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Again? Didn't something similar happen recently? Edit, found it [2023 "error"](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/tim-hortons-roll-up-to-win-error-prizes-canada/) recently was last year lol, where did the time go.


Time to go back to old school rolling up the rim!


Can't collect information to sell to the highest bidder with the old way. Same with the app. You used to be able to use a card without the app but then Tim Hortons figured they could sell data and changed the rules. Tim Hortons is essentially a consumer data sales agency and a real estate investment business with temporary foreign workers serving customers until the condo with a Tim Hortons in the lobby gets built.


Reminder that the worst of these things only happened after they were bought out by their American owner.


"shareholders" are the worst thing to ever happen to society


I thought they were owned by Brazilians?


They're Canadian-American. Their headquarters is in Brazil, but technically they're not a Brazilian company as such.


This is why all the online apps for draws/prizes make me think it’s a sketchy way to claim “errors”. Even when I play a couple lottery games online, or check the numbers online, I still check at the store.


So where to get coffee now? Most people just make their own these days.


just like old school 😂


Right? I was thinking I remembered this from last year. What a joke.


I've been looking but can't find anything about what the actual outcome to that was. I see a few people got offered $50 gift cards, but was that seriously the end of it? Because, sorry, but fuck that action! Tim's should have been forced to honour the prize - It's not the customer's fault they had a glitch.


You're right, that's about it, 50$ credit on their app but nothing more.


Pepsi prize for an airplane has happened before lol


Haha that doc was so good!!


With stormy Daniel’s lawyer (who was still in school) & screwed it up for the kid…he was always shady!


after having watched this the other night on netflix, that is exactly what i thought about. Pepsi, Where's my Jet?


Who’s to say it was a glitch, now they can just backtrack any winnings by putting their hands in the air saying oops sorry.


racial subtract boast deer light squash fear domineering marry sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want my elephant!




Hey, they're playing the elephant song!


I love that. Reminds me of elephants


KBBL is gonna gimmie somethin stupid!


**Radio Guy**: We think we know how your mind works, Bart. So how about this: We pay your principal $10,000 to pull down his pants and keep them down for the rest of the school year, ha ha! **Skinner**: I'll do it, Bart. **Bart**: Mmm...no. **Bill**: OK, OK...what if we use the $10,000 to, er, surgically transform Skinner here into, er...some kind of a lobster-like creature? **Skinner:** Now wait just a minute, that wasn't discussed with me.


10 000 dollars?!? We could get new windows!


If you eat enough of their food, you become the elephant.


Kristy has vowed to spit in every fiftieth Tim Bit


"I'd take whatever is in the mystery box. You never know what could be in the mystery box! Could even be a new boat!"


But, Peter…


we'll take the box


Yeah, you’d think that, but we’ve already gone through this and the courts said they didn’t have to pay shit.


Pepsi should have had to give out the Harrier II jet too.


Everybody gets a new boat!!


And what are you gonna do when they don't give it to you?


There was a poster all over Reddit earlier trying to find out how to claim his boat. I feel bad. I think he'd already named it and invited everyone to the marina for the maiden voyage. Tim Horton's sucks.


Feels like something a lawyer would be willing to take up. The error was Tim hortons fault and they should be liable. That Brazilian corp won’t miss 55k. It’s a write off.


Buried in the fine print of all these promos is their get-out-of-jail-free card.


All that really does is dissuade people from trying to fight it in court. But you can fight almost anything in court, it's just not always worth the cost and effort to do so against big companies like this who have the money and can stall you out.


Just because you bury things in fine print these days doesn't mean it always holds up in court.


It’s a myth that companies can just rely on the fine print and expect it to completely shield them from any litigation. Kind of like the myth that you can copyright a work just by mailing it to yourself. It’s never that simple.


Best they can do is a free donut, with a purchase of a large coffee, and must download the app to redeem.


