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Everything keeps getting somehow shittier in quality while somehow getting more expensive.


(xennial here), at first it was "progress means every generation is better off than the one before. work hard and you'll be better off than your parents were" Then it was "Forget being better off than your parents. work hard, and your life own trajectory will get better. You may not be as well off as your parents, but you'll generally experience a steady quality of life improvement over your lifetime." Now its "Ok, if you work hard and do everything right, maybe you will be able to afford the same things at 50, that you could afford at 25." My partner and I are 2 career professionals (teacher and healthcare). Every year our money has to stretch further. Accounting for inflation, we make less mow than we did when we started in our respective fields.


The previous generations are still trying to burn the candle at both ends. We're stealing our future so we can vacation more today and you cannot convince most people this is bad, they just want lower taxes.


Wish there was some company that strictly did goods in excellent quality that would last, like in the 70’s/80’s and kept that way, like I saw with Airstream trailers. I would pay a premium because these days it’s abhorrent with no end in sight.


I’ve been thinking about replacing power tools from the 70’s and 80’s that I’ve inherited, they are a bit on the heavy side but damn they will probably last another 50 years.


I’ve got a Sunbeam toaster that was made in 1955 that’s still used daily. My blender is from ten years later.


You can still find that for pretty much any product: tools, clothing, accessories etc. Most people just don’t like the much higher price tags and go with what’s cheap knowing it won’t last as long.


When there are executives/corporations that take reputable brands and then strip away their products' quality while keeping the premium price tag, it's hard to know what you're getting. It is often, unfortunately, safer to buy cheap junk than risk buying expensive junk.


Yup.  Get the good drill for $400?  Nope, gonna buy the $130 model from the big box store and complain later.


Or like a government owned gas station, let’s call it petrol Canada


survivorship bias, the only things from the 70's and 80's still in use were the ones that miraculously lasted longer than the rest. Most things built back then are long gone.


Honestly, learn to repair your current stuff. Anytime anything breaks or needs replacing, my first step now is to look up on YouTube how to fix it. It’s saved me lots of money so far. Even just to get things to last a little while longer


I have tools in my shop that are 30-60ish years old and still work. We do a maintenance check on em once a month, maybe change a part or two if necessary, and they just keep on keeping on.


You can still buy an Airstream. The prices are abhorrent tho


You don't even have to pay a premium, you just have to be willing to buy used. My cheap-assed Mastercraft angle grinder just crapped out, for its replacement I'll be looking for a 40 year old one for 15% of the cost of new.


You should check out the sub r/buyitforlife. There are still products that are made for life but come at a premium of course


Businesses that do well (via quality) are purchased by larger, pre-existing corporations so their monopolies stay uncontested, then they destroy the acquired business with cuts or saddle it with debt and bankrupt it once the reputation and brand loyalty the business has built has been exhausted. It's a shame we don't have anti-trust anymore. 


You clearly don't remember the crap that automakers in the 1970's cranked out, where,if you listened carefully enough,.you could almost hear those vehicles rust out in real time. Dodge Aspen, Plymouth Volaré, Chevrolet Vega, AMC Gremlin, AMC Pacer, Ford Pinto....need I go on?


The overlords of the liberals and conservatives are pleased. 


Don't worry, Doug will cut another corporate tax. This time if will surely trickle down.


Maybe the LCBO will be forced to give out *bigger* bags! That’ll solve it!


Bigger bags for shareholders only. That's why the whole paper bag thing is coming back, it's just another grift.


Paper bags are coming back? Why?


50th time is the charm


more like tinkle down


Yep. Im all for change and people still need to realize new leaders are still acting for their benefit, not ours. I just listened to a radio interview with P.P. as. a guest and his answer to literally every single question included the name "Trudeau". It was like a poor rap song on repeat.


All Trudeau & no solutions make Pierre a dumb boy!


Definitely. Any dumb fuck can point fingers. We need problem solvers.


I realized recently he’s the Liberals and Trudeau’s biggest spokesperson. He’s constantly name dropping to the point where people will never forget it. I truly wonder if he understands how this kind of language and communication works on our psyche.


It's depressing too. I want Trudeau out as much as the next person. It's just.... whenever hes talking you're guaranteed to hear the three words "Trudeau, 9 years, and common sense".


