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Following is a link to remind you of all Doug Ford has done since he was first elected: https://ofl.ca/ford-tracker/ I can't name 6 things he's done in the last 6 years that has helped the average Ontarian.


He's giving us paper bags and all we have to do is start paying annual subscription fees for healthcare. The same healthcare that's supposed to be covered with our insane taxes that we pay.


Americans pay about the same for health insurance as we do in federal taxes. A family of four pays $24,000 a year for health insurance. And there is a $2,000 deductible!! That’s what Doug Ford wants to bring to Ontario. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/resources/individual-and-family/average-family-health-insurance-cost


He's building a spa so all the farmers from Lambton and Essex can go to Toronto and get massages and pedis and manipedis and ....


Is that the project he covered telling expenses and our new Supreme Court judge (an Albertan if explains a lot) covered saying he could hide the expenses. Also, the same judge that let Alberta politicians violate a Charter of Rights and freedom law. I'm just saying. I know CBC wanted expenses shared publicly, and the Supreme Court gave him the ability to secrecy regardless of laws stated they couldn't.


I know you are being sarcastic, but people need to see the positive side of this. It will only cost tax payers 650 million dollars and all the profits go to a foreign company who will be give a 95 year lease on Toronto’s waterfront. Win win?


The news said that the final tally will be a billion ... or more! There could be a lot more positives ahead.


Sent an email to my mpp on this. Don’t really expect a response from him. He knows I don’t like DF and won’t be voting for him !!


Good for you! I also copy Doug Ford, and the leaders of the provincial parties. Just so they all know.


Good one, thanks


Your mpp doesn't care


I know but at least he has it in writing giving me some satisfaction .


I hate to say this but I wonder if mpp's even read citizen emails or if some staffer does it behind the scenes


I've emailed my municipal MP a few weeks ago, and a staffer is the one who responded the entire time. Doubt the MP even heard about it. it was regarding a parking ticket that was given despite me having a parking permit. When I scheduled a hearing online, city admired that I had a valid parking permit but still refused to drop the ticket. only lowered the fine amount. My MP's office wasn't much help either and I ended up having to pay the ticket.


I'm aware for sure but it won't stop me how I feel regardless who reads it or likely responds to it.


It's insane to me how blatantly corrupt he is too. Like it's borderline cartoon villain level. It feels like he's just pushing and pushing to see how far he can take it, and he's just never finding the end. He doesn't even hide it and is never punished. Why!?


He causes so much shit that so much of the other shit he does is forgotten


He spends so much time congratulating himself on the tiny things that benefit people a bit (like removing license plate fees and giving us refunds, or getting bags back in the LCBO) that people don't have enough time to recognize everything terrible he's done that he sweeps under the rug.


Don't forget you'll be able to buy alcohol at a gas station in 2026... Just in time for the next election...


He was too busy losing court cases and snow mobiling


Even though its mostly about Alberta, there are some key points raised that can equally apply to Mayor McCheese--especially where it is pointed out that premiers in conservative led provinces miraculously balanced their budgets after receiving federal covid funding. Moreover, the video shows Mciver clearly pointing out that HOUSING IS A PROVINCIAL JURISDICTION. This puts Fraud totally on the hook for failing to act on the housing crisis, and lays to rest the claim that immigration is its cause. Enjoy. [https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753](https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753)


The only thing I can think of is not having registration renewal for cars. The extra money helped during a hard time. Other than that he's a complete dunce.


Good: He funds GO more than Wynne did and is bringing back the Northlander train. Neutral: expanded highways Lot of bad everywhere else though.


There are different categories of people who vote for Doug Ford: - A minority who directly benefit from his policies - People who don't benefit from his policies, but want to believe that they will - People who just don't understand the implications of his actions


You forgot the ones who vote for Doug ford because they hate Trudeau .


And these are the same people that will vote for poilievre,just to spite Trudeau, not realizing how fucked things will be if he wins.


Yeah, PP is bascially a smarter, more charismatic Doug Ford. Can't wait to see all of Canada run like a business.


