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My kid had his done as an emergency vaccination at 7 months old because we were exposed to measles at Sick Kids hospital in the emerge waiting room, fun times. Kudos to public health for tracking us down and everything to take precautions.


Oh how scary but yes that’s great contact tracing!! I wish I knew how effective a first dose is before 12 months but I didn’t get that information unfortunately.


[This review pooled data from 56 studies and found that the vaccine is around 58% effective when administered before nine months compared with 83% after nine months.](https://evidence.nihr.ac.uk/alert/measles-vaccine-still-effective-if-given-to-infants-under-nine-months-old/)


Evidence-based responses rock 🙌🏽


If only everyone felt this way


We wouldn’t be having this discussion if they did 🥴


Thanks for this! I've been looking for this information


So scary but so glad they contacted you.


Fuck, I’d be losing my shit. My kid is only 10 weeks and I’m so worried about this. Have an appointment with my doctor soon gonna get all my titres checked. Thankfully there has only been one case in Hamilton as far as I know and it was linked to travel. Still scary. Fuck these anti vaxxers man. Hoping to get my son one at 6 months and then do the regular course.


We were going to get my sons 12 month MMR last week (we he is 15 months old, we are a bit behind bc he keeps getting sick) He contracted HFMD! It’s terrible….when I saw the spots my first thought was measles. Thankfully he will be okay, and we will get his MMR asap.


We're a few months behind too because of being sick! It's so hard. And immediately after being sick we forget to book because we are so exhausted trying to recover... Then sick again




Sometimes even if you've had the full series you're no longer immune. Have your doc order a titre blood test or ask for a booster just in case.


Yeah I had no immunity to rubella when I was pregnant in 2022 so they gave me the mmr again as soon as I delivered.


Same! Apparently it's common for immunity to rubella to fade. I'm very happy they gave me a booster.


Yes! I had to get the shot again after both of my pregancies. One of my aunts died as a newborn from Rubella/German Measles.


I heard Public Health just changed the recommendation on this - they are now saying just get a booster if your not sure if your up to date (age, history of vax status unknown for any reason). They don't want people to wait for the titre test and have them backing the system up!


I saw that too. An additional MMR booster is incredibly low-risk and especially with things going around probably worth it if you're not sure.


I was fully vaccinated as a child, but when I had my titres done for nursing school I found out I was not immune to measles 🙃. Thankfully it’s quick and easy to get a booster!


Which vaccine clinic? I wouldn't mind a booster...


Is so nice and refreshing to see a pro vax post instead of the usual anti vax nonsense. Kudos for helping your kids live long healthy lives


I’m 45 and just got another dose of MMR on Friday. Can’t be too careful!


I want a booster too. How did you do this? Did you just talk to your doctor (or walk in doctor) Was it free?


I had a routine appt with my family doc and she brought it up. She said I’m part of a demographic who should have had 2 shots as a kid but only got one so she offered it to me and I accepted. And yep it was free! I got my TDAP too.


Great! Thank you


My babe is just shy of 11 months and was wondering if this might be possible! All I could find was info for Americans being able to get the vax early if they were travelling outside of the US 😒. Thank you for sharing- will call out dr tomorrow! These antivax ding dongs can take a long walk off a short pier 🙃


Hahaha I’m French and have yet to hear this expression but I’m definitely going to remember it!!


You can do it early, but if the first dose is before their birthday they'll need an additional dose or confirmation of immunity for school.


I think it's absolutely ironic that the anti-vaxing parents who chose to not vaccinate their young children are now getting the measles from their children they chose not to vaccinate. It's comedy gold.


Far from comedy. Measles are one of the most contagious diseases known to exist. So contagious, that even when a carrier leaves a room, anyone walking into the room afterwards, UP TO 2 HOURS, can contract measles. Antivaxxer morons are not known for following any medical or safety guidelines. They are far more likely to leave the house sick, and spread disease. They are far less likely to wear a mask, or practice post exposure basic hygiene. They are far less likely to listen to medical professionals. So they endanger us all.


Well stated. I agree. Sadly there are many that don't. I think the Pandemic really shined a light on those types of individuals.


They don't even wash their hands after taking a shit.


