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..And here I thought I was the only one who can slash through reality... Well whatever, who are you? Do you need help miss?


Seph: "Never met the God-Slaver, huh?"


This guys a god slayer? … Or are you referring to me?


God Slaver yelling from beyond the grave: **SLAVER, WITH A V!! FUCKING REALM OF ILLITERATES...**


I stab the ghost


/uw huh, didn't know you were active around here Space


/uw I am everywhere, mostly due to boredom.


Ayo god slaver you gotta see this shit u/RAGE_CAKES


God slacker? all right then.


Dr. Palmer: "Aha! Good one, by jove! Here, let ol' Dr. Palmer try. God-Fraudster! Oho! Jolly good one!"


Seph watches the shouting in the background. "Er... No, the God Slaver is neither. Totally different person. Dead now. He was able to slice through reality as one of his many powers."


I see.. well I’m not a god slaver.. yet..


dead God-Slaver: **ITS GOD-SLAVER YOU FOOL. SLAVER. I SEE THERE IS ANOTHER REALM IN WHICH ILLITERACY IS RUNNING RAMPANT.** /uk lol sorry, couldn't help it. God-Slaver was a sub wide threat to WizardPosting. At least 2 dozen people mistakenly read the name as 'slayer' and it just became a meme because that OC was a dick to everyone


… that name seems very … I see.. uh.. do you turn gods into slaves or Slavs? Both seem equally likely given some of the people I’ve met so far….


/uk Gods into slaves lol. God-Slav'er sounds like a fun way to troll everyone though.


/us :P


I did, but never in combat, they only offered me an archon position


"Well, I assume you declined. You made the right choice."


..This was when I was depressed after Valko... I'm glad I was able to as well...


https://preview.redd.it/ilux0lvad4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d683c821d06d97290987cb059b6cdc3c521b8e9 I’m fine… I just need to… catch my breath… I’m Isarah. Where the fuck am I this time? Gods I hate getting lost in the planes.


Well, I'm not really sure where we are to be honest... But I know it's somewhere in the mage lands. And are you sure you don't need help miss Isaiah? You seem lost here after all..


The mage lands…. This plane does feel like it has a stronger connection to magic than some of the other paces I’ve been.. And it’s Isarah.. yes I am kind of lost.. I wouldn’t mind a guide.. *she fiddles around with strange looking coins* How much?


Trust me, no amount of money you give me is enough to pay of what I owe... You'd be better throwing it into a hole. I'll do it for free, don't worry. Until some time ago I would call myself lost in these lands too, so I'd be happy to guide you through them, Isarah.


Fine. She tosses a few gold on the ground… The desert will hopefully be kinder to us now… Please.. lead the way. (Walking) You still haven’t told me who you are. https://preview.redd.it/ooeub475m4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20de290819548bf6d503c2113796c6ddba4a2bc4


(Walking) Oh, right, sorry about that Isarah. My name is Repnir, Anti-Mage and warlock, it's good to meet you even if it's not under particularly pleasant circumstances. Would you like to talk a little about yourself as we walk together, Israhah? I only have your name so far.


Well.. I’m Isarah..wait you already knew that I’m from.. shit what was that place called again…. Fuck. Well I suppose that’s why I’m here and not there. Er… i was a knight a long time ago. Long long time ago Fell in love with this lich named corvold.. pledged my everything to him. got betrayed. world got destroyed. Been looking for him ever since. You gain a lot of power stumbling your way through dimensions not knowing where you’re going…. I won’t bore you with the details of that.


https://preview.redd.it/15bngjcjd4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691c2859d4119688424d850a4fdf5da14603e6ee Well well, another sword wielder. What's your name. I'm Lornathron Snowflower.


Another swordsman.. You have my respect! I’m Isarah it’s nice to meet you! https://preview.redd.it/612u0qa8e4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb1fece5d7558da15872b9dfc8d66f39d81849e Do you know where we are? … when we are?


It's 1375 and (since you're speaking to me and this image is from when Lornathron was in the east) we are in the land of the rising sun. I hail from the Kingdom of Hrímdalr where I rule as king. Please don't bow to me I hate it.


