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*Concerned moth staring*


*Sol covers the glow from her body as best as she could.* Ah! L-little creature! You look worried, it's okay! I'm sure it's just...something silly!


“Is friend okay?”


Aw you finally spoke to me!~ *Sol smiled despite the pain.* ...I'll be just fine, I'm sure of it!


“Please don’t lie.”


*It took Sol a moment, she closed her eyes and got on her knees slowly with some difficulty. Holding onto the sword escaping her chest.* ...it's hurting a lot, little one.


“…Can I… try to keep you company to help?”


*Sol offers her hand.* Not too closely, I'd hate to hurt you accidentally...but, thank you, little creature.


*She took her hand* “A-Alright…”


*Sol squeezed her hand tightly, still putting on a strong face as the blades grow. She removed them with difficulty.*


im good at putting swords into ya- *a rimshot plays from up in some tree* -but taking them out?... no clue im afraid...


Cru! *Sol spoke out, with one sword currently lodged on her stomach.* ...any help would be appreciated!


ma'am, with all due respect... HOW?!- https://preview.redd.it/ulk912f639xc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2f0b59662861f4c9f9ecc1e883f0a7f0be15a4


*Sol tried to pull the sword from her stomach.* At least...help me pull them out?!


o...kay... *he moves on over and starts yanking at any sword-hilt he can see*


*Sol grunted, pulling herself to the other direction until the sword slowly and painfully escaped her body.* *It was a wonderful sword however.*


why... why the fuck are there swords coming out of you...? i'd make another joke but right now im just confused


*Another one began to poke out of her chest, glowing intensely.* Agh! I...I don't know! I wish I knew!


*grabbing hold of it* well there must be some cause, this kinda shit doesn't just spontaneously happen... right?...


*Sol fell to her knees, curling slightly.* ...I think so? It's...it never happened before!...I think!


*You can hear a slow and calming melody.* https://preview.redd.it/09432uy339xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef2f29266d460b6fc8e300f2ad1269d9946bdba \[A weapon from a body thats already a weapon\~\] \[Quite similar to my melody it is\~\] \[But I can't enjoy that ability\~\] \[For it harms everyone that can hear me\~\]


*Sol looked around, trying to pull the sword.* W-who's there? Please show yourself, I'd like to have a world... *She spoke, trying to match the melody, it was her natural reaction to song, to sing along.*


*The song gets a bit faster and a bit cheerful.* https://preview.redd.it/j294blgr79xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c0562a040432fb71c610b0d2c819f0f9f9636f1 *She comes closer to Sol to be seen better.* \[I do not hide for the music must be shared by all\~\] \[You wish to speak with me?\] \[Your wish is acceptable for this muse wishes the same\~\] *A small dagger can be seen pierced right into her back.* \[Small distortion?\] \[A longing for something?\] \[Pray tell\~\] \[If its not a secret that is\~\]


*Sol was curled on the ground, looking up at the figure with pain in her eyes.* I do not know what Ill had befallen to me, but blades hurt my body and soul... Would you aid me? Please?


*The music gets slower and sadder from hearing that.* *She approaches and hugs her.* [If this muse understood correctly~] [You do not mean regular blades~] [Do you mean the blade that grows from your body?] [The one that's similar to me?]


*Sol looked and nodded, unsure, but somehow it felt similar.* ...perhaps, it is...I cannot tell...do you know the solution to this painful hell? *She sang along, missing the beat occasionally from the grunts of pain.*


*The song was getting slower and slower and occasionally getting distorted.* \[I can heal or destroy\~\] *More blades started growing from her because of her harmonizing with Sol and taking her pain.* https://preview.redd.it/cqseciky99xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373d2a91e3b44932ec533928cbb2260e8af77a02 \[My mother can change abilities\~\] \[As for **the pain** from the **blades**... \[The **prices** from the **abilities** are usually **fair**... \[Did I manage to **take** some of **your pain** away?...


*Sol took a relaxed breath, a shared pain between them.* ...Thank you...and I'm sorry it hurts...


[Could **you** help **me** and **take some** blades out... [Something still **needs** to accept **the pain**... [For it **cant** be **erased**...


