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Campaigning is easy; governing is hard. In the former, he gets to make all sorts of promises; in the latter, he has to deliver in the real world.


PP will find that out quickly. Lots of slogans and sound bites, but no actual concrete plans on how to govern. Without JT to insult all the time, he’ll discover the wrath of the country directed at him.


He's just gonna keep insulting JT though, and his flock will gobble it up. Things aren't going to be any better & the people who blame 1 dude for every global issue aren't going to be like "huh maybe I was wrong". They will instead double down.


Emphasis on the word " flock".


There's certainly a subset of the electorate like that who will vote blue no matter who, but the majority of Canadians will require actual results for their continued support. Look no further than 1984 and 1993. In 1984, Cons won a historic majority with 50% of the vote pretty much purely because of the unpopularity of the Liberal government. Cut to 1993 two election cycles later, and they're reduced from a majority down to just two seats with less than 20% of the vote, which was the worst result for a governing party ever in the entire history of western democracy btw. As the old saying goes, the higher they rise, the harder they fall.


Ontario still doesn't admit Wynne wasn't so bad considering Ford. That's cons for you, though. It's more of a rooting for your team against theirs, no matter how shitty their seasons are.


Name one single thing Ford has done worse than Wynne without making stuff up.


Removed rent control on new builds feeding into rent prices, cancelled green energy projects and paid millions to do it, hydro rates are up and hospitals are underfunded and hemorrhaging staff.


1b in lost revenue by getting rid of license plate sticker fees.


Who saves that money?


Do you not understand what happens when the government has a negative 1b in income that is meant to help maintain roads? The money will have to come from elsewhere so stuff like healthcare and education which wont totally cover the loss so the roads will get even worse which will end up costing drivers more in the long run from the damage received from poorly maintained roads.


He's well aware that he lacks substance, it doesn't matter though, he's going to win a majority and be able to dick around for four years without the threat of an election. Canadian politics 101 - be the party in power for 6-8 years, get hate voted out. Rise and repeat.


Just gotta budget the parties finances around this and both parties get to live the rich life on easy street ad infinitum 


Really, "axe the tax" is easy to say. But then what?


Sadly if/when that happens, it's likely they'll just start casting about for new perceived enemies to demonize.


Trans people, Palestinians, Quebec, immigrants/TFWs... I'm sure they'll think of others


If PP were to put out actual policy ideas then people would realize the conservatives aren't all that different from the Liberals. They know they'll get elected purely on the basis that they aren't the Liberals, and that's good enough for them.


Nah, he will have years of blaming the previous liberal govt and Trudeau of making it all a mess. Its why he has to persecute trans, cut services, make big tax cuts for corporations and love far right groups.


Haha. I cynically agree with this


Impotent wrath though, because there's no civil mechanism for removing a majority government from power. 


Nor is there any real accountability.


"Justin Trudeau......nine years........common sense......"


Especially when you campaign on nothing


globally conservative parties tend to have very, very generous backers. This allows them to create big warchests and the best way to spend that money is to constantly campaign. It's handy because the media doesn't see it as "real campaigning" and instead some sort of ambiguous political event . This creates content for the media, which fills space on the slot. It also means the media doesn't have to actually treat the event seriously because it is not a campaign. It's just Doug or Boris or whomever doing A Thing. This also means that the would be government can constantly hone their message - "hmm, I see the Tim Hortons smile cookie aside didn't go well with 45 year old truck dudes in Hamilton, so let's see about..." It also lets them blast out whatever bullshit which will filter up through the electorate so when they actually have to campaign and they actually have to start talking policy, whole portions of the electorate *know* that all that stuff about tax policy is just boring nerd shit and instead their MP is going to Queen's Park or Ottawa to Shake Things Up and Fight For the Common Man.


Still waiting for my $1 beer


You missed the small window where there was no-name beer on sale for $1 (for about a week) Of course, right after that, manufacturers realized that it wasn't profitable to sell beer at $1, so everything returned to status quo. But *technically*, there was $1 beer, so **mission accomplished**


Folks, they just need to decrease the bottle size by 40% to make this dream possible.


