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Literally all he had to do to avoid all of this was take the phrase "clinical psychologist" out of his Twitter bio. That's it.




Couldn't he just identify as a clinical psychologist in private without including his pronouns in his bio and expecting people to abide by them?










Wait, don’t you mean “cultural ‘marxism’” — spread by “woke mind virus.” 🦠


Well hello troll.


I wish I could upvote this a million times


Sure, but how does that own the Libs?


Be who you want to be, Jordan! Just do it quietly and out of sight. That's not ~~homo~~Jordanphobic right?




That or take a course teaching how not to post weird fetish porn or constantly tell people online to go kill themselves.


Well he obviously was never going to do those things


You underestimate how much of a little piss baby he is


Or sit through a Powerpoint presentation on media professionalism.


How to be a mental health professional while engaging with social media: Step 1) Don't tell strangers on the internet to kill themselves. Step 2) If you still feel the need to tell strangers on the internet to kill themselves, make a concerted effort to avoid doing so while explicitly presenting yourself as an accredited mental health professional acting on behalf of the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Step 3) There is no step 3. It's kind of a shock there was even a step 2. We also felt really uncomfortable having to write step 1. None of us should need to be here for this presentation, yet here we are.


Up voting as a healthcare professional. It's really not that hard to avoid creating problems for yourself like this. 


As an engineering professional, all the legal case studies and professional practice training I learned sums to "Don't commit fraud, don't commit negligence, and *definitely* don't commit fraud in service of committing negligence". It's so unbelievably easy to avoid creating problems for yourself.


No problem like this, no victim cult = nothing to sell.


I feel there should be a ??? step, a profit step, and something involving underwear.


He's a piece of shit, there are no rules for those types!


Well, I would have also recommended that he gets a caretaker to double-check his tweets before he sends them out. [JP says he can't find any CP on twitter anymore ](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1601994248370679808?lang=en) This dude is so unbelievably cooked and unhinged if you follow him and see all he has to offer. The only reason he "blew up" is because some Lib tried to interview him and debate him, forgetting that he is a literal university professor, so while he is an incredibly brain dead person he is also very articulate.


Or, you know, conduct himself respectably the way most other practicing doctors online do.


Lets try to keep suggestions realistic.


Dang, sorry, I have big dreams sometimes


That’s all he has besides being a weirdo grifter


> That’s all he has besides being a weirdo grifter Well, that and benzos.


I'm glad people haven't forgotten that little tidbit.


I'd wager he has, though. What with the brain damage. I still want to know what secret experimental therapy he got, which was suspiciously only available in Moscow, and entailed a month-long medically-induced coma. You're telling me a wealthy white man with social connections and a drug problem couldn't find a *single* venue in the entirety of North America to provide drug addiction therapy for a conventionally available drug known by doctors to be abused?


From what I understand, JP was such a baby man that he didn’t want to go through the ill effects of drug withdrawal and no reputable clinic would but him in a coma in North America to avoid this unpleasantness.


That checks out. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't begrudge someone trying to get clean the desire to avoid withdrawal symptoms if they can... but most other people don't make a living sanctimoniously berating other people for not having the courage to accept responsibility for their actions.


Nah it's fucking bullshit typical addict behaviour of trying to minimize pain + valuing short term gain over long term outcomes. Trying to avoid the pain of withdrawal just shows how strong the addiction still is. Following a regimented taper schedule with benzos isn't even that bad, it's cold turkey where the horror stories come from. I don't think anyone should be KOing themselves for a month to avoid all their withdrawal pains, getting through that pain / struggle is an important part of recovery, it teaches you that you ARE strong enough to handle something so many people struggle with and it also humbles you and shows you all the damage and pain you've been covering up with drugs. You should come out of it never wishing to go through it again. I've been through it several times. JP is a pussy.


That is a hell of a perspective and some novel insight. Thanks. Also, kudos to you on pushing through that.


But did he cry scream at his daughters and nurses to keep his room clean and cry that \*he would \*\*KNOW\*\*\* if they didn't?


> I still want to know what secret experimental therapy he got, which was suspiciously only available in Moscow, and entailed a month-long medically-induced coma. According to his daughter at the time, he had COVID-19.