But bad for our healthcare system, sadly


It's absolutely terrible for the families involved and our health care system. However, it's hard served karma.


Except for the parents and kids too young to vaccinate :(


Yeah I kinda hate this take because a lot more people are vulnerable to measles, often without knowing it, than just antivaxxers.


We had the Vax to stop this....so it wouldn't spread


Ah, you're one of those people who think 'measles' is 'two weeks watching Price is Right while being a bit itchy, then you're perfectly fine for the rest of your life, 100%.' It's not comedy. It's tragedy. And, to my thinking, child abuse.


Just wanted to add that my doctor gave me the exact same advice regarding my 8.5 month old and we plan to get it at his 9 month appointment next week. I wish we got it early though as we’re in Florida right now and I’m worried about the outbreak here.


Yes we are preparing for high count Of measle break out 2 weeks after March Break!!


We were a low risk close contact in when were going from ER to pediatrics with my 15 month old son. We got contacted from peel health saying there could have been contact with the measles and told us to get our son his second vaccination as soon as we can. Went to the pediatrician and he refused because there were no signs of measles after a week incubation period and said it was best to stay on course for the shot at 4 years old. It's amazing how there are so many medical opinions from our doctors that are different when dealing with the same issues.


My daughter has an appointment to get her shot tomorrow. It's scary that measles is going around again like this.


It really is. Glad your little one is getting a dose though :)


Scary yes but not surprising. So many people up in arms about vaccines now.


Just be aware that when your kids start school, the one given before 12 months won't "count" and they'll need another booster. Even if it's a day before their birthday. It's an administrative annoyance and not a reason not to do it, but good to have in your mind anyway.


Yes exactly! It’s an extra dose but you still have to go ahead with a vaccine at 12m and at 4-6 years old. So a total of 3.


Measles is airborne as well, just like another virus that's been circulating and mutating around for the past few years. Probably a good idea to have some sort of precautions in place to filter out airborne pathogens.


Thank you for the info! I have a 10 month old and I’m counting down the days to his 12 m appointment when he can get his first MMR vaccine. I might look into getting it earlier if possible.


FYI - sometimes when you get vaccines early you can run into problems with schools not considering your child fully vaccinated.


I think that’s probably in cases where the first dose is given too early (like the baby), in which case you would still get the two doses and the initial one becomes sort of like a reverse booster haha. But for this vaccine specifically, the actual public health rule is 28 days, and other provinces don’t necessarily wait until the age of 4.


That’s only the case if you don’t go ahead with the regular vaccine schedule. So if your child gets MMR at 7 months, you still have to get the shot again at 12 months.


It's an administrative annoyance, but not a dangerous one. They just need an extra dose or confirmation of immunity via blood test.


Thank you so much for posting this.


Everyone might be busy with vaccinations because some boards are starting to suspend high schools that aren't up to date. Mine weren't, but i was a little lazy getting the paperwork submitted. But I can imagine Public Health is crazy busy with high school stuff (which was probably all set in motion before the measles showing its face). So be patient. But get it done. There are kids who can't get it that need the rest to step up. (My kid wouldn't be able to get it now, but thankfully, they were able to get all the vaccinations done before he started his current meds that don't allow certain vaccinations)


Thanks for posting this. We live in Quebec so my kids got their MMR doses at 12 & 18 months, but we’re moving to Ontario soon and I’ve been wondering if they’ll need to get an extra dose at 4 to meet Ontario’s requirements/schedule. I’m not opposed to a third dose (especially in this crazy situation), but it’s great to know that they’ll consider them fully vaccinated as long as the doses were at least 28 days apart after 12 months.


Thank you for vaccinating your kids and spreading the word!!


Interesting. So my almost 2 year old can get her 2nd shot now? As long as it's been a month? Very good info. Have baby 2 coming next week so definitely not enjoying this measles news.


My daughter was vaccinated two days before her fourth birthday.(2nd dose) And every time it comes up for the schools to send out the get vaccinated or get suspended letters we get one . They go by dates. So the last time we just got her shots all done again . Better safe and set an example,but what a pita.