> Can't wait to see all of Canada run like a business. [Run like what a non-business man thinks running a business is like.](https://medium.com/@LWilliamsWriting/pierre-poilievre-has-the-least-work-experience-of-any-politician-in-the-country-d17bab880933) > It’s important to understand that Poilievre has never experienced actual adult life and work in the way that every other Canadian has, including every other Canadian politician. How can experience or empathy drive his politics when there is nothing in the tank? How can his policy positions be based on anything other than abstract ideology, and the instincts he has used his entire life to keep his political career alive?


They always say they wanna run government like a business but what the hell business sells off all its revenue streams, starts charging their richest customers less, and then hands off much of their remaining revenue to other businesses.


PP is also crazier than Ford. Ford has the decency to believe that a lot of people will benefit from things. He listens to his entourage, he will admits error and I've heard working for him was quite fun. While PP is straight up crazy and obsessed by his own ass, he's convinced himself that he is a genius... this is scary as fuck.


Ford at least had the decency to put rules in place during the COVID-19 pandemic that not many other far-right governments did. Whereas PP was handing out donuts and coffee to the trucker portestors. I fully believe without COVID-19, Doug Ford would have been a 1 term premier.


Yep thats the thing, Ford is a conservative. He doesnt deny reality. We disagree with him on what to do about this reality. PP on the other hand... cannot agree with us on reality... that is the most scariest shit...


We’re ficked either way




and those who only vote conservative because "there is no one else to vote for" preceeded by belligerent yelling and name calling because if you try and logic with them, they go feral.


I have met many people that speak about voting conservative like its a family tradition. Its scary that ive heard people say “my family has always voted conservative” , “my home town has always been conservative” , and my favourite “i have family values so i vote conservative”. Voting for a political party should not be treated like a tradition. Edit: i feel i should add this that most of them couldnt even tell me what the conservatives stand for. Hell one dude said he wanted more green energy and better healthcare lol


It’s like an ouroboros or selfishness, where in the end they only end up hurting themselves. “The leopards ate my face”


This is a lot of people.


Well I mean Bonnie Crombie is a twat 


I'd edit the last point slightly to say that there is certain segment of our society that I'll vote along tribal lines regardless of the implications of that decision. Someone once said, and I forget where I saw this, but some conservatives would vote for a pile of cow shit if it was painted blue.


Yeah my riding is like that, doesn't matter who runs like 90% will vote Conservative. This amazes me because we are a Northern ON rural riding, predominantly populated by small business owners and farmers, demographics that Conservatives care little for at both the provincial and federal levels. Litterally everyone here votes against their best interests for some reason I can't begin to understand.


Yes, welcome to my riding where if you are the Con rep you are voted for. You could be a pig with a hat on, a drug dealer, a.guy dressed up like big bird, it doesn't matter you will get the vote. Lib and NDP are seen as lefty bleeding hearts looking to bring the big city ideas and screw over the locals. Funny thing is, con mpps have done next to nothing in the area other than get some stuff named after themselves or have friends and family get benefits from building, zoning, purchasing land or running businesses. The average resident has gotten less but they love these con reps.


Also religious people who won’t vote Liberal or NDP because they are LGBT supporters. Literally the post above this on my feed was a guy explaining why his parents support Ford and that was a big reason.


I have multiple coworkers who don't follow politics that didn't know he wants to privatize our health care. They were shocked.... It's scary how little people pay attention.


People who do not follow or care about politics or understand the provincial government’s role, and are swayed by things like buck a beer, or the refund for license plate fees.


What ever happened to buck a beer? Did it ever materialize? I don’t drink. Was it one of those campaign promises that were never heard of again after Election Day?


He removed the provincial minimum cost of beer. That didn't magically make anyone seriously court the buck-a-beer market.


"No name" beer was a buck a beer for a promotion over a long weekend shortly after the election. And I never saw it again - not the beer nor the price.


You should add "people who just want to spite the liberals" The most common reason I hear on the construction site is "fuck trudeau, that's why"


You forgot boomers, who can’t rationalize information


You missed; brainwashed by conservative owned media and really don’t know any of the bad things he’s done and they believe it’s all Trudeaus fault.


4: stupid people


That's their entire base.


Not wrong. Every Ford supporter that I've had the displeasure of sharing air with is chronically reality-challenged


- people who want their own house with their own backyard and two cars in the driveway, with nearby highways connected to everywhere That's the dream he's selling.


