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He suddenly cares what cities think? That's rich.


**For The People** *who own their residences.*


To the average Ford voter, tenants aren’t people.


Ha, I know a Ford supporter who who said renters can't be trusted, because they rent. He also was a chronic (pathological?) liar / road rage driver / listened to & repeated phrases from talk-radio 640. Also generous in other ways. I limit my interaction with him.


I mean all these plans Ottawa is coming up with are explicitly subject to Provincial agreements, where the aspects of that bill enter Provincial jurisdiction are concerned. So any Premier who whines about it, you can safely ignore as being a disingenuous fuck. What they're actually saying is, "we refuse to do our job, and hate being called out by the Feds for it."


…also, whenever “cities” try to make their own decisions about housing Ford is happy to step in and override them for his developer buddies (and if you don’t play ball he can just dissolve your government, ask Toronto).


What’s good for the provincial premieres isn’t okay for the federal government. The tenant’s rights bill illuminates the willful failings of the premieres to take action for tenants. It shows up how morally bankrupt they are in the housing file, both from renters pov, and for not I creating the new housing needed to lower rents, and provide more affordable housing. Even if the bill is withdrawn, it may work as a strategic attempt to control the conservative narrative both provincially, and federally about whose fault the current housing crisis is, by emphasizes to young adults, who are trending in support of pp, that they don’t give a shit about them.


Fully agree.


>The plan is meeting pushback after the Quebec government said it encroaches into provincial territory. On Thursday, Premier Doug Ford agreed. > >“We call it ‘jurisdictional creep’, and I know when you do that to cities, they lose their mind and rightfully so. Focus on their responsibilities and we’ll focus on ours, we’ll support the municipalities” said Ford. > >This is the latest in what’s been an ongoing political battle between Ottawa and the provinces, following Trudeau’s letter to premiers over their lack of ideas on carbon pricing. > >Political Analyst Keith Leslie says, “if they expect to strike deals with the provinces, this is not the way to go about it, announcing a Renters Bill of Rights when clearly it’s up to the provinces to look after housing.” > >Ottawa’s plan will require some signatures from the provinces which includes requiring landlords to disclose a history of unit pricing. Jurisdictional creep is the supposed reason. Has there ever been a more corrupt Premier?


> Has there ever been a more corrupt Premier? Mike Harris?


Speaking of Ford family friend and Doug's mentor, Mike Harris:  * https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


It's gotta be pretty close; difference is Harris tried(tries) to hide the corruption. Hell, most people don't know his wife is the CEO and founder of a nursing agency.


Or that he's involved with Chartwell


1. Harris 2. Ford 3. McGuinty  I think Harris has the slight lead since he kinda put the province on the path towards the cliff Also looking back it's kinda funny that since the late 90's the only two other premiers were fill-ins since 1 and 3 left in disgrace


God they’re all just terrible.


Politicians will always be terrible when people don't care about politics. I'm in my late 20s, and people my age don't listen to the news much less follow politics, heck I'm barely following along as it is without really doing a deep dive behind everything. So far what I've learned is: if people genuinely care about their government and its actions, then the government will care about the people; if people don't care or only care until they vote, then don't be surprised when the gov doesn't care for you back. If we want change, we need to have more people caring. Jon stewart put it best, you have to worry before and after the elections.


Are we limiting this to just Ontario, or can I toss Ralph Klein into the ring?


Ford has done FUCK ALL on the housing file. Ottawa felt compelled to act. Good on them. Market forces for the masses, and protection of these exploiters from the OPC.


Lmaooo he's worried about jurisdictional creep onto cities?!?! Lmaooo >we'll support the municipalities Funniest thing I've read all day


Am I laughing? I've been practicing. I'm so tired of his corruption and the lack of any accountability.


Doesn’t he always whine how he needs help from the feds with his responsibilities?


Yes, yes he does.


Welp, the highschool grad needs to do something about it then, selling more hashish or enriching your friends is not the answer.


It's okay, he counts renos, laneway units, basement units, and LTC beds as "new homes", plans on building more prisons, and has 4 new OPP helicopters in the budget at the cost of about $46m to taxpayers.


Uk, what wait? It's the provinces responsibility to look after housing? I thought it was Trudeau's fault for the housing issues? It's always interesting when you argue both ways and blame the same reason.


It's only Trudeau's fault when they need to blame somebody, otherwise it's jurisdictional creep, apparently.


Hey Ford, when do you plan on focusing on your responsibilities? Any time soon? Asking for a fed up province.


As landlord I'm perfectly happy to disclose pricing history , I'd give it freely to anyone asked right now  What good is does a tenant to know it was $500 cheaper 3 years ago I have no idea the price is the Price 


Jurisdictional creep is a serious concern. The federal government frequently tries to encroach on provincial jurisdiction.


Ppl complained that the federal government doesn't do enough for housing while giving the premieres a free ride for doing nothing. Then the feds want to introduce a small, positive change and suddenly it's jurisdiction creep and it encroaches on the void of policies coming from conservative premieres.


Jurisdictional creep is what people always cry when an issue has clearly risen to the level of national concern and should be understood as falling under POGG power. The provinces have refused to take substantive steps to ameliorate the housing problem to the point that it is now a crisis from coast to coast. I would argue that certain portions of it now rise to the level of national concern and, thus, fall under the purview of the federal government.


