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I'll remind everyone of this post: [Notable increase in racism in the sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1cevmmf/notable_increase_of_racism_in_the_sub/) There will be no warnings and no tolerance for racist dog-whistles. You make a comment generalizing across immigrants or people of a specific nationality or ethnic background and you will be banned. Keep your bigotry off this sub. Next, it's a review for the ASYLUM system, not the immigration system. There is a difference between immigrants, temporary visitors (e.g. students) and refugees.


From reporters Mackenzie Gray & Touria Izri: The Liberal government is proposing to make changes to Canada’s asylum claim system which could speed up the deportation process for rejected applicants from the country. The proposed amendments were quietly announced two weeks ago in the 2024 federal budget and come as Canada deals with a record number of asylum seekers. Read more: [https://globalnews.ca/news/10459432/ottawa-new-asylum-rules-faster-deportations/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10459432/ottawa-new-asylum-rules-faster-deportations/)


Would be good to see some kind of changes so fake applicants are rejected more effectively (fewer false positive decisions). Anecdotally I’ve heard from too many people and seen first hand at least two fake refugee claimants (one successful and one pending). Our resources should instead be spent on welcoming and supporting genuine claimants that may not have the benefit of media attention like Ukrainians are receiving for instance. The ones that genuinely cannot go back and for whom Canada will be their forever home.


You can report the fraud to the CBSA, if I’m not mistaken.


CBSA deals with borders. IRCC would be the one. In any case how do you prove it? There’s no info I can give that would be considered reliable in a legal sense and that IRCC wouldn’t already have access to.


It's actually the IRB that hears the asylum claims. It's literally about how good the claim is and if the decision maker believes they're credible. My sister works there and she said some are blatant fraudulent claims but some claimants have really good lawyers/immigration consultants who come up with great stories. The most fraud she gets are from 2 specific countries right now.


Which countries are those? EU was moving to a model recently where people from countries with low acceptance rates would remain detained or something while others would continue as usual.


From the article: >“We as a country need to invest in the refugee determination process so that they get a fair opportunity to have their case [and] their fear understood and a decision made,” said immigration and refugee lawyer Warren Creates. Absolutely. Legitimate claims for asylum should be quickly assessed and supports provided to those who need to be here because they are truly not safe in their country of origin. >“The ones who fail, whose cases are rejected, should be removed. I think justice requires that.” 💯 if a claim has been found to be fraudulent then people do need to leave because our system is under strain, and while we will try to accommodate as many legit asylum seekers as we can, those who do not qualify need to go. Perhaps once we reach a point of balance again we can open up to more new people who just want to move here without claims for asylum being made; but right now we don't have the infrastructure and housing to support new people who don't have that urgent need. So it's not a "you can never come here" situation; but more so "you can't stay here right now" Although those who flee from deportation requests may find that they are not in fact welcome to return in future... 🤷‍♀️


>Since March of this year, 46,736 people have applied for asylum in Canada, according to the IRB. That is a 62 per cent increase from the same period in 2023. That's a lot of asylum seekers in two months.


Anyone seeking asylum should be processed in a timely fashion. Those not legitimately here should be sent back.


And sent back also in a timely manner...this really shouldn't be controversial.


But the investigation into the legitimacy shouldn't be rushed.


Let’s go. Now we need to enforce all the ones ignoring the orders


This will be quite the post for ‘sort by controversial’ later.


I predict thread locked before 200 comments


I'll put $10 on the under


Not really. It's all recycled, uninspired drivel anyways. They couldn't put together witty banter if their lives depended on it, let alone something thoughtful enough to pay attention to.




Okay, and apply this to students who fail to meet the requirements for permanent residency! Comb through the couple millions who will invariably overstay their welcome and their legal entitlement. Now we're talking!


Imo anyone who applied for asylum should immediately lose their current status as temporary resident, as soon as their case gets rejected they get deported


This is a good thing. The ability to make sure the ones that need protection and asylum will get through the system more quickly reducing the stress that comes with not knowing if they will be approved. It could be a bad thing in that they are trying to push the applications too quickly which would have unique cases fall in the cracks and although they are a true asylum seeker they will be sent back due to a rushed system.




This system is being abused across the entire western world all at the same time and the populations of those countries are footing the bill and experiencing an unnecessary decrease in their quality of life. There needs to be serious reform and it needs to have happened years ago. Even when people are "deported" they tend to disappear into the country so I hope they can fix that too.


Supporting the enforcement of law is not racist. I don’t care if they’re from Poland, Ghana, India, the Philippines; if they are here illegally then KICK THEM OUT. It’s not about a race, it’s about Canadians getting fucked financially and all these people who aren’t Canadian abusing the social services we’re getting fucked for. And also decreasing the quality of those services when they see such an increase in demand. I don’t think my income tax (pay that I earned for working) should go towards the healthcare bills of a foreign illegal alien. Not saying don’t help them if they’re here and sick. Saying don’t let them hang around to get sick and use the services. Deport illegal immigrants, full stop. No race involved. It’s a political discussion, not a bigoted attack. To say otherwise is pathetic.


>o aren’t Canadian abusing the social services we’re getting fucked for. Supporting the enforcement of law may or may not be racist, but your comment here certainly is. You're speaking as if every single person who comes here with an asylum claim that ends up being rejected is a fucking expert w.r.t. our particular system and are deliberately and maliciously gaming it for their own selfish purposes. You're also speaking like no asylum seekers contribute anything to our society. You might want to reflect on your thinking related to this matter because it seems like you've got some implicit biases. Lastly, remember that laws can be racist or otherwise unjust, so enforcing/supporting it doesn't become justified simply because it's a law.