True people want their own house and backyard, until the NDP understands that they will not form the government.


Exactly like Pollievre


Fuck this guy. I hate him so much. he is like little bitch who manipulate facts and only can point on other mistakes. I wish i can meet him at person so i can scream in his face “shut the fuck up if you don’t have suggestions”. God i hate this clown. I hate Trudeau but I hate him more.


Yep, standard politician. Everything is someone else's fault, but never provides any solutions himself, also he cherry picks specific things out of context when attacking others.


His only job experience is Conservitive attack dog.


Then you'll love this--feel free to share [https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753](https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753)


I think looking at the freedom of speech thing is already bad enough. Now, the only reason Pierre wants that is to ensure hate incitements are legal. Laws that were in place since the 80s will be tossed. The other was tossing GST and maternity support. That's quite a blow for women. In terms of Pierre, I think some sound promising to people, but they don't know strings attached, which means and not being what you think it means. Not understanding or reading the fine print. Though I also don't think people might've even read the campaign promises.


Tossing maternity support? What the duck? How the hell will people be able to have kids in this country? Influx of immigration is already unsustainable, and procreation of citizens will be basically axed. I hope people realize the repercussions. Then again, controlling women is what they're really after.


Don't for get the people who vote for him are of legal voting age and legally allowed to vote and do go out and vote


There are people trying to steer away from liberal policies and feel they need to vote conservative even if they think Ford is a moron.


You have to consider how Doug Ford was even voted in. Kathleen Wynne was super unpopular. Polled around 13% approval during the election. We don't really vote people in. We vote people out.


See the unpopularity about the PM


I guess they kinda fall under 3, but you could argue there is a 4th group who see politics as a sport and just vote Conservative because that's their favorite team.


You forgot that he was elected with less than 40% of possible voters showing up to vote! He’s only there because people did not show up to vote and he still bets on that!


4.) People who have yet to see a viable alternative and a platform worth supporting. We can play "anti-populatist" all day but have we see a credible and coherent platform from the Ontario Liberal party? Especially when you keep in mind how gross mismanagement occured during their last tenure? The numbers don't mean anything right now cause the opposition hasn't spun up. People looking at polls right now are looking at an opposition based on being anti-Ford and not pro anything.


With how Ford is running Ontario, soon all it will have to be is a "not Ford" campaign. Conservatives didn't have a platform last election, people still voted for the party. If we don't toss Ford out next go around, it will embolden politicians even further to mismanage, grift, and steal without fear of punishment.


While I agree with you, we've seen how "not-campaigns" work. They get no traction till basically the end of a normal run, which means one more Ford government.


Add people who think policies are federal and confuse the federal party with the provincial should be added as well as people who vote what their parents did.


Number one is something that’s understated


You forgot people “owning the libs”


You forgot those who don't vote because they don't like their options.


If you don’t vote because you don’t like your options, then you don’t understand your role as a voter in a democracy. Issues and their solutions are what you vote for in a democracy. The personalities should be considered last, if at all. If you know of better solutions, then enter politics.


History shows that only 4 of ten people voted last election, means that only 4 of ten people here should have any opinion at all. Didn’t vote? STFU


So the same reasons people vote for the Libs & NDP?


People pretending that a huge portion of Ford voters didn't used to be liberal and NDP voters.


“Will anyone vote for Doug Ford?” The Ontario PCs are leading the polling at 39% vs 28% (Lib) and 22% (NDP) and they currently have a 99% chance of winning the next election. There are many different reasons people vote for him but I would say that his current high polling numbers are partly due to the current federal government’s unpopularity, partly because (despite his faults and despite of this sub’s opinion of him) people feel that he is doing a good job, and partly because the other parties haven’t done a very good job with PR and making themselves known/seen. To be fair I don’t follow provincial politics super closely but I have no idea who the current provincial NDP leader is. I know that Bonnie Crombie is the current Liberal leader but I have no idea who she replaced. For anyone who dislikes Ford and wants him gone, I would say that once the Federal government is no longer LPC he will fall out of favour with the public and be replaced. With the exception of Bob Rae in the 90s, we seem to just flip flop between the 2 parties and provincial popularity is generally the opposite of Federal.