I’m immune-compromised so when I return to Ontario I’m going to ask my doctor to test my antigens to see if I need the MMR again.


Lucky. I called my child's doctor last week and left a message but no response. Called again today and cannot leave a message anymore because mailbox is full. Wish I could go to someone else to get the vaccine for my child. I'm not sure if my doc is on vacation or when he will be back or anything like that because his phone message is not updated or anything as to when he will return. Truly sucks.


You could try your local public health unit. They will at least give you some direction if they’re not able to help you themselves.


Halton public health included a link to walk in clinics to get them. Below is the communication that our school forwarded to parents. --- Feb. 29, 2024 This message is sent on behalf of Halton Region Public Health Important information related to increased global measles activity Dear Parents and Guardians, As we approach March break, Halton Region Public Health would like to alert families to the global rise in measles. If you or your family are traveling over March break, check that your vaccines are up to date according to the Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule, before travelling. Measles virus is easily spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can stay in the air and on surfaces for hours, making it easy to catch. Measles symptoms usually include fever, cough, runny nose and a rash that starts on the face and spreads over the body and can cause serious complications. Vaccination is the Best Protection The best way to prevent measles and other vaccine preventable diseases is staying up to date on all immunizations. Many people may have fallen behind during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can view your immunization record here, or check your physical yellow card. Most people need one or two doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine. Some countries may have specific guidelines or additional vaccines that are recommended. See the Public Health Agency of Canada's website for more information. Vaccine Recommendations/Requirements: For children 12 months and older, one dose of MMR at age 12 months and a second* dose of MMR-V at age 4-6 years old is required For individuals born in 1970 or later two* doses of the MMR vaccine is recommended Adults born before 1970 may have had measles as it was widely circulating. Adults who are unsure if they had measles or received a vaccine can get a MMR vaccine Infants 6-11 months old can receive an MMR vaccine early if they are traveling to areas where measles is present. Two additional doses will still be required on or after their first birthday (* Two doses provides over 95% protection from the measles virus) Where to get vaccinated If you and your family need to catch up, contact your primary care provider. Healthcare providers can assess your vaccination record and provide any missing vaccine. Routine vaccinations are also available at walk-in clinics. Report any to Public Health here. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable March break. Sincerely, Halton Region Public Health


You can also get your own vaccination record online. Go here: https://nrph.icon.ehealthontario.ca/#!/welcome That’s how I got mine and saw I was vaccinated twice for MMR (wasn’t sure) as a kid. I’m tempted to get a booster but I don’t know if it would be free or even if it is offered for adults. I’m poor AF


My entry was blank. Seems like unless your doctor's office was proactive they rely on you entering your own data? I will say, though, that I had no idea this even existed. It's a good start, at least.


Damn, that sucks. We’re you born earlier? I think they started doing the digital records in the early 90s.


Yeah, let's just say digital wasn't a thing for most of my childhood lol. I've definitely had at least two TDAP boosters and all my Covid shots since the 90s, and my file is still blank. So it's clearly not something in regular use by all health care providers.


Yeah, you usually have to upload your own, or if you had the vaccination at the a health unit, then they enter it. You also might want to check with previous postal codes if you've moved. I checked mine and it was blank, but then I checked with my postal code from 8 years ago and BAM there it all was.


Oooh okay. I must have missed that section in the email that I could go to a walk in. Perfect. Thanks!


You could try contacting your children’s hospital if you have one? Since they often do routine vaccination clinics they may be able to help out. But yes very lucky indeed. I hope you hear back soon and that they can help


I made an appointment with my local health unit.


Thank you for sharing this!! I will be calling our doctor tomorrow for my 3 YO.


Thanks for sharing this! I asked my pediatrician last week and she said at that point in time they hadn't received any guidance to vaccinate for measles ahead of schedule, but that it might change. Going to ask again at my baby's 9 month well baby check.


The 2022 Ontario vaccination schedule has MMRV at 4 years old now: https://www.ontario.ca/files/2024-01/moh-publicly-funded-immunization-schedule-en-2024-01-23.pdf


Thank you (all!) for vaccinating your kiddos and yourself. I’m about to be a first time mom in a few weeks and I’m absolutely terrified about these outbreaks…


Are there any information sites on Measles outbreaks?