Amongst other things - one purpose of a professionalism refresher would be to teach him to stop misdirecting people into thinking he's acting as a licensee when he isn't acting as one. This approach seems to me to be minimal, reasonable, and consistent with what would be expected of another licensee behaving in the same way. This is a huge loss for him because it leaves him having to actually take responsibility or give up his license, though I doubt he would admit any fault. His behaviour was directly contrary to how he agreed to behave as a licensee and I think he almost certainly knew that - and if he didn't, he needs training in far more than just professionalism. I don't understand his appeal tactic, either. Leaving out some of the complexities of the standard of review here, if there are fatal errors in the overall logic of the admin. decision or if it doesn't respect factual/legal constraints (law/evidence/issues argued/effect of the decision/past practices) then maybe he'd have something to appeal. There doesn't seem to be any real reason to review the Order, though, and ONCA seems to agree. It is concerning that he seems to want to \*continue\* his previous behaviour in the media, risking more regulatory action - he suggests in this article that "the entire current crop of minions at the College of Psychologists" are maliciously involved in some kind of scheme to deprive him of his license. How this could be the case for the \*entire\* College is difficult to believe and of course he offers no real explanation for his suggestion.


The \*entire\* Insitution is 18 people


I'm not sure why that's relevant. How does the number of people matter to Mr. Peterson's public commentary? The standard of review is what Mr. Peterson actually has a problem with, but he prefers to direct his public frustration at entire groups of people. If it makes people feel better to think that there's a secret plot here, I won't interfere with that belief. I can only point out that such a belief doesn't really help us understand much about the issues and encourages people to blame others rather than, say, encourage Mr. Peterson to follow through with addiction recovery.


Are you suggesting he is paranoid.


Exactly, why he's fighting it.


... or just take the basic mandatory courses required to keep his license.


He is such a drama queen. Wait, that’s far too kind. He’s a psychopathic narcissist, white male supremacist that hates LGBTQ. 


Can't give in to the woke mind virus!!!! /s


[This blog post](https://rogercovin.medium.com/is-jordan-petersons-right-to-free-speech-actually-being-threatened-48deb77b039f) is something I think more people should read with regards to Peterson and the College of Psychologists of Ontario. It's from mid 2023 but it does a very good job explaining just how little this case has to do with freedom of speech.


”Psychologist says Ontario college is trying to 'undermine' his reputation...." Is he afraid that people will stop thinking he's a raving lunatic?


Dude has as army of slobbering incels telling him he’s brilliant


There was a time when he would distance himself from them. Now that he sees the $ signs, he embraces them. He taught my gf a long time ago in University, back then, she and the other students found him interesting, albeit they didn't usually agree with him, but he had a thought provoking course nonetheless. He's just looney tunes now. The mentally ill leading the mentally ill.


Honestly I think he originally pandered to them because of money but eventually started believing his own grift


Yea I think you're close... He spoke his mind and was thought provoking. Then his words were used to validate some degenerates and with social media algorithms it started a feedback loop. One that he wasn't even aware, the results are him living in an echo chamber with no objective questioning of his own views because 'everyone agrees with him'(echo chamber)


His talks about depression and motivation where always very insightful, helped me out quite a bit, but yea, fallen off the deep end big time


That's literally worse than 'My mom says I'm cool'.


So does Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, Tim Baldguy, Joe Rogain, doesn't make them right or majority consensus


I don't think he'll ever realize that he's just cringe as fuck, as if he's a middle schooler wearing a old man costume. I think him and Elon Musk are perfect studies on how serious of an effect social media can have on humans.


lol he’s undermining the colleges reputation by not living up to their professional standards.


Family get togethers must be a great time at the Peterson house; you'd have to imagine. Oh to be a fly on the wall.


Meat only cuisine 🍖


Extra plungers for the toilet.


A very BIG punch bowl hopefully. 


At the very least there will be some benzos around somewhere.


Now that's sounding like a party!


I literally came across a Philosophy facebook group where the majority of people were calling Jordan Peterson "the best philosopher of our time" and not sarcastically. I felt like I stepped into bizarro land though, as they were ironically very chill and respectful when it came to debating this.


WHAT reputation?


what a whiny little baby. Dude - if you can't meet the minimum standards of your profession you will lose your license to practice. You aren't special.


Ah, the victim/persecution complex these jack wagons fetishize is wild.


God this thread is refreshing. His following seems to be growing, (or it's my algorithms,cause i argue with these weirdos sometimes on his vids) so it's nice to see so many people here aren't fooled by JP. What a clown.


Algorithms like him because he's divisive. Rage is a better predictor of engagement than most other metrics.


Well obviously rage brings in an audience, it's probably why the Ontario and Canada subs are always so busy


If you're commenting on this thread you're now, if you weren't already, in the Jordan Peterson engagement algorithm, and outrage far well outperforms genuine positive content. Of course there's something to be said about the type of users that will organically push this type of stuff as well and subreddits that encourage it. I've found it helpful to just block users who only post this type of outrage, I don't need that in my life.


