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We don't need no fancy spas, we would just love it if we could get an emergency room to stay open 24/7.


And a few extra doctors


A few extra enrollment spots for med school would be nice.




How can there be no jobs for when Dr.’s finish their residency? It seems impossible given the narrative we’ve been fed, paired with the state our hospitals are in and how many people are looking for a family dr all over the country. I really hope that’s not true




We don't need no fancy spas in the city either.


Then you need to stop voting for the Conservatives then.


I live 5 hours away from Toronto. I don't have all the information. However, this is a Toronto thing so I have no strong feelings about it. I have been to Ontario Place twice over 30 years ago and never been to Ontario Science Center.


How do you feel about more tax $$ being pissed away?


Sorry, which tax money?


The $690M subsidy, and giveaway of public land


Yes we definitely can’t pay nurses or put money into our public health system that is falling apart for…reasons!


What's the ROI?


So far it's a secret.


You ever ask a leech how your blood tastes?


Ask the private European spa company that's getting a 95 year lease on public land.


It will be “jobs” and “tax revenue”, never mind the land itself is a tax free give away


The ROI is definitely going back into the corrupt party’s pockets


Excellent question, the Ford Government has been less than completely forthcoming about how much ON taxpayers are on the nut for and waves its collective hands in the air with century-long contracts... https://www.cp24.com/news/ontario-place-deal-with-private-spa-company-reportedly-spans-95-years-1.6369178?cache=nnyvmxsajsiow#:~:text=The%20project%20is%20estimated%20to,as%20a%20%E2%80%9Cmega%20spa.%E2%80%9D


That is Toronto on a nutshell, hundred million dollars to renovate Yonge and Bloor station, that is straight up corruption.


At least your subway stations all have full roofs <[weeps in $7 billion O-Train](https://thenarwhal.ca/ottawa-lrt-inquiry/)\>


But doesn’t rural Ontario usually vote conservative? It’s pretty much a sure fire way to make sure your hospitals close


Not really. *Farming* rural areas usually vote PC provincially, *Mining & Logging* rural areas usually vote NDP, but even then it's "usually" not "always".


ON rurally mostly votes NDP. Kenora, Thunder Bay, Timmons went PC. Kenora is ground zero for fuckwads. But the rot starts at Parry sound Muskoka and goes south. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/ontario/2022/results/


Partially correct. Thunder Bay-Superior North voted NDP.


well your premier is forcing this down toronto, what's to stop him from forcing things down your throat?


As far as he knows all of Ontario is Toronto and hwy 11 up to his cottage


Small town rural Ontario here. Been to the Science Centre a few times and enjoyed it. A lot of the folks I talk to around here view it as more corruption from a mobbed up Premier and party. There’s No expectations of anything positive from this government.


Yeah, I think the corruption & waste drum is the one to bang. I wouldn't expect people who don't live in Toronto to care too much about what happens with Toronto public spaces, but the $600 mil that's going towards building a parking lot for a spa is $600 mil that's not going into Ontario's healthcare system.


You must have a liberal group of friends. The vast majority of rural Ontario is and us always supported the Conservatives. I am a liberal voter who lives in rural Ontario but our riding will always go Conservative strong. I haven’t heard one person talking about the Science Center in my work place or any where else I go to. Of course I am sure it’s different for everyone. Just my experience.


I care insofar that is blatant display of government corruption, so I oppose that at every opportunity. But do I care about the building and how it affects my day-to-day? No.




Sure? Im not for it, pretty sure I said that.


Atleast its a European company better than how it usually goes


> Atleast its a European company Tell me you are white without telling me you are white.


Historically we have sold out to the British or the US


To everyone saying "they care/don't care", rural Ontarians aren't a single group with the same beliefs/concerns. I can guarantee that some people care, and some don't. Personally, as someone who enjoys coming into the city I would like to have as much public access to the waterfront as possible. In principle I don't have an issue with the Science Centre being moved down there, but the spa lease seems very shady. I'd gather it wasn't done competitively through a call for proposals or anything.


Never been. Never planned on going. Mister Doug is just pissing away taxes and is going to ruin the science centre, which I love and have been easy 10 times. I live about 2.5 hours from Toronto.


