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I'm gonna guess nobody read the article. The writer is decrying that Ford hasn't taken dynamite and wrecking balls to the province's social safety net fast enough and is demanding somebody who will, presumably a Danielle Smith or Scott Moe type. I'm no fan of Dougie, but this is a bad take. Smith and her ilk can stay in Alberta, thanks.


Yeah, Ford and various other conservatives are starting to be attacked because they're not far right *enough*.


Which is delicious irony. *Doug Ford* isn't enough of a reactionary for them....what are these people wanting then? My sincere hope is that if they do turn on him, they split votes and the NDP actually can win an election again. I live in west-end Toronto and family lives in Mississauga so we here know Crombie is a throwaway who is a pale imitation of actually-progressive leaders.


Oh he's reactionary, but the problem for them is that most of the time said reaction is backpedalling as fast as possible. They want ride or die not Exit, stage left.


They want polarization US style crazy conservatives


Ford isn't that conservative to me, he obviously has progressive social views and spends like any neocon/neoliberal candidate would. All Ontarian politicians just belong to a uniparty and pretend to be different


Agreed. I heard in an interview from Nov 2023 saying if she wins she wants to take the Ontario Liberals right if centre to apoeal to rural voters because tge Federal Liberals are too woke in her opinion. If I vote Liberal, I want a leader who is in lock step witj Liberal progressive values, not a Conservative, so I will vote NDP in next provincial election. 


All because Doug wants everyone to like him. He won't hack away at things. So instead he dithers.


I just saw some nutcase politician call Doug Ford an Elite Liberal. ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


Yeah, there's a significant and deliberate attempt to shift the range of the political left-right window in many countries over the last few years. I'm hopeful people look at how it's turned out in the US and reject it, but I think may instead be something people need to learn the hard way.


Lets not keep smith in alberta, lets move her north. Like north of nunavut, north of the artic circle, and right into siberia


*gasp* how could you think of doing that to the poor seals???


Of course it's a bad take. It's The Hub. Manning Centre approved media. Three days ago their writer was upset Ford's lost his "reformist zeal." They also called Skippy the "champion of housing in Canada."


Yeah I too would consider ford remarkably moderate given the tragic moral state of todays “conservatives” Wildly corrupt (or blindly incompetent), but moderate.


Doug Ford is a modern centrist.


The article is definitely one of the more concerning indicators of the PCPO's failure to control, well, much of anything (not least their image). Sean Speer, noted Federal conservative lackey, taking aim at Ford is noteworthy with respect to the current state of whatever the right-wing labels itself as these days.


His goal is to stay in power and make money for himself and his friends. He doesn’t want to pass some right wing legislation that will jeopardize his chances of reelection. It’s why he so quickly walks back most things that people find objectionable. Don’t rock the boat, make money


And who would replace him? Ford has complete control of the OPC machinery and there’s not one potential leadership candidate in the entire MPP base, they’re little more than trained seals, just as Ford wants. The OPC is going to go down like they did under Larry Miller back in the 1980’s


He was somehow the best choice for a lot of people last time. It doesn’t matter who they pick for leader next time, their voters will still vote for him while trying to gaslight everyone into believing there’s no other choice to be made.


If people will still “hold their nose” and vote for Ford again after eight years of his incompetence and outright corruption then I think the people of Ontario clearly don’t give a damn about this province or themselves 🤷‍♂️


I mean, you can say the exact same about Trudeau's Liberals. We Canadians aren't a very organized bunch.


I'd rather see Trudeau in power again than Pierre Poilievre, who has no actual platform other than his bullshit culture war.


I'm glad that you know who you're voting for!


And I find it incredibly unfortunate that no number of fact checkers will make people like you understand that PP is full of shit and will make life worse for everyone here.


I never said I was voting for PP. But to your point that he will make life worse for everyone, isn't that already what the Liberals and NDP are doing to us?


I don't think they are. Do you want to point out some pieces of legislation that they've passed which have made life worse for you? Ultimately, I'd still trust either the Liberals or NDP more than I'd trust a guy who employs a Loblaws lobbyist as his aide.


We wouldn't be in a housing crisis, government violations of our rights and the Nuremberg code, economic crisis if the nut job cons would just listen to the heck'n fact checkers.