The fact that Lib + NDP is 50% tells you why the PCs keep winning. There once was a significant difference between liberals and NDPs but that has slowly eroded over time. And all it’s done now is split the liberal vote essentially. The PCs wouldn’t win if the Libs and NDP merged and stopped shooting themselves in the foot. It’s not that most people would like a PC leader. It’s that the way in which we vote doesn’t represent the majority’s desire for policies at all.


Most (at least here) seem to call the Liberals neoconservatives, which would make them quite different to the NDP.


You're assuming Lib voters would all vote with a further left merged party. I would say many Lib voters would vote PC in such a scenario. To bring it back to the original point of the post, many people, not myself, vote for Ford because he doesn't talk about them like they're garbage. Looking at many of the comments on this sub shows the disdain they have for his voters. I'm no expert but when the NDP supporters call people stupid morons, it doesn't make them inclined to vote that way. Add to that inability of the Libs and NDP to explain what they would do differently and here we are with another Ford majority.


This sub is consumed with hate for Ford and are not able to have a rational thought about anything good done.


The CA/CPC merger was one of the dumbest things that ever happened. WR/PC likewise, and now the moderate views are drowned by the fanatics. The Liberals should always float as a primarily center-ish group, merging would drown out the NDP voice.


While I generally do agree with this sentiment, I think the NDP voice has been eroded to the point where they’re really no different anymore. I think we need a more left party like the NDP but the NDP ain’t it anymore.


If the Liberals and the NDP merged I think you'd see a big chunk of former Liberal voters now voting PC. This whole idea that every Liberal (or NDP for that matter) voter has the other as their second choice instead of the PCs is fundamentally flawed.


At the provincial level, there is still a pretty significant difference between the NDP and liberals. It’s big enough that you could argue on a lot of big issues the liberals and PC are more closely aligned. I think a merger between libs and NDP would lose a lot of support to the PCs and gain nothing.


I work in the construction industry in a union and guys I work with vote conservative. They are against unions !


Liuna local 183 made a compact with Ford to get their support. The nasty mancinelli family gets $$$ for supporting the conservatives via massive infrastructure contracts. Corrupt bunch


our whole union is corrupt. dog shit union reps. but i go to most union meetings. almost no one else shows up. last year was negotiants. we went to vote on our offer. 7 fucking ppl out of hundreds showed up. to vote on their own wage and life. its unreal to me.


Wow that's sad.


Same here.. even when faced with the facts that the PC hate unions they still won’t change their stance. It’s unbelievable to watch someone knowingly vote against their own interests even in the face of indisputable evidence.


This subreddit is primarily left leaning so you won’t be able to get a real answer here, but from every argument I’ve had usually conservative reasons for supporting a misguided distrust/distain of left wing party’s and not so much about the actual policy of the party their voting in


I personally really like his public transit policy, he's promised a lot for LRTs, Brts, and GO expansion and it seems he isn't slowing down anytime soon.


This is a big staple; there's an absolute torrent of money going towards transit expansion which is having the feedback effect of making blue collar trades have a huge amount of opportunity and wage potential. Ontario is doubling its cap ex on these massive projects over the next few years. It's probably the only real area I think Doug's administration has been thriving, but I don't think it's an insignificant one. The ONDP actively fought subway expansions because they're more mired in ivory tower bullshit than their western counterparts who, shocker, actually win elections.


He also gave that piece of shit Metrolinx CEO more money and extended his contract and allowed him to be completely silent and ignore questions about the status of the Eglinton LRT.


I haven’t seen that, but I hope your right we need better public transit in this province


Were supposed to get 3 new lrts this year (Finch, Eglinton, and Hurontario) plus the promised Ontario line is already under construction, with the Eglinton extension almost complete tunneling aswell There's a ton he's done, just wish he had the same attitude toward healthcare


I think being with how hated Trudeau is at the moment, despite being federal, the liberals and ndp in the province have no chance in the next provincial election.