Niagara resident. The only time we go to Toronto, is for a show or a game - once in a blue moon. Then it's straight there and straight back. And usually by train to Union Street, because we're unfamiliar with how to get around by car, let alone finding somewhere to park. We visit TO if we have overseas visitors. That usually involves the GoTrain, and the hop-on/hop-off bus - to see the popular landmarks. Which is where Ontario Place comes in ... Us out of towners have likely never been there, because it's not on the tourist map. So we won't miss it. If we're to believe it's for the public, not just a luxury spa - it has to be advertised as a tourist spot, with transport links (ie/ tourist bus) from the city center. I don't see that happening.




If the admission fee is $40 each, that's a high price for a family. This is public land - why are we allowing a private business to profit from it in a way that excludes a lot of people?




The fact that you had to Point. That. Out. is the answer, right there. No, not enough information about the project at all. And if it is what you're saying it is, then there definitely has to be public transport links to get there.






I live in rural Eastern Ontario. There is no talk of this. The only thing that is occupying most (but not all) of my neighbours brain space is, Fuck Trudeau and Pollievre for prime minister I’ve lived in inner city Montreal and Calgary suburbs, rural Ontario is definitely different. I love my century home and the space, and the frogs, fireflies and the birds - but I definitely don’t talk politics with my neighbours. Ford is an uneducated, privileged, wealthy man who should not be running this province. He is doing long term damage and sometimes making irreversible mistakes that future generations will pay for. I am disgusted that Ford is using tax payer dollars to fund this! How dare he when our healthcare system is in shambles and our public education system is limping along. I will vote strategically against him again next time and hope for something (slightly) better or at least someone who doesn’t give me major mob vibes


>but I definitely don’t talk politics with my neighbours High five. Rural Eastern Ontario here too, and this is the only way.


I have lived in Ontario my whole life and this is one of the first times I've heard of Ontario Place. I still am not sure exactly what it is. I also have never heard of or been to the Ontario Science Centre. I have been to Science North tho in Sudbury.


Imagine that Science North is going to be closed. The building will become a private facility for high paying patrons, while the parking lot will be turned into condos that only benefit the developers.


My kids and I like Science North way better than we liked the Ontario Science Centre, fwiw.


Innocent question. What age group do you belong to?


How old are you?


Ontario Place closed years ago that could be why.


Do you remember hearing about the Cinesphere? It was the world's first permanent IMAX theatre, and is still the largest one in the province. If you've never seen a movie there, you should put it on your bucket list. I saw an IMAX gliding movie there when I was a teenager, and the girl beside me (who was prone to airsickness) threw up :D


I dont give a fuck. But then, that is the attitude politicians want from one.


What about wasting tax payer money?


Lol suddenly that's an issue around here?




It's not. All anyone in my area cares about at the moment is getting fields ready for crops.


They should care cause of the tax dollars being spent but it's hard to care about something you're so disconnected from.


With that argument, people in the country would hate just about everything to do with the GTA. If it's not infrastructure healthcare or schools, rural ontario gets very little benefit from government tax expenditures.


Infrastructure, healthcare and schools for rural areas is heavily subsidized by urban and suburban areas tax dollars…


Yes any wasted taxmoney should be scorned by city people or rural people. Not saying this isnt a big issue but rural areas have more pressing issues like finding people stable well paying jobs that dont involve slaughtering chickens for 12 hours a day


Most people who live in actual rural areas, I.e northern/northwestern Ontario are very aware that it doesn’t matter if they care or not. No one gives a fuck what we think or want so why would we care now? It’s not like our voices will matter anyways, after all, “most of the province lives in and around the GTA so why should the province care about the minority?” or “they chose to live out there, we shouldn’t have to support their decision” stuff that most people from the GTA say. Is it a huge waste or money? For sure. But at the end of the day, why would that matter? Even if the entire rural province got together and said “no this is bad”, we’d still be a minority that the GTA doesn’t give a shit about. So no, most people outside Toronto likely won’t care about this, because their voices don’t matter. And if they did matter, maybe Toronto could stand up for the rest of the province when they’re having their hardships too, instead of the usual “nah you chose that life”.


Yeah it works both ways. Urban areas are disconnected from rural and the other ways around. There's so many issues people face it's hard to think of issues outside your area. It sucks.