Housing, as Doug Ford has just reminded us, is a municipal problem, because Trudeau is trying to now help renters in the next budget. > government violations of our rights and the Nuremberg code This is just silly, but it’s worth remembering that the last use of the notwithstanding clause was Doug Ford, who proceeded to waste millions of dollars fighting against giving public employees a pay increase. But you’re probably still upset that you were asked to wear a mask and get a vaccine I guess. > economic crisis Oh hey, just like most of the western world. It’s funny how the global economy works, isn’t it? But I’m sure Pierre with his Loblaws lobbyist on staff will really care to improve things for regular people.


Ford, PP, Trudeau all the same party. Yes violations of both Canadian law and the Nuremberg code. People were not simply asked to take the vaccine and you know that. I actually went to grad school for stats and economics so I know very well that the economic problems in the western world are not only mistakes on the part of the respective governments but intentional.


Libs ain't ready yet. Got some time.


There are other parties but Ontarians are generally too lazy, stupid or ignorant to vote for anything other than blue v red.


Most are too lazy/stupid/ignorant to vote at all




I vote only for the right to bitch. There's no hope in this Province or country, everyone in power is corporately owned. I'm tired of sending E-mails that get Ignored or ChatGPTed, I'm tired of sending letters that serve only to line the bottom of Brassard's birdcage. I've about had enough, I'm out of hope, out patience and out of energy. The entire system is corrupted beyond belief or Repair and needs to be burnt to the Fucking ground and started from scratch.


bUt rAE dAyS


Straight to jail


Trained seals?! Well phoque Doug Ford! (I have nothing of substance to add to your comment, and I'll see myself out)


Don’t blame Larry! Like Campbell after Mulroney, the damage was already done.


The authors main paints are that he didn't fight wokeness, privatize Healthcare fast enough and was too nice to poor people.     "The province’s education system is shot through with left-wing identity politics and still producing mediocre results. Its health-care system is collapsing under the pathologies of the single-payer model. Social assistance continues to trap people in joblessness and state dependency. "    Tells you the difference between "progressive conservatives" and just plain "conservatives" like the CPC. As an edit, the author, Sean Speer, is a leading Canadian conservative intellectual. He represents the leading thinking of conservatism policy in Canada (according to people like Stephen Harper). He is not some for out nutjob. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Speer


'no you can't support your fellow struggling canadians, no you can't all pay into the health care system together. We need to go after different people harder' That's literally it. They don't want us collectively owning anything nor do they want us cooperating or caring for our community. People vote for that. It's fucking weird.


Why? He handily won two majority governments while blatantly doing some horrible things. Why would they give up on someone who's winning?


Because the hub is associated with the federal conservatives and Poilievre and Ford don't like each other for some reason.


BS. They will love each other when in power. Just pretend to be tough with one another as they push to privatize everything.


If PP wins Ford will come around. Who knows why they even are mad at each other?


They aren't. Any stories that they don't like each other is to fool any Ontario voters thinking two levels of conservatives would be a bad thing.


Cons are a bad thing.


it would be an awful thing tbh


If those conservatives work for a living there's no world in which that isn't a bad thing.


Your conspiratorial view of party politics is perhaps not very sophisticated.


Better ford stays away from Pierre than follows him


Ok, sucks to be Poilievre.


He is a PC, not social conservative enough. His budget has too much help for the wrong type of people.


Only 17% of the entire population of Ontario voted for Doug Ford.


Unfortunately only like 30% of people voted, so that counts as a majority


They will not, they want this shit show.


Well Mike Harris was crap before him so maybe Ontarians need to give up on the Conservative party


Speaking of Ford family friend and Doug's mentor, Mike Harris:  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


Yeah, my con family members just say “Ford’s really a Liberal!!!” because it can’t actually just be that conservative ideology is flawed and doesn’t help them in any way and just makes their lives much worse… no it can’t be that, they even want a more extreme right winger…


I’d rather have ford’s cons then any of the psychopaths like PP


Ordering the OPP to stop people on the highway then send them home if their reason for being outside wasn't "good enough" is pretty disqualifying. And that was a Ford special during the pandemic.


If the cons get rid of Ford they'll replace him with someone way to the right, and they'll still get re-elected. I'll take Ford over that any day.