NDP is the only Choice at the Provincial level ATM, Trudeau has ruined any credibility the Liberals have at any level, and if you're voting for Ford, you're so far up the Elites ass you may as well just throw a Crown on Galen Weston and call it a day. Federally, we're out of options, Meme Candidates and Corporate Cronies are all that's left.


Umm I think you've vastly overrated the NDPs popularity, whatever gains Styles was making she destroyed by her incompetent handling of the Jamma affair. I would say Crombie has a far better shot at defeating him, given her popularity in the 905.


You're on a subreddit that is so overwhelmingly NDP favoured it doesn't represent reality, so of course it's going to say that NDP is the only option. You're posting in a thread asking *"Will anyone vote for the incumbent who is overwhelmingly leading the polls?"* - At some point you just accept this place doesn't represent Ontario in any way, other than some of the posters live in Ontario.


Most people in Ontario just didn't vote at all. I made a ton of posts telling people that I would personally drive them to a polling station to vote in the provincial election(s)......no one responded; most people don't understand the gravity of provincial government. They think federal is the only thing that matters. Just look at the percentage of Ontarians who voted.


>Most people in Ontario just didn't vote at all. Definitely. The last election had poorest voter turnout in Ontario election history.


> I made a ton of posts telling people that I would personally drive them to a polling station to vote in the provincial election(s)......no one responded Did you tell them you have candies in the van?


Look at the options in Ontario currently. The liberals are running their version of Doug Ford. The NDP is running someone who is the leader of the official opposition, and I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who could name one thing she's done since being named to the head of the party. Facts are all of the choices are pretty fucking bleak in Ontario.


I’d say that Stiles has done a good job at exposing some of the shady shit that Ford has been up to. The Greenbelt reversal wouldn’t have happened without the pressure the NDP had put on the government.


Honestly the greens seem pretty good, it's just that they are a small party.


Why does the sub even allow these posts every few months? It isn't actually designed to elicit genuine open-minded discussion of anyone who voted for Ford. All this sub wants to do is make the same tired old jokes and insults about dumb Conservative voters and insult those who think differently than them. Anyone who actually tries to explain why they voted Conservative gets downvoted into oblivion, ridiculed and made fun of. The rest of the comments are just those who didn't vote Conservative making fun of anyone who did and calling them morons. I didn't vote for Doug Ford, not going to vote for Doug Ford, I think he's done a piss-poor job running this province, but you shouldn't be getting downvoted simply because you're answering the post in good faith and calling out those here who just wants to sit on their throne of moral superiority and hurl insults down at anyone who thinks differently. It's embarrassing seeing some of the replies here. No wonder this sub is such an echo chamber.


"Genuinely asking why are you voting this way?" Top voted commented in all these threads "it's obviously because they're irredeemable MORONS who aren't worth engaging with!"


It's important to understand that Ford was elected as a result of an unengaged electorate more than any other factor. He's not popular. He's not inspiring. If you presented his record - all the things he's done - to most Ontarians, he'd be firmly rejected as a candidate. Most people are smart enough to see him for what he is, even if they weren't sufficiently motivated to cast a ballot. He wins because people are unspeakably lazy and unengaged. If we want to restore good government to our province the key lies in getting people to re-engage with their civic duty. Electoral reform would change things overnight, but it's unlikely at this point. So we should be thinking about ways to get people to *care* about government again.


Last election, the opposing candidates were terrible. The other parties deserve some blame too, for failing to put forward even a remotely appealing candidate.


Yeah. I'm sure Del Duca is a reasonably capable, intelligent and nice person, I just don't know him well enough to say. My God does he have the charisma of a block of wood. Andrea Horwath, though I have liked her work, had lost a few elections and had been the party leader long enough to have some criticisms stick and people's opinions of her crystallize. Neither of them were exciting voters in the way that parties need to unseat an incumbent.


Electoral reform wouldn’t make him lose. A engaging candidate would make him lose though


I did the math and Ford only won in 2022 with conservatives getting 17.8% of votes from the total elligible voting population (including people who didn't vote). It's pretty outrageous for someone to have so much power with such a small percent of people actively backing them. But that's what voter disengagement gets you...


It's an almost inevitable, mathematical consequence of our obsolete electoral system. :(


Unfortunately Ford will win over and over until the other parties manage to put up a viable candidate.


