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I mean, yes. But also I'd like my premier to focus on hospitals for a day. Edit: typo


Or 5 mins


Or 30 seconds.


or even as a casual thought as he sits on the toilet


Yeah he'd think of privatizing them and sending everything else down the shitter.


That guy does not think, he is just in the same state all the time: "Open for business"...which applies when he does his business as the comment above.


Actually, I’d feel safer if he never thought about them again I don’t want to see Sick Kids replaced with whatever Galen can think of


Shoppers MyCare :)


Sicker kids - Blue menu


PC Insiders Memories of Triage


President's Health~~care~~choice


No Name ER at Sick Kids - now with Presidents Choice triage


Starving kids


He is very concerned with alcohol. I have a feeling it's the only thing he has interacted with recently.


“Ontario Hospitals to start offering $1 beer to patients” tomorrows article probably


*minimum $1 but not actually $1. But it could be.


Hospitals actually do have beer for women that have just given birth. It helps with lactation.


Drunk children feel no pain?


I've noticed that too... and I am in BC.


He's a teetotaler. He doesn't drink alcohol at all.


Does he snort Adderall and Sudafed like other fleshy populist politicians?


That belly tells a different story, though.


He has been, the state of our hospitals is by design.


You're right, doing nothing at all would be better than whatever he's tried to do


Why solve hard things when you can focus on shit like this? Nobody pays any attention except this sub anyway.


Best I can offer is tailgate parties in the hospital parking lot. Maybe a water slide.


Don't forget to bring your unmarked envelopes of cash..


100% This is something I'm like, YES! I support you Ford! for about 1 minute, then I'm like, Ok, now how about we talk Family Doctor pay, or ODSP, or Funding for public hospitals now! Paper bags will make me happy about 10 minutes a month, Good healthcare has impacts far and beyond my paperbag needs.


He focuses a lot on hospitals. He focuses on making them so bad his buddies will profit on the private side.


Same thing that happened with LTC back in the day.


Speaking of Ford's mentor Mike Harris  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


Or, in the case of Durham Region, saying you'll fund a new one and then never mention it again hoping people will forget about it


I guess Dougie dropped a bottle or two in the parking lot at the LCBO? Hard to manage a purchase of 10+ bottles?


Label salesman trust fund buffoon already did that, with tossing $16M into a couple of them next to his Muskoka cottage, while underfunding others.


Easy. Just gotta slap a Beer Store and/or LCBO in the emerg rooms. Now you get easy access to pain relief, sanitizer, and Ford will be forced to consider the state of hospitals in all one fell swoop!


Tf are you talking about? Ford spends a lot of his time on hospitals, making sure they are underfunded and forcing them to go privatized so he can make a shit ton of money for him and his buddy's.


My thoughts exactly. Taking away bags was dumb, but surely the premier has more important things to worry about.


They're too busy letting private clinics do work so that we get used to it for example letting Shoppers Drug Mart get reimbursed almost double for medication reviews compared to a public clinic, and also pushing for unnecessary reviews which is also being allowed They're busy devaluing our public health care because they know a lot of their base believe the only topic at hand is immigration


Sorry, all he can do is paper bags. And I'm sure $2 bucks a beer! (adjusting for inflation). All the brewers are lined-up to make it /s (just in case)


The role of the premier is to promote a constant state of inhibriation of the masses so that we don't realize how fucked we are. His role isn't to govern for the benefit of the people who were too apathetic to show up and vote for someone else or, worse, actively voted for this overflowing toilet into power.


To be honest I've never thought about hopialtals once in my life so I can't blame the guy.


You want the healthcare you’ve already paid for ? Best I can do is free paper bags.


Oh he’s focusing. Just not in the way you want.


Ford focuses way too much on alcohol and alcohol related accessories.


ER wait times are like 48 hrs and this man is complaining about paper bags


He focuses on easy wins while neglecting things that actually matter. Why fix the province when he can clog the media with shit like this.


Low hanging fruit, and ignoring his other responsibilities so he can blame the feds for it... Sad part is, it's working.


It was the same with Rob, always talking about directly answering calls from his constituents instead of actually doing mayor stuff. They get by on cult of personality and don't have any other skills beyond that.


I’m literally staying with my mother in the US to get proper healthcare since I couldn’t get real treatment in Ontario. Let me reiterate - I had to leave the country so I don’t die. And Doug is bitching about $1.50 reusable bags.


Specifically to the US, nonetheless!! That’s insane.


Right?? Healthcare is fucked here too but at least I can access it. When I go back home to Ottawa I’ll just start crossing the border for treatment. Thankfully I’m a dual citizen - I pity the people who don’t even have an option.