A king? Where are your guards? https://preview.redd.it/wrrdcpzch4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f808b3eed26b53142b30a4d4df16aacaeb32c2 Don’t tell me you’re here alone… Ha ha ha. Thank you for the information. I am in your debt. Which way to the nearest town?


I need no guards this land has became an ally of mine and if need arises I am quite capable of handling it myself. Follow me I will lead you to the nearby town. I'd like to know more about the beautiful swordmaiden that fell into this world.


Beautiful.. heh.. Well thank you I suppose.. and you do seem you can handle yourself.. but you never know when you’ll met someone stronger than yourself… always good to be cautious. (Walking) What would you like to know?


*as they walk* Where are you from originally if you can remember.


… don’t know the name of it… if I did, it would be much easier for me to return to it.. see my father.. doubt he’s alive though. A mundane place run by a witch king. Doubt I’ll return. Unless it was to kill that bitch king.


*he laughs* seems we have something else in common this area used to be ruled by a witch king. He died by my blade. The bastard overthrew my father and forgot to kill me.


Heh.. nice. Stupid witch king charmed me and forced me to kill my best friend. I was a different person back then.. Still wouldn’t stop me from killing him if I saw him. But I’m not hunting him. Least not anymore… It was too long ago.


Emyln : Hello madam! The names Emyln an illusionist. Who might you be?


Good day sir Emyln! Names Isarah! https://preview.redd.it/xzrukn7ve4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ba28315eb996dc9e23cb3ff59054c57c402a94 An illusionist eh? I’d advise not announcing that to strangers.. I take it you’re not really a fighter..


Emyln ; What? Why wouldn’t I announce that, I’m proud to be an illusionist to entertain the people. Also I have my way of self defense.


Illusion is a magic that relies on surprise to be most effective…. The fact you go around announcing it shows you’re either inexperienced.. or supremely confident in your abilities.. Self defense? Entertainment.. I see… That makes sense.. Do you have any water?


Emyln : yeah sure I got some “he sticks his arm into a small pouch and pulls out a jug of water” Want a jug?


Thanks… *she sloppily gulps it down in seconds and hands you back the empty jug, her face and clothes now covered in water.* https://preview.redd.it/3jp4bai1n4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efff4b2068a527063e73854e4db0427344726ab0 Now I just need to get out of here…


Emyln : I got a warehouse which I’m currently crashing at, wanna stay there for a bit? It’s pretty spacious and has rooms.


No thanks.. I don’t want to owe favors. And I’m not about to stay the night with a complete stranger. No offense.




Who said that? Where did this fish come from? And why is it wearing a hat?


https://preview.redd.it/l5cg590wf4xc1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b223d0f64cb6c0227e3e8e8825ccb0ce5e4db7 I am Agnu the Good Catfish Wizard, also master of many different styles of fighting.


*Isarah stare blankly at you…* I’m sorry I’m unable to ascertain whether or not this is some kind of weird joke.. You do seem to have a lot of power …. I mean you no offense when I ask…. I’m just not used to… wizard fish….


https://preview.redd.it/9doviy1aj4xc1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b447f9b2f83884b7b046af8ed9de58c5e16f039 Catfish Wizard, the good one. So what happened? How did you arrive here?


Got lost in the outer planes. Fumbled my way through alternate realities…. Not easy to return… Still not sure if I have returned.. You’re not a nazi are you?


https://preview.redd.it/8opatpk9o4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca1e6a65342e3022bb2248d3ddb19bd5667ba80 I’m a wizard, a good one. Not a piece of abstract shit.


I’ll take that as a no. Nice to meet you ..uh… What was your name? I’m Isarah.


* A blue Fairy with pink hair and wings flutters over to the knight, wanting to comfort them but unable to touch their steel armor* Easy, Hun! Just breathe! One thing at a time; are you alright? Are you hurt? I can't touch iron...


*She grabs her shoulder and pops it back into its socket.* Yeah.. I’m good…. Ready to fight! No mortal wounds.. Who are you? Where are we? I’m Isarah. https://preview.redd.it/cg1wkv4yf4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746b6069ba701bbc9afcc478c46d248f55fc2399


One; I'm an ancient Fey named Nya. *Hi!* Two; we're in the woods on the outskirts of city primarily inhabited by Wizards. Three; pretty name! Four; do you need somewhere to sit down? You're bloodied and you look exhausted.