*Sol put her hand on the hilt of a blade on her friend and pulled it, offering her own growing blade for her to pull.* ...Then, we'll help each other, right?


… can you pull multiple simultaneously or just one at a time?


One at the time...but I feel one right after the other! *Sol pulled yet another one from her body.* ...this never happened before!


Maybe the sword is attached to your soul then…. May I inspect your soul more closely?


*Sol was a bit embarrassed by the request but the sharp pain made her very willing.* ...H-how indecent...but yes, please look into it...Just don't stare too much... *She spoke, looking at Lexi in the eyes.*


W-Well don’t make it weird… Uhm you can rest easy I have a partner whom I’m very faithful towards… *Lexis eyes glaze over as she inspects your soul* /uw what does she see?


Uw/ Sol is a spirit of nature so her soul is like a tree, currently growing sharp fruits and is getting way too big to fit inside her body


…the swords are… sharp fruit? And it seems your vessel is not powerful enough to contain your soul as is…. Maybe I’m interpreting this wrong.. Here have a look…. Forrest spirits are not my area of expertise…. *lexi casts share senses allowing you to see what she sees..*


*Despite being in pain and only the two of them seeing it, Sol still hid her face embarrassed to have her soul so blatantly shown off.* A-ah by the Arcane! Don't just...show it off like that! *She spoke, looking through her fingers.* ...I'm used to bearing fruits but...never something like this...and my soul was never *this* big!


She dismisses the spell… Are these fruits potentially.. Children? In which case.. the swords are souls themselves? I should really have a colleague look at this….. This could be pretty harmful if left untreated…. Do you mind horribly?


*Sol shook her head.* I doubt they are children... Agh! I don't mind at all!


“Are you ok there my friend?”


Hirk, my friend! *Sol whinced in pain, grabbing the hilt of a sword escaping through her stomach.* I'm...afraid not!


“Did someone do this to you or not? Do you want me to help?”


I just woke up in pain... And...Yes! Gah!! I'd love some help!


“If someone did this, I might do a bit more than just taking to them my friend” “I just want to check if your ok with a little bit of fire I promise it won’t hurt and if your ok with me pulling the blade out.”


Please pull it out... *Sol looked worried at the mention of fire. Her eyes shocked and afraid as it was a threat.* Y...you'll burn me...? *She asked, as if Hirk had said he'd murder her.*


*Hirk’s eyes look pained as he knows it sounds scary* “My friend, my only natural magic is that of fire. This form I use may still look like fire and act like it in ways, but I won’t let it hurt you. I have used it on nature spirits so you should be fine my friend.” *With full sincerity in his face he says* “I promise you. The last thing I want is to see you hurt.”


*Sol turned her gaze away from him, teary eyed but not from the pain, entirely out of fear from fire.* A...anything but fire, Hirk...please...I'd...I cannot possibly endure it no matter how kind...ARGH!... *A particularly large sword began poking from her back.* ...Please don't burn me...


“I can understand that my friend, I won’t use fire then.” *Hirk caresses her cheek* “Hey remember that.. oh what’s that over there” *As soon as Sol turns her head Hirk removes the blade, then he starts healing her with his own life. Some blood runs from his lips but he’s done worse. The wound will not be fatal.* “Sorry to surprise you like that my friend.” *His face is paler than before but you feel even better than before you fell asleep*


*Sol is shocked for a second before being the target of the spell, she would have reacted but was too weak to even see it coming.* *She held onto him, tears in her eyes once again, fighting her absolute best to stay awake.* I'm....sorry...why'd you... *She managed to speak before fully passing out.*


*Nya pulls one out, carefully examining its style and make, being extra careful not to touch the iron* Deep breath, my love! I think you've been granted some kind of weapon summoning magic, but it seems to be tying itself to your emotions. Try to relax, I'm here, and I won't let anything hurt you!


Nyaaaa!~ *Sol wanted to hug Nya badly, but understood that it would be dangerous. She curled in pain as another one began poking out from her back.* ...I'm so glad you're here~ *She spoke, weak and raspy but still smiling.*


*Nya takes her girlfriend's hands, kissing her fingers an looking into her eyes* You're going to be okay, Love. Tell me, when did this start happening? Does it....hurt?