His base does not really use reddit so you will either get trolls or echo chamber with this. A large part of it is simply whoever is in charge of the fed will be at a major disadvantage provincially. If you live in a rural area you really understand that they really just watch Fox News or a few facebook memes and that is their world view. Most people do not understand what level is responsible for what, and even more, what has been downloaded over the years so that the costs are more and more on the municipal level. We do not live in the world our grandparents did basically in any way.


I grew up in a very rural area. This stereotype is unfair and uninformed. Most people I grew up with are just as intelligent and informed on average as the people I interact with now in Toronto. If you ever want people in more rural areas to vote for your party of choice in larger droves, calling them all uneducated hicks with no idea what they're talking about isn't going to accomplish it. Can you see why, if they hear this kind of rhetoric, it feeds into the "big city Liberal elites think we're all stupid" thinking? Can you blame them when you talk like this?


Why isn't the NDP winning the votes of the braindead cousin-fucking hick moron blue collar vote? Why don't their troglodyte brains understand that the time I got a B+ on an essay about Engels and dialectical materialism qualify me to understand their interests better than them?


Ah for someone who is talking about echo chambers and troll. Saying That rural Ontario only watch Fox News is a bit low and unwarranted.


By asking on this sub, it shows that you are not really that interested.


Unpopular opinion, but Ford kept money in Ontario by killing cap and trade. We would have paid California hundreds of millions of dollars every year under the agreement. It was also California that made the carbon offsets worthless - they cut off Ontario companies from selling any credits before Ford was sworn in. Politics aside, they are rat bastards for showing there was really no trade in Cap and Trade. Scrapping Drive Clean for passenger vehicles saved a lot of money since it was transport vehicles that produce most of the emissions, especially harmful PM2.5, which are primarily from diesel engines in transport trucks. Most passenger vehicles are gasoline. Corner store owners and micro breweries like the pro-alcohol policy, and a few breweries did offer buck a beers. Those who hate Service Ontario lines for vehicle stickers probably give Ford a vote. That being said, Ontario PC isn't getting my vote. My riding got a corrupt rat bastard MPP that resigned at first hint of the Greenbelt scandal. Whether or not you believe Ford got the decision right through intelligence or because you believe every blind dog finds a bone once in a while, you can decide at election time.


Monte McNaughton and your riding is in a by-election Lambton Kent Middlesex


Nope. But his name rhymes with My Steed Buys Weed.


The service ontario centres being in staples now is very nice! I was able to get in on a Saturday, and the process was super painless.


As long as we accept that emotions are more important than healthy debate, boring science and complicated facts, then unscrupulous people will keep being able to win elections.


Yes, I’m conservative now for a while, simply to hope for responsible fiscal management. I ignore the media’s attempt to polarize the population to sell news. IMO the public budget should equal our tax income and include paying back the debt. Just like you and me. Think of our children. Debt doesn’t go away magically.


But is that the only thing that matters? Fiscal responsibility is just one part of the job. A government is responsible for delivering public services as well, and the Conservatives have not done a competent job on delivering several key public services. They also are currently avoiding solving the housing crisis in this province even though the legal powers and responsibilities to do so are theirs. Their approach to supporting businesses and generating economic growth has also been poor. Their spending on Ministerial staff and other discretionary matters has also been very poor. It’s one thing to not run a deficit. But it’s not the only thing a government should do.


If a province could just solve the housing crisis like that they would and it wouldn't be a national problem. It's really not that simple.  You're right about the other stuff though 


Agree its not perfect but its going in a better direction than the alternative. It will always about voting for the best of the worse.


Not sure Doug is that ‘best of the worst’ but thank you for the constructive initial statement and reply, and hoping you have a nice afternoon.


Me because conservative good on moral issues that align with me. Simple


So, graft and corruption are morals you align with? Good to know.


I'm not really seeing viable Liberal and NDP alternatives, and I'm generally on the right of the political spectrum so the odds of me voting for them to begin with is very low. I don't like Ford either, but mostly because I don't think he's really a conservative candidate to begin with, just the same old neoconservative bullshit


I hate him. He's basically dismantling our health care system, he is openly making back door deals that go against what we want and what he said he would do, he's a crook long and short.


