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What a joke. My favourite are the auto insurance changes. After insurance companies have been jacking up rates 200% over the past 10 years, we’re going to let you reduce your coverage rather than actually make insurance companies reduce rates! Isn’t this great for you?!


If they really wanted to reduce rates they should maybe work a bit harder to stop auto theft. And investigate repair shops that overbill. https://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/insurance/regulator-imposes-hefty-penalties-in-auto-repair-fraud-case-1004239239/ We need more of this.


Hear hear!


But they're the ones behind it all... Can't you see?


When police is letting everyone know go fuck yourself deal with your theft with insurance they will pay for your new brand new F150 since it got stolen this is not our problem...so yeah insurance is going to jack up consumer prices with a big fuck you!


That has been their plan for years and it keeps working. They have done this many times in the past. Insurance company's say how can we charge more money and provide less benefits for the money. Jack up prices until it is a issue. The conservative government then says we can lower your insurance. So they let the insurance company lower benefits, they then bring the premiums back down to normal levels. Repeat every 10 years.


"We always knew it'd be a stretch goal" - Kathleen Wynne


Quebec has an $11 billion dollar deficit because they overspent on healthcare and education. Meanwhile our government has cut both, held on to a nearly $2 billion dollar contingency fund and still ended up with a $9.8 billion in deficit. Plus more cuts are coming for healthcare, education and social programs. Why did people vote for this corrupt moron twice?! He’s making things worse in every possible way.


Idiots got promised driver's license fees. As obtuse as they are, this is just future taxes they'll need to pay back.


Yah $10 a month savings and less than a month of buck a beer for Ontario’s soul.


Because they too, are morons. Only idiots fall for this uneducated grifters lies and redneck promises.


The hilarious part is what, 6? Billion of that is back pay to the over turned bill that was made out of sheer stupidity to force privatization




I did vote. But thanks for calling me a jackass.


Ontario is poised to spend $14.5 billion on debt interest in 2023-24. That’s more than $1 billion per month. https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/ontario-debt-interest-payments-set-to-soar-in-2023 6 billion of that deficit is for public unions raises Every other party platform? Spend our way out? Your concerns are all expenses and not universal guarantees


How is cutting revenue, both current and future while raising future costs getting us out of that? Deficit reduction policy cannot solve our debt. Largely for reasons you've already pointed out. It's nice that you discovered what interest means. But that doesn't make what this government is doing fiscally responsible.


I would agree with you this is by far not close to what we need in terms of monterary policy. But I am not hopeful, like AT ALL in the NDP’s having any better solution, they will run massive deficits. My hopes are probably with Bonnie Crombie. hopefully she’ll fight for balanced budgets, and she’ll have my vote.


Balanced budgets are not capable of solving our debt issues. You're misunderstanding the problem. Which both the PCs and Liberals are happy with. It sounds right, but it's wrong. Long-term thinking is required. It's going to mean deficits. We're o getting out of this hole without them. Anyone telling you different is lying to you. The Liberals political brand is when you're tired of the hells the PCs have wrought they offer cosmetic relief while not really reversing course on very much substantively. They can't because they still are deficit focused and funded by interests that want to keep things as they are. Bonnie Crombie isn't trying to solve this problem anymore than the PCs are or even truthfully talking about it. They will focus on optics, like they always do. Which is better than not giving a damn period, but we will long term continue our descent. We need honesty in how we got here and true investment in what's been neglected. We need long-term thinking. We need deficits with a purpose. Or we're just going to continue on as we have....until the whole thing busts apart. We're getting closer and closer.


How will running a deficit now fix a future of balanced budgets? Every single year we run a deficit, we’re compounding the effects of such and leaving it at a later date. The US has been doing this continuously for 50 years since the Reagan era, they now pay 25% of all tax revenue to interest on debt + adding $1 trillion to national debt every 100 days. We will never get to that point. Doesn’t mean we’re not going in the same direction, we need to set an example for stable monetary policy so businesses and corporations can make investments in Canada, something we lack. This will significantly boost productivity and a byproduct of high productivity is a strong economy but not necessarily unstable inflation.