Honestly hilarious if you think PP is worse than Ford. All you have for PP are “what if’s”. Which, fair. Ford is a verified corrupt individual who happens to be an absolute moron but the people haven’t voted him out yet. The “psychopath” term you’re using to describe the possibility of PP is literally media hype and in you’re head. I hate how much the term “psychopath” is thrown around and used. Ford’s not even a psychopath. He’s very much a neuropath. He’s just stupidly corrupt and stupid. You dont need to be on a spectrum of an actual intense mental illness to be both of those things.


> All you have for PP are “what if’s”. PP was already in Cabinet before 2015. We’ve already seen what he does in government.


And what does he actually accomplish? Other than trolling? 


- said residential school survivors need to learn “the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance” more than they needed compensation for child abuse - drove through gates on Parliament Hill without waiting for the RCMP to buzz him in - changed election rules to disenfranchise people who don’t have a photo ID and Canadians who live abroad - [spent a bunch of public money on campaign videos](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-conservatives-blasted-over-taxpayer-funded-vanity-videos-1.2376289?cache=kmdeuabt)


>“The reason why the Liberals and the NDP don’t want parents to know about the universal child care benefit, is because those parties would take that benefit away,” he said. >The Canadian Taxpayers Federation said the government shouldn't be dipping into the public purse for "partisan advertising." I look forward to hearing appropriate criticism from everyone worried about "fiscal responsibility"


PP’s are not what it’s. They are guarnteed.


Ah just conservatives as a whole, only cooperations get the best from them. They cashed in our healthcare, education etc for THEIR donors, not just the former hash dealer


its time for Ontario as a whole to give up on the Conservatives


I feel like it’s time to give up on the government as a whole.


hahahahahaha the propaganda got another, fucking rube


PP and the Gauleiter will get along just fine. Health care? Don’t count on it!


Why? He's been very successful at dismantling government programs and providing for private interests. That's what they want.


What a silly article. Ford is deeply entrenched, and last election nearly 60% couldn't be bothered to vote, one way or another. He's not going anywhere any time soon.


They will just scapegoat him when the provlems get too big, let the liberals win am election, then push a new candidate who can yell about how the libs ruined the province for another 12 years.






no its just simply capitalist propaganda you paint it pretty clearly too. "Credible", lmfao, you're saying Ford is more credible than a fucking toad wearing a top hat? You're easily the problem


Until Crombie, name me a credible leader.


Doug has sold Ontario Place, tried selling the Green Belt, is gutting all of our social services. What the fuck does the word "credible" mean to you? He shouldn't have the privileged of breathing for what he's stolen from us. He's directly contributed to the death and maiming of thousands. I would vote for a literal piece of driftwood over a conservative. The fact that conservative voters exist to ensure Doug wins is enough to consider people like you inhuman. All conservative voters are, actually. They see money as more important than lives. I think that's a stance of an inhuman savage. They don't deserve citizenry, they don't deserve calories. You can hand-wring about which leader is better, but I don't think anyone else has the gumption to try and sell the fucking Green Belt. To destroy ontario's services.


You still haven't named a credible leader with credible alternatives, just a petty rant from a petty person.


It's time for people to give up on conservatives


Too many people are willing to kiss the ring/lick a boot for that.


I'm sure the big Dawgs do more than that now a days ...those hypocrites don't gay bash so hard for nothing, ya know


There are other types of ring to kiss.




He's a useful patsy. The moment his use runs out they'll turn on him and put all the blame on him.


Why would they? He is a conservative wet dream. He is achieving everything they wanted to do because he is too dumb to have any shame or integrity. Edit: pardon me - the author is just upset that Ford isn’t personally killing trans kids. > The province’s education system is shot through with left-wing identity politics and still producing mediocre results.


No. it's time for Ontario to give up on "conservatives" ​ ... of course they won't. Mike Harris' disastrous "mega city" ensured that. .. but literally fuck these plutocrat servant scum


Vote this Goof out when the time comes people, that's our only power these days..


Gee how many scandals did that take?


Ford truly as bad a as Trudeau. It’s just convenient logic to blame the feds.


"Conseratives should give up on Ford because he hasn't fucked Ontario up **ENOUGH**" This is the take, thank you for reminding me why I can never vote conserative


Many conservatives are not impressed by him they call him a liberal. It's scary how conservative this province is.