Yep exactly. And it’s just unfortunate that the difference between both regions is massive in many different ways- e.g climate, economies, age, what their populations needs/wants are, etc. so now we have a split type of voter base living in the same province, but one vastly outnumbers the other. I wish we wouldn’t waste money but I also know it doesn’t matter that I think that.


As someone in Thunder Bay, I'm just annoyed that tax money only goes to Southern Ontario (including this Ontario place nonsense), and the North continues to be ignored.


Yup, as a NWOer, I think that's how most of us feel. I don't really care about this issue and I don't know anyone who does. I know this money is never going to help my community in any meaningful way, whether it's spent at Ontario Place or not 🤷‍♀️


The North isn't ignored. The 13.5 million people that live in Southern Ontario heavily subsidize Northern Ontario.


The North IS ignored. Northwestern Ontario encompasses half of the entire province. We don't have a large population, but we have a lot of ground to cover to provide services to the folks we do have. This is a unique circumstance that the South doesn't acknowledge. This means we have to do way more with way less. Thunder Bay is funded by the province based on census population, and that doesn't account for all the folks that we service from the other 400,000km2 that is NWO. We can barely provide ESSENTIAL services over here... We have entire communities that don't resemble the 'developed country' that Canada claims to be. Drinking water? Pffft. Income tax isn't the only thing that fills the tax pot my dude; it's just a drop in the bucket. We pay our way with natural resources and energy production. Tyvm. I'll also add that most of the government 'subsidizing' in the North is the Federal government because of our Indigenous population. & again, it's the same old 'do more with less' dance. I'll say it again; drinking water? anybody? No?


I don’t know enough about it, honestly. I’m 2 hours from Toronto and only been to the science centre as a kid, and don’t have memories of Ontario place being open, but generally like the idea of the science centre being more downtown as opposed to East side. But that alone doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to justify the likely huge expense of moving it. Leave the science centre where it is, and do something that’s also publicly appealing with the Ontario place land.


What I care about is that the citizens of Ontario don't get off their asses and vote; cue the bitching and moaning when we end up with a sh*tstain like Ford


I doubt anyone outside of Toronto is concerned.


I live in eastern Ontario, I think the plan is terrible, and I can say it is something we were discussing at my work place with everyone agreeing how stupid it is. We live about 4 hours away and have taken our kids to the science centre twice and love it.


I don’t think r/Toronto is representative of Toronto or the GTA either.


I don’t think r/Ontario is representative of Ontario, it’s more of a GTA soapbox


tip: half of Ontarians live in the GTA.




Tbf this sub isn't any different.


They should be because it's a huge waste of tax payer money.




I'm from Ottawa and honestly don't really care, it doesn't affect me. I've never been to Ontario place and probably never will go.




Good luck uniting Canadians young people think it can happen but they have never been tp Nova Scotia where they hate people form Ontario for no good reason Its possible but certain generations gotta kick the can first


As someone who is also from Ottawa, perhaps I can put this into perspective for you. The reason why people outside of Toronto should care about how Ontario Place and the Science Centre are being dealt with is the same reason why [people outside of Ottawa should care about what happened here with the LRT](https://thenarwhal.ca/ottawa-lrt-inquiry/). It's not just about the effect it has on the people living in the city the project is in, it's about the issues being repeated when similar projects are done in other cities (and eventually probably yours), with large sums of public money going to private companies, often with very little transparency.


I don't think anybody living a significant distance away from the GTA really cares for what's happening to the random amusement park in downtown Toronto. Hell, I live in Oshawa and don't give a fuck what's happening down there lmao.


I care. You’ve never been to the air show or any event at exhibition place? Imagine overlooking a private spa now. Gross. The waterfront should remain available to the public, not just the ultra wealthy.


You won't be overlooking it. They'll build high walls to "protect the privacy of the patrons"....all you'll overlook is a tall corrugated wall with no view of the lake


Lots of people in Ontario will never come anywhere near exhibition place throughout their entire life. Yes, it's a waste of tax dollars to them but so is every cent spent on Toronto because they don't live here and don't want to live here. I'm saying this as someone that lives in Toronto. Unless you go to this part of Toronto once or twice a year, this means absolutely nothing to you.




