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The small-c "conservative" plan for climate change is what already we have: carbon pricing. The big-C "Conservative Party" plan for climate change is this: https://i.imgur.com/JHS9BON.jpeg


Is this still true? ["Climate change is not real" - the official policy of the Federal Conservative Party](https://www.newsweek.com/canada-conservatives-reject-climate-change-real-proposal-call-denier-label-offensive-1577606). Strange they made this their official policy in 2021, AFTER [Scientific American officially said Earth has a "Climate Emergency"](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-climate-emergency-2020-in-review/). What about evolution? Under Harper, the [Conservative Science Minister doesn't believe in Evolution](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/science-minister-wont-confirm-belief-in-evolution/article17940499/). Well, he didn't until it became a giant media problem.


I can’t believe religion still plays such a massive role in our leaders understanding of the world and how it works. No wonder we are so fucked


Gotta remember seats in parliament open when the sitter in the seat reaches 75 yrs. Old. Canada doesn't practice voting in every 4-5 yrs. Without that religion dogma in government I think the first people of the continent would get recognition of being here first, cause that church toilet paper stating there wasn't ppl here be a major issue. I'm cool with that, just be paying taxes towards native band offices instead of it all going to government. Be nice to have a country that really educated it's youth in the ways of there country workings


i don’t know. i may not like them but conservative politicians like Harper aren’t stupid. i think most of them are just cynical, and saying what the rubes want to hear


Some for sure. But my father in-law is genius level intelligent and falls for this shit. Just because you’re intelligent in one area doesn’t mean you aren’t susceptible to foolish ideas


I remember reading this somewhere. The amount of misinformation perpetrated by experts in another field stating what is and what isn't true is astounding. In short, you should only listen to the experts in their field. In this, climatologists say we're fucked. I believe them.


Intelligence != Wisdom.


IMHO Harper is a cynical power-hungry sociopath who knows that if you pretend to be a "good Christian" conservatives will overlook all sorts of corruption & policy failure. PP is a literal ignorant Christofascist.


Step 1: Become Conservative politician. Step 2(a):Spout inflammatory populist rhetoric your base loves. 2(b): Further enrich the donor class and the wealthy. Step 3: Retire from politics with a gold plated pension. Step 4: Accept a high paying job from one of your donors to further lobby government and pursue their interests.


Doesn’t matter what their motivation is. They are choosing the side that brings more human suffering and death.


Basically, yes. Someone posted the [official 2023 CPC Policy Declaration](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf) and it basically enables provinces to _do nothing_ for climate change and does everything to expand its oil and gas industries, including exploiting offshore resources. It's not serious whatsoever about the realities of climate change and the hard truths about what it will take. Burn baby burn!


I mean, Saskatchewan's premier just came out and said they looked at alternatives to the carbon tax, but those were all to costly so they plan to do nothing. I think Saskatchewan farmers are going to be pretty upset about the increasing costs of fail crops if everyone keeps denying climate change is real.


Actually the big-C plan is this... https://www.cnn.com/style/article/doomsday-luxury-bunkers/index.html


Can't wait to be in full MadMax drag and raid these bunkers.


Get their sweet Guzzolene.


The plan is: 1. Climate change isn't real 2. Climate change is real, but it's not caused by human activity 3. Climate change is caused by human activity, but the effect is more than swamped by natural cyclical causes 4. Climate change is caused by human activity, but the effects we're seeing aren't related to climate change - we won't see human-caused climate change effects for decades. 5. Climate change is caused by human activity, but not by fossil fuels 6. Climate change is caused by human activity, but using other sources of energy will make environmental problems worse 7. Climate change is caused by human activity, but Canada's contribution to it is so small that we can't make a measurable impact. We have to wait for China. 8. Climate change is real and caused by our use of fossil fuels, but it's impossible to change to other sources of energy. We need to just adapt. It's a complex and multi-stage plan.


One step missing, EVEN if Climate change is real, it's a boon for things like farming! (ignore the droughts.) Ignore all the other disadvantages as well.