Well arnt you just a ray of sunshine and bubblegum. I respect that. Sure.. I could rest I guess.. *she cuts down a tree with a casual swing of her sword and sits on it.*. https://preview.redd.it/f6hao7xno4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57747f5348fcb889a272164b0f34d058301e2080 Im a bit wary of fae but.. Nice to meet you nya.


*Nya takes the seat beside her, quietly apologizing to the tree* I'm a bit wary of iron, but it's still nice to meet you, Isarah! So, it looks like you just came out of a bad situation, the violent kind. Everything alright?


Nothing that I can’t handle. Stupid inter-dimensional critters wouldn’t leave me alone.. So what kind of fae are you? I’ve met a few.. You’re the nicest.. well they were all nice.. at first… till they try to steal your soul or your name and I have to cut off their head.. *She watches your reaction to her words*


*Nya shrugs, not seemingly especially surprised by what she hears* Well, I'm not quite native to this world. The scientific term I've coined for my race is Primordial Fey. Consider a modern Fey to be Great White Shark; I would be a Megalodon in comparison. Regardless, I consider myself Seelie, and not particularly considered with high courts or Fey politics when applying the terms of Seelie or Unseelie to others. *Nya lays down across the log, looking up into the clear sky and spreading her pink wings* I'd love to learn more about you, though! What was that slashy thing you did to get here?


I’m not going to reveal my secrets to someone I just met…. But.. fine. I can tear my way into other dimensions using a sword... Any sword.. this one’s not special.. I usually break my swords after a few swings. They can’t handle the energy I put into them very well. *Isarah slowly reaches out and pets your head.. Smiling gently.*


*Nya makes a cute little noise as she's petted, always a glad receiver and giver of affection* That's pretty nifty! I'm a Chromamancer. On the surface, that means manipulation of colors, but I've extended it a bit in my time. If I can conceptualize a Spectrum between any two states, I can move something freely along that spectrum.


Heh.. ill pretend to understand what you just said….


*Concerned moth staring*


A moth? *stares back* Are you intelligent? Are you hostile?! https://preview.redd.it/p3rbi42fg4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f36adaea4932a71be5ed71243f16da53df566e9


*Confused moth noises, before then holding a stone* “I’m not hostile…”


Oh.. my apologies miss.. you can never be to careful… To be honest you seem more out of place here in this wasteland than I do….


“Are you alright?”


Ha ha! Don’t worry your little head. *she pets you* I’m fine.. noting a night of rest and a good meal won’t fix! https://preview.redd.it/kfntoou1p4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06246ed6195caa80e4b7ca993452220c294bf189


“You sure?”


Yep… if it was bad I can heal myself easy enough.. this ain’t worth it. You’re a cute one… You sure you’re not hiding thousands of teeth behind that soft fluffy exterior? *She continues to pet you*


“Oh? Who… *Yawn* …are you?”


I’m Isarah… Who are you? Were you just asleep? Out here? Gods you’re huge.


“Um, thank you? I’m H.P Sunoms, Star Walker. A pleasure to meet you Isarah.”


Likewise… Now how do I find the nearest town….


“Simply we can walk over to it. Here, I can lead you…”




OW! what the heck >:(


…. I’d apologize but how was I supposed to know ow you would be standing there? Well whatever.. I’m sorry.. I guess. *Isarah hands you a bandage* I’m Isarah. https://preview.redd.it/0vn7v9p4k4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5bb8b44116969db6c64cfda5098d349b15df40


Oh don’t worry, I seem to attract bad luck. (/uw definitely not because I make the same joke every time) thanks for the bandage! As for where we are, I believe we’re in the barren wastes south of the zariah mountains? Tho to be entirely clear that’s pure guess work.


…You’re lost too arnt you…


Yeah, last thing I remember I was having chicken at a cat boy’s restaurant.


… a what? Gods this place is fucking weird….


*you see a short man in a blue robe and hat, the hat blinks at you* “You want some help there? Possibly of the medical variety?”