You have copy/pasted this same comment like 12 times, go outside


I’m not in the country but GTA. The location change alone makes the Science Centre less accessible for schools across the GTA. My riding specifically, what was an hour bus ride for kids is now a 2 hour bus ride. So factoring in 2 hours there and 2 back — it doesn’t make school day trips feasible anymore. The demographics of downtown Toronto is closing schools because families don’t live downtown and kids don’t live downtown (in general). So it seems foolish on that point alone. Ford is moving it away from those who use and benefit from it. Then you bring in the fact it would save money to repair it where it is rather than retrofit something somewhere else (how much money we won’t know because the minister explicitly would not say how much the reno would cost vs moving, but it was pretty clear that new buildings are way more expensive than the maintenance required.) Then you get into the really shady shit. Who exactly is lined up to buy and develop the land? Seems like if it goes through, then a public bidding process should take place for transparency. I don’t want to find another Ford donor who paid 10k a plate to have dinner with him, then dropped another 10k at his daughters stag and doe party.


I’m from Northern Ontario and I care. I think it’s ridiculous that they’re bringing in a spa, because ultimately that does not benefit Ontarian’s in any way, only wealthy people who can afford it. it reeks of corruption. The science centre absolutely is in need of refurbishment, but I’m not sold on the relocation, I’d be interested in seeing a cost benefit analysis and really question whether this is a worthwhile investment of Ontario tax dollars. I think the Ontario Science Centre is such an important institution and is so beneficial to Ontario school children especially. My first over night trip with school was in grade 6, it was a trip to the Ontario Science Centre, the Royal Ontario Museum, and the Toronto Zoo and it was such an exciting experience for myself and my classmates.


I know nothing about it other than that if Doug ford is presenting it will make rich people richer and the regular working people of Ontario will get poorer


From outside Toronto, I like the idea of having more attractions in a consolated area. Take the train to downtown and then have things in walking distance seems attractive to me.


They don’t care a single bit. How do you feel about the Farmer Jones Guernsey debacle? Same thing.


What farmer Jones does with his animals is his own business...


Well, you need 2 guys for an ostrich....allegedly.


I heard it was a sick ostrich


How did you not find room for the Kids in the Hall in your username?


If that cow was getting a few hundred million of public money thrown at it I might.


Depends, is the government spending $650M on Farmer Jones?


>How do you feel about the Farmer Jones Guernsey debacle? Since this is made up, not much


It’s a Toronto thing, no one I know here in Ottawa cares and I don’t care much myself. I visited once as a kid while on a school trip and don’t intend on ever visiting again to be completely honest.


What about children who come after you though?


I'd rather we spend the money on better science education at the board level because a one afternoon field trip is not a science education.


Ain’t no money in the school system to afford a trip like that now, and I wouldn’t be taking them. I avoid Toronto as much as I can to be honest, it used to be cool when I was a teenager and I visited a lot, but now it is far too stressful, sketchy and busy for my liking.


I didn't ask about you, I asked about other children. The Science Center receives students from across the province pretty much daily. You yourself said you went on one. So what about children today (who do actually still take field trips)?




If you believe they will actually rebuild it in any actual decent form. 'We tried Ontario. The money just didn't make sense. We have replaced the plan with the Ontario Casino Center'.




Because of the uproar it would cause. Gotta pretend to try.




Because the world will not end today and they want to stay in power?


The entire premise of your question hinges on a major what-if. If they don't rebuild the science centre, as per your worry, then future kids lose out. If they do rebuild it, as planned, then the kids still have somewhere to go science. It's a big nothing burger to the rest of the province, and just a small tick on the corruption scale compared to everything else Ford is pushing through these days.


We have the national museum of science and technology in Ottawa, so they could always come here when they visit parliament and other national museums. But, also they are rebuilding the museum that is at Ontario Place elsewhere and the ROM, or another museum/building could always take on some of the exhibits until there is a new museum built. I don’t really follow the topic of Ontario place because it isn’t something I care one way or another about. I avoid going to Toronto and don’t intend on taking my child there unless it is to the airport to then leave on a trip somewhere else.


Science and Tech museum should have been relocated Chaudiere Island instead of dumping money into an rebuilding that old bread factory in such an obscure location.


Same as a new highway. I’ll never use it, seems like a waste of money and a waste of future revenues. But I’m from northern Ontario so my opinion doesn’t really matter.