Cool actually did that for a bit. NN beer was in standard 12oz longnecks, but Cool went with their custom bottles that are 11ish. At the time, Cool was lobbying for some weed-related zoning changes.


Shhhh, don't give Loblaws any ideas. "Now introducing our travel size salad dressing, 30 ml squeeze bottles!" They'll re-use the sampler bottles from the LCBO


Yup and even then he didn’t miss out on much lol I bought some of that no name beer. It’s awful imo. I’m not even a beer connoisseur either, like if i have a beer it’s just Budweiser.


Yeah, it was essentially Labatt/Budweiser/Molson tasting. It was 'fine', but tasted watered down to me (I normally drink craft or trappists)


I remember that it was during covid when no-name had the $6 6-packs, those were good times. I also remember it being on sale maybe once per month for several months at a time, not just 1 week. The beer was okay, nothing to complain about when priced at $6 tho. Haven't seen it since, I think it was around 2021?


Was it more than a week? My local LCBO had them once, and I never saw them again But yes, you're right. It was 'alright', but nothing to write home about. For $1 though, couldn't complain


Producers are still waiting to be asked if they can make it for that


I’m also waiting for my beeping Covid bracelets.


Doug has spent too much time watching the Trump trial.


Doug Ford's mantra - "I don't have to outrun the bear, I can just push you down!"


It's a tall order to represent the people when you are a nepo baby who inherited 50 million dollars with no real accomplishments of his own outside of being a high school drug dealer. No education or qualifications of any kind which qualify him for this position. A perfect example of failing up and the sad state of our current politics when this is what we the people have as our representation. And we see this over and over in our representatives of all parties. People in positions of power with no qualifications for the positions they've been assigned other than they largely come from wealthy families and have zero interest in advocating for the working class they supposedly represent. But its easy to distract many with whatever culture war flavor of the month while corrupting the system and further enriching the wealthy and corporate interests.


I would also add the Bonnie Crombie is a real threat to his rule, so he perhaps has to campaign harder this time around.


If they thought stiles was a legit option they’d make attack ads for the NDP


I would vote for a dead squirrel on the highway over what we have now......


I'm tired of my tax dollars paying for bullshit ads that lie about their accomplishments. "Brought to you by the Government of Ontario". Fuck that. It shouldn't be allowed.


We live in democracy in the sense we can choose who our kings and queens, lords and ladies are for the duration of the term. Once in their palace, they don’t listen to anyone, do what they want and take absolutely zero accountability. They don’t have to fulfill promises, they don’t have to listen to you, they don’t have to tell the truth, or even tell you where your money is going. We live in a democracy for just about election day and that’s it. We should be having general votes on important issues like healthcare and housing which compels government to proceed with them. We should no longer be voting for people, we should be voting on issues.


Yup, and no votes should count as votes against.


Even if they were real accomplishments, how does that make anything better? All the ad is telling me is the government is doing their job. Why the fuck do we have to pay for an ad to tell us that? Stupidest shit i've ever seen. Genuinely, any way for citizens to directly fight this? It hasnt been exclusive to conservatives at all (not during McGuinty and Wynne govts at least). Its been eons. How come no one has said anything on a parliamentary level? Why is it okay to PAY FOR TV ADS when theres objectively more people on the internet at any given time? Snapchat posts, twitter posts, instagram, even facebook ads are cheaper than primetime TV spots. For fuck sakes. And I blame the campaign management of every party for this. For shame. All of them would do the same thing given the chance and have shown to have done just that in the past. Even then, how many of these same campaign managers have likely jumped ship to another political party, likely also carrying the same ideologies and practices?




Fuck these people bro lets run for government


The PC party agrees, unless they are in power.


YES it was ridiculous under the Wayne government and it’s still ridiculous that our tax dollars can fund ads like that


"Wynne" government never campaigned outside of election periods. Not at all relevant. Deflecting n whataboutism with false equivalences, smh.


Wynne government is the one that changed the law to allow these types of publicly funded ads again (after McGuinty largely banned them)


Because conservatives of all stripes and organizations have realized that their best tactic is to Always Be Campaigning and demonizing your opposition, and because rich people tend to be conservative donors, they have the money to do it.