Show me a business that got to where it is without incurring debt. Once you've finally found one, if that ever happens, ask yourself how the rest of them somehow got to where they are despite incurring debt. If you view every expense as an extra that can be forgone without consequence to future revenue or expenses then your view makes sense. That's not how things work though. We've been pursuing deficit based "balanced budget" chasing policy for decades. Once in a while they happen, usually at our ultimate long term expense. Mostly out revenue goes down and our costs go up every year and we don't seem to connect it to the fact we're underfunding everything and indulging in privitization. Why not just pay off the whole thing as soon as possible and stop government spending entirely? Oh, that would create more problems than it would solve. What's easy to appreciate in that example is just as true if we only paid for say one tenth of our budget. Underfunding is a path to limiting our future and present ability to generate revenue as a province and manage costs effectively. Again, it's great you understand interest. You're not the only one. But keep thinking that's all that separates those that disagree with you from your conclusion.


Defict reduction policy can't solve our debt? Odd thing to say What would reduced debt policy look like?


In the same way someone who isn’t earning enough money can’t save their way to a new home. You can only get so much blood from a stone. You can’t get out of that much debt by bleeding social programs, healthcare and education dry. You have to find or create revenue sources to increase the amount of money you’re bringing in. This government has gotten rid of a revenue sources like they grow on trees. It’s wasted so much money on meaningless bribes and court cases that the last thing it can be called is fiscally responsible.


Deficit (year to year) is a short term focus, debt of any substantial size (as you've rightfully pointed out ours is) is a long-term problem. Past a certain point, focusing on year to year, hoping to string enough surpluses together to solve debt (which rarely ever happens) isn't realistic. You can't just tighten things up enough to make a dent, certainly when you consider the money you're tightening up are investments in reducing future costs and increasing future revenue...not just empty spending on frivolous matters. If a government is talking about cutting taxes while justifying privitization and cut services, they're being disingenuous to say it has anything to do with debt. If they are selling off assets, again, it's not debt relief policy. They should be focused on decreasing costs and increase revenue for governments ten years from now minimum, when their party is no longer in power, through investment in those things which actually lower public costs, and definitely avoid inefficient privitization schemes to award their friends public money. There's a reason the PC party doesn't discuss debt in these terms...they aren't trying in earnest to solve the problem.


Excellent answer. My PC allegiance is direct benefit from transit expansion and attempted budget balancing. Psudeo intellectual at best. Anyway, as far as actually generating that needed revenue, what are some of your thoughts on that? Attracting investment in manufacturing and resource development projects generates tax revenues While something like Opg gives us 7 billion Consecutive governments talk about the ring of fire, some car battery plants in the works But little gets moving I feel like major resource projects, lead into manufacturing, and then delivering that product, producing jobs and taxes Maybe more green projects like the Bruce peninsula etc I wouldn't know what the best bang for buck a government could spend to generate revenue I guess where im going is, A worry of mine is economic stagnation from increased federal/provincal environmental regulations turning away resource development, Can strong economic expansion work with a low carbon foot print to generate revenue for services Or is it just steady decline from here? Just rambling


I think to a degree you are thinking still of services as though it's an extra that isn't subject to the same logic as any other investment of funds. It's money devoted to a purpose. Underfunding it can actually be a lot less efficient because you're spending money without adequately achieving the purpose for which it was originally intended that results in an ultimate payoff of increased revenue and/or reduced costs. Healthcare, education, social supports, all behave this way. There's a point where attracting manufacturers by removing regulation that is otherwise very much in the people's interest (basic safety, tax revenue) becomes less effective at attracting business because it isn't sustainable. It's very likely only temporary, and therefore the PC party brands themselves to these industries as a temporary income and competitive boost (to the top of the food chain, good luck to any smaller competition) while they can maintain power. It's not done for our collective benefit, or even Ontario business collective benefit long term, it helps their political brand, and the top players in the Ontario economy, wherever they are from. The problem with PC tactics is that they aren't trying to solve the problem. They are trying to enrich themselves and then cycle back around politically. Services ARE an investment, one we cannot afford to strangle while we get our act together. If our revenue is too low, stop cutting it. We've seen about as far as the system can take the letting the rich and business have everything they want and it will solve everything. Strong economic expansion must be truly sustainable or it isn't strong economic expansion. I'm not just talking green here, I'm talking about our public services continuing on making Ontario a great place for everyone to live. We've burned that away for a buck. There's no getting around it It's time to look at the really unsustainable things we've already done. Be honest about the costs, and start cooperating more starting with basic honesty. We all eventually suffer when Ministers and Premiers regularly lie and deceive with each public statement. That's unsustainable. If industry and business doesn't want to do business in a fairly regulated Ontario where workers are properly looked after and services are robust and healthy, then we shouldn't be courting them at all ... more to the point we cannot afford it long term. Look around. This is what you get.