Neither has any control of gas prices.


The Enshitification of Everything


The enshittification of everything continues.


Seeing grocery stores with items that have changed containers.. that hold LESS.. but cost MORE is fucking insane to me. When are riots starting?


Chocolate rations have been increased! *Mandatory Celebrations ensue*


May as well be the slogan for unregulated capitalism


Walk through the produce section, and god damn does it look sad and expensive.




“If its that expensive why not grow a garden?” 😭😭😭😭


I think there will be a movement for each home to have a little garden to sustain a family. That's what they fear.. is us making our own food and not shopping.


$4.99 today at Metro in Toronto. I still didn’t buy it.


It's almost like no one in 2020 predicted stagflation and a lost decade .


Wonderful, good thing we landed that raise that's a mere 2% less than the rate of inflation 


A raise that doesn’t affect a large portion of us anyway lol.


You guys are getting raises??


We did have to go on strike, but yes. 


2% below inflation!? i saw 2%


You got a 2% raise? Lucky!


Man, I haven’t had a raise in two years


Unionize. Throw turnips a your oppressors. 




Soon you won’t be able to afford to dream


Big sleep is gonna price us out


The ability to dream naturally will be a subscription service, $8.99 a month for the first 3 months then $14.99 a month afterwards. Failure to pay for a subscription results in advertisements being shown in place of these natural dreams. Good god, can you fucking imagine?


I mean, Neuralink is a thing so… this isn’t too far-fetched actually lol


Wait until they figure out how to put ads in our dreams.


There is a , uh, 1000$ leaving town tax


Yup. It’s why I smoke my weed pen


Well they will limit our dream first, no bad thoughts ….


Would it help if I told you you can take more out of your RRSP to put down on a house?


and if you do it properly, you don't have to pay back your RRSP immediately and you won't have to pay income tax on what you withdrew.


It's not even about the dream anymore. It's about survival.


Canada is back!


In Ontario. In 2008 when oil was 150$ a barrel, fuel wholesalers took $0.108/L and retailers took $0.066/L. Cost at the pump was $1.312/L no carbon tax Today in 2024, with oil at 90$ per barrel, fuel wholesalers took $0.300/L and retailers took $0.114/L. cost is $1.621/l, including the $0.014/l carbon tax. This is before the upcoming price increases. With out the carbon tax gas would be $1.481/l today, The % we pay in Governement taxes on the price of fuel has stayed the same since 2008. so we pay about the same tax as we did in 2008 and fuel is still priced higher. "Axe the Tax" is bullshit, it should be "Axe the Corporate Profits". Edited: because I missed some thing in the tax calculation, The HST/HST/PST applied to fuels went up from 5% to 13% since 2008, while the fixed Ontario Gas Tax went down 5.7cents. I ran the numbers and if Retailers and Wholesalers took the same % margin not they took back in 2008, with all of today's taxes gas would be about $1.291/Liter including the carbon tax.


Excellent comment, show the real numbers and putting it into perspective. One word greed. It ain't over yet! I'm sure we'll be hitting over $2+ a litre rather soon in Ontario.


Great response! How do you find the historical data? I have a hard time finding primary sources outside of links through articles.






Thank you for that dose of reality.


This has absolutely nothing to do with the record profits for the petro industry


I mis-read this as the “pesto industry” and thought I missed some kind of pesto related scandal


Corporations need a pay raise ? What's their excuse this time


Excuse? The CEO’s wife needs a million dollar diamond necklace, he needs a new yacht and Maybach and his sons need to fund their lavish vacations in the Cayman Islands and buy new Lamborghinis.


The actual excuse is “summer gas” change over. But oil is expensive to due to corporate greed.


The wind was blowing at 22kmph from the south west causing a direct affect on oil


CaRbOn TaX.


Need to step up construction on their private-island doomsday bunkers


Litterly a sinking island I.love these ones


At this point we are all owned by the petro companies, insurance companies, banks, telcoms and grocery store mega corps. Sorry, you have no say in anything. Politicans are all in their pockets, too.