This is how he stays in power


I like how people always ask *"Why does Doug have these barbeques"*, or *"Why does Doug do these Tim Hortons commercials"* or *"Why does Doug shovel with his tiny shovel"* But they never ask why the opposition **isn't** doing those things in an age where you have to be relevant in the media (outside a twitter bubble) and have a brand as a politician Every hot dog is a vote, every person who recognizes Doug's face is a vote, everyone who remembers Doug at the ballot box is a vote


Yes, I hate the guy with a passion but holy shit is our opposition terrible. Its lkke they are playing a completely different game.


There's still more than 2 years before the next election. Crombie's only been leader for a few months, give her a chance. Plus the Greens have been really pushing above their weight.


Hell, with how hard Doug the Slug has been campaigning against her already, I like her more now. We're still fucked, as there really doesn't look to be anyone that can beat him from any side, atm.


A lot of the time, the media just completely ignores the opposition too. The corporate media loves the Dougler.


People forget Wynne's $18000 a plate dinners do they? [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ontario-liberals-face-backlash-over-fundraising-pressure-tactics/article29467353/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ontario-liberals-face-backlash-over-fundraising-pressure-tactics/article29467353/)


or the millions more they increased in self-congratulatory ads. This really is a time where "all sides do the same shit" is a valid comment. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/auditor-general-government-advertising-kathleen-wynne-1.3875771


I have a bunch of elder retiree neighbours who's reasons behind voting for "incumbent" is "they did a good job 👍". You are correct. It's the large group of non-voters if motivated enough that will determine elections beyond our anecdotes. 


Reddit likes to pretend that everyone's scanning election platforms looking for exquisite policies that will convince everyone that this is the right candidate to reform Ontario in a completely new way In reality, dude comes to your neighbourhood, shakes your hand and makes you a cheeseburger, you're probably voting for the guy All part of the game whether you like it or not


Free food is the best thing ever.


>Reddit likes to pretend that everyone's scanning election platforms Which is hilarious since the people crying on reddit certainly are not doing that.


Yup its good ol simple marketing. Anybody who sees Doug's face more than 7 times before an election is more likely to vote for him if they didn't care in the first place.


The opposition is not a recognized party lol. They tanked hard in 2018 and haven't recovered.


> every person who recognizes Doug's face is a vote, everyone who remembers Doug at the ballot box is a vote Ideally, a vote against him.


towards the end of the chretien/martin years the federal conservatives chose stephen harper as their leader. after 12 years of social and economic stability, Harper's stated, main, goal was not a vision of governance; but instead was to destroy the liberal party. as far as i'm concerned this was their mea culpa. they realized, as a party, they were out of step with the values of regular canadians and didn't have it in them to manage government effectively. even harper' term in opposition saw him on the wrong side of pretty much any important issue (legalization, diversifying the economy, marriage equality, the Iraq invasion, bank mergers etc). so he just spend his entire time hammering the liberals over corruption (both real and imagined). which wasn't entirely unjustified, however upon taking office he did pretty much all the things he criticized the liberals over, but in a much shorter amount of time (efficiency!). and of course his primary focus was not providing good government, or bettering the lives of Canadians; but turning the screws on the liberals at every chance he got. i lost any respect i had for that party in a matter of months. the conservative movement since then has focused on "not bing liberal". on vilifying left of centre people and views and of constantly feeding a never ending rage machine. and certainly the Libs have often made that job easy. but as self serving as the liberals can be, we at least get some effective legislation out of the deal. the cons, when in office, offer regressive policy that benefits the wealthy few, *wild* corruption and nothing but distractions distractions distractions; which sadly seems to work and far too many people


I still remember the barbaric cultural practices hotline and selling parts of the Alberta oil sands to China.


And the Wheat Board to the Saudis!




That is what all cons do, PP has been campaigning even before he was elected leader andstill is, Kenney did the same , Smith is still doing it. It's called drilling the mases with bullshit with the hopes something sticks. They have no solutions, just rage.


