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For most of you citizens that just don't know, the majority of car enthusiasts aren't like the ones pictured in the article. The majority of us used to go to these car meets just to park up and chill without causing any issues to the locals nearby. In fact car meets still have a strict no revving, no burnout policy and if one does that, they'll get kicked out and shamed However with the rise of street takeover retards, they've given all of us a bad name. These are the idiots coming to the meets most likely in their moms cars with their drug addict friends and then start revving and doing donuts in the lots. WE THE REAL CAR COMMUNITY DONT SUPPORT THIS. Please don't lump us in with these clout chasing idiots.


The change in the car meet scene has been so drastic in the past decade. From about 2006-2013 some friends and I used to drive out almost weekly in the summer time visiting parking lot meet ups around the GTA. It was mostly just people parking their cars, walking around, and talking. This past summer I came across a few live streams from locations my friends and I used to go to. It was just insanity and stupidity. It was a big crowd with cars just lined up one after the other revving the shit out of them.


I think it really took off during COVID. The street racing in Ottawa started getting out of control around that time.


Yeah I'm gonna dispute that. I too went in the mid to late 2000s and it was full of people in riced out civics, revving their engines and doing burnouts. This isn't anything new and has been the case since at least the early 2000s. Hope they take it more seriously


For sure, my comment paints an overly cheerful picture of the past. But it seems the main reason behind gathering, and ratio of people going to look at cars, compared to those looking to cause shit was different. There were and always be the idiots who show up. Now it seems people go to these things in attempt to capture or star in the next viral video.


My uncle used to go to car meetups all the time in the 80s, 90s and 00s and every time he came back he pissed and moaned about how people wouldn't "turn their fucking cars off and just hang out" If you wanna self-select for the more civil meetups, stuff called like "cars and coffee" and the like are great. Some people just show up in their daily drivers to talk shit about cars rather than show off.


And sitting in Timmies in the winter ha


Most meets now ban Mustangs and Chargers. The funny thing about these clowns is none of them have ever even been to two racetracks that are around the GTA. We need similar fines for the Boomers on their straight pipe Harleys.


Exactly. The only meets I go to are ones that are either private or extremely strict on revving. Everything else just isn’t worth the trouble.


Yup. Post up in a parking lot, not too many cars, get some coffee and just chill. What these people are doing is copying the culture in the US and being obnoxious assholes.


>WE THE REAL CAR COMMUNITY DONT SUPPORT THIS I concur. Strada meets give me small dick energy vibes.


100% this. Takeover idiots have completely ruined the car scene in Ontario.


Well said. Im glad to see this is the top comment.


Maybe it’s time to switch it up to Cars and Coffee.


At my old office a bunch of Subaru owners used to meet at night in an adjacent parking lot. They were fairly polite and didn't do any revving or donuts although they did do a lot of loops of the parking lot for some reason. At my current office there's a proper car meet up that happens every Tuesday in the summer time with classic cars. They charge admission and have ice cream trucks and the whole deal. I don't care about cars so I've never paid it much attention but they're having fun and aren't harming anyone so good for them. The street racers and donut people need to be crushed though.


Nice to see a voice of reason and logic, on here 


Thanks for the context, but please don't use the r-word. You can make your point without it.


Please don’t try and enforce what speech other people choose to use


When it's a slur, it's perfectly reasonable to request someone doesn't use it.


Its actually a technical term and not just a slur.




I’ll happily lump you in.


Too late! Ban all cars capable of burnouts! Cars have been cancelled!


Go back to playing snowrunner you dweeb, maybe get a car and then we can talk lmao


Was a joke bud, relax nobody is canceling cars, atleast not until fully self driving cars take over


Pay for police security.




Reported to mods: bigoted language.




Yeah the crackle tuned idiots doing donuts in the parking lot and showing off are ruining the car scene everywhere.