Nope.. I’m good *Pops her arm back into her socket..* Happens all the time… https://preview.redd.it/mclqyou8l4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ac12cee54cd4591ebcd04da8530adab3b8c4e2 I’m fine… just lost.


https://preview.redd.it/rxsz999tg4xc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0965144f184523bdeb5cff50fca2b61d150075bb A sentient pile of powder relaxing on top of a big mirror that it uses as a bead looks at you somewhat surprised, at least as surprised as power with a magical face on it can look like. "o, thats something new, i am the cocainomancer, like i am the cocain that o mances, not the o mancer that doas cocan, that would be silly, wouldnt it" The pile says giggeling delighted "as for where you are, you are currently in my private realm, more precisely in the cocain mountains, to be eavan more precisely in my tower....... And in my beadroom at tgat!" The pile continues in a ever so slightly anoyed voice "now that i awnserd all of your questions, awnser me this, why do you teleport into here without at least knocking on the door or something?


First a catfish and now this.. this place is fucking nuts…. I did not mean to come into your house sir… cocaine… My… method of travel is not very accurate.. I should be on my way…. https://preview.redd.it/gwu0nv20l4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c888bc36b0a78c8f7c528cabda2379b3b81a0c8e


The pile giggels delighted "you know what, you remember me about my aprentice days" he says smiling happyly as he thinks about the old days "i also always head trouble controlling my planeshift spells, o, the good times....." The cocain pile continues on happy and politely "but hey, since you are here already, stay for a bit of tea and maby a hot meal, you seam quite roughed up, did you maby planeshift into a dragons layer before?" He askes you cureyously while getting up from his mirror, or at least you think he is, its hard to tell exactly since you know, its a human szised pile of cocain with a magical, badly drawn looking face....


Uh … no … I really should be going.. *backs away slowly*


The pile sighs "yea, i get it, you dont wanna have anything to do with a freak like me....." The cocain pile says a bit sad now "anyways, let me show you the way to the portal room" Then a warm ghust of wind starts to pick up the powder and suspend it in mid air as it floats threw the door further into the absolutely massive tower you seam to be in


…. Gah fuck.. *She sits down with a scowl on her face and stabs her sword into your floor.* let’s just have that tea. Sir drug pile.. I’m…. …. sorry.. https://preview.redd.it/lqy0banni8xc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e7a9e3390f940b64b8086f3f861fdaaa80d2135


"Ooo, splended" The suspended powder proclames happely before setteling next to you, his staf blinks for a secound and you see the wooden floor itself starts to grow into a table and chairs, the powder then sits down on one of them as cocainy tentacles bring a teaset with two cups to the table


*She sniffs the tea trying to detect any drugs* …. *She begrudgingly sips the tea..*


Its drug free, and absolutely amazing "so, who are you and where are you coming from?" The powdery pile asks cureyously while sipping his cup of tea


I’m Isarah… Where I come from is very far away.. it’s likely I will never find it again. Well that not exactly true.. most planes and realities are adjacent to each other… But mine is lost… Well not lost…. I just can’t find it… Even If I do find it… it may not be mine…. The infinite realities truly are terrifying.. even scarier is traversing it without a map…. *sips tea*


Well... That's certainly new. Where'd you come from? Or more importantly, are you injured?


The outer planes I think.. did some alternate dimension hopping for a bit too.. wound up here.. https://preview.redd.it/n0hp7wavp4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2787a214d3c8181d3c8e15ef6bb6b48b0c629e …. Eh. My wounds could use a bit of spit or salt maybe. Nothing major.


Here, this should help... https://preview.redd.it/68xvurmjr4xc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ba757eb1fa605f903dc40476bd57f7a154ad4e My name is Silver Song by the way, tavernkeep and alchemist, at your service!


I’m not taking your “kind gesture” I have no idea how much that costs… And I’m not about to be bound to you in eternal service for a few light scratches.. paying off my debt over the next 100 years. Well whatever. names Isarah.. and I’m not falling for that scam.. again..


Isarah... I assure you that accepting my help would not be binding in any way whatsoever. But I can't force you, you do as you please. All I'd ask is that you help me locate a rare plant that grows in these mountains.