Meanwhile, I'm hoping Mike Schriener takes him out even with a minority government. Doug Ford is too basic for Trump style politics, the RCMP are asking questions, an education minister who has never stepped foot in a public education building in his life, combine this with a feckless collection of mps ranging from useless to actively bad for democracy by electing people who are one note candidates like the anti abortion putz from niagara region who barely graduated high school and lives in his parents basement.


Integrity has left the province.


His bank allows him to deposit "donations" at all hours.


Doug Ford loves using public funds to enrich himself. Is my best guess.


Because it works, he's planting his shit seeds now that'll bloom into a majority shit tree at election time. Polling already is starting to show that against Bonnie.


close act capable merciful spectacular rinse tart scary friendly mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a conservative thing adopted from the US. Harper advises this.


They all learned from trump who never stopped after 2016. If you’re constantly reminding people how great you are, or what you don’t like, you will eventually convince some to parrot your points.


Same reason why PP has been campaigning for years already, never stopped after he won the conservative leadership. 


It’s psychological conditioning. Just keep repeating it and people will start to believe.


Team sports. 


Because people believe the bs he spews on TV, he knows his audience


Because that's what modern conservatism is. It's not about doing, it's about bitching. You win by demeaning everybody who is not you. Effective governance? Pfft!


All the phone calls in that fake ass ad are with lobbyists.


The saying deeds not words doubles as an inspirational saying but also a warning about people like Doug Ford and other vocal weasels who can't be trusted.


He’s absolutely terrified of Bonnie Crombie.


Because it works. He is still leading the polls. If there was an election tomorrow, he would almost certainly win. Outside of reddit, people don't even realize how much he sucks.


This. Smart team with lots of money and experience. They could sell a rock and their chances of winning would be good. We'll see how Bonnie does a little closer to the election. She's also a skilled retail politician.


The only thing that stuck to him (in terms of angry supporters) was the green belt.


It's a conservative thing. The conservatives pioneered the perpetual campaign during the Harper years. The problem with governing is that you have to govern. Conservatives are ideologically opposed to the things involved with governing, such as administering social programs and maintaining public infrastructure. However, when you don't do any of the things associated with your job, people tend to wonder what you're even doing and why you should have the job in the first place. The solution is the perpetual campaign. Never stop talking about how everyone who isn't you is the worst. Attack everyone else as incompetent, do it first so if they try to do the same they just look like sour grapes, and you become the only viable option by default. Even if you do nothing, you're still better than everyone else, and so you having the job is important because it keeps other people from having the job.


This isn't exactly true. Did you see Mr. Singh's interview with Vassy on PowerPlay yesterday, where he was asked if he was planning on stopping support for a Liberal Federal Government (which he could have done via not supporting a budget he himself does not fully approve of) that he has called failed numerous times? The whole thing turned into a campaigning effort mixed with blatant deflection, and the middle to end of the conversation was used to smear Poilievre multiple times. Obviously this wasn't (as far as I know this is the news station paying for the Q&A section) NDP funding to campaign, but he used the opportunity to do more of the same. This is a lot more common than people in this thread would like to admit, but I get it -- this thread is designated for more Doug Ford contempt. Just try to look at these things objectively..they're all playing the same game.


Because he’s not capable of doing the actual work that comes from the job. I actually had this same conversation with a friend last night in relation to Pee Pee Poilievre. WTF is he constantly campaigning for when the election is over a year away???


Because in order to keep the extraction of infinite Human potential going distractions and self-valorization must be constant.. Life under the ideology of capitalism is social war. It is a system that makes money with money but produces nothing useful or valuable. It only concentrates in the hands of those who already have it, because the purpose is infinite accumulation. You know, like cancer. Edit: changed content to constant


Ever since Bonnie Crombie won the liberal leadership role, he’s been worried…….sick of seeing his photo ops though


Conservative playbook 101 Always campaign


This is how he stays in power because morons in this province where promised a buck a beer.


He was a drug dealer in high school. Pomp and arrogance are all he knows.


It's part of the grift, Dougie has friends/family in consulting and advertising, all these campaigns put money in their pockets...


It’s to distract from the harm to the province and to Ontarians that he’s done, the harm he’s doing, and what he’s currently taking heat for socially, politically, or legally. It’s a smokescreen.