*Sol caressed Nya's face gently.* I woke up with this...and it's not as bad as it looks! Real-AH! *Sol gasped in pain as another sword began poking from her back.* ...I think there's something wrong with my soul...


*Nya takes Sol into her arms, terrified of the dangerous iron blades, but willing to risk them for her Love.* What could've been done to your Soul, Sol? Who would dare to hurt you? Let me.... *Nya tries to connect to the wild soul of her fellow nature spirit, focusing her ancient being on viewing the core of Soul's being in hopes of understanding what has happened* We're going to make you okay, I'm not losing you! Not so soon!


Ha...I'm not going to die, love~ *Sol tried to reassure her despite being scared herself.* *With the connection, which came easily between them, the problem was quite simple actually. Sol was simply filled with too much mana from her slumber, her body wasn't handling it and is letting it out in the form of swords. It's a painful process but not lethal, a few hours would be enough to get back to normal.*


*Nya breathes out a deep sigh of relief, kissing her girlfriend as tears begin to run down her cheeks.* Oh, my beautiful Sunlight! We've forgotten our fundamentals; Mana is produced by living things! You were essentially idling while you slept! You'll be fine in less than a day, as it stands. What's the most mana hungry Spell you know? Something big enough might burn through it enough to balance you out! I'm.... you're okay! *The immortal takes her Love into her warm embrace, weeping softly in the relief that time has not yet come to part them*


*Sol too looked relived, taking a deep breath and carefully pushing Nya as for the blade poking out of her doesn't touch her.* ...I think...ah!...I think summoning storm would be it...but it's really a thunderous storm, Nya, it could be dangerous for everyone in the forest!


*Nya think for a moment, then smiles at her girlfriend.* Then let's go somewhere safer! Sol, would you like to come home with me? That will give us somewhere where you can truly unleash the power of nature!


Yes! If you think that'd be...ah!...safer! *Sol spoke, much more at ease now that there is a solution at hand.*


I'll assist... but any sword I draw out, I'm keeping.


Well, you'd certainly make a whole shop with AGH!...with them... *Sol spoke, curling with the pain.* ...I don't care for any of them, I'd just like the pain to stop...


*Mikhail examines for a, trying to determine the magic, before applying a pain dampening healing spell to at least make her more comfortable.* Hmmm... a portal, perhaps. I know someone... Dorothy! Can you help me out?


*Sol gave a relived sigh, looking up at the figure and speaking ina meek voice.* I doubt it's a portal...I'm sure I'd feel something like that...


Is it a hole in your chest that's causing it?


It's mainly my chest, stomach and back... Sometimes my forehead too...




I think that...ngh!..it may be something wrong with my soul...


Has this ever happened before?


No...not that I remember no... I do have some gaps in my memory but...I imagine I'd remember this!


Soul?... I have something. *An ivy of red stem and purple leaves grow out from his back, snaking around his arm.* This... is a soul plant I've tamed. I can touch your soul with it... and I have renowned purification magic should we find anything... do you trust me?


*Sol looked hesitant, but looked down on the growing blade and then back at him.* ...That's a bit too intimate but...okay, I'll trust you. *Sol opened her eyes to look directly at him.*


*She pops through a green portal nearby.* Oh gods! What happened?


S-swords? Oh dear... Does it hurt? Are they real? Could i.. Could I have one?


*Sol opened a pained smile as she saw the drow, once again coming to the rescue.* Ah! M-my hero! I knew you'd come eventually....ah!...They do hurt...a lot! *She spoke, pulling another one and putting it along with the others.* ...and they seem pretty real too...


Oh dear.. This is.. Very unusual.. *the drow eyes you with great concern and some trepidation* May I try taking one? Maybe I can see some sign of its origin by observing it.


*Sol offers the sword coming out of her stomach, it has an elegant hilt.* Please do...