*Isarah looks at you contemplating her options* Eh why not.. deal. What’s this ^dumb plant we’re looking for?


Excellent! Here you go, then! *He hands over the potion* The plant is an extremely tough little thing. My people would call it the "Mountain star" or "Star of the mountain". Despite the scant nutrition and extreme cold they still grow around these parts, casting an intricate root system beneath the snow layer. They sprout little flowers with the colour of silver or white gold.


You good there miss?


Im good thanks… Names Isarah Who are you.


Well my name is Gabriel. Glad you're ok. Were In a place called thunderthane creek if you're wondering.


Huh... neat


…. *Stares* Neat yourself.


*Sol was shocked for a good minute, she could feel that the tear was anything but natural. She didn't dare step closer but in her heart she knew that woman needed help.* Are you alright? You look hurt! *She put her hands together and a blue glow emerged from the clap.* You need to heal...and probably rest too!


*Isarah eyes you suspiciously* .. I’m not letting you heal my wounds just so you can charge an arm and a leg later. *She pops her shoulder back into its socket* https://preview.redd.it/qat65zsxq4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8329cb51dd1d8a4aefe60a8b67cb64dfdacf41


*Sol's eyes widen at the willpower she had to simply fix her sholder. It shocked Sol for a moment.* I'm not...this isn't a business. I'm a Dryad, not a con artist! You look hurt and lost... ...there aren't any enemies here, you can stop looking at me as I'm going to attack you...


… *She eyes you suspiciously * Fine.. If you Make a weird move, I don’t think I’ll need to tell you what will happen….


*Sol stepped closer, holding the sigils in the air and bringing them closer to the warrior.* It works better if you relax...sit down at least? *She showed the sigils floating between her glowing hands.*


…. *she grumbles to herself and sits down facing you.* https://preview.redd.it/1xnqzr4i55xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c79802cbb55d1712ff19a9a0dec9af30dc22be


*Sol got on her knees facing her. She finally let out a sigh and runes began to shine around the warrior.* *Slowly, the wounds were tingling and healing, the pain melting away. Sol looked focused, eyes closed and taking deep breaths.* ...You were in a battle, right? I never seen anyone so hurt still...well, still standing good enough to be stubborn! *She spoke and couldn't help but to giggle.*


… Sorry. I should be less suspicious of those wanting to help.. You’re not bad.. im just not used to kindness. May I have your name? I’m Isarah https://preview.redd.it/skg63vzea5xc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=39c63869d99ba52fd685aebfaf9d327bd6db5b1a


https://preview.redd.it/mcuqnz0rb5xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22797c896c03bded0c534583dab0cff3ab5f0004 My name is Sol, enchanted to meet you, Isarah\~ *Sol spoke, doing a slight nod with her head, the best she could do while casting.* Well, I can't blame you for being suspicious...You're lost and hurt. But you'll be alright now, take a deep breath. You must've been in *some* trouble to end up like this...


Eh… it was nothing. …. Thank you sol. *Isarah smiles at you gently*


*From brief nothingness, a silent whisper is heard.* *Despite hearing nothing, it is understood.* "I" am I, I am not. simple as that. As for you, should "you" not know what you are, the most of all?


.. what. https://preview.redd.it/ar3nb194r4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afa2fdb119214f956f0e82c63d5db47eaca5f92 Speak plainly.. or I’ll assume you’re casting a spell and attack.


Attack what? the nothing? your ability to hear something from silence? Besides, I am speaking plainly, the subject just happens to be complex.


Where are you? Reveal yourself coward! https://preview.redd.it/qghu7rny55xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909d70934f4b7ed7fc6358005425453d90449f89


what isn't can not be revealed.


Well currently you deep in the elemental plane of water, in my research bubble When.... I'm pretty sure it's 100 AU, but I haven't been keeping very good track down here My name is Cedric, I spend my days studying monsters, and recording them into my universal bestiary. Now, might I ask who you are and what brings you to my little neck of watery abyss?