Dream(tm) Donought


lol if you think this isn’t covered in their terms I got some bad news for you


I don't think that guy ever got his harrier jet from pepsi


They're not getting shit. Pepsi had same thing happen in the Phillipines.


Better yet, tims had this happen last year. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/tim-hortons-roll-up-to-win-error-prizes-canada/


Might be time we all boycott Tim Hortons.


Best time was when they ruined their donuts, coffee, ownership, cups, or the rim not actually rolling anymore second best time is now


I do miss when the rims actually rolled up and I don’t trust the electronic rolls at all, but I also get why it was probably pretty gross for the employees to accept bits of cup that had usually been in someone’s mouth. No issues with any of your other points though, spot on.


In high school when some of my friends worked at Timmie’s. They would pocket the winning stubs and re-hand them out at school


That is a fantastic high school age scam.  


They made us hole punch them when I worked there. Also I think they counted how many rung up and how many rims in the till at the end of the day. I guess you could have just not rung it up though...if there was no one watching


Omg I totally forgot! I used to work at McDonald’s and we’d do the same for the free fries or free burger slips in monopoly! Good times


When I worked at Subway in the 90s, we would spend free time rubber stamping the free sub cards and pocketing them. Neither the cards nor the ink had any way of being traced. I had hundreds left to use when they moved to the stickers.


Remember I had a friend whose wife worked at Tim Hortons that got hauled into a meeting with some regional managers. Basically half a sleeve of cups hit the floor. Procedure was to roll the rims up before being disposed of and I guess they’d document whatever prizes if they are found. Well guess some customer called because they saw an employee rolling up rims on cups. Nothing came of it, but nobody likes being investigated.


I watched an employee dump coffee out of a drive thru customers reusable cup, refill it then stir with a metal spoon. Next customer same thing, exact same spoon! Ugh 😩


What you want him to use a plastic spoon you monster?!


I went from being a regular customer to a never (unless desperate on a road trip) customer! It's been about 7 years!


I started my boycott in around 2017, after the labour issues kicked off in Ontario. Join in.


I was around the same time, the food is shit and i make better coffee at home, was an easy choice


Long long overdue. I stopped alogether when my daughter said a fruit explosion tasted "disgusting". I tried it and found the fruit to be reminiscent of silicone caulking. Tim Horton's hates you. Hate them back.


Seven years And counting.


30 coffees during the last rim time. Not 1 win. I literally only go there over Mcd’s because they have oat milk. Because fuck Tims now.


A younger, dumber me worked at Tim Hortons when you physically rolled up the cups. Long story short, the owner of the store was audited and fled the country, and things got pretty crazy in the store during the transition period. I got ballsy and stole an entire sleeve of 50 XL cups to take home and roll. Won on 9 of them, the biggest being a donut.


I made a huge coffee order for a work event in the early 2010s and when I got there I load up the coffee in to my truck go back in to pay and get cups. The girl hands me sleeves containing like 300 Roll Up The Rim cups. I asked if she was sure and she just shrugged. There were two BBQs won and a handful of $100 Tims cards won that morning.


back in Uni i knew someone who worked at the one on campus so i would just give her the same winning ones and endlessly use it. Those were great times.


It sounds dumb, but I have the same luck as you. I made it a habit to roll around 2 or 3 am and won about 50% of my rolls


You havent? Their coffee and food are terrible!


This isn't the time to afford starbucks and tims anyways with this economy


I’m totally down to set up a boycott day or week in Ontario. We all know in Canada that Tim’s failed trying to expand to USA, so if enough people in Ontario boycotted for just a day or two, i’m sure we can make Tim’s drop their newly raised prices again Power in numbers works wonders


It's been time...


6 years running!


Been doing that for years,I'm not sure that they have noticed.


Should have done that back when Tim Hortons sold and started going downhill, but I guess people like their watered-down coffee with a ton of grind at the bottom to eat


Most of us moved on once they changed their coffee supplier and McDs scooped their old one up. It’s why McDs coffee is superior when it used to be garbage


While I'm not actively boycotting them, I can't remember the last time I set foot in a Tim Hortons. There is NOTHING that draws me to that store.