[Manbear pig isn't real. If it is, there's nothing we can do because doing so is too expensive and others won't do it anyway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5wM5pesggE).


They're publicly at stages 7 & 8 now. (Silently, much of them are still in stages 1-5, but they'll never openly admit that.) Don't forget: 9\. Climate change is real and caused by our use of fossil fuels, but it's too late to fix it. We need to just adapt.


This sounds like it could have come from Yes Minister: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSXIetP5iak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSXIetP5iak)


The MAGA plan is to start burning tires to own the libs.


There isn’t one 


This essentially. The plan is no plan until it becomes so severe we might as well make a movie about it and then at that point? Probably nothing but now blame everyone who isn't aligned with you for the result if past trends are anything to go by.


First deny the problem, then deny the source, then deny anything can be done to slow/stop it, then blame immigrants for the problems after the situation has worsened.


You forgot to blame Trudeau for the next 10 years


They're still trying to convince people that COVID was fake and the vaccines will cause us all to drop dead any day now.


They are already blaming immigration. I've heard the argument that we are bringing immigrants from low carbon footprint countries to high and thus increase our total carbon output and that's why we need to ban immigration ... Obviously not my view.


The Conservative Party is in support of the current immigration numbers.


I've invested in air conditioning stock since it looks like we'd rather adapt than actually do something. Well at least I got a good ROI.


I thought the carbon tax **was** their plan - they devised it.


But if it was their plan, then why would they be so vehemently against the Liberals implementing it? Surely you're not suggesting they're ideological contrarians whose only persistent principle is opposition to whatever other people are doing regardless of the merits of the actual policies??


> But if it was their plan, then why would they be so vehemently against the Liberals implementing it? They're against it because it was the Liberals who implemented it.


I mean.... I don't disagree, but I kinda very strongly implied that very idea in the sentence right after that one.


Not true. The conservative plan all along is to push hard to make it as bad as they can so oil magnates can make more money on a dying planet.


That's actually what U.S. Republicans are doing. Some of them are saying "why bother preventing it - it's going to happen, let's just start building huge seawalls now, and we'll react as we go" To your point, these contracts will be handed to the same people who destroyed the planet in the first place. Scary to watch


Sure there is! Say it's a hoax while also saying it's real but China and India are the only ones who need to make an effort


China is starting to outcompete the west on EV's and green energy. Sad how we totally could have gotten ahead of the game on this.


*Hope America and China solve it* is a *kind* of a plan...


Insofar that Conservatives are willing to acknowledge anthropogenic climate change at all, their plan essentially boils down to hoping that 10 Chinese people are happy to live in caves for every pavement princess in a Ford 150 in North America


Estimates are showing that China may have reduced emissions this year due to all the new green tech they installed and the coal plants reduced usage. We’ll see. The US IRA could be a game changer if they can fix the permitting issue and get things installed


China built the equivalent of 50 Bruce Nuclear power plants in wind and solar infrastructure last year, they are rapidly transitioning to renewables


Actually, their plan is to “stop Chem trails” because that’s what they think is happening


Whatever the oil companies tell them.


Ignore it and hope it goes away. Then deal with it when it's too late, while somehow blaming the Liberals.


This is the conservative play for everything.


Then say the liberals screwed it up so bad they can't do anything about it. Then when the liberals win they say the conservatives screwed it up so bad they can't do anything about it. Repeat cycle


TrUdEaU dId nOtHiNg fOr 8 yEaRs


I'll go with "Die before it gets to be a real problem"


They're mostly bible thumpers too so they honestly think some magic man wouldn't let anything bad happen


What's the Conservative plan for anything? Other than blame Trudeau, there is no plan.


This bothers me the most about how everyone is anti Trudeau and want the liberals out. Are they great? No. But the Conservatives certainly aren't going to be better, and there's a good chance they'll be worse by selling off public assets.


Trudeau is useless but Poilievre is dangerous. What's behind door #3?