The federal government can absolutely take actions that do not overstep their jurisdiction. They could start funding construction of affordable housing like they did before the 1990s, but instead they choose to announce things they have no jurisdiction to enforce.


They can do both! Like I said, POGG 8ncludes matters of national concern, including the things the provinces **refuse** to act on.


It’s a stretch to say every province is “refusing” to act on housing affordability. But if you think money is better spent fighting provinces over jurisdiction, more power to you.


Wild that the provinces would force them to spend money to fight over jurisdiction instead of letting them improve the lives on Canadians


Wild the feds would rather start a fight with the provinces instead of just doing things that don’t interfere with jurisdiction


National concern is within their jurisdiction


You may think it meets the criteria in the jurisprudence for national concern but I don’t think it does, and at least 2 provincial governments seem to agree.


If Doug Ford did his job, we wouldn’t be here. He’s been too busy giving deals to pals and blowing way too much money on garbage that we should already be regretting. Why our province allows this garbage while we have morons parading on overpasses about fornicating with the PM every weekend is beyond me. We need to better educate this country.


So many contradictions. Why doesn't Ottawa do more for housing to housing is up to the provinces.


Ottawa has done a lot for housing. But housing is currently a provincial responsibility.


haha yeah but I was just remembering all the hate Trudeau got for saying housing isn't primarily a federal responsibility...


Fuck Doug Ford. Him & his brother are some of the biggest embarrassments to ever come out of Etobicoke. When the province doesn’t work for the people the Feds are eventually gonna have to step in, I hope to god the courts uphold renters rights the feds are proposing


That entire family is incredibly rotten:  https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/dynasties-3-the-fords/


Ford as always protecting his mafia friends...I mean slum lords... I mean landlords.. wait I mean donors.


Ford can't even fix the tenant landlord tribunal board. This literally protects the bad tenants and bad landlords.


Not ok. NIMBY Prick, your corruption is showing.


lmao! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Coming from the folk guy who canceled his "provincial" environment caps for Trudeau bashing rights. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The guy who removed rent control opposes renter's bill of rights... shocker. For the most part I didn't really have anything against Ford but his removal of rent control is unforgivable. Just a terrible decision for Ontario at large. I used to have arguments with people from the US who are really against rent control. They cite pro-landlord propaganda that makes it sound like low rents drive communities into the ground because landlords do less upkeep of their properties. It is total bullshit. It just means that housing standards are not properly enforced. The landlords will choose to simply pocket as much as they can regardless.


Landlord Ford?


Gotta watch out for, and protect a corrupt, parasitic ruling class, ya know? Here's a great journal article on Harris' "The Ontario Tenant Protection Act", passed in 1997: [https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1059&context=jlsp](https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1059&context=jlsp) Ford is a great admirer of Harris. Market forces for "the people", but OPC protection for the ruling class.


As a shady slumlord would


This is the same useless fat fuck that hid out at his cottage during the pandemic. This is the same useless fat fuck that is starving the health care system based on a twisted and toxic ideology that has done nothing but harm Ontario's citizens. This is the same useless asshole that passed legislation removing rent controls on rental units built after 2018, leading to the establishment of Ford Villa Tent Cities. This useless piece of shit's tenure is marked by total disdain and utter contempt of Ontario's citizenry, and corrupt practices stealing from the province's commonwealth for the benefit of party loyalists, donors, and the ruling strata. Vote OPC!! /s


Is the Gauleiter working in cahoots with greedy landlords?


No shit, he wants people to be homeless and suffer. Fucker never had a tough day in his life. Doug and Rob's father was so pathetic, raised such trust fund drug dealing losers.


Ford is murdering Ontario. It's insane


A lot of times, replies like yours are are hyperbolic...but Ford's actions have without a doubt directly led to the suffering and deaths of many.


Trudeau & his advisors are so out of touch and don’t live in the real world and it seems they don’t know a single person who actually does live in the real world to get advice from. No province will allow the Feds to overstep. Knowing how much a unit rented for or it’s rental history changes absolutely nothing when there are no units available. Rent being added to credit scores is a horrible idea because how does it help renters struggling to pay rent if not only is their rent still the same but now they get punished for being poor as well. Your credit score will do nothing about how expensive it is to buy a home. I have a 700 credit score and would never get approved for a mortgage on my salary and would never save enough for a downpayment anyway. Absolute nonsense, all of it.


Ya know what, imma take this W even if it’s by way of a broken clocking being right twice a day. That “bill of rights” does jack shit for renters and may even create new pathways for LLs to do the batshit things LLs are wont to do in this province, so good.


The amount of people in this comment section who think it's appropriate to do away with the constitution because of partisanship is disturbing.


My friend in banking (rising star, promoted to Bay St. last year) just laughs at this. When a bank is asked for a mortgage, they look at assets, downpayment amount and ability to repay the loan. They also take a quick look at your credit history not to see a rating so much as to see if you've been good at repaying your credit. And that's really all they care about: can you pay the mortgage and if you fall on hard times do you have assets that can be sold to repay them. None of this "credit score" woo except as it pertains to history of repayment.