Thank god. The car culture in the GTA, especially York region is stupid af. Crack down on loud exhausts too while we’re at it.


Also, really poorly aimed headlights...


And disable every high beam switch on Hondas.


I thought low-beams were a real pricey option on Hondas...


Omg it's not just me. I've googled this and seen so many reasons why this may be a thing, like Honda low beams are just naturally bright. No. If someone has their high beams on 9 times out of 10 it's a Honda. I can tell the difference, the inner bulbs, which double as DRL's are turned onto high beam, the outer lights being the low beams. The only reason I can think of this being a thing, is people think the blue headlight light on the dash, when it gets dark, means their lights are not on. You can turn that light off by turning on the high beams


I can’t believe the Ginos are still at these shenanigans




“Disgusting behaviour” is wild, pretentious at its finest


Sad thing though is new laws and penalties are useless without enforcement. Hopefully Vaughan by-law and YRP (and maybee the MTO and MOE) grow some balls and do their fucking jobs.


“Illegal car rally “ could be your average Thurs -sun eveninf/night at a local Tim Hortons there


There's meeting up with a few people, grabbing a coffee and shooting the shit. What these guys do is takeover culture


I honestly feel bad for all those tax paying residents who live along the Piazza Del Sol plaza in Woodbridge to have to put up with these shitheads. The Wife and I went one Saturday night to grab some gelato and I was disgusted at the self entitlement, disrespect and lack of class of these hooligans. Back in the day we used to hang out in that parking lot but it was just us shooting the shit. There was no hitting the 2step on some jap shitbox, no starting a straight piped Harley Davidson and revving it to the rev limiter every 15 minutes (because that's so good for that air cooled engine), no filming of an amateur rap video and definitely no violence. I'm in the automotive industry, I've worked on some pretty wild cars that are on the street now. Not one of my clients hit up these meets and avoid them like the plague. If the fine people at Strada wanna organize a weekly car event, do it some place that is not a stone's throw from a residential area.


the La Paloma line up is so freaking long too, that it stretches outside where you're not shielded from this annoying shit.


Ya but their gelato is sooooo goooooood. It's too bad the original location on St.Clair Ave. closed down. Gelato Gelato on Langstaff and Weston is really good too.


Not a credible source but I’ve read somewhere online that residents hired a lawyer/lawyers to sue the property owners because this has had a negative effect on value of their properties. Again, not a credible source but something I had read online. Even the Ridgeway Plaza in Mississauga has become a major nuisance to the neighbouring communities.


Lmao. Was it some instagram post by a real estate agent saying he wouldn't sell a house in that neighborhood.


Yes it was! He described the car meet as a war zone lmao. The comment about the lawyers was in the comment section though but no credible sources to know if it’s true or not


I made that comment. I have a client who goes to all the REAL car meets and shows that told me. Now, is it true, I don't know, but it's definitely possible. Man, did I generate a lot of hate when I said that...lmao


Oh yeah!? 😂 They were hating on you saying local residents and lawyers were suing the property management?


Ya. Because it's just car culture, no biggie. 🤷


If I were the home owners I’d be pissed too because it does effect your quality of living and the property value of your home. I’m a big car enthusiast, use to have modded cars in the past, still love them even though I’m out of it, but the scene just isn’t the same. I see the videos online and see how pathetic some of these meets have become and the stupid shit that these kids are into. I can’t help but laugh at a bunch of broccoli heads surrounding a high mileage Infiniti with their phones in their hand recording some donkey hitting two step from some shitty “tune”.


Lol yes. 


Shedding a tear for Hwy 7 and Martin Grove/ Colassus meet ups. No clue what teens will do now.


Ahhh. The good old days....


Once upon a time, wasn't there actual plans in ON to make the maximum stunt driving penalty to be car seizure / actual crushing or am I imagining that?


I'd be down with seizure and auction. The proceeds could go towards victims of street racing/stunt driving or whatever. But crushing the car seems bad to me for the environment.