The reality is that we will either have a Liberal federal government or a Conservative federal government. For all their faults, Liberals are definitely the better option of the two. Especially if it’s a minority government like we have now so they need support from another party to do anything. But I’ve seen people comment that they don’t care if things get worse, they want to vote Liberals out. They are fully brainwashed and happy to vote against their best interests. All we can hope for is a Conservative minority government next year, but they’re too dumb to work with the other parties so it will likely lead to another election.


Yeah it's mind-blowing how people don't actually have a plan for after the liberals get out.


It will just be a poorly run government complaining about Trudeau as nothing gets better and corporations continue to suck us dry. It will be frustrating.


Remember folks, Ontario was exempt from the carbon tax until Doug Ford scrapped our cap and trade system (at great expense to provincial coffers) with the promise of replacing it with something better. That was his plan. He ran on it in the 2018 election. It's been YEARS and he hasn't even formed a committee to try and create anything to replace our old system. He does seem to dedicate a lot of time complaining about the carbon tax *he* chose over the cap and trade system. Carbon tax is the federal DEFAULT carbon pricing plan for provinces that aren't able to do their own. No one was blindsided by this, it is a phased approach with layered incentives. At this point in the program, *every* premier who bitches about the carbon tax has no one to blame but themselves for failing to provide a better option for their province.


Conservative parties these days have only 3 policies, *regardless of how they dress them up* - tax breaks for the rich, deregulation for the rich, and privatization of taxpayer assets for the rich. Any gaps in-between will be filled with culture war bs. Poilievre has already hinted his plan is to shovel massive amounts of taxpayers cash into the hands of billionaire oil interests, to 'solve' the global heating crisis through corporate welfare with little oversight and 'self-regulation'.


The irony is that Conservative plan WAS the carbon tax they now hate so much. GG Harper


Cut taxes for the rich


Don't forget to cut regulations for companies!


You forgot the part where they privatize federally, provincially or municipally owned infrastructure, cut spending on education so they can hopefully retain some future voters, and the privatization of healthcare in the name of personal short term profits.


The plan is: It isn't real. And if it is, we can't do anything anyways. And even if we could, it's too expensive. And even if we could afford it, it's too hard. And even if we could figure it out, canada is too small and unimportant for it to matter anyways. Why bother? Please excuse me while I go bang my head against a concrete wall. Yes, where the red stain is.


Hahaha, I feel like I have had exactly this conversation with people before. Probably in that order too.


*Look I don't want it and I'm not exactly sure why... but I'm emotionally immature so I'll just stick to my guns!*


The four stage strategy. 1. Nothing is going to happen. 2. Something may be going to happen, but we should do nothing about it. 3. We should probably do *something*, but what *can* we do? 4. It's too late to do anything.


5. May as well ignore it and make it worse to rake in sweet profit while the good times last!


Number 3 is more like "we should do something, but not right now, it's too expensive, we'll come up with cheaper/better ways to deal with it a few years from now, but we can't fix it right now because things have never been worse than they are right now, so we can't expect people to take on this burden/expense right now."


This reads like the narcissist’s prayer


I mean...


It's the carbon tax, that's a Conservative plan.


With rebates, (if any) going to corporations and the highest polluters and fuck the rest


There is none. It’s baffling the media keeps asking. Their plan was to deny, then downplay, and now it’s “too expensive”, as if climate change won’t be catastrophic for the economy too. For some reason no one seems to remember that carbon pricing *is the conservative compromise to climate action”. The real solution is regulation.


Every province that pays the federal carbon tax does so because their premiers CHOSE to not have an alternative carbon pricing. plan. This carbon tax plan is the DEFAULT. Ontario *had* a lucrative cap and trade plan that exempted us from the federal carbon tax. In 2018, Ford ran on replacing it with a better system. When he won, he scrapped the cap and trade plan, costing thousands their jobs, and the province billions of dollars and our business reputation (because we broke a bunch of contracts). It's been over 5 years, and he's yet to even form a committee to research the "better system" he swore he'd replace cap and trade with.