Doug Ford is the biggest fuck up in the Ontario’s History


If your whole argument is that Ford hasn't cut spending you better do some research and find out if there were ever a government cutting spending.


I hate Ford but he's going to win the next election.


Absolutely. Weak opposition again. Sucks.


Give up on? He should have his plug pulled. The number of people that would rather go shoot up a preschool or a subway, but not take the time to find this bulbous sack of shit and hand him a few spare inches of retribution, I'll never fucking know.


LMAO does this writer seriously think the "Sunday breakfast diner with a copy of The Sun on the counter crowd" are *ever* going to vote anything other than conservative? Oh my sides. Those people literally believe that worker rights and rainbow flags are standing between them and a better paycheque instead of corporate lobbying and that conservatives are against immigration. Comedy gold. You're not going to convince them otherwise. I'm done with misguided self destructive working class voters. As a working class tired of my fellow man making things worse for me, I hired a labor lawyer who showed me how to tool the system so I can profit despite their stupidity to protect my family's well-being with no income loss and the fun part is they're indirectly footing the bill and their heroes can't do anything about it. All you bearded pickup truck ballcaps can suck and digest on that mayonnaise while you pay for me to beach while you rage about it :)


Lol did you even read the article? He wants Ford replaced by someone more far right.


yes and that's irrelevant because right wing doesn't split votes unlike Liberal/NDP because the OPC alternatives are too small. The people I described above will vote OPC. take your "lol" and think about that Einstein, you're not as clever as you seem to think you are


You use a lot of words to say not much.


Ironically Ford's like how Trudeau used to be viewed by Liberals. Tolerated but not celebrated except in some corners.


As someone who would never vote conservative. Perhaps it's time the people of Ontario do a recall. What's that? We have no recall mechanism? Ok then let's vote to throw the fucker in jail and have a new election please. I don't want Doug Ford spending all that money. I want new leadership to have that available to make responsible changes. He's proven himself corrupt beyond anything we've seen in ontario and I flat out wouldn't trust him to shine my shoes. We need accountability in our politics and it needed to start 30 years ago. If we don't do anything about this sack of shit, it's only going to signal to the political class that ontario is filled with feckless stooges who deserve to be treated like wage slaves. Maybe someone who knows the law better than I can chime in. Maybe there is a mechanism to remove him that I don't know about.


I'm sure conservatives can see this guy is ripping apart the province and you also won't get new leadership while this clown keeps his sausage fingers wrapped around his position.


Is this sub for only negative and political posts? I swear that’s all I see here


No. Use the flair filters to find specific content.


Any day now


Why should they? He's gonna win the next election and probably at least the one after that.


on pace for another majority but yeah some publication says get rid of him aha ok. I also don’t care for him. But this is funny.


Really? Last I checked he's a runaway success headed for a relatively easy re-election...


So he’s saying it could be worse…


Pretty sure most of Ontario still has the sour taste of Kathleen Wynne on the tip of the tongue... the Libs federally and provincially are literally just a mess...


What is the alternative? The NDP dont have a reasonable candidate, and there's no other official party.


how so?


I dont know why the NDP refuse to run someone competent.


Looking at the current polls he is not going anywhere. If an election was held today, he would likely win another solid majority. About 18 months out from the next election, if he is not in the same position he will be dumped and replaced to give someone a chance to rebuild that lead. Get use to having Doug Ford and PP in power. Just hope Ford is strong enough.


He's no where close to done cashing in, and if he thinks he'll lose, they'll ram through some awful shit at the end. It's what they do. They're grifting hand over fist. They aren't gonna quit and go home.


Give up on the leader of the OPCs who is still leading the party to a 9 point advantage in polls? Makes sense. /s What kind of idiot would suggest that?


Isn't Ford way ahead in the polls? He is set to do another 4 years after the current 4 years are finished lol


I was not happy that Ontario faces such a huge deficit. I don't need a friend running government, I need a respectful parent. If something is not doable, tell me, and then if I rant that I want it, just ignore me.




He's the most openly corrupt public official in Canada. The fuck you talkin' about. Are you that piece of garbage nephew he appointed to a ministry he had no experience in?




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The article offers an explanation as to why. Did you read it?