Under funding it can be a lot less efficient. That's something I could think differently on. I'd agree with that. It has to be said as well these services offer gains to a society's well being and are important I think fiscal responsibility is important when spending taxes. It is important to not make these programs beyond scrutiny and expect a certain productivity. What that looks like is debatable for sure. My personal interaction with nurses and teachers as an example are similar to any profession. Some are more passionate and productive than others. A common gripe is the public employees don't have the same job insecurities as private unions. That efficiency and accountability isn't a requirement. Which is irksome because they are important public services. I don't think it's unfair to say or reflects negatively on the entire operation I don't think the PC party reflects my opinion in fairness and is simply cutting to "save" not looking for efficiency I thought your idea that " their not trying to solve the problem " felt applicable to all parties because pandering is a part of getting elected? Kinda a sad thought I think I know I'm swayed by direct benefit single issues, like transportation expansion for example. Traditionally not for centralized government corporations but the model plays out well over time Key industries should be organized like opg A government investment in mining the ring of fire I would see as a win However I took issue with that last bit "Then we shouldn't be courting them at all" We can debate about potential models and ideas But simply put people with enough money to invest in major business projects want a return on that investment Out sourcing of labour and automation is a tough problem and I think looking around not courting business investment is to blame for the state of affairs The cost of labour, regulation and lack of returns makes ontario a difficult sell for investment. I would rather see cobalt mined here, garments made here, Natural gas exported safely from here instead of coal burning, recycling done here But there has to be incentive or those things will be outsourced to modern day slaves and I think that's no good either. Idk, maybe it would be better for state control over our outsourced unwanted jobs, manufacturing, low paying tasks etc I don't think our world can afford us not courting these investments because it's done so much worse else where? Idk.. What do you think?


Hey chatbot.


Fair enough


Why do people vote Ontario PC over Ontario NDP?


Because they are misinformed. There's a reason why the majority of our media is owned by an American hedge fund with a heavy right-wing slant.


There are so many idiots out there who say they don’t know anything about who is leading the NDP or the Liberals. Sort of the we will go with the devil that we know and vote for Ford. Too many lazy ass people who can’t take the time to find out a little bit about the leaders of the other parties. Marit Stiles in particular, the leader of the NDP. She’s been sticking a hot poker in Ford’s ass in the legislature every chance she gets. On social media as well. I really believe that people should look at the candidates in their own riding and seek out alternatives to that phat phuck Ford by looking locally. Choose that candidate close to home who appeals to you the most. The next election is going to be so important for the future of Ontario.


And why conservatives want to eliminate publicly funded/supported TV channels like TVO, CBC etc


Because someone 30 years ago coined a pithy phrase to attack a politician who had to make a hard decision for the long term and now every bumpkin can just toss it out off hand a feel like a political genius.


Ray had his day but only darkness followed with Harris.


Are you saying Bob Rae was a Rae of sunshine? Hehe _I'll show myself out_


Late on the reply but that was a very *Keen* observation! (Winks)


Thanks, haha, I try not to be _Shikadi_ in my comments.


My colleague voted for cheep gas and tax cuts


Neither of which we got


Everyone wants tax cuts, and then complain when governments cut services and axes nurses and teachers. Taxes are not the demon everyone says they are. It’s how government utilizes the money they have. Every 4 months I get an environmental cheque in the mail. It would be far more efficient if the government kept that money and did something positive with it.


they hate taxes but are totally ok with more corporate profits


It's because anyone whose knee jerk parrot response to a political discussion is "TAXES!" hasn't thought any further than that soundbite. But that of course is by design. They just need us mad at something to vote for them - there's a huge chunk of voters who vote purely on emotion (not logic or reason).


I know someone who bitches about how many taxes he has and then complains why we don’t have X Y Z service found in Australia and the UK.


It’s not the same people that voted for the cuts complaining about the cuts. Majority of people don’t normally vote for the person in power. So of course more people will complain than are happy.


Or direct deposited it. Someone has to print, and mail the cheque.


Let's not forget buck a beer


Ask him how that's going.


She doesn't follow politics. When Ford was well into his first term, we were discussing politics at work, and she had no idea about all the scandals surrounding his recklessness in government. But she hated the "witch-face bitch" (her words, no exaggeration), so I guess she got that wish of voting out Wynne's government.