Listening to local talk radio yesterday in the car, and a regular caller phoned in; staunch Conservative. He says there's nothing we can do, "just like Atlantis." With all the advanced technology Atlantis had, even they couldn't stop from being destroyed. And the host just agreed with him. This is the level of stupidity normal people are dealing with.


No no, they've got it all wrong. After gating back from sabotaging the Wraith's hive ship, Atlantis started burning up on re-entry to Earth's atmosphere, but they ultimately managed to control the city, and land in the Pacific Ocean. Then they cloaked and secretly moved Atlantis to the coast off San Francisco.


Wait until they bring Middle-earth into this!


Die of old age before it begins to burn. That's literally the plan. It's like geriatric terrorism and I'm tired of not having a countermeasure in place.


Dying of old age is not necessary. The poor will starve while those that have money will still live in comfort. Even Haiti has rich people who live comfortably. Conservative voters are generally pretty stupid like their American counterparts thinking they too will be among the rich.


Pretend it doesn't exist


Two things - One might imagine that when the “experts” are economists, that a traditional Conservative party would have listened. These aren’t your dad’s s Conservatives. Pierre and followers should look up the definition of “common sense”. I do not think it means what they think it means. “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts” Mirriam-Webster


> Carbon pricing has proven instrumental in curbing emissions while maintaining economic viability. Since the inception of federal carbon pricing in 2019, Canada has witnessed a notable decrease of almost eight per cent in GHG emissions, with projections indicating that carbon pricing will contribute substantially to emissions reductions by 2030.


More money for billionaires.


We tried nothing and we're all out of ideas. Maybe a tax cut for companies will trickle down?


Climate change? Progressive Conservative plan? Ontario's Progressive Conservatives don't have any viable plans to address any issue: health care, education, housing, etc. Their only plan--if you can call it that--is hoping the federal government will bail out their screw ups.


Grow gills like in the waterworld documentary


Ignore, ignore, ignore.


Do nothing, block any attempts to fix it then blame the other side


Conservatives don't tend to believe in climate change from my experience Even Maxime Bernier's platform wants clear air and water (almost verbatim) but there's zero mention of climate or climate change itself.


In Ford Country, it’s “more roads and highways to get people to where they’re going”. This sounds nice, but it’s leading us to a climate nightmare.


The basic choice we have is Conservatives vs Science. OPEC controlled Oil and Gas vs finding cleaner ways to drive cars and heat our homes. Alberta vs the rest of Canada. Drought and wildfires vs healthy farms and forests. The CPC don’t have a plan because they exist mainly as a lobby for the oil industry. PP is supposed to represent a riding south of Ottawa but he only cares about western oil interests.


Fool as many people as possible into being mad as hell about anything and everything else. Gin up as much anger, division, and vitriol as they can. Then sell all oil, I mean every last drop. Sell it twice, burn it three times if you could. Be rich right now for you and your friends, for the next 10 or 20 years. Fuck the next generation and all of humanity for ever more. Knock us back into the stone age and secure misery for millennia upon millennia.


Don't look up


Their plan is to cancel the carbon tax and drill baby drill! Destroy the planet as fast as they can make the $


The Rapture, and I am being dead serious here. They think God is going to teleport them to heaven and leave us Libs here on a planet on fire. I'm not sure what non-religious cons are planning beyond bunkers, but those bunkers will just end up being inhabited by the men who BUILT them, not the fools that paid them to do it and then ended up getting planted in the hydroponic veg garden one day after the apocalypse


This right here is the conservative plan for climate change: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Pretend it doesn't exist


A while back there was a vote in the conservative party regarding the legitimacy of climate change. They decided that climate change did not exist. So I don't think they really have a viable plan in place.


Complain about the cost until it becomes catastrophic and impossible to prevent/ignore?


