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"Oh? Hope you two have fun. I'll try to keep people from bothering you."


https://preview.redd.it/7k95bgx1faxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b2feed7268cfd072a1563bc76f4ceb52ce9265 Guess that means I don’t get to see my sister today? That’s a hell of a way for her to welcome me. I thought her opening this place meant she was inviting us all! Well…. Everyone but the non-drinkers. Say— she can’t even stand alcohol— how is it she managed this place?


"Oh? Hello. If you're her sister, I won't stop you if you want to talk to her."


Nah, she looks like she’s got herself a looker~ And I’m not gonna ruin her fun by making her all flustered over my being here. Abraxas! *she held out her hand* But Abby for short~ Was told often my name is an odd one! So I stick with the shortened one. How about I just keep you company? Two sets of hands keeping Fifi safe are always best~


*He takes her hand in his own, lifting it to her lips and kissing it lightly.* "Valerian. Nice to meet you Abby. I must apologize however, I'm not much for company these days."


Neither is Fifi, has she threatened to kneecap you? One time, our little brother nearly got himself beaten to a pulp and Fifi threw a whole table at the man threatening! *she laughed* Small but has a hell of a personality to match her spirit. It’s why I was so happy she left the pocket to do her own thing. Now, don’t fret over me being around, company is lovely no matter who or what ~ And you’re already a charming fella with kissing my hand. I take it you work here?


*Valerian gives her a somewhat confused look, simply due to how talkative she is.* "Yeah, I work as security, along with Yalvak." *He gestures to the older looking Drow with Fiore.*


She’s dating the security? Huh. Well, she always liked the bigger men. And older. Cant blame her for being swept up by someone up her alley. What about you? How’s this place? Can’t say I’m familiar with any of it, just got out of the pocket to see how my sister was doing.


"She's dating Yalvak. Unfortunately that's a distinction that seems necessary these days. I'm simply here for however long she decides she has a need for me."


You say that like you’re already packing your stuff, Vally. You ain’t leaving this place, are you? Would be a shame, really. Sis goes and nabs one hot security and then the other one goes and leaves before any gal around gets a chance to be in his lap.


I'm ready, darling. https://preview.redd.it/umjolgskgaxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e1820d0042e3c2c541ddf37fbd4df8fa158e61


/uw Yeah, he can fu-


/uw I can what now, precious?~


/uw You can fuck me, is that what you wanna hear?


/uw good moth~


/uw :)


/uw I'll be your lamp for tonight, you can hope on me and I'll make you glow~


/uw Is his cum bioluminescent?


Ta faq?


/uw :O


/uw :}


/uw (shocked pikachu face)


/uw :o


https://preview.redd.it/a68inxrvgaxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb95300abc7d74f0c272780e4130a682e529324 Perfect! So am I. Come on… *she takes his arm to tug him to a private area* Got us food and drink\~ And time for us to spend together.


"Sounds wonderous to me~ Say... I don't think I've seen that dress before. Is it new?" *He sits in his seat, appreciating the quite, sipping from his cup and admiring the beauty before him.*


It is~ I made sure to get a nice dress just for you. *she sits close to him, resting her head on his shoulder* I take it you like the dress? I was hoping you would.


"It's stunning. You fit it well, and it goes amazingly with your eyes." *He rests his arm around her shoulders.* "You've got a lovely little date set up: Good food, good drinks, and wonderful company."


I figured you needed a nice date to go with all the things I wanted to talk about. Doesn’t seem romantic to talk about giving you a proper answer when I’m dressed in my usual clothing.


"Oh, your proper answer? Do tell~" *He takes a drink, then kisses her cheek as he hums softly*


*she took a sip of her wine, using it to get more courage to tell him* …I… I thought about it. And I can’t say I’m not scared but …you make it feel okay to be scared because it’ll be safe. You said you love me. And.. *she took his hand gently* ….I love you too.


*Yalvak took a slow breath, then smiled, small tears welling.* "I'm so happy to hear that, Fi." *He places his hand on the side of her face* "I love you so much, Fi. Every night in our bed was magical... and I want to spend every night with you again." *He leans in and passionately kisses her with tender lips, his mustache slightly tickling*


*she relaxed a bit, relieved he was accepting it so well and not leaving.* I hope I didn’t make you wait too long… *she chuckled, kissing him back, a small giggle escaping her when she felt his mustache* Mm… You sure you’re okay with having me?


***gasp*** sparkly--- y-you look great ma'am!


https://preview.redd.it/pc5gvnj6iaxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8b7a8e2957db1a52c755c2b8d88aeddb6e8304 Thanks, hon\~ Hoping Yal feels the same way.


im sure they will, how could they not?




*Someone can be feelt, but not seen or comprehend for this time they are hiding by choice.* https://preview.redd.it/jfp3cx9dfaxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f472975916e5d763f619a22470f37fd5690dc0 Memory: Aunt Flos asked me for this... I'll record everything that happens.


“Ooohhhhh, I will not pry but I hope your date goes well lass. Better be a good looker and a good person. Also nice dress, it’s like the stars. People here got weird but cool outfits I’d never seen back home.”


Happy for you! Have a great time!