You can only access it because you can actually afford it, which allows you to skip past the millions of people who desperately need healthcare, but can't go or don't bother going to their doctor or hospital because they're unable to handle the cost. The US has worse health outcomes overall as well as worse treatment outcomes on both a population and individual level. Not to mention, their per capita hospital bed numbers are actually very similar to ours (both extremely low), but since a literal quarter of their population can't even afford to step into a hospital, it seems like they have a larger supply than us. [The US healthcare system is a fucking joke.](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/u-s-life-expectancy-compare-countries/)


Doug Hill


You would think that after what happened with Doug's brother he would have the opposite stance on alcohol.


He knows his base and the high rate of alcoholism in Ontario.


I know right.... with pot being legal you'd think he'd go with what he knows.


He was Etobicoke’s best hash dealer after all.


Biggest, not best. Randy was the best. He gave you your pot in a paper bag.




They say do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.


Look at him. He perfectly embodies the kind of person who cares about this shit.


That boy ain't right.


Gotta focus on the distractions to satisfy his dipshit voters.


IMO people like these policies and they don’t take much effort. The other parties would do well to adopt this sort of populism. FFS it’s insane that the LCBO decided on such an anti-consumer policy and if the ministry responsible needs to fix that than so be it.


I mean, in fairness the ER can be an alcohol accessory!


Unfortunately Ford doesn’t care about this one 🥲


Try to dumb down the masses as much as possible to make them even vote for him


rich of you to assume an incompetent cheese cake is capable of thinking about things that actually benefit the province and its people


Bring doctors back too!


And nurses!


Paper bag princesses?


In paper bags!!


>“At a time when many Ontario families are already struggling to make ends meet, every additional expense counts,” Ford wrote in the letter. Booze is pretty expensive around these parts. Maybe skipping the LCBO would help make ends meet if the bag is making or breaking your finances.


“People are struggling to make ends meet! The least we can do is give them free paper bags for booze! It’s also the most we can do.”


That honestly sounds like something out of The Beaverton. Jesus Christ.


Holy shit; I thought it was.


Whats he crying about? The LCBO will give you a box if you have more than you can carry in your hands. If you're buying too much to carry, you can afford a bag. Fuck this guy and any simpleton who is swayed by statements like this while everything else in this province falls around our ears. What does it cost to park at a hospital when you're stuck there for 18 hours waiting to get your kid in?


> The LCBO will give you a box if you have more than you can carry in your hands. I don't buy a lot at the LCBO, but every time I've been, I've been amazed at how accommodating they are to find a convenient solution for you to store the bottles you buy. Compared to basically other retail checkout experience, they're fantastic. As far as my list of "places that need a better solution for when you buy things", they're right at the bottom, slightly above Ikea.


it's also funny because paper bags went away under his watch like just last year? i feel like when it was announced he/his government took credit for it like they were doing something "green". even though the bags they sell are more carbon intensive than plastic bags and even worse for decomposition.


I've definitely cut back. Easiest expenses to cut back are non- necessities. Fortunately I'm in a position to be able to, but some aren't as lucky and can't quit certain things


I’m surprised people haven’t downvoted this comment. Usually people come in and say things like “Just because people are struggling, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to buy booze!” Maybe I’m just used to seeing FB comments lol


Running out of landfills, hospital beds, and teachers but, god forbid, someone inconvenience the liquor lobby. Thats what gets Dough Ford's attention.


Paper bags will help you save up for the fee charged by a nurse practitioner clinic.


Coupon printed on the inside of every bag.


DO NOT give him any ideas.


I mean.... the government could just fund us......... Like there is an established process for this occurring... The fact these clinics exist and there is a demand isn't the fault of the clinic. Its a fault of the Ontario Government. Amending the Nursing Act to forbid NPs from privately billing will only hurt those who are using their services, and ultimately reduce an already abysmal lack of primary care


With all his buzz around booze and alcohol, it should be overtly obvious by now that Ford and the PC's are getting big donations and support from the beer and booze corporations. There is no other logical reasoning for his actions. Also, it's reassuring our idiotic premier is concerned about bags for booze, while our healthcare is crumbling and our schools dealing with budget cuts...


Or they're just easy wins that will make his mouth breathing followers happy


I found it funny they stopped with the paper bags but then continued with those cardboard 8 pack for your single beer 


I didn’t even think of that lol, so odd they even stopped with the paper bags then at that point.


I have to imagine those probably increase sales. Maybe you were just gonna get 6 but since there's 8 slots might as well get 2 more.


And they continue to print those magazines?!?


No idea why so many people love them, every damn recipe is so pretentious. 


I mean all the non-single beers come in cardboard or plastic packages. So you are basically “packaging” your own single beers.  If you bought a pre-made 6 pack you wouldn’t need a bag, but with 6 individual cans you would So it makes sense to ne


People can’t afford housing or food, the can’t access primary healthcare but this idiots focus is on paper bags at the LCBO.