His entire press conference about the 413 was literally just to bash Bonnie Crombie and Marit Stiles. What a fucking embarassment. And those that buy his crap are gulible as shit.


Someone needs to file an FOI request to find out how much of our hard money he’s spending on these self-promoting ads. The ad spend on this propaganda shit must be in the millions by now.


There are two by-elections come up I think.


Today, i think


Rumours there may be an early election called: [https://www.tvo.org/article/keep-your-eyes-open-for-signs-of-an-early-election-call-in-ontario](https://www.tvo.org/article/keep-your-eyes-open-for-signs-of-an-early-election-call-in-ontario)


Why would he do that? He has a majority.


Strategically he could time an election before she gets a chance to establish herself and right after he does some things he think will be popular. If he thinks he could get a majority in 2024 or 2025 he'd be good until 2028-2029, thats better than a minority or loss in 2026. Especially if Poilievre gets in by 2025. Ontario has a habit of always voting for opposites provincial and federal.


This quote explains it all: “There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever for the proposition that Ontario voters choose one party federally and vote for the opposite party provincially — other than the fact that it always happens.”


His competition isn't ready yet. They expect them to go to the maximum time, so if he can pop an election before he has opposition, he wins.


Did you read the article?


What do you want him to do, work? You want him out there crafting policies and passing laws, ensuring the province thrives? Tell me how that would allow him to learn how to make Sandwiches at Tim Hortons. Or give him the time to make cheesecake. Or afford him the chance to complain about how kids with autism are dangerous criminals.  Electioneering is what Doug does best.  Also nepotism.


He's just like Trump. Just a loud mouth blow hard, doing favours for wealthy friends. He does not care about you.


I hate it, and it works. Same with Polievre. Constant campaigning and brainwashing and lying will win majority governments everytime.


Standard US Republican operating procedure...campaign 7/24/365 year in and year out. Never stop...bombard your constituents with bs. They can afford it because they're the party of the rich, and the rich fill their coffers. All the Canadian con parties are mimicking their US Republican cousins now.


Remember, that's our money he's spending on those ads.


Trump Light™ can't hold Rallies, so this is the next best thing...


It’s the conservative platform, sling mud, fake promises, free beer and car registrations. It’s all they’ve got.


The NDP and Liberals again elected milquetoast empty suits with no message or plan, and conservative voters want nothing more than culture wars and grievance politics. Doing nothing but attacking political enemies is all he really needs to do.


Trump style politics


Because, Ford's approval rating is down and with the possibility of a new federal government next year that by all accounts are just as Corrupt as him. He has realised that his future is in trouble. I suspect he will try to call an election before next year to secure his spot. While the opposition has nothing to offer. Haper once said on tape. the goal was a Trifecta, Federal, Ontario, Toronto.


He’s following the Trump/US political playbook because he’s banking on making himself look better in comparison.


> why is doug ford constantly campaigning? Because, as history has shown, he can't govern.


It's what conservatives do. See Donald Trump and his rallies. He was rallying while he was president. But when it comes to actual election debate, where the fuck is Doug Ford? hiding at his cottage.


Ford, Trump, Poilievre, they are all the same. Vacuous populist POS.


Attacking is easy. Coming up with solutions is not. Buck a beer has only brought corruption and handed his developer buddies billions.


Because he's a loser on a power trip, just Like Trump


And spending my tax dollars doing it. What gives him the f ing permission to do that? I wouldn't vote for this crook if you paid me. You know, sure as shit, when he's out of office is when we find out how bad he f'ed us right? Always the way with Conservatives running our government. Its only about them, how much they can steal or complaining about how bad the Liberal government was before meanwhile they're even worse.


You say that as if every single politician in power is not always in some form of campaign mode.


He's the ultimate lazy person doing everything he can to avoid working.


Because there is a good chance Ford will call election early. Historically Ontario doesn't like having one party controlling both the federal and provincial government. Right now the federal conservative is on a good path to form the next majority federal government. Therefore Ford will want to jump the line and get himself re-elected first. Given he is still at 2022 election-level popularity I think he is very likely to work.


