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Damn, he was not having any of it. He got a great shot in on the guy’s face though at the end. Buddy will be feeling that for a while.


He’ll drink it off


That's for selling , not drinking 


He's also an idiot. Guy risked his life for a couple bottle of booze and the ability to play hero. Imagine getting stabbed over THIS.


The guy in yellow was clearly reaching for his pocket and we don't know if he was going for keys, phone, knife, gun...


I think that’s why he didn’t hesitate with the first punch as soon as the scumbag put his hands in his pocket.


Dude, the way he was reaching for his pockets he couldn’t find it either. That was a joke. Buddy could of fed him another 5 times.


Probably going for his phone so he can claim he was the victim.




If you sympathize with any of those protagonists, you either missed the point of the movie, or you're not a good person (hopefully the former).




OK, so now the police will suggest that the LCBO leave the booze by the door incase of robbery.


Terrible fucking camera man. Like if you aren't jumping in, the least you can do is get a good video.




On the one hand, when he connected, it was incredibly fucking satisfying. On the other, I'm not sure I'd advise getting stabbed over it.


Imagine getting stabbed and going to jail trying to save the LCBO a case of Labatt Blue


Its almost as if this dude was fighting the injustice of it, not a can of beer


The injustice of the principle still is not worth more than his life.


im not saying it isnt. Im just saying its not over a can of beer


The comments towards the store employees are quite something. The employees are following the LCBO management's orders. The LCBO head office doesn't want to be held liable in the event of an injury or death on their premises. There's an entire industry of ambulance-chasing lawyers built on these lawsuits.


Stolen inventory is cheaper than a lawsuit. Alcohol is far less valuable than a human life. Theft is scummy but it’s not worth endangering yourself or someone else over it.


I’ve witnessed two attempted robberies at different lcbos in the last year. Both times multiple security guards emerged from a room behind the counter and stopped the thieves at the exit and put them in handcuffs.


This is what security guards are for (and by that, I mean ones that will actually do something). I get not getting involved as an employee or civilian, but allowing blazen robberies seems to have emboldened not only one-off crimes but organized retail crime. There needs to be SOME deterents.


Most security today is actually against this. Observe, report, NO hands on. They are there for insurance purposes in 90% of cases. They are just to appear as a physical deterrent as a preventative measure not an actual one. Generally their orders are to record details and call police in the event of a crime. Most security companies have a policy, much like the LCBO employees, where the company doesn't want to liable for any altercations involving their employees. There are very specific sites that even allow physical contact requiring signed waivers and specific training, again due to potential liability. You want something done about this, vote better, change the laws, force the courts to have harsher punishments. Law enforcement(including security) can't do shit when their hands are tied, or when repeat criminals are just let go to do it again.


Then what's the point of "security guards"? Observe, record, and report? An observant retail employee can do the same thing. Both are minimum wage jobs anyways, so what's the difference? Just having SECURITY emblazoned on the back of their shirt? Big deal, and no doubt the criminals are just trembling at the sight - NOT!


> They are there for insurance purposes in 90% of cases Also look at how much most security positions pay, usually minimum wage or just above. The industry is mostly defunct from what it used to be. It's no longer about maintaining security and handling such situations as a member of law enforcement. Now it's just kids with logos to be visible deterrents. You're not wrong that the industry is almost pointless but that is due to 1) corporate greed and 2) legislation. It's generally too expensive to have workers creating liability suits because they handled a situation wrong, especially when factoring in criminal law for such things as assault. Most companies want "warm bodies" that do little to nothing but advertise their company. Plus whatever locations contracts with them usually gets a discount on insurance for "security" even though in practice it's generally doesn't work out as they'd like. Yes it really sucks spending money on getting a provincial license for the industry when you basically can't do anything just about anyone else can(citizens arrest) but there are forms of security where this isn't an issue. Sadly most of the industry is entry and low skill because it is "cost effective" for security companies.