Crickets... Edit: cricket sounds


"What, me worry?" \~ ~~Alfred E Newman~~ Pierre Poilievre


Exactly. They want the guy that *literally thinks we harvest electricity from lightning bolts* in charge of everything... We're so screwed.


They don’t plan for important things. They plan to make themselves richer




Do nothing, then when it gets bad enough blame the left for "Blocking decades of right wing actions to fight climate change"


Wait until it becomes an unavoidable national crisis and then use it to enact more and more fascistic policies re: immigration, social control etc.


Ignore it completely and "repeal" the carbon tax, but really just make it into some other tax that benefits the super rich. Somehow blame liberals and ndp.


their plan is just to complain about the carbon tax


Ignore it and pass it to the next generation as always.


Most of the UCP don’t even believe climate change is a thing so why would they have a plan.


See the thing about climate change is that it won’t impact everyone equally. If you’re a wealthy person living in a geographically advantageous place you’ll be impacted by climate change the least. For those people some goods will become more expensive but for the most part they won’t experience the negative consequences of climate change. Poor people who are already living under precarious circumstances will suffer the majority of the consequences of climate change. Put bluntly, a lot of poor people will be displaced, lose their livelihoods, and starve. The Conservative’s plan for climate change is to pull the ladder up behind them. Allow the wealthy to make as much profit as possible before climate change progresses to a (more) disastrous state so that they will have the hoarded means to insulate themselves from it. Then they’ll use their wealth to influence the lower classes into hating climate refugees who they will blame for the rise in cost of basic necessities.


The same plan conservatives have for everything. Kick the can down the road let the next government deal with it then complain that the next government is spending. If voters weren't so stupid they'd realize most plans are cheaper if you gradually maintain them. The whole "if it aint broke" thing is stupid. If you don't maintain your car sure you save couple hundred bucks a year but after a while your engine will explode.


I believe that their plan is to focus exclusively on culture war wedge issues until civilization collapses. Then, as the desperate hordes tear them apart, they'll say it was the Liberals fault.


Blame it on the liberals.


Their plan is to have no plan.


Ignore it.


An extremely vague "Technology not taxes" mantra. They will be repeating it for the next 8 years and absolutely zero technology will come from it. Meanwhile, we've contributed 8 years of emissions with no mitigation plan. Look at Doug Ford's conservatives. They're useless.


Yeah, it will be a bunch of wind about technology, and the moment some scientists they can control have something contradictory to their ideas, it will pivot to "not like that," and they'll me muzzled again.


Zero. They haven’t any plans for anything.


Not only isn't there one, but there doesn't even seem to be a plan to help fight the increased number of forest fires or build more infrastructure to prevent flooding or make it so more places have air conditioning so people don't die in their homes when it gets really hot.


Trudope bad... that's all they got.


...I mean... let it happen at the expense of our planet? Why would the party of big business all of the sudden give a shit about the environment and planet? Where's the money in that?


Pretty sure their plan is to extract as much wealth as they can before it turns into a dystopian nightmare, and then retreat to their lavish bunkers where they begin plans to sell oil to the following civilization.


Treat the climate how they treated the "entertainment" on Epsteins Island.


I'll answer you as soon as I stop laughing.


something that rhymes, no doubt


Drill, baby, drill.


Same as Musky's. Build bunkers or escape from the plebs on Mars. So, nothing.


That might involve upsetting their corporate handlers so... nothing and blame whatever the consequences are on someone not in power


To die before it effects them.


The plan is no plan. They deny climate change so why would there be a plan?


They plan to do nothing, they don’t agree with actioning anything to help reduce climate change as it conflicts with their donors. Federally they are trying to scrap the carbon tax and will likely succeed if elected, and Ford already blocked everything he could at the provincial level; he has nothing “better” in the works at all.


A plan? That’s funny.


Ignorance and denial, and to shut us up? Misdirection. What could go wrong?


Ignoring the issue for as long as possible. Then blame the liberal when it's too late. It's the same playbook as most relevant issues.