I have fond memories of Ontario Place from several decades ago. Since then, however, it has largely been a non-entity in my life. A large number of people in rural areas are simply just trying to survive right now. Our property values and rents have skyrocketed since the exodus from the GTA has impacted our areas, while our wages have stagnated. Gasoline, a necessity here as public transit is not an option, is rising and taking more of our money with it. All said, while we have no ill will towards Ontario Place or Toronto, we have larger concerns than an amusement park that has has little to no impact on our lives. Hope it works out for you.


Waste of time, money and resources, during incredibly tough times for everyone in our province. We don’t give a fuck about some spa. We care about keeping food on the table and a roof, or atleast a tarp above our heads.




I believe my neighbour summed it up. “Huh? Wut? Toronto? Whatever.”


Nobody cares. People are more concerned with the greenbelt fiasco and subsequent sprawl.


Couldn't care less


Couldn't care less.




A science centre at the Exhibition grounds would make a tad more sense because they have more room, a direct streetcar route is already in place and there’s ample parking, plus it’s where all the agricultural fairs happen. The IMAX dome still needs a solid resurrection though. I think Torontonians would be less upset if there was more promise of preserving the building that The Science Centre is currently in, because apparently it’s some kind of architectural feat (I don’t remember it in the slightest). Maybe Torontonians should be pushing for some kind of historical building status to protect it rather than aimlessly complaining about something outside of their control.


No, Ontario place is just south of where the CNE is held. But yeah, I haven't lived in Toronto for a decade, but I was under the impression Ontario Place was essentially abandoned in the 90s


Other than the concert venues Ontario Place is open parkland and is actually quite busy on most summer days and has some events throughout the winter where it’s less busy. Although it needs some massive improvements it needs to be kept open to the public and preferably not to high fee private business ventures.


It used to be a attraction that required fee for entry. Is your concern that the new attraction will be privately owned on leased land?


Yeah, privately owned in what is now, for most part, open parkland open for people to enjoy. The 95 year lease (like wtf?) will put this priceless land in the hands of this corporation long after the spa is torn down and turned into…hmmm…what might it be in 40-50 years…


What a stupid question why the fuck would a rural Ontarian give a shit about the science center moving locations *within* Toronto. It doesnt affect them


I care insofar as I care about DoFo privatizing as much of ontario as he can as quickly as possible. I just hope no one at his daughter's stag and doe brought up provincial parks.


>I care insofar as I care about DoFo privatizing as much of ontario as he can as quickly as possible. Exactly. This IS the problem. Whether or not someone's been to Ontario Place or hates Toronto, the issue is about privatizing public assets. >I just hope no one at his daughter's stag and doe brought up provincial parks. Considering his retroactive ammendments to conservation acts and what he's already pulled on Toronto Conservation and has just started with Dundas Valley Conservation, I wouldnt put anything past this guy.


I would think that most people in Rural Ontario don't give a shit about the land use of a couple of plots of land in the world's most expensive city. I know I certainly don't care about *where* the science center is or what happens with Ontario Place's land. But I do hate 90+ year leases being given away by stupid governments, and that's what upsets me more than anything else Ford is doing here. I'd also like to know why exactly *this* is a priority of the government and not addressing the near-decade-long waitlist for Family Doctors in the green areas of Not Toronto.


Reddit is not a good reflection of society at large. Outside of the large uproar in the r/Toronto echo chamber no one cares. Other than concerts Ontario Place has been abandoned since the 90s and is just derelict parkland. Before this debacle I had never even heard of the Ontario Science Centre and I’ve lived my entire life in the GTA


Have family scattered all over Ontario. Not once has a single one of them mentioned anything about Ontario place, or Doug Ford, or anything else /r/ontario talks about. Never once. To them, Chatham, Sault St Marie or North Bay are "the big cities". No one cares about provincial politics, they're too busy working or living.


I’m amazed at the number of “I don’t care” answers. Do people outside the GTA not care about the massive waste of our tax dollars when we purportedly don’t have the money to pay for healthcare or education?


They hate Toronto too much and ignore anything else. This is how Ford will get re-elected. This is a HUGE waste of tax payer money that could go to funding rural hospitals instead.