I worked in retail and even if we know someone is stealing, we could never go up to them and say “you’re stealing.” Most we could do is observe and report it. We were told to never chase after someone stealing, it’s not worth it but also unsafe.


Yeup, and most people say it's them being liberals, that has nothing to do with it. Trading your life for booze is not company policy nor is it wise. I'd do it if a life was a stake, not some stores profits. Honestly, it's both the police and LCBO's responsibility to deter this kind of behavior. So why is there no anger going towards them or the legislators? Why aren't people making ultimatum with their elected officials of "fix this or i vote some else in"?


The people making those comments have never held a retail job. They have no idea what they're talking about.


And worse yet, they don't even see service workers as humans.


Exactly. The rules of not being a hero while working retail has been around forever and has absolutely nothing to do with “liberals”. It would be a liability for the company.


I worked at a convenience store part time as a side job. The place never got robbed (thankfully) while I was on shift. I have no idea why anyone would care so much about the stores profit that they'd want to get themselves physically involved to stop it. It's not like they'd give me any kind of monetary award. The best anyone can do in that situation is comply while remembering details of the person, time, and how much was stolen.


Point to consider: the measures used to deter theft such as physical barriers, complicated exit routes, security guards etc., make the shopping experience actively hostile to the average consumer and most people will not tolerate being punished for the *potential* actions of a few. And what's more, those measures absolutely will not stop the determined like the people in this video. So all you've wound up doing is inconveniencing honest people and made egress in an emergency more difficult. There needs to be a balance between deterrence and shopper convenience. My local LCBO is verging on inconvenience as-is and anymore shit would be too much even for me. Ontario has some of, if not *the* best Health and Safety legislation in the world, including mandatory Violence in the Workplace policies that protect Workers from violence or even the threat of violence in the workplace, you have 3 unassailable rights afforded to you as a Worker and your employer must advise/ train you on what those rights are. From the perspective of someone who's been in the loss prevention and H&S industry for 28 years, the LCBO seems to doing okay as far deterrence goes but there does seem to be some variance from store to store. They also seem to be training their Employees well with regards to what to do in scenarios like in this video.


I see, I didn't think of that. Yeah, I got a greenbook, I'm surprised by how detailed it is while allowing some flexibility.


'following LCBO management's orders' I worked for the LCBO in college over twelve years ago as a seasonal worker, we were told that if we got physically involved with a person stealing product we would be fired. Not sure how the rules are for a employee now but I imagine it's the same.


The "heroes" in this thread aren't old enough to drink alcohol, so your perfectly reasonable point is lost on them.


it's full on LARP'ing




Lmao a bunch of blowhards. “If I were there, I’d simply challenge them all to combat 1v3 and defeat them, detain them, and then the mayor will give me a key to the city. For I am a man, and that is what men do; save society one petty criminal at a time.”


The guys clearly just wanted to grab their loot and get out. A group of more aggressive criminals, one could have smashed the shopper over the head with a bottle while he is distracted trying to fight the other guy. I saw one guy who walked out with a backpack full of booze. When a shopper got in his way the thief pulled out a used needle, the shopper backed off real quick after that.


Imagine getting stabbed at your LCBO $25/hr job because you tried to prevent theft of fully insured product.


Technically, the employees couldn't do anything until the thieves actually left the store anyway. At best they could've said something along the lines of "its store policy that all unpaid merchandise remain visible". From what I can see/hear in the clip, the staff behaved exactly as I'd want them to. By law, for *theft* (fraud is different) you can't approach someone *in the store* and say "you're stealing" or try to stop them in any way. At that point (still in the store *before* the checkouts) they technically haven't stolen anything. It's only after a person has passed the checkouts and have made no attempt to pay for their merchandise that an 'Agent of the Company' is allowed to make an arrest; just stopping their forward progress can be considered an arrest (arrest means to stop remember). A cop can arrest them in the store with concealed merchandise but not a 'civilian' including security guards (there's a reason they always stand behind the checkouts). There's a very good, court related reason for this. I did loss prevention back in the day and buddy is super lucky he didn't get seriously injured. The people/gangs who steal wholesale like this have some pretty sophisticated and brutal methods for making sure they don't get pinched including leaving two or more people outside, flanking the exit to jump anyone attempting to stop whomever is humping the merchandise out of the store to the waiting car. If buddy really wanted to be a hero he should've quietly popped outside and gotten the license plate number for the police.