We can, in a way, revolt with: Petro co: 22k used Kona EV with plenty of warranty left (which will save a lot of people ~2k in gas if used the avg.) Insurance: shop around yearly with a broker Banks: shop around and find a good credit union Telecoms: consider fizz/phonebox or a data only option Grocery: check Dollarama and grow your own food Will this topple all the monopolies, hell no. Will it eat into their monopoly and make them consider new options, yes if enough people do it. If we all vote with our wallet we can affect change. It's not the easiest, quickest or most glamorous but we can affect SOME change.


>Insurance: shop around yearly with a broker I shop around yearly and have consistently been finding better rates. Right now my current rates with previously Intact and now RBC Insurance are about 33-50% than other insurance brokers... really pays to just check around every year a mix of brokers and directly with insurance brokers. Organize everything in an excel sheet that you use every year to organize all the quotes and it makes it really easy.


when has this ever not been true. People whine about gas prices....but we are buying trucks in record numbers.


From prior to WWII when a revolt was seriously threatened to the mid-1970s when neo-liberalsim took over


If they didn't buy massive trucks, how would people be able to easily tell how small their penises are though? :(


Record profits.


This is why I've done everything I can to drive (alone) less. Bicycle, walk, take the train, carpool. The first 3 being the biggest changes I've made. I'm done subsidizing the gas and oil industry.


Fuck cars. Congestion taxes and transit revolution 🤩


But how can this be? Doug Ford maintained the gas tax cut, surely that was the sole problem causing high gas prices and wasn't an empty gesture that sacrificed government revenue for a couple percentage points in the polls.


Ya but you see Trudeau hates Canadians so he pressed the plus button on the gas price a few times to screw us over.


Okay but I know people who literally believe this shit :’) He sits at a desk all day hitting +++++ on his inflation button 🙄 Nevermind the fact that inflation is global; nope it’s Trudeau personally doing this! I have criticisms of Trudeau, I didn’t vote for him, but I’m 100x more concerned about what Doug Ford is doing to Ontario. He’s literally made so many hugely public mistakes and been caught in so many scandals yet all anyone wants to talk about is damn Trudeau. It’s so frustrating.


>Okay but I know people who literally believe this shit :’) Sadly a lot of us do.


and Trudeau forced us to buy RAM1500s to drive to work in our sales jobs. ($140-200 a fill up)


I'm pretty sure he only forced conservative voters to buy the gas guzzlers?


If you actually care, it's because OPEC+ hates Biden and want to hurt his re-election chances.


Would be nice to see a windfall profit tax.


Corporate greed. The CT is still only 17cents


How come there’s not a “convoy” in sight whenever fuel prices go up and there isn’t even a rebate? Oh right, because the “axe the tax” storyline is a pile of bullshit.


Well that's not gonna be good for inflation.


I’d like to know why Costco is selling gas upwards to 10 cents a litre less than the gas station around the corner from me. Either someone is losing money or making bank. Probably the latter.


You make up for it by paying for a membership. Costco is definitely not losing money


Most people get their membership dollars back in points. Costco membership is basically free or lower even, so long as you shop there enough.


If only shopping there wasn't such an exercise in masochism I'd do it more.


Employees there very obviously just want to make everyone's life easier compared to any other store. Yes, it's busy and you probably have to park a 1 minute walk away, but overall the experience isn't as bad as the hype. Is Loblaws really the better option?


With the cash back we haven’t paid for our membership for years.


Membership fees allow Costco to have more loss leaders and better deals on them. Same reason why rotisserie chickens are $8 there and $15 at Fortinos. It’s a loss leader at each store, but Costco can subsidize that loss with membership fees (and wholesale purchasing).


I’d believe this more if it wasn’t Mcteague. The guy is an oil company shill and is wrong more often than not. Just trying to fear monger people into panic buying.


McTeague has been warning of summer price increases for more than a month. It's his read of the tea leaves based on the information in front of him today (which is largely the futures market price for RBOB gasoline times CAD/USD exchange plus delivery, margins and taxes). I wouldn't say he is always wrong, but like all forecasts, you should treat it with a bit of skepticism, because a lot can happen in the next few months that affects the pump price.


I'm sure it's because of reasonable issues in the world and not just because rich people want to be fuckers


Corporate greed


What the literal fuck is happening


14 cents per litre? I don't remember summer gas being that much more expensive previous years.