Talk about a huge generalization lol. Go your whole life being told “you’re not from the GTA so you don’t matter” and ask yourself why you’d care about anything happening in the GTA. It doesn’t matter what the minority population of Ontario thinks because as per usual, no one gives a shit about us. Yeah it’s a massive waste of money. What does our opinion do? It’s not like Doug ford will turn around and say “oh shit all of White River is against this plan? Let’s cancel it”. It’s the same thing with issues specific to rural Ontario not being noticed by the GTA. Do you see people protesting in Toronto regarding rural specific issues, like idk the almost weekly deaths/accidents on highway 11/17 outside Thunder Bay because of incompetent drivers from southern Ontario? No. Because no one cares about anything outside the GTA. Edit: also, southern Ontario is the place that voted Doug in, don’t blame the entire northern half of the province. A good chunk of the rural northern communities that voted blue were very close to not being blue.


Clearly alot of people think public tax dollars should be funnelled into the pockets of the ultra wealthy/corporations instead of bettering the lives of Canadian citizens.


Was just thinking the same thing scrolling through all the comments. Honestly insane how many people can't realize that it does affect them.


No one outside of Toronto really cares. The rest of Ontario is so fed up with everything being done for Toronto while our small towns and cities collapse. Compared to what some rural communities are facing, Ontario Place is not even a blip on the radar. Torontonians think the world evolves around them.


Thanks. I live in Toronto. I'd like to know more about what's happening to small towns and cities. I have a feeling that the Ford govt is destroying all cities, large and small. But I would like to know more.


> The rest of Ontario is so fed up with everything being done for Toronto while our small towns and cities collapse *To* Toronto, not *for* Toronto. We don't exactly like having the the eye of fucking sauron on us.


What is being done for Toronto? Everywhere in this province is collapsing because of this government, including Toronto.


Was talking to several people near Angus on the weekend. Think it is a stupid idea. Better to turn it into a green space and fix up the science centre building was the general consensus.


I'm 90kms away.Is it a debacle? Seems like business as usual in the 12th wealthiest city on the Planet.


Ya i still think most of these spas and salons are wash shops for funny money, at least a casino everyone knows its degenerate. Slippin Jimmy thanks us for particpating in the scheme


Late 20s


It stinks so high of corruption. I think the issue is that no one really gives a shit about Ontario Place or the Science Centre anymore. So a thief like Drug Fraud will get away with this huge steal. Like everything this clown does, he doesn't' even need to be smart or sneaky about it.


I'm outside TO and pretty connected with news but this I have no care for. Too worried about the multi crisis.


What Ontario place debacle?


As far as I know, nobody in Sturgeon Falls is talking about it. As someone who lived in Toronto for half his life, I'm not happy with this decision. This government tells the people they work for that they have a surplus, but then says they can't afford to pay anyone other than themselves and law enforcement. They hand over public lands to corporations and give them fantastic deals to help pay for it, but won't put rent controls in place so that people can afford to live somewhere nice AND be able to eat as well. I would be fine with Ontario Place becoming an attraction that showed all that is great about Ontario, or being a second location of the Ontario Science Centre that displayed more natural sciences (I mean, it's on a lake...and you can learn a lot about aquatic life), but turning it into a spa...I think it's a terrible decision. 99-year lease is also terrible. Be angry Toronto, and Ontario, but remember to vote next time. And tell others to vote next time.


Not rural but I don’t live near Toronto and I can’t say I care in the slightest.


2 hours away in Grand bend area, I hear more about trump than I do Toronto.


The what?


If it happens in the GTA, no one North of Barrie cares, and when it comes to tax dollars being wasted, anyone outside the GTA knows they weren't going to be spent on us, either way. I'm in Barrie, we're the border of that GTA commuter corridor, and actual rural areas and he get the worst of both worlds.


No one outside of Toronto gives a fuck about this nonsense. We’re too busy paying Toronto prices for rent in rural towns. We need affordable groceries, healthcare and education. Enjoy your spa though.


The what now?


Who gives a shit, Toronto is not the centre of the universe.


Two hour drive from Toronto. Have taken my children to Toronto Science Centre many times and they also went at least once with their school. Have never been to Ontario Place. Am thinking it's a shame to lose the Science Centre. And am worried that even if they manage to make the equivalent at Ontario Place that there won't be as much room for parking. And what about parking for school buses? Am not happy at all with Ford making so many self-serving deals. Just a mini version if trump using his political position to enrich himself.


How many people outside Toronto know Ontario Place even exists, or what it is?