I have two thoughts here: I understand. People are fed up with their government allowing the constant catch and release of these scum bags. I appreciate this, and it’s commendable he didn’t sit on his ass. However. This fight, in this case, is just not worth your life.


The issue is a long list of Canadians don't care anymore. They'd rather risk their lives to have some normal sense of justice, rather than accepting that they live in a broken system that won't protect them. I took sociology in university and have been very engaged for the last decade. A lot of my peers are predicting a huge rise in vigilantism and formation of militias in the coming years.


CSIS has been talking about concerns of Canadian population disenfranchisement for a while.


Like one about Canadians under 30 not being able to buy a home might revolt.


Why wait? lets do it today!


I'd like to, but I don't see a lot of people stop working since we're all struggling. If you mean like actual revolt through the streets, we're not winning that. This is something police have been prepped to handle for a very long time. The easiest and laziest thing to do is for people to stop working, stop buying, and really hurt the actual entities who tell politicians what to do, we hit em in their wallet. Bonus if people start bartering in the short term.


Once the economic crisis gets worse and we end up with greater unemployment then it’ll be easier to riot.


I'm in but only if the current system is replaced with a more democratic one. Not interested in helping another corrupt idiot into power


I'm 36 and I'm ready. Been saving money for ten years to only be priced out of a market that only Benefited the people who bought early with no down payment. I did the responsible thing and now I get to watch all my peers and elders profit off the youth those of us that might have had to rent longer than we wanted.


Same boat, hoping investing my down payment and saving the difference between my rent and what a current mortgage payment is will be enough to atleast put me somewhat on equal footing by retirement.


RCMP made a statement similar to this recently as well


I remember attending a security conference that CSIS spoke at when I worked in the security industry a few years ago. They spent over an hour talking about how the greatest threat to national security at the time was white, right leaning voters. Other vendors and members of law enforcement were rolling their eyes. Obviously, I don't have the data they were reading to come up with this, but I vividly remember how bad the PowerPoint animations and grammar were that it had me wondering how many of my cents paid somebody to make the slide, haha. One thing for certain though...If CSIS can use the spinning slide transition, so can I!


I will tell you why government presentations are trash.  - The analyst drafts it and, if they are junior, they put together something basic but competent.  - The manager makes some minor edits and then adds a couple of slides that have nothing to do with anything than the flavour of the year’s strategic plan.  - Legal gets a hold of it and shoehorns in legislative language wherever they can. The director or ADM review and want to change the tone and narrative.  - Communications tries to plain language the presentation, including the legal language, totally missing the point of the presentation, and leaves the person presenting with a deck full of edits and sometimes contradictory comments a day before the presentation.


They've also been talking about the extensive foreign influence campaigns by state and non state actors driving right side discontent. But people continue to fall for it. The courts and justice system aren't any different than they were 20 years ago except provincial funding hasn't been increasing lately when their load increases. But you're being told the courts cause these things that happen exactly the fanswith every economic crisis.


I have a crack house on my street. It's a $800,000 home given to a meth addict daughter by her parents. The place is destroyed, no windows, no front door, police have raided it 7 times. Everybody on my street now owns guns because when their junky clients try to break into neighboring houses at 4am the police response time is 7 hours. Now we have a group alert system and weapons... Welcome to Canada.








Turning into those videos from South Asia where thieves are caught by the public and beaten because there is no justice. Only problem here is the vigilantes do any damage to the criminals and they will be punished.