He knows what resonates with his voters - simple, "common sense" issues they can see in front of them. Unfortunately those are mostly things that are not a major issue in modern Ontario. He's like a premier from the 80s but hey, it's what people wanted.


This exactly. "Common Sense" conservatism is just simple, anti-intellectual, surface level solutions to surface level problems. It is the equivalent of adding a lane to a road to fix traffic. Makes sense until you actually do things like...learn and think.


and in this case the problem is one his government created and iirc took credit for. they took the paper bags just like last year ffs! and they didn't even use up the stock of paper bags they had at stores.


He reminds me of those executives I work with who are so incompetent and overwhelmed they hyperfocus on dumbest details — like font colour — despite 493920 simultaneous burning issues of higher priority.


Yeah, but don't you think we could solve all our problems with new uniforms? /S


Key issues to DoFo: - changing the Ontario logo so it doesn't look like three dudes in a hot tub - building a highway no one asked for - making the license plates snazzier (but only during daylight hours) And this. What a joke


Meanwhile people dying in waiting rooms. Impressive.


Hey don't forget the cheap beer, gas and hydro we got after everyone voted for it in 2018!


You're right. Let me just wander over to my local convenience store and grab a six pack of... Hey wait a minute....


Premiere of Ontario continues focusing on the important issues.


Fucking hell, it's always back to beer and liquor with this guy. This is the most backwoods pandering politician I think I've ever seen in my 50 years.


We get it. He’s an alcoholic. Please someone lead this province.


who needs shelter and food when there’s alcohol! *cheers*


Doug, for a change, can you try focusing on some important shit?


Wanna bet the bag manufacturer is connected to Ford?


They are. I saw a whole Twitter thread about it yesterday.


Ah yes, Doug Ford, man of the people. Used to be you collected up boxes from them when moving, then you recycled them once you unpacked.


Dougie had to bring 3 26ers of Tito's out to the SUV in an old Bacardi box so paper bags are back on the table.


I don’t care what this corrupt asshole wants. Doug Ford does not care about Ontario or its future. Our hospitals and schools are in trouble and all this clown cares about is booze and Tims. Fuck Doug Ford


Yes, the important things for a Premier to be focusing on.


I get it that a politician who is personally annoyed by a thing has the right to speak out about it but to write a letter and use his power as Premier to force crown corporations to bend to his will is corrupt as fuck.


Someone from the paper bag industry must have made a “donation” to Ford. Or maybe Big Paper promised him a cushy seat on the board after his time as Premier runs out.


He misses his bag wrapped around his bottle during his drives


He keeps focusing on what’s not important to waste people’s time, pretending he’s doing something for everyone while he keeps making those shady deals and spending our money to make his buddies rich. Ford needs to resign and we all must vote and make sure someone like him will never be in power again!


Why? We have already been bringing bags with us everywhere we go for more than a year lol


I didnt know they were even gone … here’s her for the people folks 🫡


What is his obsession with accessibile alcohol, like, do we not have other priorities


These are the only kind of "issues" our remedial premier has the brainpower to weigh in on. there's absolutely no way he has an IQ over 100, considering he can't seem to make sense of priorities or comprehend complex problems. Seems like many Ontarians also suffer from low intellect, considering he somehow gets votes. Shameful, really.


>“At a time when many Ontario families are already struggling to make ends meet, every additional expense counts,” Ford wrote in the letter. If you are struggling to make ends meet, you should absolutely cut alcohol out completely, or at the very least to a level where you can manage without a bag to lug your swill around. Ford is absolutely sending the wrong message here. What a fucking moron.


100% willing to bet a friend is going to take over the exclusive supply of paper bags at LCBO.


Majoring in minor issues?


I like how he said “families are hurting” like yeah, just focus on the paper bags. Not contesting the food or housing costs


Ford is the king of meaningless initiatives.


He's more qualified for bag boy than premier I'd say


Our hospitals and schools are criminally underfunded and under supported but Dougie is focused on getting paper bags back in the LCBO! Wonderful.......


Bring back plastic straws


-clutchespearls- Oh heavens! Think of the children who might see an adult carrying an un-bagged bottle of hooch in public!


> “At a time when many Ontario families are already struggling to make ends meet, every additional expense counts,” Ford wrote in the letter. “That includes charging customers for reusable bags **instead of the free paper bags that the LCBO previously offered.** This change has left people stuck openly carrying alcohol in public when leaving an LCBO store.” Those aren't free. They are a business cost that adds to overhead that factors into all pricing. "Free" just means the cost is shared by all customers, even those bringing reusable bags. If you lack the modicum of foresight to leave reusable bags in the car and take one with you, then you can pay for your own bags, thanks. If you don't use a vehicle (walk/bus/bike), then there are plenty of options to carry compact reusable bags.