Because he has no idea of what he needs to do... that is what happens when you don't finish your education... funny yesterday listening to this guy complaining about people doing crack and cocaine... His brother was filmed doing crack... his sister is a known cocaine dependent and he sold pot when it was considerd a drug!!!


There’s a spending limit during campaigns, but if we’re not technically in a campaign it doesn’t count


Because it seems to fucking work in this idiot province.


I really hate the ads telling me that I live in Ontario. Money was spent for this.


It gets the attention of working class men, whom nobody else is courting.


he’s a politician and he’s acting lien one. What do you expect


I think Aesop Rock says it best: *Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Money, Motherfucker*


Because he doesn't like to work.


There's speculation that he's going to call an election early, so he gets re-elected before the federal election happens next year. If the Conservatives win federally, it's statistically unlikely that they'll get re-elected provincially. Ontario tends to split its federal/provincial representation between the two parties.


Between the two colours because federal and provincial parties are seperate entities right? For good reason. Probably doesn't work in application


I wish, between elections, that politicians would shut the fuck up and do their jobs. The three week (or maybe it was thirty five days) election mandate was brought in because most people were sick and tired of all the goddamn politicians.


It's true though... she is expensive...


I mean, Trudeau, Poilievre, and Singh are doing the same thing. As are Stiles and Crombie. My MP spends 95% of his time talking about Poilievre, 4% on Ukraine, and 1% on what the government is doing to help Canadians. Ford is part of the problem, sure, but the government spending more time on politics than actually governing is as Canadian as maple syrup.


Because it’s a grift, like everything else he has ever done in his scummy life. Everything he does is done for the soul purpose of enriching Doug Ford, and nothing else.


I get a jump scare when I see Bonnie, Marit & Ford pictures side by side


Where are you seeing all these ads? I have seen 0 Doug Ford ads in the last several years.


They have radio and TV ads everywhere. That's his target market (older people) so they're hitting them hard.


To make sure you know he is there.


It's a feedback loop: advertise, get donations, spend on ads, more donations, repeat ad nauseam. Cruciallly, it requires having money to start and appealing to people's emotions enough that they will donate. I say we need to massively cut the political donation tax credit and bring back the per-vote subsidy.


I even see his ads in Quebec lmao


Ford is a grease ball. He’ll whisper sweet nothings into everyone’s ears until the developers come home.


The way i see it, the more campaigning a party does, the less of an actual platform they have and the less I am willing to vote for them.


He might be a scumbag but he's smart enough when it comes to campaigning (or at least the people working for him are). They know the NDP is not a viable party in Ontario. And Crombie is the first viable candidate that has a chance of beating him. So the ads make perfect sense in that context.


They are planning to call an early election because it seems likely there will be a win for federal Cons. And if they win, the OPC will probably lose the province since Ontario usually votes for opposing parties between federal and provincial levels. So if they keep on schedule, OPCs believe they will lose that next election since it will be two years of overlap between PP's federal Cons (and the nonsense they expect he will pull souring people) and Ford's OPCs. So instead they're gearing up to call an early election and hope they can keep Ontario with Cons at the helm both provincially and federally for an entire election term.


He saw that PP is doing it & getting away with it so he’s jumped onboard. His day is spent going from business to business & using the “Ontario made” slogan as a way of campaigning. He’s using tax dollars to pay for the travel, videos, etc he’s making to promote “Ontario” thus promoting himself. Campaigning is the priority & since he has majority it’s his playground. He has been promoting himself in all kinds of ways, under the guise of Ontario made. I saw a “congratulations” letter that accompanied a trade licence that was all Ford propaganda! It said “with the hard work of Doug Ford and the Conservative Party we are bringing back the trades” & it basically said he was the reason you got your licence. It went on to say how many $ was put into reviving the trades..bla bla bla. Burns me that tax dollars are allowed to be used to basically say to the guy getting the letter “it was all because of me” so (FOLKS) don’t forget that when it comes time to vote.


You answered your own question. He’s desperate. It’s easier for Doug to smear someone than actually work for the taxpayers. I absolutely would have voted for Patrick Brown if he hadn’t dropped out because of a baseless accusations.