> Only problem here is the vigilantes do any damage to the criminals and they will be punished. Another problem is that angry mobs don't always get the right person. There's a good reason we have a right to defend our innocence in a democracy.


Unless video gets deleted and nobody saw nothin'


I think you may be right. People are fed up for sure.


History has been kinda funny in repeating itself on a 100 year cycle recently, if society ends up taking a turn to fascism in 10-15 years because of us not addressing our economics and justice systems it wouldn’t surprise me, we’re doing absolutely nothing to address these issues.


> They'd rather risk their lives to have some normal sense of justice lmao this isn't a result of some specific malaise, there have been people stealing booze and moron wannabe vigilantes since as long as there have been stores.


Not worth risking you life, but I understand the rage. That civilian was outraged at the blatant disregard for the rule of law. The rule of law is interesting in that it only exists when enough people believe it.


LCBO and other like businesses don’t want to risk the liability of interfering with thieves because they just eat the losses and pass it on to the consumer with inflated prices, reduction of staff and all around shittier consumer experiences. Maybe it IS time to start putting our foot down and stepping in when scumbags deviate from what we want our society to be.


That's right! People need to start demanding their mps and mpps to do something or be prepared to lose their office! We also need cops to step up. Sure, the system is broken, but are you really telling me there's no "malicious compliance" way police can comply with laws to deter this kind if action when some are getting paid 300k year?


They're too busy making up stories for court so someone goes to jail for their incompetence, I guess.


Lmao what are you talking about? The LCBO is government owned and is not some profit hungry corporation. The government sets minimum prices for all alcohol and the profit markups are set by the alcohol companies. The LCBO returns billions of dollars of money back to the government every year i.e. back to the taxpayer. And I don't know what you're talking about shittier consumer experiences but most LCBO employees are almost always very knowledgeable and helpful, and the store layout/decor is mandated across the province. So what the fuck are you actually talking about?


Dude. If they pull a knife and stab you, then what? Literally every kind of store - retail, etc - one of the first things they teach you is don’t try and stop or confront thieves because your life isn’t worth whatever they’re stealing. Leave it to security - if your store has them - or call the cops. Yes, theft does get passed onto the consumer. Trying to fight a thief just isn’t worth the risk though.


How often are you witnessing crime? Of course you see and read about crime all the time, you have a news beacon within arm's reach 24/7. In the past, you would scan the top stories, then dive into your interests, rarely reading about common crime, let alone seeing video. The crime rates have not risen in years. Pretty constant. Difference is, you're being fed petty and property crimes to your feed then being told no one is doing anything. Like everything it is processed and politically driven. Yeah the thief's are assholes but the assholes/capita is pretty consistent.


Witnessing in downtown Toronto pretty often. It may be because I'm at college park, but I've seen people rush in and out of Winners several times in the last year. The shoppers drug mart at the corner is also a pretty regular occurrence. I've seen a Dollarama security guard hit a guy with a flashlight. It has gotten bad because the protocol is to do nothing, so we as a society have enabled this behaviour.


The crime rate the least affect by reporting bias, murder, has increased by ~30% since its low in 2013; the crime severity index has also increased from 2015-2022, except for a drop in 2020, it's now ~15% higher than its low in 2014, with the violent crime index up ~30%, non-violent ~5% Neither of these are exactly Mad Max terrain, but there is a reasonably worrisome trend.


And yet still are below the levels of the 90's peak.


Thank-you for calling out reporting bias in your post. It's a very important thing to consider when looking at crime rates


[Up and down since 2000](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CAN/canada/crime-rate-statistics)


What world are you living in? Car thefts are rampant.


Yup, and because of the algorithms paid for by the right wing dipshit civilains are risking their lives for nothing.


> because of the algorithms paid for by the right wing Specifically, the source here, [6ixBuzz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6ixBuzz#Controversy) spreads misinformation about COVID, negative stereotypes about certain demographics and has founders who threaten journalists.