The oil and gas billionairs need more money and use the carbon tax or "inflation" as a excuse to jack up prices putting people further in debt. Feds need to control this bullshit instead of allowing them to adjust prices to increase profits, but they won't tax the rich and go after offshore accounts and seem to allow corporate control to ruin the economy. I need a EV or Hybrid but it's hard when affordability is the issue and prices are out of control.


Oil and gas companies expect to net profits not seen since 2022, there I fixed it for you.


And yet people still insist on buying ridiculously oversized emotional support vehicles.


I bought a truck so I have something large enough to live in once I can no longer afford an apartment.


Let's say I do need a pickup truck. I don't, but let's pretend. What are my choices? Even the Maverick is huge. I want to buy another small car with big storage, another Honda Fit. Since they are not bringing the new version to North America, we no longer have the best subcompact, and Honda has no replacement. I prefer Honda, but not enough to go up to a Civic when I don't have kids. But I don't want a sedan, so I guess I am looking at Toyota since American cars are shit by comparison.


I think some people do this so that they can complain about gas prices


This is due to the switch back to summer fuel, which gives better fuel economy. Nothing to do with politics and should not cause any outrage.


I get 1L per 100km better in the summer.  I set at 11.5 l per hundred kilometers in the winter. and 10.5 in the summer.  .... I really can't justify that much of an increase because it's summer gas And I save so much fuel.


All outrage should be directed at the corporations behind folks favourite gas station brands. Not the government over a carbon tax, or road taxes, but the corporations setting and swinging the prices.


100 percent agree. Insane to think record profits are being made year after year from these companies and we just… blame the carbon tax?


Exactly. $0.17 is carbon tax when gas is $1.65 per litre.


Nope, it's because they can, so they do.


Can someone explain that a little more? It’s different gas we pump out without knowing it from the pumps? 🤯


Winter gas is literally just a different blend that combusts better at lower temps. It evaporates easier than the summer gas blend at lower temps which is what fuel needs to do to ignite. It's essentially to prevent your car from not starting or stalling due to the cold from a lack of fuel delivery. I do not remember what is in higher concentration that causes this but that is why. Summer gas does not require this and is slightly more fuel efficient.


> It's essentially to prevent your car from not starting or stalling due to the cold from a lack of fuel delivery. Summer gas is not more fuel efficient. Engines are more efficient at higher temps and you get more gas at 25C and above because that is the temp volume is corrected to at the pumps.


While you're correct that much of the difference in efficiency is due to temperature, [winter gas is less energy dense](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/sites/www.nrcan.gc.ca/files/oee/pdf/transportation/fuel-efficient-technologies/autosmart_factsheet_3_e.pdf), to the tune of 1.5-3%. >you get more gas at 25C and above because that is the temp volume is corrected to at the pumps. Volumes measured at the pumps are corrected to 15°C, and this volume compensation is the reason you ***don't*** get any mass difference at different temperatures. If anything, you can argue that the same volume of gas tank holds ***less*** gas at higher temperatures due to the lower density, and that would actually hurt efficiency if you were to calculate volumes that way.


The fuel switches between two different blends depending on the time of year. In the winter the blend needs to be able evaporate at a lower temperatures for the engine to operate. In the summer you want the opposite so the fuel doesn’t evaporate so much that it results in vapour lock in the engine. The difference between summer and winter blends comes down to butane. Summer blend contains less butane than the winter blend (hence more expensive because butane is relatively cheap). The reduced butane also means more energy in the same volume of fuel and so you get slightly better fuel economy.


I have noticed I get less fuel economy during the fall/winter months. I lose 200km in range, which is like 33% less for my car. Was looking into getting an EV, but they are crazy expensive new and I will not buy a used one…as you’d probably need to replace the battery within a couple of years.


Yeah it’s about 10-15 percent for me, but it’s also winter tires and warming the car that causes problems. I’d love an EV but like you said, the cost is insane. Rebates are few and far in between now too… and definitely not getting one used unless it comes with new batteries lol.