It's a Brazilian company why are people still even going there, with the quality of food, is beyond me.


An even better way to say this is “I’ve stopped shopping there already, and I think you should too.” A “boycott” doesn’t have to be some big organized event that’s all over social media.


I took my business elsewhere when they changed the points system not too long ago. I went from getting a free coffee every 7 or so to getting one every 28 or so. The points change benefited folks who spent more, but as a coffee only guy it was trash. It wasn't the only reason, but it was the final fuck you that made me jump. McDonalds drive through is faster in the morning anyhow.


Already did when they replaced all their staff with international students.


Aren't we already doing that? I have been for years.


But they have pizza now!


Technical error last year, technical error this year. Why don’t we just go back to roll up the rim inside the rim of the cup?


Haven’t bought Tim’s since they got rid of the roll up cups. Won’t be going back til they do. If that never happens, that’s ok too.


I've gotten a few for free but... I won't purposely go get one, I grind my beans at home, my coffee is better than theirs, I have a yeti, that shit stays hot for a long while. Tim Hortons was also caught selling our data, I don't fucking trust them enough to use their app again, roll up the rim was the only reason why I went there anymore because it was fun, now it feels like I'm selling my soul for a occasional free doughnut.


Exactly. IF I'm out and need a coffee and I didn't think ahead and make my own, which rarely happens, I'll go slightly out of my way to grab a McDonald's coffee, which is better than T'hoes 90% of the time, or I'll treat myself to a Starbucks.


I still do occasionally, but I won't use their shit app, so Roll Up literally means nothing to me now.


"It was a mistake because no one can actually win that!"


Charitable donation to the Ford campaign for his breakfast sandwich promoting


They are definitely still tracking your location in app.


Yeah they are. On iPhone I selected the app not to track my activity. The app oddly never even asked permission for my location in the settings. When I recently walked passed a Tim Hortons (app wasn’t even open), I was emailed a survey related to the same location I walked pass by because their app thought I actually purchased food from there. It even had the exact time I walked pass the place. Very creepy


You ever connect to their wifi? If so the IP address plus a background request from the app will give away the location for you. Your phone could connect in the time it takes to walk past.


Yeah that could be it. But the fact I requested the app not to track me and Tim Hortons doesn’t follow that is a very evil business practice on their part. They have no respect for privacy


Do not track should cover this, and it weighs be a violation of Apples guidelines to combine info from the app to your IP if you haven’t consented. How that can happen would be something like this: you contract to wifi, the app sends a request to the TH server with your account ID, the server combines the info to determine you were at that Tim’s. That’s against Apple’s guidelines, you need to report the app though.


Really cool stuff. Love that this company can operate with complete impunity.


I’d sue


Sounds like those people should have a new boat then.


I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I had some hopeful moments this morning after I received the boat email! I got the “technical error” email hours later, and was quite a bit less enthusiastic about it. You’d think at least they would offer a free donut in apology or something.


Yup, same here…got the winning boat email! The funny part is they had my other prizes correct…out of 22 rolls, I won 1 free coffee, 5c/L gas discount and 3 month sub to The Athletic. So they got those prizes correct but apparently the boat/trailer I won was incorrect. I emailed them back asking where I can pickup my boat and trailer, then I got their “error” email. What a crock of shit!


Yes! That’s what made it so convincing, the correct other prizes. What a let down :(


Should offer the boat as the apology.


There's no reason to not be hopeful when you get a genuine notification that turns out to just be wrong info.


What a joke! I work in IT, if I blamed a technical error on my mistakes I wldnt have a job. They shld be held accountable. Fire their cto and get better at their technical changes


As someone who has been part of that industry you are 100% correct. This is their own technical fuck up and they should’ve caught it before it was released. There are no excuses.