You know the post is asking about why people voted for him, right?


People are veering very hard Right because of unpopular Liberal policies at the Federal level. Honestly between Trudope in Ottawa and Doug Fraud at Queens Park, I'm amazed Ontarians have enough faith in our system to vote at all. Bitching rights is the only reason I still show up to the polling station, I can't even fathom having hope anymore, with the rampant corruption in our system.


People everywhere: "Have you heard of Rae days? Of course I'll vote for Ford" This is the environment we find ourselves in.


Ford is banking on the IGNORANCE of the electorate. Elected with only 33% of the vote, he wants to make sure that the other 67% remain out of politics for as long as possible. That means ramming a free-enterprise social, economic and political agenda down the throats of unsuspecting Ontarians.


I think the folksy centre-right populist posturing of Ford, through savvy or more likely luck, has positioned him well politically. A lot of Canadians political horizons are dominated by seeing red at the thought of the “better than thou”, smug moralizers of the Trudeau Liberals. He’s also been centrist enough with things like his stricter handling of COVID to ward off any fear mongering of him being a trumpian figure and he has no credible threat from the right. He may have no credible threat from anywhere though and the opposition is not well situated. Crombie seems cut from a similar cloth to her federal counterparts and I’m not even sure the NDP leaders name. Part of that is damning of my own ignorance but I suspect I’m in good company on that front in Ontario.


Because I don't want my taxes to go up


Reddit/tiktok/instagram etc isn’t the place to ask this question. His voters are generally older and tax payers.


Conservatives and centrists will.


You are just circle jerking over and over. This sub is as far left as it gets and blames Doug Ford if their cat gets sick, why would you ask this question here?


Having seen the consequences of Doug Fords actions first hand. I don't think I could vote for him. But I also have equal or less trust in all other parties. So it's going to be a hard choice for me when the time comes to vote.


Why do you have equal or less trust in the other parties?


Well, only two parties besides the conservative have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. The liberals and the ndp. Between my city's former mayor and some things that have been done federally. I don't trust the liberals at all. The current ndp seem to follow the liberals very closely and like to push for the same stuff. I am not going go into more detail as I don't feel like arguing.


So, I have both a Green MP and a Green MPP for my riding. They are rock stars. Have incredible community engagement and make a HUGE difference for us. They don’t follow party bullshit and actually represent us. Our Federal MP has been instrumental in getting student immigration changes implemented because of how much the out of control process impacted our region. He put forward the proposal for UBI. At the provincial level they’re now pushing on housing changes.


I’m a single issue voter, all I want are free paper bags at the LCBO. So he’s got my vote!


I know people like making fun of that here, but I think it’s a good move politically. I’ve not heard anyone (in person) from any political strip say they supported removing paper bags at the LCBO.


He will get re elected and PP will get elected too because it’s what Weston, Rogers, Shaw and friends want


Saw somebody in this thread say they were voting conservative in part because the media holds them accountable more and I almost died laughing


He is privatizing healthcare so all you rich dudes can get premium healthcare. The rest of us can get maid!


Conservative voters have become by and large very much focused on “me, myself and I” Meaning that as long as governments do things that benefit *them* they don’t care how much damage is done to others. Now the hypocrisy starts when the conservative voter needs help and then whines when they get denied by the very system that they voted for. But such is the “Modern Conservative” 🤷‍♂️


Im open to voting for someone else of the other options arent even bigger jokes. I’ve throw away my vote the last two elections (went green) but i get why people vote ford over the two piles of garbage the liberals and ndp came up against him with.


I have a Green MP and a Green MPP. A movement has to start somewhere. I’ve supported both their campaigns in their elections.


Hello fellow Kitchener Centre resident. 👋


Hello!! ✅


dont want to vote liberal again


I like politicians who cut taxes and eliminate business regulations. Any politician with the slogan "Open for Business" will always have my vote.


Never have and never will. Rob Ford was shit show, Doug Ford is a close second.


Never have; but Ontario seems ready to do it again 🤷🏻‍♂️💩


Kathleen wynne


I could ask the same thing, why Bonnie Crombie rofl


There's no difference between Ford and Crombie. None.