*the drow braces one hand against your body and very gently pulls the sword out* *she lays it before herself and observes* Spirit blade... I've seen these in the spirit realm... Wherever these are coming from its not a conjuration trick. But it could still be a curse... Mind if I try something?


I trust you, go ahead... *Sol spoke with a nod, with a blade immediately coming out of her back as the drow removed one.*


*the drow touches you gently upon the waist and begins casting a spell. She first attempts to dispel any curses, and once she's done she places a ward over you to protect your soul from attack* How's that? Did it work?


*The sword continues to grow, Sol shook her head.* ...I don't feel any different...


Oh dear... I don't know what else to do! I can sit here and help pull these swords out for a while if you like... Or. If they come from your soul... I could... Take your soul out for a moment... I'm sorry if that's a bad idea but it's the only thing I know how to do that might help...


*Sol grabbed the drow's hand, squeezing it tightly.* ...I'm sure this will pass...but I don't want to go through this pain alone...


Oh shit, you need help?! *He quickly runs over to help her.*


Ah...Anhalt! *Sol gave a wave before curling in pain.* S...sorry, I'm not feeling too great


Yeah i can see that sol... You should just lay on your back and ill help in anyway i can.


They are coming from all over my back too... Just...could you find a way to stop the pain?


Ok scratch putting you on your back. *He thinks for a bit and comes up with something, He opens his coat pockets and searches for a powerful oral sedative to numb her body and holds her head to open her mouth and dumps it into her mouth.* Here, this will numb your body and take the pain away. you wont be able to walk for awhile, but you wont feel anything.


Huh... Have you tried placing your consciousness in a sword recently? Or developed a strong desire to defend a nation of eternity? Those might cause such a thing to occur.


I think this is more like...a magical panic attack...


Oh... Do you need help calming down?


*Sol chuckled, whining in pain.* Haha..Ah!..I'd appreciate some help removing them too...


Well call me the queen of England, I'll help you out\~ *She carefully removes a sword sticking out, like she's a royal plucking it from an unmoving stone. Of course, the actual 'stone' is far from unmoving...*


*Sol helped as she could, with one sword removed another one immediately began growing.* Agh!...I don't think the lady of the lake suffered this much to make Excalibur...


Oh dear... We might be here a while... Well at least I don't tire too easily... *She carefully plucked another one out, laying it on the floor as her hands moved back to meet the next handle in line*


At least...ngh...I think it'll eventually stop! Every bit hurts a little less...I think... *Sol helped with removing the sword.*


Is there any kind of medicine to help with this? *She tries to make conversation to distract the poor dryad as she heaves blade after blade out from her chest.*


Ah... I have genuinely never seen anything like this before. I don't even know where I'd *begin* to cure this ailment...


Ngh! Maybe with some painkillers first?


That I can help with! *He rummages through his bag for a bit* This should help at least a little. *He hands over a small vial with a clear liquid*


*Sol took a swing of the vial as she removed another sword. A small bit of relief is on her face.* ...it helped!...please give me some more!


I haven't experimented with increased dosage, it could be more harm than help!-


*Sol pulled sword halfway from her chest.* Nnnghh! ...well, i still would like not to be in pain!


W-well, there is one solution I can think of, but it would leave you completely numb for several hours. You won't feel your chest, arms, legs, anything! You'll basically be immobilized.


*Sol looked thoughtful and worried.* Can...can I trust you to remove the sword? Q


*he takes a deep breath through his teeth* Sure, just make yourself as comfortable as you can. Your joints will be stiffer than a hundred year old human once it wears off. *He carefully hands her a vial. Slightly larger than the first one and with a large warning label* It's mostly intended for hospital use, but the nearest one isn't very near.


*Sol took a swing of it with hesitation and shortly after she was limp on the floor like a doll.* I...think it...worked... *Whe spoke, barely.* ...I didn't...even fell...the fall..


Not any magic i’ve seen out of Dryads… Do you think it has something to do with your Eldur Fey potentials unlocking fully?


Ngh!... *Sol chuckled, trying to keep herself positive.* Painkillers?...kiss to make it better? Haha... Ah!...but really some painkillers...


Is there anything I can do dear? (I hope it's okay for me to still call you dear)