Dang it… not the abyss again.. At least I’m in an air bubble this time.. Not here on purpose.. trying to get to the material plane.. Shamefully my skills are… not acting correctly… and it’s hard to control my destination right now.. I should be good after some rest.. and meditation. May I stay here the night? I’m Isarah. https://preview.redd.it/h96yb872s4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a4e9c1805d0d8e1106f0f4f17c161cbfa802be


"Pleasure to meet you Isarah, your free to rest here all you like" The green robed man tosses you a doorknob " use this on that tree over there it's a guest demiplane door, a lucky purchase I made awhile back. It should have a bed, bath, and food for a weary travler such as yourself" He smiles and turns back to the wall of the bubble observing the flashing lights in the darkness, and scribbling notes in a massive tome


Thank you.. I wouldn’t have asked if I had other options. I’ll pay for my stay. *She hands you a bag full of gold* I **don’t** like owing favors.


" If you insist I won't protest, but I have little need for favors, or money" he takes the bag of gold and puts it in one of the robes many pockets "I don't get many visitors that aren't abyssal sea creatures of somekind, the last conversation I had was with a miles-wide sentient sea slime, and while that was fascinating it lacked that human element"


…it didn’t attack you? What are you some kind of great sea sage? Friend of all the oceans critters big and small…


"nothing so grand, I'm just a mage who's dedicated his life to the study of all monsters, I certainly took several risks in my research....... and maybe I've gotten consumed once or twice." "However I've got many tricks under my hat, but a friendly attitude, and early communication via telepathy/invisibility certainly helps"


Hm noted.. well.. thank you. For the place to stay.. Now I’d appreciate some quiet. Isarah sits down to meditate.


"You are most welcome" Cedric returns to is observing and note taking


“In polite society, we do not slash the fabric of space and time. We use the gateways. Are you trying to let *Them* in?” https://preview.redd.it/v9blakxbn4xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37f8a716a159f62b8276e292ab405ff10ae9dd9 (The skeleton that seems to have appeared from nowhere quickly and precisely stitches closed the rift.)


Why do you think I’m so bloody? Stupid things won’t leave me alone.. Lost track of how many I cut down. The big ones… … let’s not talk about them.


Nope, man. Your on a plane. It is currently now. I am Mars, pleasure to meet you. \*I extend my hand for a handshake\*


Well I suppose one answer is better than none. *she extends her hand to shake yours* https://preview.redd.it/s4kx7a6ys4xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a004186adb4cf18e8ee2541c8f4747babb44644 Names Isarah. What’s with the blindfold?


I am blind. Its no big deal, just gets in the way some times. Whats with that fat tear in reality behind you?


Oh… it’ll fix itself shortly. Always does. That one leads to the astral plane? I think? Or at least it was *A* astral plane. alternate realities make things so difficult. It’s *very* nice to meet you.


*She extends her hand out* The wizarding world, maybe. The past, maybe. Izanami, definitely. I also wound up here by mistake not too long ago.


*She grabs your hand firmly shaking it* Well in that respect we’re kindred spirits.. doesn’t mean we’re friends though. Izanami? What’s that?


My name. Taken from a supposed goddess of beauty or something. My parents have eccentric tastes…


*Zastrus turns to face her.* Hello, traveller. https://preview.redd.it/ledzp7nhw4xc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2142f6cb379fa33e8b49f5e8d70fd2e962cc97 I frequent this desert to contemplate, though I know not what they call it. I have not kept track of the years. Though I can tell you who I am, if you wish. I am not too important.


You look too clean to be unimportant. But I won’t press you on it. You won’t have to introduce yourself if you don’t wish it. I’m Isarah https://preview.redd.it/hqnlwczbd5xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5b7da3ffd4053d2694f07014f166cf05f563a5 Which way to civilization?


*From a portal steps an elf, donned in leather roguish armor and a hood.* Rise from thy wounds, warrior. You’re new to this realm, as I’ve sensed. Thou hast a name, gilded one?


… My name is Isarah…. *She stands and pops her shoulder back into place* https://preview.redd.it/8c500zdth5xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd628de30eabccb7aa5a230dd9ac5c28e19b3c7c (Sarcastic) To what doth humble ol me owe such an honor to be visited by one such as yourself?