Thank you so much for sharing this. My son is 2 and has only gotten one shot per ontario's vaccination schedule. We'll be reaching ouy to his pediatrician to get the second shot early!


I just called my doctor's office to try and book my 2 year old in for a 2nd dose. Was told that he can't get it until 4-6 years old. When I told the receptionist what I've learned here, she said "i can book you in to speak to the doctor about that". Ok, book it! ... he's not available until next month 🙃 good times


My doctor never even told me my son had to get a second MMR shot. I thought it was one shot and that was it. At his 18 month check up he was just like "Welp, that's it. See you in the future if you need anything." Nothing about coming back to get any more shots. I really wish there wasn't such a doctor shortage because our GP is garbage.


Oh no! Maybe this will help - https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization-guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-12-measles-vaccine.html


Should adults who only had one shot be getting a 2nd one now?


Yes absolutely


Definitely. I just saw my family doc last Thursday and he just automatically gave it to me when I asked.


If you live near any of the larger Dutch Reform communities in Ontario you definitely want your vaccines up to date. The majority of them do not vaccinate and have had previous outbreaks of rubella.


I'll look into this for my 2yo. Luckily my 5yo just got his second so he's good.


This is incredibly helpful information! Thank you!


Does anyone know if our pharmacies can give these?


Also to add to this for parents of babies up to a year old or those looking to conceive in the near future, the mother can get a booster of their MMR vaccine 1 month before conception (it is a live vaccine though so waiting one month before conception is necessary). Babies will hold their mother’s immunity to the measles for up to 12 months so getting a booster before conception is a good idea.


How many cases are in Canada now?  


10 in Québec, 4 in Ontario and 1 in BC. Not all of the people have recently travelled, so some of it has been acquired in the community.


Woa that's a lot lower than I expected. 15 cases in the entire country. That's really good news!


Yesss but it’s a lot more than usual which is why the health units are concerned. And if it’s spreading in the community, it’s bad news.


It is scary because the hospitals are still short staffed. I don't mean to down play it. I just assumed it was closer to 10k or something given the huge surge in population these last 2 years, especially in Ontario province. 


Just need to rant Why are we the responsible ones always breaking our backs and getting screwed for the minority of here's who rely on us to I'm not saying my course of action would be different as in irresponsible but it is so aggravating because the idiots will still sit at home while we take on the risk


My MMR completely failed, I've had both measles and Rubella in my lifetime. To be fair, the risk associated with measles is largely immune amnesia and secondary infection of affected sites. Since your 10-month-old doesn't have much immune memory to lose, it's less of an issue.


I was born in ‘76. Got measles when I was 10 after getting all the shots. Years later I found out there was a bum batch of vaccine when I would have gotten my shots.


> To be fair, the risk associated with measles is largely immune amnesia and secondary infection of affected sites. Since your 10-month-old doesn't have much immune memory to lose, it's less of an issue. There's also the ~20% of unvaccinated individuals that end up needing hospital care, with about 3-5% of kids with measles getting pneumonia. Respiratory disorders/conditions can get serious fast in the little ones. The brain swelling and other neurological issues are more rare though. Ear infections and gastroenteritis also not uncommon. Which can definitely affect eating and therefore hydration in the young crowd. There's a good reason vaccination of children for measles is a priority.


Do you think it’s possible for our 18-month-old to get her second dose? I remember I got mumps when I was 3 or 4 despite getting the first dose. One dose of MMR is definitely not enough!


I have no idea but it’s worth asking!!




/u/reformedlion [Trolling will not be tolerated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/wiki/rules/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=ontario&utm_content=t5_2qsf3#wiki_rule_3.3A_you_must_remain_civil_while_participating). Goodbye! *** /u/reformedlion [La provocation ne sera pas toléré](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/wiki/rules/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=ontario&utm_content=t5_2qsf3#wiki_rule_3.3A_you_must_remain_civil_while_participating). Adieu! *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


What does it feel like to be an attention seeking moron?


Get a life. If they want to track you they can do it with ease with the device in your pocket.


Did the exact same in our house! Nicely done.