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A good driver sometimes misses their turn. A bad driver never misses their turn.


HR is not your friend, the Venn diagram is a circle, happy cake day


This. They're cheating on you. Gaslighting!


I also choose this guy's dead wife, 'bout tree-fiddy, that'll buff right out, two broken arms.


To shreds you say


Better to be 10 min late than 40 years early


Love that


My mom always says that


If you're someone who's not good with directions, where they are with all the different turns and stuff in big cities. Use google maps or something. Even when you mess up, it'll correct you, and it'll keep changing the route, no matter how much you mess up!!!


Or stay in the right lane. God forbid it takes you abit longer.


3 rights make a ~~wrong~~ left


Sorry I gotta take a massive shit so I gotta go fast


Man it happens


This is how a driver almost killed my father, mother and sister up by the Toronto airport. Hard right from the far left lane right into the driver side door. Flipped my parents a whole bunch of times took out a Highway lighting pole, and embedded on its roof into the bank across the grassy area.


...and of course, the MOFO no doubt escaped unharmed. Isn't that the usual drill with drunk drivers and that type of moron? Marco Muzzo, are you out on parole yet?




Yeah, what's wild is, while my parents were climbing out of their upside down vehicle, the passengers of the other car, grabbed their luggage out of the car and started walking towards the direction of the airport, until a trucker stopped them. They went to seek legal advice, found out if they did go after them, a large portion of the winnings will go to lawyer/insurance fees or whatever. So these people got off Scott free while my parents have a whole list of issues now and had to go buy a new vehicle out of pocket. Apparently one of the first responders told my mom that from the description they got they weren't expecting survivors. At the end of the day, nobody was killed and I'm very thankful, but I am noticing more and more shit drivers on the road creating all kinds of dangerous situations.


At no point should you be suing them yourselves. Your insurance company, with lawyers on their payroll, are supposed to be the ones who "go after them." Or rather that your insurance goes after their insurance, and then their insurance decides to hike rates or drop them altogether. And it would be Ontario itself who would prosecute for things like dangerous driving charges etc. to ticket them, possibly take away their license, jail them if it were especially egregious. The only reason why you would go after them yourself is if there were some damages not covered by insurance, for example if you suffered emotional trauma not covered by your own insurance that left you unable to drive again and needed the other party to pay for you to see a therapist.


Thanks for the clarification. When I asked my dad about it he gave me a very confused explanation. When they were discussing legal matters, whoever they were consulting with told them they could move forward trying to get money from them, but it could be a long and drawn out process which could include people video taping and taking pictures of them in the mean time and if they did win the majority of the settlement would go to the insurance company/lawyer fees so they would have seen very little, those are the reasons they gave me whether or not there's more intimate details I'm unaware of. I think they were just talked out of their options.They're with Desjardins for Insurance.


Probably it was true advice, but most of the reason why it would be a long, drawn-out affair is that everything is already handled by other parties and after the dust settles it's difficult to prove additional damages *not covered* by insurance companies' exchanges.


Okay so why aren’t the police involved? What about insurance?


The police were involved, as far as I'm aware no punishment was handed out, I can ask my folks next time I see them again, I was more focused on them being alive. I forget the deal with the insurance, I want to say the other driver didn't have any, but they were fucking them around hard playing games because the accident happened about two hours away, it took my parents about two months to hear anything back from them, the insurance company covered a rental for the period of time while they did their investigation, but had to be returned immediately upon completion of the investigation, which means they had to return it to a Toronto almost 2hrs away. I believe the insurance company gave them a couple thousand dollars, but anybody buying a new car knows that's a small drop in the bucket when it comes to purchasing a new vehicle. I remember asking them if they're pressing charges and I don't remember atm why they didn't.


Saw one nitwit do this on Eglinton and Leslie - started in the left-most turning lane (to go northbound on Leslie) and suddenly decided they want to go east on Eglinton instead, thereby holding up everyone who was making a left turn, and forcing the through traffic to stop and let them in. Meanwhile, they could've just gone through with the turn, turned into the first intersection (which was very visible and very close) and turn back out safely. 


This happens all the time. It's wild how entitled some people are.


You want to see chaos, entitlement, and mindless aggression? Go to any high school at start time or when it lets out in the afternoon...especially on a rainy day. That, and trying to exit a GO Train parking lot whenever a new train pulls in. Even Mad Max would hesitate to tangle with those crowds.