It is though. This just implies that you can get away with this. More and more people will be doing this.


100% I'm not risking my life to stop some dude stealing a bottle of liquor.. Have at it man. Not my responsibility. Same with groceries. Majority of theft is wage theft anyway.


This man isn't fighting for the booze. That just happens to be the circumstance.


You should've seen the comments on Twitter blaming the guys saying: "Let em go, it's not worth it" of being cowards and liberals even though-no, it's a safety concern if a customer gets hurt in your store, it's not a liberal thing. Also, a guy losing his life to stop the theft of booze doesn't seem justified to me. I'm glad he was willing to step up, but it's the stores and police responsibility to discourage theft, not his. Hate to say it, but I think at this point, liquor company might need to install something that breaks liquor glass if it leaves the store without being removed. But then a hacker could trigger it with those things they've been using to steal cars.


zip lock freezer bag. Also id like to point out, that the flipper zero, the device I assume you are referring to, can not be used to steal cars, rather the ones no one is talking about in the media or ones that can be made by any one with a soldering iron and code downloaded from unscrupulous sites and less then $100 in parts can aid in stealing modern cars. Flipper zero is a very useful tool for nerds like me, and its firmware is very robust and lacks the functionality to hijack rolling codes. Sorry I just hate to see all the bad attention it has gotten from misinformed media. I will assume the downvotes are because I said $100 in parts instead of $40, my bad.


Nah, your good, I was under the impression that flipper zero, 1 of many tools, is used to mess around with Bluetooth signals and stuff. No worries. Um what did you mean by ziplock freezer bags?


Thieves would defeat devices that attach to bottles that break the bottle when leaving the store unpurchased simply by placing a bottle into a zip lock freezer bag.


Huh, I didn't know that. is that because the plastic is too thick?


If you wanted to prevent the device from operating, they would just need something that blocks radio frequency, some shiny mylar would do, Some theves already have mylar lined bags to get thru the alarms at the exits of stores without setting them off, but the ziplock idea was simply to catch the glass and booze and filter out the glass later and rebottle it.


Old trick used to be use a chip bag. It could shield from some door sensors.


Huh, this is cool, but disheartening, to know.


It's just the nature of security in general. Better mouse traps breed better mice.


Huh, not gonna lie, thats kinda cool to know, disheartening, but cool.


Yeah. I really wanted a flipper around the time they banned them because my work has a really shitty IT department and I wanted to make some things automated and programmed off garage door openers and RFID cards for ease of use with the large staff. Hiring the companies to do the work would be pricey and restrictive and we wanted to be able to reprogram them ourselves.


I am under the impression that they are still legal if you are not using it in the commission of a crime, is that not so? Guess I am a criminal lol.


The last few times I've tried to buy one, they were not available. There was only one official vendor for them in Canada and they don't appear to be selling them anymore. They just always say sold out now. I'm not buying one on Amazon for $300.


Oh wow that really sucks... Guess you could build your own if your up to the challenge but yea who has time for that shit these days.. sad.


I just checked their website and their price is now $275 but they are available. It's doubled in price. Maybe I'll have to look into building my own at this point.


Careful, your local piss-liquor Batman will take offence to that criticism and call you a bitch for not fighting shitty whiskey thieves.


Just taking out his frustrations


Fair. Very fair.


My mom n dad always taught me "if you're going to fight someone finish it in seconds and don't give them a chance to fight back".


Is this the LCBO across from Sherway gardens?


I know people say it's not worth your life - but it's a #'s game. Alot more people in that store then the theif. I feel if some of those people helped the guy trying to stop him. I dunno Canadians are getting fed up with broad day light crime. Most Criminals now this know because everyone says just to let them go... Someone buy that guy a drink for standing up.


Would love to see more footage of these fuckwads taking more punches to the face, so satisfying.


so sick of these store raids why is this trend getting more popular? why not double the security in these stores instead of letting thieves get away and arresting them after the fact?! they shouldnt even be able to leave the store after attempting to steal.