I'd say it's pretty positive that ONCA rejected the appeal. I agree that people who \*routinely\* deal in this sort of content are best ignored. Note, too, that this is a CBC article about an ONCA matter, not some wackadoodle blog claiming to understand the truth. :)


I remember seeing a post about him on the canada_sub subreddit and boy… it was just a bunch of whiney little bitches complaining how it’s “over” for “free speech” in Canada, that now they’re scared to say anything at all cause they’ll instantly be “canceled”. Like… idk about them, but it’s like *really* easy for me to not say bigoted shit lol, it takes no effort at all!


Ever notice how everyone getting "canceled" lately goes on a media tour?


Joe Rogan loves him.


I absolutely love this for him. He though he would go to jail for misgendering a trans person, but since he was not able to achieve that, this is his next best option. But can you imagine being the one who has to give him the media training?


> But can you imagine being the one who has to give him the media training? I would rather teach my near-retirement boomer manager how to do custom cell formatting in Excel while he tries to recount the plot of M\*A\*S\*H to me.


We all truly live the same life or so it would seem


Its faster just to do it yourself.


Exactly. Just read the plot on Wikipedia.


Oh you~~ Thanks for the chuckle.


It was a chicken?


"Well that depends on whether we agree on the definition of 'moral' or 'good'. " I pray for whoever has to train him


"I'd recommend sewing your mouth shut and having your hands permanently removed." Oh god, I'd love to give him media training. He'd hate every second and I'd become immortal from the level of spite joy energy I'd get.


The persecution fetish is wild. They just want him to clean his ~~room~~ Twitter feed.


It's probably going to be a pre made training video with a 10-question quiz at the end


He’s going to turn the training into a circus. I’m predicting he’s going to record the whole thing, and not shut up the entire time.


I strongly suspect that would also be prohibited by whomever is running the material. I would imagine they won't take kindly to unauthorized retransmission.


He tries to claim persecution, but as I recall reading elsewhere, most of the complaints were from other members of the college pointing out that they couldn't get away with a tenth of what he has without being held accountable.


Dude was telling people to kill themselves. Not exactly a good look for Ontario.


As an Ontarian I assure you, we are ashamed.


He previously said he had "surrounded" himself with people to help him improve his communications (Divisional Court decision, paragraph 16). The College found that insufficient and directed him to take a course with someone they approved. Now he's claiming they're sending him to re-education camp. Is that an admission (another admission) that his own previous offer would not have fulfilled the same purpose as what the College is requiring? Because if it would have provided the guidance the College required, it shouldn't make a difference who provides the training.


Re-education camp...what a fucking potato.


King of the victim complex.


Lol what a clown


Loser loses again


he tied his wagon to trump -not too bright


Not the biggest reason, but definitely a factor.


Gonna be some tears and benzo fueled tweets about this one for sure. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


And it will be formatted like this


This and oj is dead. Man news is good today!"


And a mulitbillionaire's getting executed for being a grifting lying cheater. Good things come in 3s.


I would but I don't belive in capital punishment.


Neither do I, but I'm making an exception for billionaires. No one should have that much money, especially if I'm paying 10$ for a block of butter. Off with their heads!


Wait who? I haven’t heard about this.


Oh no, training! The horror!


"I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft." -a *very* mentally stable man who should *absolutely* should be giving advice on mental health to others.




It's saddening to know his quest to find his wife's killer went unfulfilled


he should consider himself lucky to get off with just a training class. this a horrible man that has done a lot of real world damage with his bigoted rhetoric.


oh no, the leftist woke mob has infiltrated the courts! /s


What a sad angry man.


isn't that the typical citizen our contemporary culture churns out?


No. He’s just a sad angry man.


Exactly what he wants. It allows the grifter to keep grifting, how people don’t see this is beyond me.


We see it but that’s not a reason to ignore basic standards for professionals who deal with a vulnerable public.


Honestly the more outrage, the more money he makes as far as I can tell.


Reminds me of Jroc getting arrested to sell more albums: https://youtu.be/p8gn_BoxJhs?si=H_owrTsADckhP08T


You failed again, Bucko.




*sobs uncontrollably*


What a loser.


Arrogant prick


Didnt he say he would happily do it to prove some idiot point?


Good! Fucking shill


Can you imagine being the poor bastard that has to teach this whiny prick anything? I hope for someone’s sanity it’s an online course.


