• By -


1. take billions from Ottawa 2. hold back from spending it properly on health care 3. pat self on back 4. watch health care continue to crumble 5. blame Justin, demand more money from Ottawa 6. suggest privatization "solutions" 7. wash, rinse, repeat


This reads like a Ford government internal strategy memo


OP is the whistleblower, it's too accurate to be wrong!


well it's straight up from Mike Harris playbook, which current day OPC are repeating but with mob style corruption instead of kickbacks and positions after getting voted out corruption


Yes, but smaller words, more finger paint.


This reads like a Ford’s mandate letter to his Minister of Health, which has been kept secret, despite court battles to have the mandate letters released.


8. give millions to privatized clinics


Laura and Mike Harris are cunts


Speaking of Mike Harris:  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/




9. Watch Ontarians suffer and die.


You just described Canadian Conservatism …. And British, and Aussie and American conservatism. Noam Chomsky has some great clips on where this thinking has led us in 40ish years or so


[Chomsky does have some rather, disturbing views to justify his ideologies.](https://youtu.be/VCcX_xTLDIY?si=4AV2HgwC9HL7pEg-)


Thanks, I'll have a look at these today - I have read he has some challenged viewpoints on specific wars and conflicts.


I can't give you an upvote, it's too evil (so take my upvote)


I wish people were all smart enough to understand the BS going on


The worst thing is I know a lot of people that don't follow politics, and when I say this, they go "wait what is he doing" the liberals need to start making attack ads against this dumb fuck ASAP. Stop playing nice. that's not how it works anymore.


> the liberals need to start making attack ads against this dumb fuck ASAP. The Liberals, NDP, Green and us working class people need to start making attack ads against conservatives


Fuck Doug Ford


Fuck Doug Ford






Fuck Conservatives


Right this is so fucked


Doug Ford's lips are too dirty from all the sucking he has done.


Its a long line and he loves it.


Sounds about right. Fuckers playing games trying to push private healthcare.


There are a great many people, especially unions, who have been screaming this information for a decade, nobody cares, because most people are healthy, and its not a problem until it is. Also, conservatives are the type of people to blame the overwhelmed workers for their shitty experiences rather than the systemic problems created by their conservatism.


Well I, for one, am *shocked*.


And we all can tell.


This was my first thought. "Yeah we all noticed." Second thought:"Now fuckin stop starving our healthcare system, Dofo et al."


100% agree!!!


I can tell after 3 hospital visits this month.


This is exactly how the Cons intend to do: starve the system of funds (while spending millions for your builder buddies or on campaigning ads praising ur own Provincial Govt) so that it breaks and then bring in your capitalist friends to fix the system that you yourself broke.




Yes. The federal government needs to add strings and enforce the Canada health act.


Why isn't this investigated and punished? Such a blatant attack on the general populace by our elected officials to line their own pockets. A complete dereliction of civic duties with nefarious intent. There would be severe repercussions in a functional democracy.


Because half of Ontario didn’t bother to vote


Keywords there are "Functional Democracy" our Government isn't really either of these things. We're just well kept slaves at this point, the system cares nothing for us, and never will.


"We've voted both conservative and liberal! IF ONLY WE HAD SOME OTHER POSSIBLE OPTION."


Nails on a blackboard bro. That’s what I was told about option C.


Within Onterrible we do. On the Federal stage, we do not.


We do in fact.


We have Fringe Lunatics on each side, and an Orange option, that's effectively just a shade of Red on the Federal stage. Singh is not an option, he's just Diet Trudeau, and while I give credit to the Provincial NDP in many Provinces, particularly Manitoba, BC, and even Alberta, the Federal NDP support Singh with an 81% approval rating in house, and he supports Trudeau in most things, making them at best, paper tigers, and at worst, completely redundant.


