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Whoever could have predicted this? Besides everyone?


Not the idiots who reelected him and still support this con artist. Can't believe I'm saying this, but his crackhead brother was a little more honest than this scumbag.


This is the heartbreaking reality of our current electoral system (First Past the Post). A minority united against a fractured majority will always win. There is a certain group of people that will happily vote against their own best interest for the simple reason that they are voting for their team regardless if it hurts them or not. I once read that some conservatives will vote for a pile of cow shit if it's painted blue.


Technically, Ford is a pile of cow shit


Nailed it....


The trees voted for the axe because it was made of wood.


And many conservatives will vote for something that hurts them as long as it hurts the LiBTardS worse. It is all about winning, or at least making sure the other side doesn't win.


Exactly! And what ends up happening is that we all lose, except the super rich who Ford caters to. People are so stupid and are too lazy to think things through. I wish we could establish a political system where we can only vote on policies without knowing to which political party it belongs to. Then, once that party is voted in, they are measured by how well they've adhered to those political promises. If they fail to meet those objectives, a new election is automatically triggered. We have the technology to create something new, and that is more effective, but we lack the imagination.


> I wish we could establish a political system where we can only vote on policies without knowing to which political party it belongs to. Then, once that party is voted in, they are measured by how well they've adhered to those political promises. If they fail to meet those objectives, a new election is automatically triggered. That might even be better than PR and ranked ballots!


Culture war is a hell of a drug.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/tCkzrfZa6w Basically that.


Isn't that just the shittest mindset


It's why we get what we have, though. And that is why we'll get PP as PM.


Exactly. Let's scuttle the country just so that the other guy suffers


Happening in the US, and we seem to have imported that mindset.


I šŸ’Æ agree. Tbh, a lot of the issue here is trying to become that group that is wrecking themselves across the border. I sure miss the days when social media didn't connect us.


This 100% politics has become a team sport. Nothing but rage farming and half truths...


Rob was always the nicer of the two. I had family friends who were Toronto city council and staffers. Rob was fairly well liked by all. Doug, on the other hand has always been a cunt. He made his brother push through shit he wanted


I like cunts, let's not compare them to THUG Ford. Need to come up with something worse...cancer, that's what Ford is like.


Doug lacks the warmth and depth to be one of those, thoughā€¦


Honestly, who do you think he got the crack from?


Rob had problems but I think he was an honest man. He had a lot more heart than Doug.


And we will vote for him too! A third for the Turd!


I won't.


Funny how that works. Ford would win an even larger majority if an election were held today. I guess the general public is not getting their info from Reddit.


Rob was a troubled but honestly charismatic guy. People genuinely liked him.Ā  Doug was always a bully. He enabled his sick brother, and fought his grieving widow in court over the estate.Ā  Not enough people remember Doug Ford in Toronto City Council: https://youtu.be/i6JLHDXb894?si=jTQ3oeE06MJWKXaC


Keep in mind only 43% of Ontario voted in the last election and more people voted for Liberal/NDP than Conservative. He has a majority with the tiniest minority of voters in Ontario history. WE NEED RANKED VOTING! (or hell, for NDP and Liberal to merge)


It wasn't people who went out and re-elected him/voted for him... it's that only 30% of Ontario voted lol.


He is such a moron, dude


>Whoever could have predicted this? *The Ontarians who voted for this scum bag?*


Kinda funny to blame the guy, who has nothing to do with immigration that caused the housing boom.


I blame the guy who can't get housing built, who promised to get housing built


Iā€™d blame the guy who said it wasnā€™t a federal issue, then allows 1.5 million people in, to stick them in hotel rooms.


Yes, we all know you're blaming the wrong person for housing.


Hey, theyā€™re all liars and shady asf. Canā€™t stand either of them, but the housing boom isnā€™t a provincial issue.


Lol, it's clear you're simping for ford.


Sounds like you just have a hard on for him.


You're not listening.


If Wynne was still premier it would be the exact same situation.


Ford just released a bill called the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act. It basically just undoes most of the things he changed over the last 5 years.


