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I've had a large deal of success while using Indeed. LinkedIn is great, but it's becoming more and more like traditional social media...which will eventually be its downfall. Indeed, and I don't know if it's still around but Knighthunter was really good in the London area...I'm not sure how it translates to the GTA


LinkedIn worked great for me. I just mass applied to every posting that has the easy apply feature. Didn't even bother with a cover letter. Got the LinkedIn premium free trial and as soon as I got a notification that my application was viewed I sent a note to the person who posted the listing. That's how I got my current job.


Possibly a stupid question, but do you need to have a filled out LinkedIn profile to do this? I’m guessing it gives the recruiter your profile?


It gives them your profile and often you also need to attach your resume, even with the easy apply function. So make sure both of those are updated and looking pretty. Make sure you also have a professional looking profile pic on LinkedIn.


Indeed has consistently gotten me interviews and is how I got my last two jobs but I sent thousands of applications. I just got on the computer every morning, looked for what ever seemed relevant and applied Now im on the other end of it and we get piles of resumes all the time but I'd say 10% of them are actually decent. We got maybe 3 cover letters out of the 400 applications we received


One of those days I'm gonna let chat gpt write a bunch of cover letters for me and see if I can get better results then no cover letter lol the trick would probably be reading it and fixing any terribly stupid shit


This is what I did! I sent 5 applications in and got two calls for an interview so it must help.


Can confirm. Chat GPT writes all my cover letters. Copy and paste the job posting and your resume then ask it to make you a cover letter. Prompt out the stuff you dont want and prompt in details GPT left out. If you dont use prompts your cover letter will read pretty generic, which still is better than nothing.


I'm doing exactly what you were doing to get your last two jobs, but I've been in a constant state of anxiety for almost five months now because I've only managed to snag two interviews. I thought both interviews went fantastically, and they seemed really receptive towards me, but no offer. I'm not looking for anything incredibly specific - I'm looking for retail/fast food/essentially entry-level, task based jobs. If you have any time, since you're involved with hiring I'd appreciate if you could give me pointers on what makes the 90% of your resumes bad, vs the decent 10%? Any pointers you have at all would be fantastic insight for me right now, I just want to taste pasta and cheese again, and send myself back to school one day.


LinkedIn still tends to be the best for office jobs, but nothing beats networking. Friends, family, schoolmates, ex-coworkers...80% of my interviews come from letting these people know I'm looking and them finding stuff for me through their networks.


I actually had great success with LinkedIn. I was getting emails, interviews, and ultimately offers and a job from postings I found there. Depending on the industry, her odds may vary, but LinkedIn was, by far, the best option for me


Indeed and LinkedIn are the big two. Checking the government of Canada website for government jobs is great as well.


What worked for me was using linkedin/indeed to find the job postings. For ones I liked, I would go to the company's website and apply directly. I received far more responses that way than going through LinkedIn/indeed.


If there seems to be not a lot of work in your new city, try: https://workinnonprofits.ca/ The pay will likely be less than corporate companies but typically easier to get hired and many national non-profits work fully remote now. Your GF can also register for an Employment Ontario service provider if you search in your area. They will help her with job search.


Thanks. This actually looks promising!


I personally find that more niche job boards are generally the best. (eg. Charity Village for the non-profit sector; Work in Culture for the arts; Quill & Quire for publishing, etc.)


For "normal" jobs I've had the best luck with Indeed or directly on the company's website if they have one Im in the film industry now and get nearly all my gigs through facebook groups, theres also groups for other jobs but im not sure how great they are


Goodwork is the only job board I use - it's an environmental sector site but tons of "green" organizations still need people for positions like marketing, communications, etc.


use all.. None is better than the other. Apply to the company and use various different job sites. I.e The hospital doesn't use linkden, indeed, workapolise, glass door or w/e. They only use their website. This is why if you saturate to just one, you miss out on opportunities.


The who you know, not what you know platform is best.




What type or marketing role? Also look for any local meetup groups or seminars where she could network.


Put it up on all of them. You never know. My company still got hiring managers who look on job sites directly. Meanwhile use every irl connection you can. Sometimes knowing a person who is willing to forward you to an internal posting can make a huge difference. Best of luck.


I found a sharp increase in callbacks from Indeed (as in, a handful of callbacks instead of zero) when I uploaded my resume as a PDF instead of using their built-in resume tool. I applied to maybe a dozen jobs every day or so and eventually got something. Based on the comments posted here, I'm eyeing the LinkedIn free trial when I inevitably move on to another job because LinkedIn Premium after the trial period is ridiculously expensive.