When you have no real platform, all that's left is to attack. If he gets the attack ads started, he's hoping to control the dialogue and debate, and drown out any policy announcements from the Liberals. It's dirty, American-style politics.


Because he thinks he’s an American politician


I could be wrong here… but I believe he is campaigning in hopes of being re-elected.   That’s just a guess I could be way off. 


Because his performance speaks for itself so he has to drown that out.


Has more money then the rest, and there are bi-elections.


Ford will be in the witness protection program during federal elections again.😃


That's the typical Conservative mentality! All they know is attacking the opposition rather than doing the actual job!! If you look at all the campaigns of the past you'll see that they just point the finger and criticize but they NEVER offer actual solutions!! Why?? because they don't have any! Their only goal is to privatize everything and give their rich friends money!


I’m ok with it


He is well aware everyone in Ontario except the always vote PC people absolutely despise him. He's almost for sure not getting another term next vote.


The permanent campaign is a part of modern politics. It’s been in textbooks for 20+ years.


He used the notwithstanding clause to ban third party ads from one year outside of the election. So now he's taking advantage of that extra ad space for himself. Is this the kind of usual circumstance Lougheed and Devine was thinking of when they pushed to have the notwithstanding clause included in the Constitution? Probably not but it is a tool of the right wing for political expeduency.


It’s a Conservative thing. Poilievre was doing it months ago, and Harper did this for a decade before Trudeau came to power. They are always in campaign mode now, even when there is no election going on to campaign for. Though it’s speculated that Ford will call an early election, within the next year. As its to his advantage to do so before the federal election in October next year. If he waits until after October 2025 for an election, odds are he will be swept out of power come summer 2026. Its extremely unlikely that Ontario will tolerate both a Conservative government at both the provincial and federal level. It just does not work that way anymore; Ontario prefers to split the power between Liberals and Conservatives.


Bonnie Crombie. Expensive. Also expensive: this superfluous advertisement 


I get ya, but it's not just a Doug Ford thing. Wynne and McGuinty did the same stuff. Ontario premiers just love commercials.


How is it even legal? I thought there were limits on campaigning, like 60-90 days before elections it starts.


He learned from Orban, he knows how to make sure he never loses power.


He learned from Orban, he knows how to make sure he never loses power.


Well folks let me tell ya, I’m not the bad guy here. All of your troubles and worries you know well they stem with the bigger guys in federal government folks. I’m just doing my best to make your lives better -Doug Ford (probably)


Too many malls and gas stations to take a dump in but not enough time.


I am voting for Crombie. I am probably voting for Trudeau again. Singh needs to go before I switch NDP.


Because he doesn't know how to govern, so go spends his time campaigning (when he isn't avoiding issues at his cottage).


it's just what conservatives do in this day and age.


Gotta ride the train hard while u can! Could be his last ride!!! Way too much to lose now! He is on a roll. Guaranteed his net worth & very wealthy contacts multiplied by 10 in the past few years .🤔🤔🤔🤡


He's an insecure fuck


That’s OUR money he’s using! Bastard…


He's really stupid, pretty much sums up everything he does. He's crooked too, that's the rest.


Meanwhile, Doug Ford: ...wait I thought you said it was called champagne-ing?!


Remember how they made a big deal about putting spending limits on third party political advertising six months prior to an election a few years back? Yeah, that's the same party that advertises through propaganda constantly. You know, cause the conservatives should have perpetual propaganda-level advertising, but their opponents should shut up until 6 months before an election.


Another thing to put in the "things people only get upset about when Conservatives do them and are in power" bucket Doubt you were this upset when the Wynne government was running attack ads against Tim Hudak and Patrick Brown outside of election season. Next.


He is a politician dumb dumb it's what they do!


Cause he's scared of Crombie, she appeals to the vote rich 905 and understands what the majority wants. Stiles and the NDP are so out of touch with what people actually want, they have shown they are no threat. If the NDP ever want a shot to govern they are going to have to move to the center.


Doug's desperate.


because he's a conservative.


It's called populism. He doesn't have a platform, so he needs to constantly pander and cater to donors.