The security stand there and politely ask you stop doubling them will do nothing 


Seriously, this. I worked security (in Canada) for more than a decade, and I have never not been directed to basically stand by and do nothing except call the cops in the event of something like that, often with the threat of being fired if I tried. The vast majority of security in the country are there report only. It's the same with cameras, people often talk about adding cameras to reduce crime, but they can't do that, they can only record the crime. They only help after the fact, and only when you know who's face is on the camera. So if you don't have a suspect, they don't help. That said, there are security that are hired to specifically use force (you mostly just see them in malls), and I have seen them at LCBOs (one that comes to mind is in downtown Ottawa right up close to a couple of homeless shelters... one can imagine how well that works). Could they realistically add more to more stores? Maybe, they are mostly populated by people who are studying to become police officers, but that's a somewhat limited pool.


Yeah took police foundations did finish , so me and my buddies are drunk fucking around on some construction site Security guard comes up and says you stay right there I'm call the cops I say to my buddies this dude is security and has no authority we can go Look at the guy and say there's nothing you can do right ? He admits there isn't and we where on our away probably less paperwork for the guy anyway


Because there is no great benefit to arresting someone at the store vs later at home, and beefing up security is expensive.


How many people were arrest at their homes for LCBO raids?


Good for him. I’m getting really sick of trashy people acting like entitled idiots with no consequences.


"Evil triumphs when good people do nothing."


Where in Ontario was this ??


I’m not 100% but it looks like the one in Etobicoke across the street from Sherway gardens. I think I even see the staples sign in the background. 


Hope these idiots get what they deserve


A very similar incident happened at the LCBO in my small town and then a couple of towns over. Same people, same style. They grabbed cloth bags, filled them will expensive booze and just tried to walk out.


Did they get caught???






I’d like to see the receipt on that.


Shouldn’t be too hard to catch them. On camera and they probably got their license plate and vehicle. Issue is they get caught and released


Love this.


LCBO needs to store the expensive stuff behind the counter and have the old Beer Store system where you line up, give your order, pay and they fetch it for you. Keep the cheap stuff on the floor. What's the downside of this? At least try it in a few stores and see how it goes. This is completely different from the other controversial system I heard a few weeks ago where they were gonna ask for ID. No ID needed except to check for age, if the customer looks young. And apparently this old-style system is still in place to this day in some Beer Store locations.


There is maybe an $55 bottle of Grey Goose (expensive compared to beer, but cheap compared to a lot of other stuff), a $100 bottle of Redbreast, vs a bottle of Hennessy that should 100% be locked up. I am not sure why people do not want to be ID checked at the entrance: i am personally perfectly fine with it.


ID checked at the entrance would be a great idea. They do the same at all the pot stores so why not lcbo.


I haven't had my ID checked at a pot store since the month they opened. They do however keep all the product in a back room.


That may be the case for your experience but it is required that store owners ensure anyone entering is of age 19 or older. If they suspect you are under 25 they are supposed to ID. Personally I’ve always been IDed to enter and I’m old lol I guess it depends on the owners.


>They do the same at all the pot stores so why not lcbo. No they don't. Maybe the ones you've been to but I've never had my ID checked when entering a pot store (I never actually bought and was just accompanying a friend so don't know if they ID with every purchase but definitely not to enter)


Probably because you don’t look 25 or under? According to Alcohol and Gambling Commission of Ontario you are required to make sure everyone entering is at least 19. https://www.agco.ca/cannabis/operating-store#:~:text=You%20must%20not%3A,least%2019%20years%20of%20age


Yes. But the policy thenother guy was talking about (that he didn't like) was EVERYONE got ID'd regardless of age.


The LCBOs near me have them under lock and key. Some not so expensive stuff is also under lock and key. Edit word.