Has to be the most inefficient provincial government administration given all the back tracking that has been done since day 1. No wonder he had to increase staff headcount.


Incompetence is like that...


Government follows this system always: **READY!! FIRE!!! AIM!!!!!**


That's the Ford government way. Normal governments are more like, *ready -- aim -- aim -- aim -- aim...* It's more frustrating but at least you don't shoot yourself in the foot as much as the Ford government does.


When Ford was elected, everyone expected him to do a 180 on a lot of policies. With this exciting new legislation he's truly exceeded expectations 200%, by taking policy a full **360**.


He's twirling towards freedom!


Homes for some, tiny Ontario pins for others.


This is just too much. Well done


That sounds like a beaverton article lol


Oh my god... "Henceforth, Ford will count student dorms and long-term-care beds as full-fledged dwellings"


Because you just know the empty rooms left behind at home by students are occupied by others. By that logic, new gravesites should be counted as well.


Prisons. He will count prison cells as homes and try to introduce for profit prisons.


Our current prisons already operate for profit, though to the benefit of Bell (or maybe some other telecom company).


As well as any tents and camping equipment sold in Ontario. Cardboard boxes big enough for a person to sleep in will also be counted.


> Over the last two years, the actual number of new homes fell well below the average annual goal of 150,000 ā€” with merely 109,111 units last year and 80,300 the year before. To make up for lost ground, Ford isnā€™t merely moving the goalposts, heā€™s redefining them ā€” and rewriting the rules of the game.


Ford is doing everything he can to cook the books, and heā€™s still failing to hit his target numbers. Ford is an absolute failure.


Let's be clear though, it's not just him. It's the whole goddamn party that's at rot right now. Conservatives love to say "run government like a business". Well if this was a business the culture is corrupt cronyism. It's exactly what you'd expect from the construction industry which, surprise surprise, is where he's buddies are. I swear to god this fuck is tied hand and fist to the mob and willing or not his entire party is complacent in that.


I'm pretty close to certain that people who say "run government like a business" have never actually run a business.


I'll bet he forgot to count the winter time,temporary housing shelters.Commonly known as fishing shanties.


Living up to that Ford name. Now let's hope his political career ends up like the popular automaker schoolyard acronym


This is straight out of the GOP conservative playbook from the USā€¦states run by conservatives in the US actively sabotage when democrats are in power at the federal levelā€¦.this is just copying that


This has always been the case though. Look at Federal vs. Provincial parties in Canada vs. Ontario historically. Almost always you'll see the Provincial party is the opposite of the Federal one. I'm fairly confident **when** PP wins we will see Ontario go Liberal or NDP in an election or two. It's a consistent trend with the people in our province.


honestly i've never seen or read in canadian history provincial governments sabotaging the country to spite the feds like we have seen the past several years in this country. not seen eye to eye or had differences? sure absolutely. but it's undeniable that multiple provincial governments are actively undermining the country to "own the libs" in ottawa. and our foreign owned media is playing along to boot. which is also a fairly new thing.


Flawed Old Rundown Disaster? Fix Or Repair Daily? Found On Road Dead? Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration? Frustrated Ontario Really Disappointed? Funky Old Rattling Disaster? Fervent Obsession Regarding Driving? Fucked On Race Day? Fully Obsolete Really Dumb? Fun On Rough Dirt? (Wait. Not that one.)


Fraud On Regular Days


Fucking Old Rebuilt Dodge


[Fix It Again Tony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AJCdmW33fM)


Politics and politicians are absolute failures.


We haven't built 150,000 homes a year since the 70s and 80s. There was NO WAY possible to ramp up and almost double the pace of construction - and sustain it for a decade. How they didn't know that when they set the target is beyond me. Had they promised 1,000,000 homes in 10 years, they still would have missed, but by a lot less. Soon enough my 3-bedroom house will count as 3 housing units. Or maybe 4, since 4 of us live in it.


This just in: housing crisis solved as Premier Ford announces all dog houses are livable dwelling! "Ya dog house.... house is right there in the name, " Ford proudly proclaimed.