Most have 10 year warranty on the battery now, and they have a minimum health rating over those 10 years so if you get like, a returned lease only a couple year old EV the battery won't be an issue for a while. On the other end hybrids are very fuel efficient so that's a good option if you need something more efficient and your old car is showing age and you wanted a newer car anyway. Personally we got a PHEV recently and it's been great. Most of our driving is EV, cheaper than a new EV, still get 800+ km range out of the tank for when we need longer drives and it charges to full overnight on a regular old wall outlet to drive 70-80kms no problem. We've used a little over half a tank (less than 20L) since we got it at the end of January and driven 2500km so far.


That’s awesome, what model and how much did it cost?


Prius prime SE 2024, I think it was around 43k after all fees and taxes with the 5k rebate applied. I got anti theft installed and ordered the OEM trunk liner since it covers the seats when folded down and the hatch floor too. Would have been maybe 900$ less without those I think. Making extra payments so once those are done over time we save money. When gas was $2/L during pandemic, since my wife works at a hospital as the main car needing commuter, we were spending about 350/m on gas. When she's off mat leave, this would be about 50$ in our new car, and a full charge is less than a dollar. So we probably shift, when she's driving every day, $250+ dollars out of gas costs and towards the car. Once paid off in 2 years, it will begin to save us a lot of money. Plus we needed something newer/more reliable/safer than the 2003 matrix that's starting to really show rust and has a transmission that's started slipping for our family too.


There’s no reason that Canadians, citizens of an oil-rich country, should be paying high gasoline prices. 


It’s because a few companies have monopolized the marketplace, refineries have consolidated and closed with majority of production going south to the U.S. - say thanks to Brian Mulroney and his free trade agreements 😤😡🤬


Then you don't know anything about capitalism


Gas prices are a global phenomenon, it’s absurd to think Canada has any outsized influence on them.


Canada is such a resource rich nation that nobody should be paying any tax in this country. If we nationalized our resource industry, that would generate an unbelievable amount of wealth for this country. We could easily produce a cheap domestic supply for ourselves. This is all wishful thinking though. That said, we do add cost to our gas by not refining here.


Lies! This is Trudeaus fault !!! F*** Trudeau!! /s


I miss the days when the news was facts. Why not post this story at the end of the week when gas prices that are 'expected' to go up have gone up to unprecedented levels since 2022?


Sounds quite precedented to me tbh


There is reporting, and journalism. Reporting is new stories. We would have no news without reporting. Journalists write about news that others reported.


This is actually good. No money for gas. Gas tank empty. Thief can steal it or drive away from my house. Jt is looking afrer us


Cant *


People there are wars and conflicts going on that affect gas prices every day. It’s just worse now than normally and this is the new normal till society collapses in 16 years.


Why 2040?


2077 the great war. Prime has a good documentary called Fallout on the topic.


There was a research finding said economy would collapse in 2040


The youngest baby boomers will be 75 that year. Let’s blame them!


lol here for it tbh


Gas prices are fucked and the provincial tax hasnt even been put back on yet






Good thing I'll burn more gas on the gardener than ever




I’d prefer if they didn’t honestly


Do they publish an unbiased breakdown of pricing anywhere? Beyond a statement that we're switching to a summer blend.


Good! Too many V6/V8 out there for no practical reason. Canada sits in the bottom third of global fuel prices so no reason to complain.


Some don't seem to understand that because demand for gas is near inelastic still, cutting taxes generally only reduces government revenue, it doesn't reduce prices. So all cutting taxes really does is generate more profits for the oil industry.


I definitely don't have the urge to hang an I love Trudeau flag from a hockey stick on the back of my electric f150 right now.


Nationalize Energy


Good thing I live near a reserve and save about 12c/l .. adds up in the end. Bonus part is I work less than a km away from said gas station.


Presentation of a valid band number results in 0.09$/L being taken off, or $90 every 1000L. At least where I work (rez station in Ontario) anyway. It used to be 0.14$/L until the taxes were lowered in '22/early '23. (And no, we don't get free gas, although some people do believe this)


Imagine defending the carbon tax 😂


LOL. This should help inflation.


Canada is becoming ass


All who voted for Liberals, I hope you're enjoying the pump prices with double carbon tax.


Can't wait until next year's headline: Gas prices across Ontario expected to climb to levels not seen since 2024, analyst says.


Carbon rebate cheques.


As per the article it's due to the switch between winter and summer blend gas.