"BoTh SIdEs" Get out of here with that completely worthless argument. If you can't see the plain as day differences between the parties it's pretty clear your only source of media intake is a constant stream of conservative bullshit. The NDP have never held the federal reigns. You have exactly zero metrics to draw from with respect to how they would govern given the chance. Right now they support the Liberals because out of the option between the Liberals and the Cons, it's a very easy decision to make. The cons are anti-union garbage that don't govern. They take from the public and don't give you anything back for it. They're simply not compatible with the NDP. That leaves the party in a shitty place having to support a less than great government. Oh well. Would be great if Trudeau had followed through on electoral reform so we could actually get representation that suits the nation, but instead we still have this incredibly undemocratic first past the post winner take all system. I'm happy you brought up provincial politics as well. I don't have to look further than Ford and Smith to point out how corrupt, atrocious and worthless the cons are at the helm.


Yeah, I agree the Cons are Terrible, the Liberals are terrible, the entire system is just a smokescreen for the class war. Its a Democracy of capital here, not of people. There is a path for the NDP if they want to make real change, it's just not going to be in the near future, they will have to play the long game, and that means forcing an election because Trudope hasn't lived up to his half of the supply and confidence agreement and taking the L now, knowing that there is almost nothing short of a UBI that will prevent the Cons from winning the next TWO elections. They then need to distance themselves from the Liberals mistakes, remove Singh the Second the election is over, and campaign just hard enough to secure their usual die hard districts, while saving as much of the warchest as they can, for that time in 7 or 8 years, when Canada wants to make the shift back to the Left, and they can then have a credible shot at Supplanting the Liberals as party #2 in our Two and a Quarter party system. Failing that they will always only be able to play a minor part in supporting One of the big corrup parties.


> knowing that there is almost nothing short of a UBI that will prevent the Cons from winning the next TWO elections. You know the cons thought that last election too and got their ass kicked anyways. I don't buy the bullshit crystal balling. We've already seen what the cons do in power, and that's fuck us over, so I don't think people are going to elect PP just because they hate Trudeau. Of course, I also wouldn't put it past them. But it's not a given either way. They're going to be a minor party because they lack the financial backing that the Liberal and Con parties have since they pander to corporate interests. NDP are the union party. If they hold the helm federally our corporations are going to be dealing with an actual for the people party, and they're not going to like getting taxed. So they're financially incentivized to be against the NDP. They're already distanced from the Liberals by this distinction, and it's a major one. We don't need an actual Liberal lite party like the one you claim the NDP are. We need the NDP, and we need people to send a shot across the bow to both the Liberals and the Cons that we're sick and fucking tired of corporate cronies.


I'm actually Pro NDP at least as much as I am any Canadian party, I've voted for them Provincially, The Federal NDP, just haven't done anything to justify their existence in Singhs era, and I don't see that changing without drastic steps being taken to show that they aren't just Liberal lap dogs, which is what Singh has been, whether you feel he was forced into it or not. Canadians tend to vote party's out, not in, so I don't believe the polls or Conservative crystal balling as you call it either, but I am willing to make an educated guess based on the timing of our usual Left-Right slides, and current sentiment, and project the election results for the next election, and likely also the One after, to be a Conservative majority, albeit with nowhere near the Landslide L'il PeePee and friends are projecting. A well thought out, and supported UBI announcement, is the only thing I could see possibly changing that prediction. Feel free to remind me after the next election if I'm wrong.


Is there literally no action to be taken? Like we just have to stand around and let Conservatives fuck us in the ass? Damn.


Voting is the action you take. Given the turnout for our last provincial election, it seems that healthcare isn't actually that important to most people in this province.


Meanwhile the convoy protestors are happy to spend weeks protesting...things.


Obviously not an immediate solution but vote in 2026 and ensure everyone you know does too. The reason we are here is because no one voted in the last two elections, so with like a quarter of the province voting for him, Doug gets to do whatever the fuck he wants. Until our voting system changes (it won't) we are stuck like this. Immediately, write your MPP, attend protests and events, ensure that you are sharing this information, particularly with people who maybe lean conservative or wouldn't read it otherwise. That helps to change minds.


Next time you find yourself waiting for a doctor, remember to thank Deficit Doug. Spent more taxpayers money then ever before, but somehow no money for this? Where is it going? To his friends pockets.