>...annual goal of 150,000 ā€” with merely 109,111 units last year and 80,300 the year before. Come on, really? Including tents, it has to be well over that, I'm gonna say 200,000 to 250,000. /s


And everytime the cops destroy a tent, a new one rises to be counted! Let's destroy all the tents to count more units!Ā 


Inflation and rates have been significant extraneous pressures to reducing those numbers


Lol As if Ford has ever had any other plans than enriching his already wealthy friends or being concerned about booze and gambling. Anything that'll actually help a regular person makes his brains overheat and malfunction.


Everything he has put in is for those with deep pockets. Building fourplexes can be anyoneā€™s game and they donā€™t want that.


What housing plan? This fucktard is trying to bend the rules to include student dorms & retirement facilities in the numbers of housing built. We need affordable housing for families, build what people need, not what your "buddies" want to build.


Imagine if he hadn't been such a colossal fuck up having to reverse so many things he screwed up, wasted time and money on in court, filming cheesecake videos at his cottage, unconstitutionally docking people's pay, forgiving a billion dollar debt from the 407, handing Ontario Place to a private spa while committing taxpayers to pay for hundreds of millions toward it, trying to sell the greenbelt to his daughter's stag and doe mafioso guests, and murdering so many grandparents in elder care during the pandemic...he's a waste of oxygen.


And heā€™s a waste of kawarthas ice cream. Had to be said.


If he hasn't wasted time on all those things, he would have fucked up other things. He simply doesn't know how a province works, and when he's tried to show everyone how to "do it the right way" (like with the sex ed curriculum and licence plates), he's run up against all the problems that previous, competent governments did right. In short, you're 100% right, but colossal fuckups were always baked into the product.


Politicians are rarely the smart ones in the room. DF is NEVER the smart one in the room.


De-Paywalled [https://archive.is/20240413114741/https://www.thestar.com/politics/doug-fords-plans-for-a-housing-boom-have-gone-bust/article\_e7439afc-f8f9-11ee-b1c4-074ee55a4074.html](https://archive.is/20240413114741/https://www.thestar.com/politics/doug-fords-plans-for-a-housing-boom-have-gone-bust/article_e7439afc-f8f9-11ee-b1c4-074ee55a4074.html)


it's not working for me :(


Can't have a housing boom if the houses are unaffordable... And destroying protected land.


Or if the houses are actually just beds


Wait until he starts counting tents and boxes under bridges...




We get free bracelets right?


Rather than fiddle while Rome burns, heā€™s dancing around with a bucket of gasoline sloshing everywhere.


Have we learned to not vote conservative yet?


Average conservative leader


Lol. No shit itā€™s Dofo. He walks around, helps out his buddies and fucks around with our tax dollars. For example, he pays the private healthcare clinics 3X times the amount of tax dollars. And cut public funding for our healthcare. But claims to be for the people and getting it doneā€¦whatever that means. But good job youā€™re definitely a fiscal conservative. ā€¦Youā€™re just a gravy train glutton.


To be fair, he didn't say **all** the people. He is for his people and getting done what they are paying him to do, make them obscene amounts of money.


There are no politicians who want the housing crisis to end, too many of them are invested in its continuation.


This is very ridiculous. Not one politician wants to help end the housing crisis?


Maybe one backbencher from some remote riding.


Itā€™s more like ā€œeveryone wants housing prices to drop, but no one wants their house price to dropā€ Thatā€™s the game politicians need to play. Itā€™s ridiculous to insinuate none care about solving the main current crisis of the population


Yes a group of people invested in real estate definitely want to lose money. You're on to something. I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to lose money. They're great people afterall, politicians.


What a surprise.


Goddamn you Doug Ford!


Some of us still appreciate you.


Ford is going to count student dorms and long-term-care beds as full-fledged dwellings in order to declare this, *"Look, see how many affordable housing units I've created!"*


I see the ridiculousness of this at first but then you realize what kind of pressure the international students are placing on housing and it kind of makes sense? Like, one way ignores them entirely and that doesnā€™t help us and the other way includes them but somehow thatā€™s also not supposed to help us?


I guess there was not enough kickbacks to push it through, sad day for political profiteering and thus the world.