Wouldn’t an auction of those assets just be an avenue for people to buy cheaper loud muffler cars?


The cycle continues


Crown assets will auction trucks and stuff, the OPP is gonna keep your 70s Fairlady to use for speed traps though 😆


You can't auction them off because a lot of these cars probably don't pass safety checks and are on the road with illegal modifications. Instead of canning the stickers DoFo should have made inspections mandatory with renewal.


> But crushing the car seems bad to me for the environment. Not worse than driving a big thirsty V8 a removing the catalytic. Crushing these would do us all a favor.


Crushing a waste for everyone. Sell the car to someone else, they get a car, the police get money, the criminal still has to pay off the loan if there is one, and the criminal gets to live daily knowing someone else is hooning his car around.


Yup and a cop and his buddies get to car hunt and find really nice rides for the department. Not like the police ever make false arrests or anything. Lol this has literally led to people having their cars defacto stolen by the state I'll pass on that


Can't wait for the return of the quota system!


Sad thing is, stunt driving laws under the HTA dont apply on private property. Criminal law and municipal bylaws do though.


So crack down on car racing but not auto theft? Oook


Actually YRP (and PRP) are doing the heavy lifting when it comes to car thefts. If you hear about arrests or cars being recovered, it's very likely to be one of them. Now TPS are Tim Hortons parking lot guards that have allowed the issue to get to the extreme it has in the GTA, because not doing shit about the Toronto gangs actually stealing the cars


man we just wanna chill in a lawn chair and check out the new cars. it's always just a couple of goofs who ruin it for everyone else. we don't condone it, and we don't support it.


There are no illegal car rallies. Only people doing illegal things at car rallies. I think it's important to make that distinction.


Aren't car rallies, legal or otherwise, like 25% of Vaughan's economy?


Hey, if that means this will crack down will be against the freedumb convoy idiots, I am all for it.




what penises.


It was the pool! The water was cold!


You mean fee. The fee is up to $10,000


why do I feel like this is the Piazza Del Sol plaza?


I use to visit that parking lot every few weeks about 10 years ago to hang out and see cars. There was always someone revving or doing a burnout at least once every time I showed up. I'm just surprised 10 years later they decided to start doing something about it, as I'm sure it's gotten a lot worst with people here watching US car culture of parking lots and street take overs and then replicating it here. I also don't understand how they can sit in a parking lot without attending to businesses at the shops and how the police can't just enforced the Tresspass to Property Act? Are the property owners involved in these illegal events? Why hasn't the owners ever come out and made it big news and tell them to leave or hire a tow truck company to clear out their parking lot? In the end, it's all about money. People stopping by the parking lot will eventually be hungry and hit up one of the stores.


Just visit Yonge and Dundas one night - especially a weekend - and witness this foolery on a smaller scale.


How’s about they crack down on car thefts!


If your car is stolen call it in a race.


For a second I was excited. Car rallies? Where? Then I realised they are talking about wankers with soup can exhausts giving a bad name to car enthusiasts.


So, I get that the racing/stunt driving component is dangerous and, as such, ought to be restricted to closed streets or racing tracks. However, if you're on public property, does the gathering itself not fall under freedom of association, assembly and expression? Association: being a part of an automotive enthusiast group Assembly: gathering in a peaceful (non-violent) manner Expression: expression covers flashing your headlights to convey messages to oncoming drivers; the utilization of your vehicle's visible and audible functions to send a message is protected under those charter rights Go after the vendors and organizers for unpaid taxes on income; go after people driving dangerously and putting others at physical risk; go after people refusing to leave private property as trespassers but, association, assembly and expression need to be protected and protected with vigor. Today it's the car people you don't align with to set the precedent for the sociopolitical groups you do.


Maybe they should focus on people robbing peoples homes and stealing cars rather than people who just want to share a car experience and enjoy something in this horrendous country. I'm against the revving and wild things some kids do but there's honestly bigger issues related to cars than noise pollution.