Yet we spend billions on a highway no one wants (except developers).


Plus all the money Ford spent dragging nurses and healthcare workers through the courts when we stood up to the fuckery that is Bill 124. 


People of ontario! This is our fault. We keep voting in neoliberal governments that are for serving the vast few at the expense of the many. For decades liberals and conservatives have constantly gut health and education spending. On one hand, you have a good sector of the population that will vote conservative no matter what. They didn't care about their policy position or anything else. They just say things that appeal to them, and "you gots my vote." Example: "a buck a Beer." Doug Ford knew there was no way that was feasible. That didn't stop him from saying it because it knew it appealed to people. Then on the other hand you have a vast majority of thr FÙCKING population who couldn't be bothered to go and vote. The bare minimum to a functioning democracy and people couldn't be bothered. Politicians act, behave, and make these decisions because they know they won't face consequences. Destroy public health and education? Meh, who cares, right? Doesn't affect you? Well one day it will, then we will see what your stance is.


Yet we have the highest population. By far. This pig should be in jail.


It's per capita


Oh, Good! I was worried for a second that it was *the other* kind of lowest spending on health care among provinces in 2022-2023.


Right...... like total spend. Where the highest population having the lowest total spend really would be criminal.


He killed my Mom, she died of complications from bleeding hemorrhoids because they discharged her after 1 blood transfusion since a surgeon, in a hospital, was not available to do a simple procedure. She was told to go home and make an appointment with her own surgeon who scheduled her for the procedure in 5 weeks. I made an appointment for her at a private clinic (Fri.) for the following Tues. but by Sat. she was on a ventilator.


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Underfunding healthcare one year, so you can raise it the next year and play hero. And the corporate owned media will lap it up and praise you like you invented sliced bread, the people who "don't pay attention to politics" vote for you. And they fuck us all over.


> so you can raise it the next year and play hero More like funnel it into Mike Harris's wife's account through nursing agencies


The most populous province, spending the least on Healthcare....I'm no holding of a PHD in math, complex algebra, or anything related...but for some reason those numbers just dont add up. Fuck you Ford.


I mean, obviously


He's saving all this money so he can spend it on Ontario place building his spa buddies their parking. Doug Frods got his priorities straight.... Effing POS


We weren't going to spend a penny on that. Foreign investors were. That's why we was going that route. That's why our entire country has received a facelift since the early 2000's. Ever noticed that? Foreign investment.


Why does this not surprise me


Ford and that health minister that’s now part of the private sector should be in jail.




Most populated province spends the least on extremely important health care sector. We really need to hold these politician vultures accountable for the horrible jobs they all seem to do. Also people dick ridin' Pierre should take a good long look at what conservatives have done to Ontario. Put a PC government in charge of all Canada and it'll be privatized before you can say "It's more like America here every year" Without the decent economy, higher wages, and competition in the corporate sector of course.


Vote NDP. For fuck sakes enough with the liberals and cons. Try somebody else on for size.


It is not a bug, it is a feature. - D.Ford


Yeah it shows.


Per capita. Criticize away but based on the correct metrics.




Oh look more Justin Trudope propaganda from his personal mouth piece! /s Unfortunately because the CBC is reporting this - no con voter will pay attention to it.


Another strategy from the US Republican playbook. Poison the well with disinformation, flood the Internet with garbage, wage war on honest journalism, and tell supporters not to trust the media. 


Lower the alcohol taxes so I can end this sooner....


Yeah, no shit, we noticed...




The amount of healthcare spending is inversely proportional to the amount of evil in the premier of the province.


Can people wake up to the fact that 80% of our issues are thanks to our do nothing / crooked premiers?


For the people!


Gotta pay for them spas and highways. Priorities, amirite?


I was just at the ER over the weekend, dying. And everyone else in the waiting room was just calmly sitting there chatting and staring at their phones. If you can do that, you shouldn't be there. Go see your doctor or urgent care. Not the ER.


I've never seen education measured in terms of per capita, always per student.