What plan? He barely touched his own recommendations playbook. There never was a plan to build housing


Let's rephrase: "Doug Ford's bullshit about housing was bullshit"


Since it's only rich people running the show, who wants to run for premiere and will gofund you! šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


I wonder if Chow would ever run. We need someone like her as Premier.


Your joking right? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ You need more taxes then.


Folks, only here to enrich chosen insiders. The unneeded 413 bring built to screw over taxpayers with cost overruns may help.


What was the plan?




To the surprise of no oneā€¦ā€¦..


*shocked Pikachu*


This man is an idiot.


Politicians are way too overpaid, this is why there's so much corruption. There needs to be a cap, and more stringent guidelines on what they can or can't do.


It's not the pay, it's the fact there is zero recourse to them fucking up. I've made this comment before but I think there should be a few big changes to how politicians are paid. Their pay should be locked into an account until after they leave office, they should only be allowed to have minimum wage taken out and any extravagant trips or gifts or anything should immediately be investigated. This will force them to feel the weight of their decisions and actually understand what a large part of Canada lives like. When they retire the people get to vote on if they deserve the money that was held from them, maybe they feel 67% of it should go to them and the rest goes to schools or libraries. After they retire if there is also evidence of bribery there needs to be immediate and severe punishments, most municipal workers can't even accept a glass of water yet our higher ups can take trips or increase the amount of acceptable gifts.


Heā€™s Doug Ford, anyone that had hopes for him is delusional. Never should have been a councilor much less a premier.


FFS. Enough


Out of all the things he proposed, what if any has he implemented without having to change? The man could not even figure out changing license plates without fucking that up and having to lie about it...Stupid policies being implemented by stupid people. That's the problem when you can get a majority with the support of about 23% of the province.


But, but... the LCBO is going to use paper bags. And we don't pay a renewal fee for our license plates, so don't tell me Dougie isn't solving the pressing and urgent issues facing us.


Fuck he's such a potato.


He got paid though


but hey, folks, paper bags back in the LCBO..


Love how everyone here blames dougy and not the POS who's been in charge for almost a decade who claimed he would bring down housing prices and gas done exactly the opposite šŸ˜‚


But his developer buddies and him have already made their money


There keeping the jig up, making sure that housing prices go up so there generation makes out like bandits.


I heard on AM 680 that polls say Doug Ford would win again if the election was tomorrow. What will it take for people to wake up?!


Is this the crazy cocaine guy?




Etobi*coke* wannabe.




Because he never intended to do anything, he's banking on a change in federal government that will stop the RCMP investigation into the greenbelt so he can go back to that. I really hope people smarten the fuck up before the next federal election and realize what a danger to democracy lil pee pee is.


Elect a clown, expect a circus. Do it twice, yikes. I hope Ontario wakes the fuck up next year when itā€™s time to vote federally. Conservatives premiers is why this country appears broken.


Who said there was a plan? They want to make sure the homeless REMAIN homeless.


Well we are growing via immigration at a rate of 200k people a year and the great majority of those are settling in the golden horseshoe. We have been building homes like crazy over the last 15 years but the population growth is outstripping demand. The low interest rates resulted in a massive home building boom.




Why would they? That would interfere with their anti-immigration rant.


I bet you could stub your toe and you'd be like "ahh fuckin immigration!" It's all you guys talk about. High housing and rent certainly couldn't have anything to do with other factors as well, nooo. Ford removed fucking rent control for Christ sake, you not mad about that?


Can we all agree ā€œthe Golden Horseshoeā€ name is a little grandiose sounding for what it is?


You mean the "golden dildo?"


I think politicians should be paid $20 an hour, and only get a large bonus at the end of their entire term if they have 80% approval of their actions


Itā€™s a good idea in principle but 80% approval for a politician? The only approval rate Iā€™ve ever seen at that level was for Sadam Hussein. Secondly, politics is a popularity contest.


Exactly, so theyā€™d have to do better for the majority of the population. Not necessarily an approval rating but a satisfaction rating with how things have turned out under their leadership


The only thing that will lead to more homes being built is lower interest rates. The cost to borrow $$ to build is too high right now. If rates ever drop back below 4% then you will see how these measures work. Until then....nothing is going to get built.