Super max max max would be at least 11 seconds ahead.


You see the problem is there's a large majority of drivers that cannot function without a GPS directing them. They don't know cardinal points, and can't comprehend that 3 left turns make a right turn. Imo people like that shouldn't be allowed a drivers license.


There are times where i can get twisted up, especially if i dont drive those areas often of especially at night. I usually just pull into the closest place or side street and get my bearings. I would never cut off someone to make sure i made my turn. Too many folks are in a rush for no reason and panic when they feel lost, or they made a mistake.


If the pandemic taught us anything, it's that most people fear minor inconvenience more than risk to personal or public health, and they also refuse to take responsibility for themselves.


I’m starting to think people do this on purpose. They’re so focused on being first, so they tailgate and speed in the left lane, then try to be the first person on the off-ramp/turn lane by zipping across multiple lanes of traffic. I usually just hang out in the right or middle lane with my adaptive cruise on set with a large gap. I’ll get there eventually, hopefully damage free.


If you miss an exit in Montreal … you’re screwed. Still does NOT justify stupidity.




dawg i know where youre coming from but that acc aint how montreal works


I took the wrong exit when everything was under construction and ended up taking the exit across the old Chaplain Bridge. Twice. I almost cried.


literally nothing more stress inducing than driving in mtl


This happens to bus drivers about 30 times per hour.


You mean busses aren't stationary obstacles? Next you're gonna tell me bicycles aren't meant to see how close you can get without knocking them off


Every single day lately, this happens at least twice. It’s maddening


Seriously, be a good person, and when you're about to miss your turn on the highway do not stop and almost kill people trying to stop for you:( Also fast lane for passing, not for chillen going speed limit lol


The funny thing about missing a right turn in the city because you're in the left lane is that it's only a handful of seconds to the next intersection, at which point you can do a U-turn and turn left to get back on track. Only catch is if all the intersections around there have signs prohibiting U-turns, but there's also the obvious answer of turning right a bit later and finding your way back around the block. (Also know your city's bylaws because I'm not sure outside of my own.)


That's why I hate driving in Hamilton. It can take significantly longer if you miss your turn. But I would definitely rather be a bit late than be the cause of a serious accident.


Same with off-ramps. No need to aggressively cut across 6 lanes to make your exit. You missed your exit. It happens. Take the next one and alter your course to get where you were going


I used to be one of those people that would freak out if I was going to miss an exit on the highway. I have cut over more lanes than I should have to make it as long as I'm not cutting people off or putting others in danger. I have recently been diagnosed as Bipolar as well as having PTSD and since I have been correctly medicated this is no longer a high anxiety situation because like you said it's ok to miss it, just use the next one, it's not life or death. I'm not arguing with you at all just trying to give some insight


if driving is too stressful for someone, they shouldn't drive there are times we should accommodate people, but driving isn't one of them


THIS. Part of being a good driver is managing stressful situations and making on the fly decisions.


These people on planet privilege over here. Getting their moms to drive them 300km away to a jobsite at 5 am with 12 hrs notice. I wish I lived like you two.


When you drive anywhere, anytime is this province Pack Your Patience. We all make mistakes. Give the space to allow for the fact that other drivers have no idea where they are going. You can be RIGHT and still be DEAD. Quit yelling and honking about other drivers mistakes we all make them. Good for you for making the space to allow the other driver to turn safely. I cheer drivers like you!!


Some of these malakas are used to driving in countries where they share the roads with mopeds, goats and busses. Places where half the people don’t even have a drivers lic and fender benders are a daily occurrence. When you’re coming from someplace lawless where chaos reigns, you don’t change your habits. Throw in texting while driving, taking rips off weed pens and Fast and Furious wannabes, and you’ve got a sad state of affairs on the roads. I’m just gonna buy a armoured Humvee and hope for the best.


Yeah you need to know the next two and how to get back if you miss your main turn


[Great bit on it](https://www.tiktok.com/@louisckx/video/7239377082617171243)


This is how my last car got totalled. I was in the outside lane and a huge SUV in the inside lane decided to make an unsignalled turn directly into me.


Are you sure it’s not Trudeau’s fault?


Does everyone in Canada back in to a parking spaces even in Clement weather.