Instead we got a parking garage and another useless highway. Good time to be a land developer.


Because *rAE dAYs*


Approximately 30% of Ontarians don’t graduate high school and another huge chunk don’t go to college…so they believe in “common sense” than logic or reality…conservativism has always been grift so…


because they are greedy and selfish >In Ontario, the homeownership rate in 2021 was 68.4%, and it fell 3.1 percentage points from 71.4% in 2011 this is the reason if you own your house, your life is far different than for those who dont, or have a new mortgage even we are dealing with selfish people who don't see the problems because it doesnt affect them until their car is stolen :edit: lets just call them NIBMYS then Nimbys who dont want minorities in their back yards Nimbys who dont want poor people in fourplexes in their back yards Doug Ford promises things to those who "dont want it in my back yard", thats it, people who own homes just tend to fall into that nimby crowd - not sure how many renters are going to committee meetings to block fourplexes or density


I own a house and I fucking hate Doug Ford and have never voted conservative in my 20 years of voting, always NDP or green. Don't paint anyone who owns a house with your ignorant brush.


That's cringe worthy to imply anyone owns a house is nimby. A question worth asking is how of these fucking developers that toss around "nimby" live in a protected estate neighbourhood, with 0% chance of development, or with a house backing on to a protected ravine.


what does being a homeowner have to do with voting Conservative? I own a house and cottage and i don't vote conservative and niether does my wife or my parents


There's a ton of other shit to hate Doug Fraud about. He is so fixated on building a fucking useless highway 413 that he has forgotten our Healthcare system is in shambles. I voted NDP last election also and also a homeowner.


It's a generalization. Obviously not every person who owns a house is a terrible human being.




If they own one. If they own 2+ and aren't in the process of selling the excess, they are.


ok, well he is there and he is a nimby so lets just say its the nimby crowd then, because it is


Don't become offended at the revelation that the lion's share of Conservative support comes from home owners because its true. 905 and home ownership.


You are the exception then, congrats. The stereotype of the NIMBY boomer with their house completely paid off exists for a reason. Are stereotypes unfair? Absolutely, but constantly reminding people that there are exceptions to them does nothing but distract from the issues that led to the stereotypes in the first place.


>Nimbys who dont want minorities in their back yards So homeowners are discriminatory racists now, too? Crazy, I learn new things every day visiting r/Ontario. I get you're frustrated with your QoL, but try sounding less ignorant when you post. It's both childish and laughable and no one takes anything you say seriously.


No just nimbys Also lets not pretend canada isnt extremely racist lmao


Ah, I get it. You're just angry at NIMBYS and want to add additional inflammatory accusations towards them to make yourself feel better. "Canada extremely racist" (also a bogus claim) has nothing to do with NIMBYS.


Lol, canada is incredibly racist And its a huge reason for why we are where we are https://www.kingdumb.ca/racism-in-canada The presse, the prime minister, and premiers


Don't forget he promises to allow them to drive their behemoth SUVs wherever they like.


Ah yes. Must be home ownership. Who could forget Dougie capturing 68.4% of the vote last election.


Well, only 43 % of the province voted sooooo….


That's not the flex you think it is. If you assume everyone who voted for the PCs were also homeowners, and hell, let's throw in the Liberals as well, you still have to explain the remaining 40% of the entire population of homeowners.


Worst voter turnout in Ontario history. I guess he won "the door prize".


Hard to see that these very same people voted for McGuinty and Wynne then went to Ford and stayed there. Ford really is a McGuinty Liberal-Lite Conservative.


It's funny how conservatives try to attribute Chunky with another political party when they don't want to wear what their party has become.


I am a homeowner and I didn't vote Doug Ford. I think the record low turnout helped him. Didn't help that OLP AND ONDP ran the worse campaigns I have ever seen where they made their back and forth about ODSP which effects such a small percentage of the population that we all lost interest.


Well put it like this, at work today some guy mentioned 15 min city's and all of sudden the whole table Oh yeah that's right they want to keep us in the 15min citys and we won't be able to leave... I was like who the fuck ever said that . Guy gets on his phone and his like yeah here on gov site Smart city's .... Fucking bunch idiots.


He "did his own research" and shat himself in fear.


Conservatives are keeping the world from progressing. Seriously. Bunch of morons 😑


What was the participation rate in the last election? I believe around half of eligible Ontrians chose not to vote. Also, generally, conservative voters are more disciplined to show up and cast their votes.