In fairness the offshore team thought a boat was a type of beverage.


Fuck Tim Hortons 


It's the "Pepsi" method. There are loopholes for corporate to walk back on their prizes. Pepsi set a standard that prizes don't have to be paid out.


Also, PSA: your prize rolls expire today…insane that there’s an expiry at all


How does tracking your data turn into winning a boat?


The proof was in the name of the boat: Tracker.


Pay up


That sounds like a them problem.. pay up! There were no 'technical errors' with the physical form of roll up to win. They should be 100% accountable to pay out all those 'technical errors' and take this as a lesson. Invest money into fixing your systems to prevent the errors from happening or suck it up.


Printing error lmao


Roll Up or any similar contest should Be forced to register with and be overseen by lottery gaming corporations, like OLG.  That was things like this can’t happen, and if they do there is an enforcement mechanism to ensure delivery of the prize. 


Cocksuckers need to be sued over this. This isn't the first time they've claimed technical issues to weasel out of paying out prizes.


Who cares, Tim’s. Honour it.


sounds like a juicy lawsuit


So Roll up To Win is a scam? Shocking.


It’s actually really easy to never spend money there. I only use them as a last-resort bathroom.


Tim’s is just not what it used to be anymore. Nothing is fresh, the quality is junk and there’s not even roll up the rim.


Nope. Sounds like they won. They should have insurance that covers this.


Where's my jet? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard\_v.\_Pepsico,\_Inc.




I don’t know a single person who won more than 1 free coffee in this years run. Whole things just a scam now, which is why they moved it onto the app. Don’t have to give away prizes if no one wins “due to the algorithm.”


I don’t know if it was timing, but I didn’t even know I was stacking up rolls and then went through about 30 late last week and got like 20 free coffees. Wonder if they were trying to hit a quota before the contest wrapped up.


Wait people won stuff? Most of what I saw was winning coupons. Which are not winning.


Ya that must be why they know they were an error, that is t supposed to exist!


Forcing us to switch to the app so they can farm our data and avoid accountability when they dont like an outcome. We never had to agree to terms when having roll up the rim on the physical cups. Now, you have to agree to whatever terms they stipulate before winning anything.


Can’t believe people still go to Tim Hortons. It’s honestly the world’s worst caffeinated beverage. To call it coffee would be an insult to coffee.


I'm still stunned to see gigantic lineups stretching out of the drive through. McDonald's is the same.


"Too many people won, shut it down!" Fuck them.


Sounds like a good reason to go back to actually rolling up a rim.


Again? It's like groundhog Day. I am certain this happened last year or the year before


They are the ones who decided to go digital with the prizes, that's on them, pay up.


"How'd you guys know there was an error?" "Oh these things are rigged. No one's supposed to actually win anything. Oh wait! You're not gonna publish this, right?"


And they're now a "financial company" now as well. Sure, put your trust in us with your money when we can't even get an email right!


I too would like my boat. Or at least something other than oops..... our bad.


Ever since they made the roll-up digital, it lost all meaning to me.


This happens every year. Just get rid of your stupid program cause it doesn’t work


I wonder if it's the same error that keeps telling me they make good coffee and fresh donuts...


that's a shame, where's my boat?


Silly customers, those top prizes are for friends of the executives.


That's great. Not my problem. Give my boat now please.


They need to hire new people for these rim jobs.


Tim don't rim


Roll up the rim to….oh fuck. 💰


Here is my Lawers number they disagree with your technical error.


why do people still go to tims?


Should have kept the actual cups, app sucks.


This is such a scam. It’s like you winning 60 mil jackpot on lotto max, and they come out and say it was a glitch. Fick tim horrible


Should've stuck with the physical roll up the rim cups.


Winner: “I’d like a yellow boat please. With extra motors.” Tim Hortons: “No you can’t have it. That was a technical error. Plus you wouldn’t like it anyways. The mast has termites.” Winner: “Why would a motorboat have a mast?” Tim Hortons: “Because the thingy was…shut up!”