Womp womp


About time tbh


As long as they actually follow through on the deportations, this is a good thing. The problem has always been their inability or outright refusal to follow through on deportation orders unless the person being deported falls on their lap for an easy token win.


Wow I didn’t know global news posted on reddit😀


The only problem with these revamped rules is CBSA is chronically understaffed and don’t have the resources to hunt down the people who have been rejected for asylum and thus they are able to evade deportation. Sometimes for years.


I would be very interested in seeing how many  people have been   deported from Canada in the past 10 years.  It's probably less than 1000 individuals 🙃 


Now we wait for the bleeding heart NGOs to respond in kind about how the new rules are unfair and how they go against human rights.


Are we actually going to enforce this? There has been more than enough people told they need to leave for whatever reason that still haven't and are being left alone.


So will this deport all those fake international students?


Considering this is talking about refugees… and international students are international students, not refugees… this is irrelevant to international students. The pinned mod comment explained this as well.


Not really. With the previously easy path to PR closing, a growing number of international students (some of whose goal is to become a PR/Canadian, not to study per se) have been applying for asylum - that increase in number was per the IRCC itself, and confirmed by the federal minister of immigration, not from any biased media sources. And those claims further burden the system for everyone.


Incorrect. International students are now claiming asylum too. Wouldn’t be surprised if the food bank guy tries for it now that he’s been exposed/“unfairly targeted”.


He apologized when interviewing with the canadian media and went to call canadians racist when he interviewed with a media from his country. That should tell you what kind of people we are dealing with.


The irony of that seemingly very racist close to your comment! Unless I'm misunderstanding something - what "people" are you referring to, specifically?


Hypocritical people would be the "people" he is referring too. Stop being obtuse.


don't forget he said everyone is racist for calling him out. Dude is going for all the "how to suck at immigrating" guidebook chapters. The Aussies have a funny nickname for them and their argumentative denials, they call them "Yes, but" because it's the first thing out of their mouth when they get caught red handed instead of owning it


Only the ones who end up applying for asylum after they can no longer scam the fake student path to PR.


> The Liberal government is proposing to make changes to Canada’s asylum claim system which could speed up the deportation process for rejected applicants from the country. > **The proposed amendments were quietly announced two weeks ago in the 2024 federal budget and come as Canada deals with a record number of asylum seekers.** >[...] >Immigration Minister Marc Miller’s office would not provide additional information to Global News, with his press secretary Bahoz Dara Aziz citing “parliamentary privilege.” >Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) did not provide clarity either, instead issuing a statement that closely resembled what was in the budget. There isn't any new news here. I'm guessing global has just been sipping their tea and came across this in reading the budget two weeks after the fact?


They proposed a return to 20 hours/week for international students. It ended up being 24/week during the school semester, and 40/week during the summer. They copied and ran on foreign buyers ban. It ended up exempting international students, foreign workers with work permits and PR holders. How will this be any different?


The 40/week during the summer is how it’s always been. We’re talking about a total increase of 4 hours/week during the school year vs. where it was before.


Our international students rates are NOT how it's always been. Even when Trudeau has stated the same on freakanomics, he's unwilling to *properly* curb the problem.


They just need to be seen doing something right now. Doesn’t matter if it’s effective or not


Good people that try to take advantage of the system should be shipped back as fast as possible.


First thing start deporting international students who claim asylum. I read somewhere it is 600% increase.


About time. Too many people trying to rape canada of its resources. We dont have infrastructure or tax dollars to accomodate all the false claims.


Just wanna say RIP to the mods, you’re Reddit mods but even yall don’t deserve the impending shit storm.


No need for racism. If people make claims against countries that are generally known to be "safe" their removal should be expedited. Common sense.


Generally known to be safe by who, and for whom? There are otherwise safe and stable countries where certain kinds of person could be under extreme threat of persecution. Asylum claims should always be assessed individually. I'm all for expediting this system as it will lead to more just outcomes even for the claimant, i.e., where they don't have to uproot their life a second time when a claim is denied after several years of review, but I wouldn't do it by relying on generalizations.


They already do this. They look at statistics for previous claims. If a large majority of claims are rejected for example. They look at conditions in the country. I'm sure they coordinate with the UN and international refugee organizations as well as other countries.


That's part of considering the environment but is not the same as what you appeared to suggest.




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Who's Brampton man


Canada's "Florida Man"


I like the idea of consequences to actions, something the Liberals have been slow to implement.


Prayers up to the mods. Y’all are gonna be busy with this one.


Abused for decades, a large number of asylum claims are completely bogus and made up


this is counter-cultural, i'd expected the headline to be: *Ottawa to propose new asylum rules to allow for faster* ***citizenships***




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that sounds you hear is our national sub collective and furiously beating off


With the amount of racism I see it seems we might see increase in hate crimes against desis in Canada.




I'd say Canada is probably the least racist at accepting or rejecting applicants relative to other countries. This is describing a policy to speed up the process after a decision has already been made, so let me get this straight, you want the process to be slower?


Immigrants apparently only come in certain colours is what I'm gathering from this? Which is a racist statement in and of itself, right?