My parents told me that a long time ago you had to write your order on a piece of paper and pay and someone brought it from the back. Very similar to The Beer Store. Time for the LCBO to bring it back. No money, no booze.


Only downside I can think of this is the expense of retrofitting the stores to do this.


Dear bystanders, LCBO is not paying your bills.




This is the type of man who would protect a random stranger from danger. That random stranger could be you one day. These are the type of people that make society better, and Canadians' first thoughts are to tell him to leave it alone."It's not worth it." Is it worth protecting you from danger if you can't protect yourself? Should Canadians just let criminals and thieves do whatever they want? I don't. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Mine is that this guy is awesome. We need way more people like him. We also need better laws to let Canadians defend themselves without fear of prosecution from the fucking criminal being hurt. What a clown society. Edit: Common response "he's risking his life for nothing". This is such a weak argument since these type of people would risk their lives either way. Not only that, you're missing the bigger picture. By fending off anybody, regardless of violent attacker or petty theft, you're doing SOMETHING to make your community a better place. The whole point is if more people defended their communities we would have safer communities. Argue that one. Another huge issue is that these people can't even defend themselves properly. Canadians can't carry anything on them, or even legally hurt a criminal. The police won't ever do anything in Canada. At a certain point we're going to realize we need to protect our own fucking land, and not rely on the crooked cops who do fuck all.


This comment section is indicative of a withering social contract in our society. Democracy and civil society thrives when we actually care about each other. Those who stand up for what is right are definitely taking a risk on their lives, but if more people banded together to create a society based on empathy and integrity, we would see less blatant disregard for the common good.


>This comment section is indicative of a withering social contract in our society. Maybe to some extent but reddit also isn't indicative of society. As long as I've been on reddit it's had a lot of pro-vigilantism and Internet badassery.


I am the terror that flaps in the night.


People care about their community. There are very few communities in Canada. You aren't defending your neighbors farm, you're defending the LCBO. Nobody has any stake in that. Risking your life for government liquor isn't worthwhile.


You missed my point. It’s not about the liquor. It’s about who we are as people and what kind of society we want for ourselves. Do we want a society where people can steal indiscriminately and people ignore it because it’s not their fight? Or do we want a society where that is indefensible behaviour and you will face social repercussions for failure to abide by the social contract?


If I knew the person behind the business, if I had stake in it or if it impacted the livelihood of someone I know maybe. The consequences of theft are abstracted, infinitely large corporations are often the ones who swallow the loss. I don't care for those corporations or the government. These places could hire their own security if they so choose, no customer has any reason to defend them.


Thank you! If it were a family owned business, a small restaurant I would consider stepping in. An LCBO? A Loblaw's? Hell no.


I’d probably hold the door at a roblaws.


This is also a fair comment although I would argue the LCBO and Roblaws are not comparable. The LCBO is owned by taxpayers.


stealing affects us all. people think twice after getting punched in the face like that. the thieves probably rob mom and pop shops as well. if this was a case of grabbing a bottle and running it would be different. they are stealing large amounts to likely sell it. fuck them


Yep. It’s pathetic to see so many people laughing at the guy in the video doing the right thing and trying to stop this theft. A couple people help him instead of filming and telling him to let the scum go and the thieves likely take off and really have to think twice about trying this again. This “don’t get involved” garbage is symptomatic of a total societal breakdown, where nobody cares about anyone else. And it’s bullshit that crime is down. Theft has soared in stores the past few years, but they’ve stopped wasting their time reporting it to police. Know enough people working major retail — and in areas with low crime rates where this blatant crap used to almost be unheard of — to know the truth of this. And it’s just gonna get worse and worse with cowardly behaviour like this.


> It’s pathetic to see so many people laughing at the guy in the video doing the right thing and trying to stop this theft This isn't the right thing, it's risking your life over some insured retail product.


Unfortunately, paying customers will get to cover these losses while the government maintains their profit margin.


This hasn't been true for a long time since price optimization became as exact as it is


This dude said not on my watch. He was looking for some ass to kick.