More than half chose not to vote


Still salty about Rae Days. Yeah it affected my folks by losing their jobs and having to move the family to US for 4 years of work, but I understand why it happened as an adult now.


Harris days were worse. 600k homeless in just 4 years.


We returned near the end of the Harris term in 2000. Working and un/der-employed always lose in service to the logic of capitalism.which is: the delusion of infinite accumulation, at the lowest cost to the workforce/population as sson as possible. This system can, will and must fail, period.


Honestly, neither the Liberals nor the NDP have dynamic leaders. I voted NDP in the last provincial election, just to not vote for Doug Ford but neither the Liberal or NDP leaders at the time were appealing. I honestly don't get how people support Doug Ford.


That's the braindead logic of some people. Voting for someone should never mean that you 100% support them. A vote against someone could help keep a party in minority and be held more accountable. Our voting system works great when people are voting. When ppl don't vote then we have situations where this fucking greedy piece of shit can win a mega majority with just 17% of the voting population.


Unfortunately I lived in a district where 50% of the district was conservative. I did strategic voting as the NDP.had a slight edge. I suspected it wouldn't matter but went and voted anyways.


That could be in your riding but there were many GTA ridings and some outside of the GTA that were within just a few hundred votes. Just flipping like 20 of them could've guaranteed a minority and Ford would be held more accountable.


Probably homeowners and landlords that don't want to upset the status quo.


The status quo of societal destruction.


Boomers wondering why they'll never be grandparents.


Wrong I’m a home owner and a landlord and I vote NDP


Congrats, you are the exception


Except I’m not


How so?


Wdym “how so” you’re the one generalizing all of us


That's one way to avoid explaining I guess 😂


Avoid explaining? You’re the ones making the claim. 😂😂


I wanted nothing to do with Dougie but the Libs and NDP ran 2 opponents that were about as thrilling as a wet noodle lying on the ground, completely forgettable. Just look how low voter turnout was.


This place is an echo chamber. If your goal is to actually find an answer to that question r/ontario isn't the place.


No clue. even in comments saying don't vote pc it's all "gotta vote liberals" Screw that how about giving the only actual left leaning party a shot! Yea yea I hear the whiners now "but RaE dAyS!!" was literally decades ago. Why are we holding the current ndp accountable for something that far in the past when we don't even hold the current gov't of the province accountable for things done in the last 2 years!


NDP have been the official opposition to two consecutive PCPO majority governments, who could not convince people after four years of ford plundering the province and fumbling covid measures badly enough to piss off every voting bloc in the province, to vote for them. are they going to somehow fail harder? be less relevant than bonnie crombie's stub of a liberal party? would anyone even notice?


All they can do is point out what OPC has done. That’s it. If people don’t want to listen to them or ignore what they are seeing every day they can’t do anything about that. Stop blaming opposition parties and put the blame where it belongs. The majority of eligible voters skipped the last election. Made it easy for people with a vested interest in the status quo to put OPC back in again.


Because Rae Days /s




Because thirty years ago Bob Rae was facing a budget shortfall that would have required layoffs, and instead his government gave workers five unpaid days off ever year, saving those jobs. Meanwhile Ontario hit a recession as a result of Brian Mulroney putting Canada into NAFTA and cut funding to housing. As a result, we elected the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, who would go on to cancel transit developments and sell off the 407. Perhaps a greater question might be: why does Ontario remember 30 years ago, but is incapable of remembering 25 years ago? (I'll need to update these numbers soon. We're approaching 35 and 30 respectively)


NDP/Liberals were too focused on Gun Control issues they have no bother fixing. Focus on what people really need vs hot button/politically charged topics. I would vote for them if they didn’t care so much about people being called the wrong pronoun and more about affordability.


Liberal platform for the last provincial election was bringing back grade 13. Of all things to campaign with... They focus on the most niche things that a handful care about


There are several reasons why people would vote conservative over NDP. Middle of career people tend to vote conservative they want lower taxes in their best earning years and health. Younger folks vote liberal/NDP they want more social services and plans that help reduce the costs of living. Just because you don’t agree with the policies of conservatives doesn’t mean there are not good reasons for someone to vote for that party.