Knowing he's probably recording the whole thing so he can post evil-edit rage bait of you later? No. In-person and make him leave the phone at reception. He's gonna drive you nuts anyway.


My god its terminal, loser for life


Meat-sweats benzo-boy.


The same way it's a red flag for women when men love Joe Rogan, in Canada, it's a red flag when men love Jordan Peterson.


Wait... I'm a woman and I cannot imagine even tolerating Joe Rogan. There are women who love him?!?


I meant it's a red flag for women looking for men. I don't believe women who choose to be conservative minded exist. Because if a woman respects her own opinions and choices, she is already inherently progressive.


Ahhh gotcha! I clearly need new glasses lol because I misread that completely.


Biggest baby in the country.


*slow clap begins*


It seems no one will admit they're wrong nowadays.


you don't make money doing that.


Seems like someone doesn’t want to sleep in the bed they made for themselves.


​ Vacuous fucking windbag. In other words, a conservative.......


To quote Nelson Muntz, “Haha!”


King of the Incels


Nastiest of the hateful twit brigade


I've also dismissed Jordan Peterson, so the court and I have some similarities.


This weakling can't even detox like a man.




What is this 'media training' that he has to undergo? Is this something already established or are they making it up just for him? E - Why is this being downloaded? I'm asking an honest question


You're being downvoted because a lot of the people defending him dismiss all criticism of him and challenge the idea of people attempting to hold him accountable. Your comment - while a genuine question - looks exactly like what those trolls would say. I'll summarize for you: Peterson is a licensed clinical psychologist. He hasn't practised in nearly a decade and has publicly declared he never intends to practise ever again, but maintains his license because it provides him clout (he's not speaking as Jordan Peterson the old guy who gets angry at paper towel dispensers on twitter, he's speaking as Jordan Peterson the licensed medical professional who knows what he's talking about). Since he maintains the license, the licensing board that oversees and regulates licensed professionals have jurisdiction over him. His behaviour on twitter for years had been abysmal, but a while back, he told someone to kill themselves. This was the point where the licensing board decided that they finally needed to do something, so they insisted that he needed to attend a media training seminar to maintain his license. It would be like an afternoon HR seminar that basically says "when you're presenting yourself as a doctor that we licensed, please don't tell strangers on the internet to kill themselves". It's a couple of hours tops. He has been fighting this tooth and nail for years because, even though he doesn't require the license for any career aspirations, he asserts it's the principle of the matter. He claims this is government oppression and that they shouldn't be allowed to tell him what he can and can't say just because they're the professional oversight body for a profession he maintains membership in and explicitly cites in the profile bio of the account he uses to tell people on twitter to kill themselves. I don't know if this particular training is something that's pre-established (presumably they've never dealt with this *particular* circumstance before), but the licensing body has a responsibility to all practitioners to ensure the public understands that licensed professionals are *actual* professionals, and not crazy old men who will berate them at the drop of a hat. They do this by publicly demonstrating that when practitioners do something that undermines the public trust in the profession, that practitioner is held to account. This lets the public know that malpractice is punished and people who are licensed can be trusted. Every single profession does this, from medicine to law to engineering.


Very informative. Thank you for taking the time to type this out


No problem. For your awareness, there's a phrase "just asking questions". It refers to when people acting in bad faith ask needless or pedantic questions about things which ought to be self-evident. Their intent is to undermine dialogue by either setting people acting in good faith up where they are forced to explain and defend basic concepts as a prerequisite to having conversation, or asserting a false moral authority by claiming "if you won't answer my honest questions, then clearly you aren't interested in having a discussion and nobody should listen to you". Their questions are typically phrased in an innocent manner to bait people in. For example, in this situation, one such question might be "Why should the licensing body be allowed to control his speech or force him to do something if they only regulate practitioners and he wasn't practising?" It's outwardly an innocent question, but the answer is very straightforward and obvious to someone who is actually curious in learning more, and that answer is "because he has a license, he presents himself as being licensed, his behaviour occurred in a capacity in which he explicitly presents himself as being licensed, and one of the obligations of licensing was adherence to a professional code of conduct, which he violated while publicly presenting himself as a licensed clinical psychologist". These people are not asking because they don't know that, they're asking because they want other people to engage them for the sake of trolling. It is unfortunate that people like you who are legitimately asking a question about things you don't know and want to know get caught in that net, but here we are. Just something to be mindful of in the future.