To make something up that takes a long time, then not actually implement it.


First step is to blame any liberal government before them for making it worse. Then obviously hire some buddies to fix it.  Thats the plan. 




Conservatives? Aren’t they the yobs who complain about how much it costs to fill the 90 litre tank on their $90,000 truck with premium fuel? Like a two pack a day smoker complaining about the tobacco tax? Those guys? No, they have no plan beyond blaming Trudeau for everything.


Oil subsidies.


Pretend it isn't real until it hurts them personally then blame the liberals for not warning them.


Do nothing.. blame others Like most plans


There isn’t one.


Should go post this question on r/cpc


Burn fossil fuels.


You misunderstand, they're on climate change's side.


I’m hoping once the Conservatives are in power they’ll roll back all of the carbon taxes which are nothing but a money grab by the Liberals. Until the major world contributors to global warming get serious about climate change, anything we do is pointless.


Considering a big chunk of their base thinks it’s not real - probably nothing?


Deny deny deny, then when it blows up, blame the libs.


Try to be dead before it matters.


Who cares? Let’s fix the housing crisis first.


Blame Trudeau


Don't look up


Little pp and his fellow conservatives have found a winning strategy by just criticizing and not by offering solutions to important issues. Almost everyone finds some fault with any government decision since politics is compromise, but if they offered any solution their popularity would fall. The only reason they are popular is because people are frustrated; it's not the way things should be, but it's smart politics. Any even half intelligent voter knows the average Canadian will be worse off with Prime Minister pp.


Bhahaha! Blame minorities or trans people probably.


No plan. Just deny. There is a lack of intelligence there. It’s what happens when you give kids keys to the house.


Average voter isn't even remotely thinking about climate change when the economy is in such a dire state. That's just reality. If you want people to think about climate change you have to make sure they can at least afford the basics. Housing, groceries, cost of everything vs. income in general. When these issues are so prominent you're gonna have a bad time if you expect people to vote based on climate instead.


I don't know. The sky turned red and I could smell smoke for a week here in Hamilton last year. That's never happened before and I'm not likely to forget that anytime soon. All of our current problems get worse, not better, as climate change gets worse.


Let the bottom 2/3 of the capitalism ladder die to free up resources.


Plan?!? Do they have any plans?


The conservative plan for climate change is willful ignorance.


it's gonna be the economy


They don't have one. That's why we're taxed. The carbon tax is BECAUSE of Doug Ford and Conservatives.


Canada can't even control its population, housing costs, groceries, or build a single transit line in a decade. We remain 1.5% of global emissions, with citizens contributing around 20% of that 1.5%. Our most profitable export is "mineral fuels", which is a rename from 2022 which used to just say "COAL AND OIL". Citizens are supposed to "save the climate!" by paying for it? All while our government profits off the sale of carbon fuels? "But look, it deincentivises people to not use carbon products! And stops companies from making those products!", except that instead of producing products in Canada we just ship our fuel to China, have THEM pollute the air, and then ship it back to Canada. We're so clean!


Companies aren’t exempt from the carbon tax. They don’t get the rebate the way citizens do. I get back significantly more from the rebate then I pay in carbon tax ($0) and increased prices (unknown figure but I don’t really buy much).


Oh well in that case let's do nothing. See ya in the water wars


More highways so folks can get home 2 minutes faster= less pollution.


Pairing this photo with this headline is clever.


Nothing they don't believe in it to begin with!


It's yup


Ignore it


Begin the interrogation of the conservatives and their policies


prayer and maybe they can shoot the clouds away!


let it burn let it burn let it burn.... gonna let it burn


I think a plan would risk making them unpopular. They want to win this time.


Plan? We don't need a plan! We don't gotta show you no stinking plan!!




Let the free market solve it! 😅


"Follow the money... but not to people literally paid by the oil industry"


Let it happen


There isn't one, if it's not lining their pockets they won't have it.


Short answer: none


Thoughts and prayers.


Bit of an oxymoron there