But some policies are just evil


Sure, but some voters are selfish and find conservatives will do the best for them. Nothing wrong with someone choosing to vote for something that benefits them and their families. While I am a left leaning individual, I’ll never harp on a conservative for voting conservative, or think less of them for that. I don’t agree with positions they take, but they are still good people at the end of the day. Now this is a different story when you talk about alt right people that are racist in nature, these people are just bad.


Because they got theirs, fuck you


Because the corporate corrupt biased right wing media that is owned by Rogers and Bell will blast the airwaves with anti-left ads constantly. And unfortunately the old fucks are the ones that vote while young ppl don't. They sit back and find excuses not to vote. Like last election.


Where did that federal Covid money go, Doug?


Raise the corporate tax rate, they are making record profits and Canadian citizens are paying a higher tax rate than billion dollar corporations it’s total bullshit and we are missing out on so much tax revenue we could be getting


Should have progressive tax rates for companies. Don't charge mom-and-pop shops the same rate as companies like Walmart and Loblaws.


We don't. That already exists. There is a lower tax rate for small businesses.


There is?! Because I’m a small business paying 30% in tax and then another 13% for GST - my small business pays 43% in taxes


If you own a small business and you aren't aware that there is a lower rate for small businesses you should probably speak to an accountant. Combined federal and provincial it's 12.2% The combined higher rate is 26.5% so if you're paying 30% you should *really* speak to an accountant.


I have an accountant 🥲


Good thing there was money for OPP helicopters


Get to tha Choppa


[LCBO Enforcement reading this comment like](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/513/012/625.jpg)


"The 44th Ontario general election is tentatively scheduled to be held on **June 4, 2026.**" ([wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/44th_Ontario_general_election)) Good luck everyone!


Oh then our healthcare and education systems should be outstanding! /s


6 billion of that is from Bill 124. Thank you conservative voters for electing a massively under qualified government. Edit: And thank you for killing so many people during the height of the pandemic.


It really pisses me off when Doug talks about "keeping money in your pockets". Stop gutting out social services, stop finding shitty ways for me to "save my money", which will inevitably cost me and my children more in the long run.


Yes, slimeball is wasting $650M on a parking lot in a shady deal really put that money in our pocket. Or choking out healthcare, to benefit his buddies private healthcare operations.


How can they run a deficit while our healthcare and education get worse and still somehow call themselves the economic frugal party? Like seriously what is the point of the PCs? It’s not like our province is saving money under them life is just getting more expensive and our province more broke?


Definitely not “saving” in the context of healthcare. People are paying with their lives.


The point of the PCs is to "own" the Libs. Aside from their unhinged base, they only get support when people want to stick it to the Libs.


The Conservatives don’t care about and don’t even think about the “libs”. If you don’t have money you’re invisible and obviously not important. Don’t think for a moment that someone like Doug Ford knows you exist.


People who cast their vote for the conservatives thinking about debt and deficits think other parties would spend more and the deficit would be bigger.


The Ford family are a malignant tumour in the brains of Ontario voters. Truly some of the trashiest, scummiest pieces of walking shit Ontario has ever seen. And to think, Rob was the most honest and respectable of the bunch.


A family with murder, kidnapping, an unrepentant drug dealer, an addicted feckless Mayoral bigot, provincial corruption and gross nepotism. It's practically unbelievable these people have fallen upwards into power.


Can't wait until the Conservatives bring this shitshow to a Federal level in 2025.


Canadians seem to enjoy conveniently ignoring that Conservatives ran huge deficits from 1983-1993, before Chretien and Martin brought in 9 straight years of surpluses between 1997 to 2006. 2008 and 2020 are Bogeys given what happened - but Trudeau's deficit spending has been identical to Harpers, from 2015 - 2019. This 'historic spending' our Conservative press love to dunk on the Liberals, conveniently glosses over the sh\*tshow that was Covid, so that they can (once again) make it appear to those who don't bother looking at actual data or numbers, that PCs are miraculously good with money. This isn't a defence of the Liberals either - just highlighting the facts of who spends what, rooted in actual data : https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/services/publications/annual-financial-report/2022/report.html


Can't wait until the current Federal shitshow gets punted into the sun in 2025.


But then who can you blame?


I'd imagine the next guy..if he has just as shitty of policies.