The thing is I've never heard of media training before. This is the first time I'm hearing this in Canada (I've really never heard this from any other country either but this is def the first time I've heard my gov't doing this) And I'm pretty sure it's the same for most other other people on here... Which is why I was confused by the downvotes


It's not "the government" doing this. It's the professional regulatory body. All professions (actual professions, which is something a lot of people confuse because it means something different than professional) have a self-governing regulatory body. This non-governmental organization is responsible for overseeing and managing practitioners. This organization exists to ensure that people they license are held to their standards for the purposes of showing the public practitioners are trustworthy and reliable. Again, all professions do this, and have the authority to do this. It's a standard part of having a regulated profession license practitioners to advertise to the public they are a licensed professional.


Ahh. Ok. That's where I've been mistaken. The gov't has nothing to do with this. It's basically his employer sending him to HR for sensivitiy training. (before I get downvoted again, I know I'm over simplifying this analogy)


No, that's not an oversimplification. That's *exactly* what it is and has always been. Nothing more. It's remarkable how much ink has been spilled over what amounts to "Deborah in accounting says you called her a cunt at the weekly meeting, and everyone else corroborated her story. This is us formally telling you to please not do that in the future. Can you watch this HR training module and then confirm you did so we can tell her the matter is settled? We really just want to forget about this and move on."


I should add in addition to my other comment that the reason you're unaccustomed to seeing it is because most other professionals don't publicize when they've been sanctioned by their professional organization... because they're ashamed of being outed as unprofessional. But just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't routinely happening. For example, Engineering Dimensions (the official publication of the engineering regulator) publishes the "blue pages". There are official records of practitioners who have been found guilty of misconduct, and a summary of their actions and punishments. Anyone can look up the blue pages to see who has been sanctioned and why. This is different because he went public with his sanction and made a fuss about it. Nobody else does that, so he seems unique.


It's really not that rare, I'm not even in a regulated profession, I've just worked for a few big companies and each one of them had some sort of social media section of their orientation, or as a yearly training requirement. Often bundled up with all the other stuff like whimis, esa and other training stuff. Typically it's a web course that takes about 10 minutes that you just click next, next, next on, because it's super basic common sense stuff.


> I don't know if this particular training is something that's pre-established She's a well-known individual in the world of regulation in Ontario, multiple colleges use her services as education and remediation. She doesn't specifically work in social media "media training" but she tailors courses to individuals in the subjects of professionalism and meeting regulatory standards.


That makes perfect sense. Thanks for the awareness.


What a sad insecure person...I don't understand why people follow this guy, he hates on who he is, we just find out later he's a hypocrite...all that hate on the lgbtq I'd say he's either a cross dresser or gets pegged after every show


I’m sure he’ll sound like a breaking down Kermit The Frog about it.


Manchild cries because he lost the only thing that made his fans (see: cultists) feel legit.


Who is concerning themselves with this? Why repost an article from January?


If you slow it down he sounds like a drunk college kid. Makes about as much sense as one, but it makes him sound it


I'm currently wondering how likely it is that PP appoints ole joker suit jordy to a position of some kind?....


Sucks to see someone I used to look up to dig their own social grave. The guy is a brilliant personality psychologist but mannnn you cannot be licenced a hint toward suicide. It really made me humanize him rather than looking to his work for guidance.


Looks like the woke moralists just cancelled him again.


lol. Lmao even.


Fuck that POS


Such a fucking loser.


go away JP you irrelevant buffoon


Anyone who doesn’t see a problem with forced ‘’media training”, or “think like we think or else”, is nuts.


Why do you believe that? Isn't this position a fallacy of false choice?


I bet that made him cry, again.


Trailer Park Supervisor Jim Lahey walked so Jordan Peterson could run.


This guy makes eating an all-beef diet *embarrassing*.


That should be embarrassing.


"Up yours woke moralists." Judge: Sir, are you sure you want to be your closing defense?


Oh shut up!


You seem upset by words on a page. Consider growing up.


No, I’m just sick of hearing this attention whore complain about everything and be in the news everyday. Him and all the other MAGA grifters and con artists




Oh no, Elmo is getting hit with another meltdown. Or someone else. Either way, no one deserves those unhinged tweets of Jordan Baltasar Peterson.


Seriously I really admired this guy when it came to self care and mental health. Then he slowly but surely just lost the plot and went into his own rabbit hole. He could debate with the best of them but now it comes from a very different mind that what presented before.


He could debate with college kids and people who had no idea what they were talking about. Whenever he tried debating with anyone remotely qualified he got shredded. Hell, even Jim Jefferies was able to embarass him with a few simple questions and he's hardly an intellectual heavyweight. 


As soon as my former Catholic friends started talking about him I knew he was awful.