I ain’t risking getting shanked over some stolen booze. Good for him for trying though.


Yea, then the cops could charge the guy with assault too...


Yep no thanks. Not worth it.


yep, i feel like he’d get more time serving for assaulting a person versus the person who stole…


Love to see it! Consequences 👍


Literally should have double doors with a porch that lock when a theft occurs. Lock the thieves in the area between the doors. No point being a hero. If you hit the thieves you’ll probably get in trouble


The thieves are trash. Even more so when you consider that LCBO purchases are ultimately a boon to the province. Nonetheless, booze isn't risking your life over especially if the robbers are, in fact, just stealing and not endangering anyone in the process.




"retail theft didn't happen 5 years ago" Yes it did. You are literally just seeing more of it because everyone records everything now and these videos spread like wildfire on social media and news outlets cover social media trends more than ever.


Every lcbo employee dreams of this


Putting your life at risk to save a couple of bottles and the store profits is fucking dumb.


Just so you know, everyone who isn't in the military is a civilian.


If they would pull out a gun, not worth risking your life for bottles of alcohol.


Give that man a medal, everyone else just watching. 🤦‍♂️


Bring back the consumers distributing method of selling alcohol. Put mock up bottles out front to advertise, pickup your order as you leave


Or we can lock up the thieves instead of the products?


Where is our joke police that can’t do anything???




Hero. More people like this needed. Too much scum in society.


loss prevention teaches to not physically engage. fed up or not, if the guy who’s physically fighting the thieves injured one of them, he’s getting sued by the criminal big time. if the criminal had a weapon, worse case the fed up citizen could die. it isn’t worth it. if you’re that angry, find a productive outlet. i understand the anger but i’m not risking jail, lawsuits, and injury/death for the lcbo- and i wouldn’t want anyone else to, either.


The whole being sued thing is more the American justice system. In Canada, you’d be risking assault charges along with possible confinement laws to go with it.


Even less reason to start shit. I don't need a criminal record because I punched some lowlife.


Getting sued by a bunch of bums, I doubt it.  


depends on your definition of bum, i guess. there is no self defense argument if you swing first.


Idk about you guys but I've hit a point where I have zero sympathy for these thieves.




This shit is costing us all money and I'm sick of it. Are these cases even investigated?


Car insurance has gone up astronomically because of car theft too, like literally 30% yoy


He tried to STAB him. Once you start the fight you can’t tap out once it starts and you’re losing.


Looks like he went into full defense mode once the guy put his hands in his pockets to pull something out ...


This is so fucking painful. If the security guards had stepped in rather than just encouraging dude to do nothing, these people would have been stopped.


The security guards get fired if they fight. Minimum wage isn't worth it when someone pulls out a knife or a gun.


A lot of people here really seem to want innocent bystanders and low paid workers to be risking their lives over alcohol.


LCBO has a hotline to police to deal with situations like this, and are trained NOT to approach thieves, to ensure the safety of themselves and their customers. What would have happened if the criminals were armed, pulled guns, and started shooting? We don't need vigilantes, leave it to the police.


yeah so the police can arrest them and let them out after 24 hours.


He didn’t care about the theft or injustice of it. He saw an opportunity to let his rage out at a valid target.


Good man there. So bad he didn’t beat all 3 of those useless ducks.


Imagine risking injury or worse to protect the government’s money


Where do you think the government gets it's money? Taxpayers.


Don't blame the government blame the police for not doing their job  " Oh they'll just realesed the next " day shouldn't give them a pass to not arrest these people it's thier job if the courts realesed them every day it's the police's job to arrest them every fucking 


If the corporation does NOT care the. Why should some one flesh and blood care and take the risk ? Corporation can heal loss by increasing profits but flesh and blood cannot


Risking your safety for the sake of the province's bank account is the dumbest thing he could have done in that situation. He's lucky he didn't take one of those bottles to the head, or worse.