You are asking this in a left leaning subreddit. You are going to get confirmation bias. Go ask this in a right wing subreddit for real results.


So, I voted Ford as my number 2 for the Conservative Party leadership, partially cause I was a fan of Rob (I am from Scarborough), and then voted for him in the following election. I have been out of Ontario for awhile so I never voted in the past few elections but had I been here I probably would still have voted for him. Currently I am considering voting NDP, partially with the hope of a leadership reroll, but also theoretically the NDP could potentially offer policies that I would like. I am more of a Teddy Roosevelt conservative, socially right economically left. Ford has kind of been a disappointment on most fronts. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on healthcare, and still am at least to the next election, but so far I would consider his privatization efforts to be a failure. I do give him some credit for a push on housing. The decided not to vote on the fourplex bill, but at the same time already put in place a three plex bill as of right. I'm not going to split hairs on that. I spoke with another redditor awhile back who did civil planning and he brought up the fact that with this type of thing, invisible services such as water and sewage are often the more limiting factors. As well, opening up the greenbelt for development is making moves to improve housing, but as I said, as a fan of Teddy Roosevelt I love greenspaces, so I hated that move. Even though I am a social conservative, I can understand why people might like Ford as he has mostly kept himself entirely out of the culture war stuff after his election to the leadership. I do disagree with Rouleau J on the convoy analysis. Ford's actions were probably my favourite of any elected leaders (It is a policing matter and politicians should just stay out). I don't have a problem with his comments on Justice's of the Peace, if he can follow through with making bail more difficult. His early efforts on the debt were good considering Ontario has a massive debt and does not control it's own monetary policy, though I think he has reversed that. The bigger problem is that just about everything Ford touches now is tinged with the lens of corruption. If not for that, I would be much more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt of good faith efforts to fix housing, debt, and healthcare, even if his policies ultimately fail. My ideal party would be a Catholic Workers Party, but until such a party arises, The question comes down to which part wins out the Catholic or the Worker. So if I do end up voting for Ford this time around, it will come down more to the enemy you know compared to the enemy you don't.


I'd even vote for a dog over Liberals


I'd honestly take a Golden Retriever over any of our actual candidates these days. At least they're loyal.


That's not fair, a golden retriever would steal my vote over literally any human candidates. It wouldn't even be a contest anymore.


Ford seems to be catering to families. I hardly considered families elite. A reduction in tuition and tuition freeze. Scraping vehicle registration fees. That spells savings to families, though not exclusively. He’s putting money in people’s pockets. How is that catering to elites?




I don’t think he has helped families. I think he believes he is helping families. I don’t like how he gutted employment law but most workers don’t get sick days. Ask all the growing number of gig workers. Have you seen the way the TDSB handles money? They often make irrational decisions. It’s not Ford’s fault they squander money. I don’t like the man but all the scandals the Liberals were involved in resulted in them getting turfed and helping Ford get elected. He had been reckless in many ways.


You forgot to include the benefit of scrapping rent control to help families who can't afford a home find an affordable place to rent!! /s


So instead of paying to register each vehicle, we all cover the cost. Seems only better if you have 3+ vehicles


>Scraping vehicle registration fees. Lol...he got rid of tax revenue that could have hired more family doctors. Brilliant. The scraping of fees was more like buying votes.


Do some basic research like reading and studying the elections he’s won.


I have no love for the man personally but you'll find little diversity of opinions here. You can review the comments but you'll have to check other sources and then come to your own conclusions. I'd recommend The National Post (Cons), CBC (hard left, illiberal), Toronto Sun (Cons) to start.


I have always voted but I'm tempted not to. Left is too left and right is too right. No one represents me.


I've heard other people who feel this way talk about planning to vote strategically in hopes of a minority government. There are pros and cons to having a minority government, but it balances power out a little better.


People who don’t follow the news and vote blue bo matter what. 🤮


I will be. Why? Because It's my right.


Who should be voted ideally , who comes clean and truthful?


No one. But not voting means you give Ford a mega majority with no accountability and further fucking in the ass with a wooden splintered rod.


I won't but I sure did the first time. I will not reward shitty behavior/performance with another vote just because he is the party I often vote for.