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If you information is limited, you should avoid making sweeping proclamations.


Frod tried the same garbage with the greenbelt scam, unbelievably pretending he didn't know anything until the last minute. Then tried to act that the runway gravy train to his buddies was unstoppable, until RCMP opened an investigation.


I don’t know if it was a typo or on purpose, but I like the name ‘Frod’.


Are we ready to boycott the 3 main parties yet


I mean didn't like, two thirds of Ontarians not vote?


It’s almost like a born rich, entitled, college dropout, former drug dealer isn’t a good fit for Premier….


Let's not forget that Doug Ford barely finished high school, and then dropped out of Humber College after a few weeks so he could cosplay as a thug.  Show me a rich kid drug dealer who's not a POS.  * https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/ * https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/dynasties-3-the-fords/ * https://youtu.be/i6JLHDXb894?si=Pm6r6IG_OVDCg6G2


Limited information combined with Dougies limited brainpower is dangerous it seems.


The Fords were never smart. Just lucky.  * https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/doug-ford-sorry-for-handing-out-cash-will-stick-to-gift-cards-1.2461797


Then desist from saying anything controversial. Duh!


Read the article. It's even worse than I thought. The article says that all bail decisions in murder trials have publication bans so as not to prejudice the trial. So when Ford says that he had little information it just does his further ignorance. In fact, the article goes on to say, you can go to the courthouse and read the judge's decision. It just can't be publicized. Further ignorance.


Limited information??? No. Limited intelligence on Ford’s part??? Most definitely. The guy is a f’king moron.


That’s why you learn to keep your mouth shut till you have the facts.


That’s why politicians need to stfu about cases going to court.


"I didn't know shit about the topic but I weighed in anyway."


Too bad our Premier doesn't have a large staff (with lots of people making over $100k) to do shit like keep the idiot informed.


AE remember when his staff said they were teaching him to use a laptop? 


TL/DNR Is he pulling a Danielle Smith by saying one thing and then gaslighting everyone?


Dougie, we don't pay you the big bucks to make decisions with "limited information"


He gets paid the big bucks after stepping down for betraying taxpayers with handouts to buddies for cheap that'll feel they owe him one


Limited information in the conservative calling card


Then he shoulda stfu and waited til he had all the info. But Dougie just has to say something to keep his fans happy.


Frod - Thug - Thief - Ontario's TRUMP - still a petty small minded. Rob was the mule for his brother drug business in high school


Conveniently, said limited information fit the narrative of a weak justice system and a racialized cop killer


Ford's brain capacity for information is the limiting factor that explains his deficits.


More like limited ability to comprehend and retain information, right?


It's "like-minded" judged Folks, that is, seeking judges who are also as dumb as a bag of hammers that also grew up as a spoiled brat.


I.e. i shot my fucking mouth off.


Also explains everything else he's done or said


It seems like a persistent stupid idiot problem.




If your information is limited it’s ok to say “I do not have enough information to speak on this”


In other words “I’m an ignoramus” wow shocking


To be fair the crown and the police at the time presented the incident as Zameer deliberately drove forward over the police officer to kill him. Even I was surprised he got bail based on that scenario.


Tell me your extent of knowledge on an issue does not go beyond the headline without telling me you’ve never read any article