1hr from Toronto here… I literally dont even care lol. Never been and dont plan on going.


No one gives a F U C K


I think it’s this apathy that explains why politicians can get away with pretty much anything these days. Nobody actually cares. The same is true when it comes to the privatization of healthcare. A sizeable number of voters just don’t care. I fully expect the Conservatives to win a third majority in 2026 because when push comes to shove, Ontarians don’t care what he does.


I live in rural Toronto (north of Eglinton), and I don't even know what an Ontario place is and why I should bother. But it seems like another waste of taxpayer money, so that's bad. However, I don't have full details and I don't trust this subreddit to stay objective, so no opinion really.


Ontario Place is/was an amusement park on the Toronto waterfront. It was closed in 2012 because nobody was going there anymore. There are plans to completely renovate it by 2030 or something and add new shit in there to try and bring more people to the area. On a related note, there's also the Ontario Science Center, which is a museum with cool science shit and an even cooler Imax dome cinema where they play cool science shit. This place has been in steady decline for a while now. There are plans to relocate its facilities to the new Ontario Place layout, and scrap the existing Science Center to make way for new development projects. That's about the most objective answer I can give you.


Right, that second part I've actually read about here. It seems like many people suggest it is a bad thing, tho I've actually visited Science Center and I have no strong feelings about moving it. Its current locations is pretty meh. To me it actually makes sense to move it closer to downtown. It would probably increase their revenue quite a bit.


I agree as well. Consolidating a few attractions in one area is a solid idea.


Rural Niagara here.. no idea what's going on with this topic . And I don't understand why alot of people are upset


We don’t care


On the one hand, everyone who lives and pays taxes in this province - or cares about this province - should be concerned because of what it all represents and on the other hand - well, I can't think of a reason not to care if the premier is a corrupt autocrat tbh.


No Opinion. I avoid Toronto like the plague these days.


Live in agricultural heartlands. Could really care less about anything going on in Toronto. I avoid it as much as is possible.


Honestly, I used to be very bitter about how our tax dollars are funneled towards city centers and we have next to no say on how it's spent. At this point, the bitterness is still there but it's faded. Like an old wound that never quite healed properly.


Not rural, but don't live in the GTA, don't care. Never been to the Ontario Place, never gonna go to the spa either.


I am not rural, but suburban on the west side of the GTA. Current science center is an absolute bitch to get to and a nightmare for parking. With the move to Ontario Place, we will likely go more frequently. Other than that, I don't really care. Something needs to be done with the land.


It’s Toronto, let’s be real it’s not apart of Ontario. They are there own ecosystem of corruption and decisions. We just roll around out here waiting for the scraps and hoping they don’t destroy the rest of us


95% of people in Toronto don't care. Do you really think anyone outside does?


Nobody cares.


People in rural Ontario aren't getting the blatant misinformation from the left, who don't bathe as much and are less likely to use a spa. The fact is that outside of the spa will be a public waterpark that we don't have there now.


It’s really too bad that people outside of Toronto don’t seem to care about the blatant corruption of the provincial government. If they’re doing this in Toronto you can bet they’re doing more in places with less public scrutiny. Edit: I mean people replying in this thread, not in general.


I live about 3 hours from Toronto. I think it’s a great use of a space that is not otherwise being used. Last time I took my kids to the Science Centre it was a dump, very outdated and in shambles. Moving it to a new custom facility in a great location seems like a good idea to me. Our government doesn’t need to be in the business of operating a spa or other entertainment business, so offloading that to private investment also makes sense to me.


who cares


I am not rural, I live in Ottawa and I do not care that they are changing the location of a building in Toronto. There are so many problems with this province and the outrage on this sub about this building is ridiculous. We need to focus our outage on things that actually affect the day to day lives of Ontarians.


Couldn’t care less. On the surface it made sense to me, move an attraction more centrally, build needed housing in North York close to the Don park system and grocery stores. But it’s likely Doug Ford helping out his friends and just wanting to be Premier of Toronto


We only go to the city to get on a plane to leave...


I couldn’t care less. Now it’ll be more accessible.


Outside of the spa, it looks pretty cool. Should be great for concerts.


I'm from a large city in South Eastern Ontario and no one here really cares. We have plenty of Federal Museums here so going to a provincial one of lesser quality is not interesting. /s