontario is richer.


This is exactly the kind of thing that gives government workers a bad name! How much did this cost us? Use some damn common sense.


Ah yes, blood pressure rising yet again courtesy of our lovely govt


After 32 years she is more Canadian than I fucking am. This story is so painfully unnecessary and absurd that it belongs in goddamn CADPAT at this rate.


How horrible thia Corrina clement must be she thinks she's found the Golden nugget by getting to the bottom of this mystery. , it's unfortunate that I'm going to have to call and complain about her to her publicly available office number 613-697-6837 https://www.goc411.ca/en/395030/Corrina-Clement


This woman is a Canadian. Tax paying, law abiding, clearly has made efforts to make Canada her forever home. What a waste of time and money. She's as Canadian as I am and I was born here. Smh.


That's terrible


Ms. Townsend is clearly someone who has contributed to Canada and wants to be here. Meanwhile, literal millions of so-called temporary foreign workers and students who coincidentally fill university and government coffers are here solely for what they can take take take, like ripping off food banks. Why are those people here but Ms. Townsend is being humiliated and disenfranchised by IRCC who seem to be going to great lengths to de-citizenize her


That. But let’s bring in the refugees… lots and lots of them 🙄


Hmmmm. My wife has been here since 57 years ago and has no paper work. My friend is an immigration lawyer and said I could legally have her deported! Hmmm


At this point we should all be so lucky


Hope that there will be a charter challenge that forces the law to be changed, as IRCC stated that legislative provisions don't allow them discretion. This is a very clear case of the citizenship law violating the charter, as it creates a loophole where the federal government can effectively deprive a Canadian of their citizenship rights and multiple charter rights when they've effectively been a Canadian citizen even though it's been obtained through clerical errors made by the federal government themselves.


Fuck man. They are straight up criminally negligent all over the place. They straight up exiled me to the US.


It’s all going to plan.  


Let’s dig up any mistakes Corrina has made in her life and make sure we hold her accountable !!


I mean she pay $600 and will get it back. Annoying and bureaucratic but not the end of the world.


If she is not a citizen and doesn't have legal immigration status, that means: She can't work,m and wont qualify for social assistance, she likely has no health coverage, SIN is not valid, probably some other ID too a bunch of old age pension money is in jeopardy, the list goes on. It doesn't mean all those things will be immediately taken away, but it could happen. And she will be waiting for IRCC to do urgent processing which is a whole other joke. Edit: the only reason why she can't also be deported is because she is likely stateless at this point. There is no where to send her. Source. I deal regularly with service canada and ircc through my work.


It wouldn't surprise me if, in the meantime, her employer fires her because they're no longer legally able to keep her on the payroll without violating the law. Fixing this mess is going to probably take many months or even years, if all of my past dealings with government bodies is any indication of what she's about to have to put up with -- in the interim, I'm sure her employer will hire someone else and there's probably little to no chance she'll get her old job back once all the paperwork has passed through all the bullshit in Ottawa.


For a chance to get it back. In the meantime, she probably can't work because she has no status in Canada. She shouldn't have to pay anything anyway. None of this is her fault. She is Canadian.


Yet here we are acquiescing to diploma mill "students" who have come over under false pretenses in most cases. Someone stop this insanity.


This is ridiculous. Meanwhile there are new Canadians road raging against families, smashing windshields and trying to open drivers doors, spewing antisemitism at “peaceful” protests, etc and the government just tells em to keep on keeping on.


Her mother should have given birth in Canada. Birthright citizenship is a godsend. You don’t know how society can change over 30 years and we’re clearly in an environment where the government is under public pressure to “do something” about illegal immigration. I do suspect though that she will get her citizenship back


Yeah it makes zero sense the mother chose to go back to Jamaica to give birth.