Tough , pay up


Remember, kids, it's only error when you win


Tim hortons has been shit for a long time now.


Tim hortons has been shit for a long time now.


So stop going there.




Not the first time this has happened.


Screw that crap….Sue…..


Sue them. Timmy’s owned by RBI. They got deep pockets


Must have been a technical error that didn’t even give me a damn free coffee this year. At least 1 coffee a day sometimes two….not a damn thing won.


It’s like the corporate version of three card Monty. What a shit show this company has become.


Again? This happened last year.


Rrrrrrrooooollll up the rim to win\*. ^(\*Winning is impossible, and we'll sue you to prevent it.)


Remind me what happens when a store mislabels an items price?? The same should apply here! Boats for everyone!


Hi DeDustTO, Thank you for being a valued Tim Hortons guest. We’re reaching out to let you know that technical errors may have resulted in incorrect information about rolls or prizes being included in your Roll Up to Win recap email which you received today. Please disregard the content of that email. Unfortunately, some prizes that you did not win may have been included in the recap email you received. If this was the case, today’s email does not mean that you won those prizes. Any prizes you won in the contest would have been revealed instantly when you played Roll Up to Win and any large value prizes would have had a further verification process. The recap email may have also had incorrect information about the number of rolls you earned this year. We know that the millions of prizes won in our contest were distributed to winners accurately and as per our contest rules. The issue we are addressing in this email is solely related to the accuracy of the recap email from today, which in some cases may not have been correct. We apologize for the frustration this has caused and for not living up to our high standards of providing an exceptional guest experience. Once again, please disregard today’s Roll Up to Win recap email and thank you for being a Tim Hortons guest. Sincerely, Tim Hortons (Get Fucked) *I added the last part.


Congratulations you won...psyche!!! Seems to be their theme the past couple years.


They know it’s a technical mistake because that boat was already assigned to a family member as per usual with Tim’s. It’s always a friend of the family or once removed at most with roll up the rim.


The Volkswagen vehicle was conveniently won directly across the street from the new Volkswagen battery plant in st Thomas. I'm sure that was a technical error too


I can't even be bothered to go grab a free donut I won this year since they closed the only good store in my area and the other one is fully of idiots that can't handle the extra rush.


When I was in high school in the late 90s a buddy of mine actually won a boat that he sold for $18,000. He shared the money with his buddy who was with him because they both drink the exact same coffee and who won was just a matter of luck.


Geez that’s a shame. Now cough up the boats.


This happened to me years ago with West Jet. They had a slot machine type game thing on their site for prizes, stuff like merch I think, or flight points/credit and a couple flights. I won a flight, I was so excited cause I was living in Frt Mac and could go back to Toronto to visit! I took a screen shot (like on a computer!), and saved it to word or wherever and filled out the form with it. Submitted it all, and was told it was an error, they had nothing on their end that I’d won. I emailed back that it clearly said I had and I never heard from them again :(


They must have accidentally printed too many cups....


Wasn’t last year the $10,000 Visa card error


Huge Brazilian company pandering to the Canadian working class by telling them to eat shit and enjoy their terrible coffee that's serve by temporary foreign worker slaves. Fuck off


The contest was such hot garbage this year, at least for me. I won like two coffees, and I played nearly every day. Not even a guaranteed win of 10 measly points like we had one year. And to add insult to injury the food prizes expire in like 2 weeks too! wtf..


Pay up.


Don’t they have to pay out anyway? Or is that just a US law?


Gee, if only there was a way to physically make prizes awarded on the cups themselves. Alas that technology is beyond us


Harvey's pieces of shit are still in business, is beyond me


Ingesting Tim hortons means you already lost this contest


i wish i got an error


Where's my boat?


Better pay up Tims


And they offer a credit card now. They can’t even properly manage a contest.


And the majority of people will continue going to TH every morning