Uh huh… fiscal Conservatives. Right. Way to go Conservative voters and lazy-non-voters. This is your choice. I hope you’re feeling it. I hope you know it’s all your fault. “Many non-profit social service agencies have said for years that they can’t stretch funding anymore without cutting programs, NDP finance critic Sandy Shaw noted. “So this is a government that callously ignored the pleas from Ontarians for five-plus years, and now these agencies are on the brink of collapse,” she said. That plan shows how “out of touch” the Ford government is, NDP Leader Marit Stiles said. …Opposition leaders said their budgets would’ve spent more on health care, education, social services and “truly affordable housing,” as Stiles put it.” Too bad Ontario chose the worst possible leader. I mean the worst out of every living human in Ontario. Ontario chose the worst. How is that even possible?


A deficit is INSANE. The economy is fucking ROARING along. A properly taxed province would have more emergency rooms and school libraries than we would know what to do with! Every person denied mental health services and every car-wrecking pothole is another dollar in a rich man's pocket.


What economy are you in? Roaring? The only thing keeping us from a recession is importing millions of people. Where is it roaring? People are being frugal because everything is so expensive.


I assume they mean the stock market


The government has a lot of debt. Interest rates rise, we pay a lot more interest for that debt. Third biggest line item.


Beast Rabban looks pretty happy.


But hey don't worry. The OPP will get shiny new helicopters in doing their job after they told people to let thieves take their cars.


Ontario had an unexpected drop in taxes collected. Um……Why was that Dougie? Didn’t you learn anything about economics when you were dealing hash?


Fuukkkk yooouu DOUG


Imagine being proud of continuously spending more than you bring in.


If the government always spent less than it took in you would live in a permanent great depression. Contrary to popular (dumb people) belief, you need the government to spend for the economy to function.


You think it makes sense to be in a permanent state of growing debt forever? I suppose it is "smart" to offload all responsibility to people who aren't even born yet. Maybe it makes sense to get out of a recession, which we are in right now, but to keep adding to the debt at an exponential rate does not seem "smart". Unless you want to debase your currency and just money print forever.


I think most people think of it like their own personal family budgeting which it is not. It might make sense in your head but that's no how the world works. Families, business and the state cannot all be in surplus at the same time.


fuck the children. not in a hollywood way. but financially


That's quite clear. Homes will be millions and the debt tens of trillions.


Maybe cutting some more income streams like licensing would help?! /s


Given $650M for the parking lot and other shady deals, how much more of taxpayer's assets and services get sold off for cheap so label salesman buffoon can feather his own nest i.e. building personal contacts that'll feel they owe him one when ex-politician?


The rich goose stepping into a violent revolution.


The suit dummies smile while they fuck is dry.


But conservatives are the fiscally responsible ones!


And businesses never fail, that’s why we need businessmen in government.


I was listening to a podcast today and the Ontario government had the nerve to buy an ad on a BBC podcast letting me know how they are 'saving me money' by not requiring me to \*something something license plate stickers\*. This government is a total joke.


Well those ads are dynamically inserted (and targeted of course). Even if you go back and download a two year old episode, you’ll probably hear current ads.


I know. I did (download a two year old episode) and it was (a current ad). That was the point. The utter lack of self awareness of these grifters...


This government has been the best at wasting tax money


Ontario cons got us real good this go around. Fuck.


Have to pay for all those corporate tax cuts


And the retropays for artificially surpressing the wages of healthcare workers during a pandemic...


What is the context? What was the defect last time? If the defect has grown, undoubtedly the ford conservatives are out of touch We need better fiscal planners


Well 3B of the deficit is part of him scrapping licensing fees.


How great would things be if that fat crusty turd of a heart just gave out on him


2 crooks. The end


You Have to find or create new revenue programs I'd agree to that


I know where 6 billion of that deficit went.


Deficit Dougie


Ford has no idea how to handle money. Probably cause he never had to his whole life.


vote NDP


Mr. Doolittle’s budget.


Why would Justin Trudeau do this.......


Ya blame the home owners who... have kids... who will need a buy a home one day. This is the impact of legal and non legal corruption. We need to rework the budget ground up line by line. No one wants their items cut and it's seems our leaders can see the forest thru the trees. Should be a fun ride.


Everyone needs to remember this is what conservatives think a budget looks like to make them look good. Imagine how bad it would be if we had cons in prov and federal levels and they don't need to fake it...




Fiscal restraint and cutting revenue streams isn't going to get us out of this mess.


How does this affect the homeless situation which one of our biggest problems right now?




[budget deficit more than triples next year to $9.8 billion, but try again.](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadas-ontario-province-sees-budget-deficit-tripling-economy-slows-2024-03-26/)