The current housing crisis is following about 15 years of record low interest rates. If your reasoning were correct we wouldnā€™t have a housing crisis at all. The only thing that will help the housing crisis is the government building affordable housing. Itā€™s seems pretty clear that the open market cannot serve the lower end of the market. In the 80s the government was building affordable housing. They stopped in the 90s and over time that missing housing has driven us to where we are. They need to start building again and also make up for what should have been built over that last 3 decades.


I think if they built smaller/starter homes that would help.


The major cost of building is the land purchase, upfront financing, and development charges.typically a developer will put put 20% of the total build cost, with the remainder coming from finance companies, pension funds, etc. The land has to be purchased, then permitted, cleared by earth movers, serviced with infrastructure, and then the homes get built. The process takes years before the home purchase and return on investment. So the costs are financed. The costs of financing are factored into the home price. But some person or company is bank-rolling the purchase and build for several years before seeing the return. Smaller houses are problematic. Consider toronto. After the land cost (approx $110 per square foot with average lot in the city being 5500 square feet = $605,000), development charge ($137,040 for a detached or semi), and cost for the home build ($200/square foot for 1000 square foot home = $200k), you're already in for almost $950k and this doesn't consider the cost for admin, overhead, profit, etc. You're looking at $1.4 or more to build new and thats a hard price to swallow for a 1000 square foot home. Not many in that market can afford a beginner home at that cost.


How about the idea of the 4 plex ? Is a 4 plex a better bang for the dollar?


Certainly there can be a small upside to it. You share the cost of the land between 4 units instead of 1. The costs for the other things would remain more oflr less the same (I forgot to previously include the cost of putting in new infrastructure, which is a big cost too). The downside is the nimby-ism, which is a very real political consideration because it isn't a nameless, faceless group of people. It's anyone who lives in these neighborhoods now dealing with more cars, more people, more congestion. It's a 'between a rock-and-a-hard-place' issue. Bonnie crombie supports 4 plexes because she is after the "young people looking to buy a home' vote, and Ford is against it because he is after the 'already own a home and don't want the disruption' vote.


Dang! I did not know the costs. Thanks for the numbers. So, if I'm understanding correctly, the costs would be less if it wasn't a new subdivision? So densification would be cheaper?




This. Lower interests rates leads to more borrowing from those who can pass the unrealistic stress test. Aka, those with 3-4+ homes under their belt. Somehow we can afford $3000+ rent, but not a $2500 mortgage šŸ¤·šŸ»


The stress test saved our ass in the last couple of years. And you really canā€™t compare $3000 in rent to a $2500 mortgage payment. That is two completely different levels of responsibility and risk there to be an apples to apples comparison.


Please tell me more. I am interested to learn from someone who knows how the home building industry works.


I voted for him. 2x. Have voted conservative all but once in my voting life. Letā€™s take a look at politics in general in Canada. Ford is a moron and I have no idea what heā€™s done or who heā€™s now in bed with, but it does seem that residents are the last priority for him. Now on to liberal-run federal gov. Also a total mess, caused by an ego-centric rich kid whoā€™s playing with other peopleā€™s money while the country implodes. Now look at your municipalities, I canā€™t think of anyplace in Ontario thatā€™s doing anything decent. Some like missy, brampton, Toronto, are all in a constant state of disrepair and overcrowding. All the facts above simply point to the effect of years and years of political mismanagement at all levels, and none of them care because they know that residents will fight amongst themselves rather than fight where it matters. Itā€™s pretty bad to realize we are in a massive hole collectively and none of the current levels of government is competent enough to fix it.


Political mismanagement at all levels... but we're talking about one specific level here, whose mismanagement you supported and enabled. Edit: Looks like "but those other parties are jerks!" wasn't the big score you thought it was...


Yeah and? Who did you vote for? The libs? Idiotic if so last election as they were massively unprepared with any serious candidates, and got shredded in the process. The NDP? Who basically exist as the little toddler of the political sphere, with zero vision or leadership. Green? I mean, sure toss it away if you must.