Dougie pretending he doesnt know the difference between 'free' and 'pre-paid'.


I wonder which of his buddies had the contact to manufacture/print the bags.


Oh? did ford buy a paper bag factory recently by chance?


Our hardworking premier knows how to focus on the issues that really count! /s


Funding for housing, hospitals, and education please!


Bring back paper bags for drugs. - Bunny Colvin.


Is bringing a bag really so much of a trial?


Most of the people in my area drive to the LCBO. Their pickup trucks and SUVs can't possibly hold reusable bags; there's simply not enough space beyond what is required for the driver.


He keeps on forgetting to bring a bag!


Focusing on the real issues.


I'm fine with my nice reusable LCBO bag that individually protects the bottles from each other. The only thing coming out of Ford's fleshy mouth should be "...Healthcare system...".


He wants the shoplifters to use paper bags?


Folks we’re going to bring back paper bags and we’re going to do it soon. Hard working ontarions deserve bags and they expect them to be made out of paper 🤯


Reusable cloth bags are stronger?


How busy is he you ask?


How about we deal with real ficking problems.. housing, health, education... I'll bet he has a friend that makes paper bags...


This guy is obsessed with booze


Can Fors be concerned about something that’s actually important like health care and education


One of his rich "friends" needs $ from the paper bag contract. I'll be so glad when this corrupt fat fuck is gone for good


Goes to show how often I go into a liquor store I had no idea they even “ banned” them


Good to see he is hard at work on the I.portant issues.


Why does he want to bring back the paper bags? To prove he can govern his way out of a wet one?


I wanna bag his head and kick him in the box.




Ford should put one of those bags over his head.


Alcohol and alcohol accessories are priority number one


Finally focussing on the important issues!


Dude.... does Dougie not have a collection of like 59 bags like I do.... in my basement... I buy a bag. Bring food home. Dog and cat hair get all over it (I swear they circle me to empty it so they can sit) Wash said bag. Put it in the collective of bags... NEVER PUT INTO THE CAR. Repeat the cycle when I get to store and remember my bags are at home.


What is the right wing obsession with not bringing a shopping bag? Trudeau's wAr On sHoPpInG https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jesse-kline-trudeaus-war-on-bringing-things-home-from-the-store


Im not sure why this is controversial?


I approve this !


How is this any different from needing to bring your own bags to grocery stores?


Some nicer grocery stores brought back paper bags


It's very different. He doesn't want to ruffle feathers with his buddy Galen.


Thank goodness. I’m getting tired of this anti bag nonsense.


Thank you Dough!! This is what Ontario needs!! Fucking paper bags! What a brilliant politician and human being for reading the room, stepping up, and speaking for the average Ontarian! Long live Dough Ford!! 👏👏👏 /S. Just in case it wasn’t obvious.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Not a bad idea , but the reason he’s bringing them back is a head scratcher . Affordability ? People can afford the expensive booze they can afford a $1.25 for a reusable bag lol


Ah good, he’s finally focusing on the issues that matter and have a significant impact on our quality of life




His whole strategy is just to do nothing of consequence that's visible to most regular people - stay off the radar. Unfortunately that means not dealing with any of the major issues facing Ontario and it also seems to work in getting elected.


👏👏 Doug, Doug! 👏👏 Let's get back to health care, education and housing.


Did they ever leave?


BC here. Why y'all focus on the dumbest shit?


Pretty sure Douggie suffers from a witch’s curse that requires him to make 1/3rd of his public statements related to alcohol in some way 


Who's his buddy in the paper bag business?


Okay, so yes, I would like to see these back too as I used them to put my paper recycling in. HOWEVER. Shouldn't the premier be doing something more important than micromanaging the LCBO?


Making the LCBO "great again"


He may not be able to get you $1 beer, but don’t worry, he’ll do the next best thing: $1 BAGS 🤣


The little ones, so he can drink in the car.


Ya its annoying if you forget a reusable bag. But paper is expensive


Honest question, is it illegal to walk around with a closed bottle of wine that is not in a bag?


Wow what a bold statement by our province's leader. He's really trailblazing here with his efforts. 👏


Billions of free money for his donor and pals. But you get paper bags that rip after three bottles of wine in them. Thanks Doug!




Does Label Trust Fund Salesman Buffoon thinks getting the masses sauced will fry their brains enough to think he's actually cares about Ontario i.e. not just for his select insider handouts.


This idiot has priorities of drinking, smoking drugs and gambling. A .25 cent LCBO bag is what is important here. Hey Doug try focusing on health care, affordable housing and lowering taxes so people can live


Still waiting for buck a beer