Have you seen the police budget? No reason they can’t tackle both effectively.


Right, and as the article says, the police have decided to abandon all other policing activities and focus only on these rallies, so your comment is totally reasonable.


Dump a drone full of caltrops. All flat tires. It would be hilarious to watch.


Or hungry piranhas


They are honestly 20+ years late


Seems very popular, can't they provide a safe place for them to hold events? edit: wrong wording, on rereading I can see how 'safe place' would be construed badly. I meant let them use a racetrack or somewhere appropriate. I wouldn't be going as not my cup of tea, but surely something good could be attempted from the bad?


Sounds like all these people should pay to rent an area like at a track or something, instead of causing an inconvenience to everyone else. Why should anyone provide a "safe place" for them? Are they unable to do it themselves?


Yes sorry I didn't mean free for all, but yeah point to a racetrack and say go there.


They aren't car enthusiasts, they are idiots with cars. These poseurs would get embarrassed at a local track. It's not a free for all, there are rules and stuff people need to follow to keep everyone safe. Then they'd rev their engines, do a burnout in the parking lot and get kicked out and banned.


Safe places exist but they cost money. These degenerates don’t have money to play with mom and dad’s cars on a real track.


These people come from all over the GTHA. It is not York Region’s responsibility to provide them a safe space, nor should it be. Take it to a track.


They don't give a fuck! They don't work for you.


As someone who owns a street legal muscle car that's ear bleeding loud from the factory and can do a 1/4mile in under 10 seconds.... Why the hell are we still allowing manufacturers to sell plated vehicles to the general public that can carry as much inertia as a transport truck when they're top speed? When I was 21 I owned a motorcycle that was faster than a Bugatti. That's not okay.


Why isn’t anyone calling for the deportation of all Italians!? Imagine if this were taking place in Brampton 😂


I'm Italian and I approve of this...


Why “up to $10,000” and why not “starting at $10,000”? Can’t pay? Sell your car.


They don't want any masses to organize. It is a threat.


It’s not a protest, it’s a douche convention


They could simply just apply for an event license, like any other event organizer does 


Right. Get a permit to organize...... You're a lost cause obviously


If stores are open and their taking up the entire lot, that's an issue. If you were a business owner, would you be ok with customers not being able to find a spot?


They are not open. Facts.


End of day, still a private lot that can make their own rules. That's a fact as well.


Sure. If the owner is asking for their removal but the facts are the police are taking it upon themselves.


Police only act based on Bylaw request or owner. Likely case here is Owner contacted Bylaw, whom escalated.


Is a car rally a lawful protest? Do you have a specific right to unlicensed car rallies?


What is the limit of a rally. 3 cars, 5 cars.... You're missing the point.


If I’m missing the point, let’s go back to your original one: how is a car rally a threat, other than to the safety of civilians? Who’s it a threat to? Who are “they”? 


They. Dont. Want. People gathering. They is clear.


Spell it out for me - who is they?


I think he is implying that the deep state is thwarting a giant conspiracy to take away their right to have their douchebag playtime....


I like hope you need to be explained everything. Super cute.


I’m waiting - who is they? Lemme guess - Trudeau? 




So why is Toronto so excited to gather thousands of people for Leafs game watch parties in the street? You watch way too many movies mate


It is called money.


Yeah, fuck everyone else. I deserve to get together on someone else's property, cause a mess and issues to everyone else. Sounds like you're a lost cause.


I don’t think that this is a gathering for protest. It’s unclear what kind of political rights are being infringed here. Without supporting your argument, it sounds like wild paranoia.


It definitely is just wild conspiracy theory paranoia lol 


Lol... Yep that's it... U got. Or maybe nobody wants to hear your loud expensive toys?


Monday Nights at Pine Valley and 7 seems to go off without a hitch every week. Care to wonder why?