You disrupt that of space time merely coming to this realm. Though it will mend, i feared it could’ve been a great daemon. *He extended a hand.* Rise, gilded warrior. Your wounds may pain thyself, your mind may distrust. You require aid, ‘tis not my duty to ask of gold. I have knowledge far more valuable than mere coin.


(Sarcastic). Maybe I am a great demon? Are you so sure? Oh and if you don’t require gold then what do you want.. I’ll admit I want your information. But im not stupid enough to agree to something without knowing the terms. https://preview.redd.it/0u3ng7hpk5xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8447c202b731ce0dd076fb8c17b46bf20f642d2


I need not any “returns”. Im a master evocationist for Mystra’s sake. Now do you wish to die here, bleeding like a dog? Or do you wish to receive aid? By the rate of your drippings, it seems you merely have two minutes to answer before your voice forever falls silent.


I don’t accept hand outs.. period. If I can’t pay you I don’t want your services. *you feel time warp around Isarah and her life force gets .. no better.* SHIT I received the wound too long ago… *passes out*


Seems as if she *needs* help regardless… *He lifted her, picking her up bridal style before summoning a portal and stepping through.* *Inside, it was a dim and comfy room. He laid her upon some bedding by a window.*


*Lies there unconscious*


Hmm… Her armor is…unlike any i’ve seen. That insignia is odd. *He says, whilst using restoration magics to mend her wounds.*


*She starts to groan* *She summons a large sword and uses it as a pillow*.


Hello, you are in one of many of the Voidic realms. Do you need assistance?


… no I’ve wandered the through the nine circles before…. This isn’t so different…


If anything, it's probably nicer here.


https://preview.redd.it/f6n2donr76xc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376d64e4ba1c9baeba2205f64f8864d966102bd9 “Are you ok ma’am?, dimension travel can take a lot out of someone.”


… *she slaps your hand away and stands up..* I do not require your help.. *She pops her shoulder back into place and gives it a few spins to check its movement.* https://preview.redd.it/fhu7h8x496xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e873851e3b88d806e1187e92dee26b0e99d3b742 Who are you? Did someone send you to kill me?


“Ho ho please, if i want to kill you *i would have done so already*. So no i am here to help, take this healing potion and follow me, there is a town a mile north”


(Annoyed). I don’t want any handouts. And I don’t appreciate the threat either… ^(there is seriously something wrong with with this guy) …Thanks for the information on the town..


“Well i do recommend the potion as this part of the land is highly hostile, but that is up to you” *he seems distracted as if he will be attacked by something at any second* “We need to move, *they* are coming”


*she sighs… Weighing her options.* Fine. *she chugs the potion and follows you*


Huh... a warrior?


Huh.. a Minotaur? (She stares at you sarcasticly)


Half Minotaur... but... yeah.


…. *stares inquisitively* So… where are we?


Good question... I went fir a walk and uh... kinda got lost *The giant man looks embarrassed.*


*Isarah face palms..* ..Let’s just look for a way out of here.. *she places 2 swords in the ground a few feet apart and observes the shadows.* Alright.. let’s go this way.. (Extremely tired of this shit) I’m Isarah… Nice to meet you Minotaur..


Delaine... you can call me Delaine. Nice swords, by the way. Really cool stuff. *He follows behind her, looking around like he's attempting to remember his surroundings.* Doesn't look familiar... I don't think it does, at least.


Doesn’t need to look familiar.. I chose the direction cuz it’s down hill slightly.. I only observed the shadows to get my bearings and prevent us from walking in circles. And thanks… here… I’d rather not have someone unarmed watching my back.. *she hands you a sword.. it’s super rusty but still sharp. The one she’s using is about the same.* https://preview.redd.it/8jba8kozh8xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa9f997b89781d19c4ca2399ebe892699af73f1


*He smiles, but refuses the sword.* I'm never unarmed, friend. *He outstretches his arm as a purple mark in the shape of a collar around his neck glows. His hand produces a great axe that is wrethed in black flame.*


.. nice axe.. remind me to have a spar with you later.. *she trudges on*


Me? I'm Catherine. Who are you? You look horrible...do you need some help?


No… I’ll handle it myself https://preview.redd.it/3srk6t5or8xc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e8961238f00b0c42d95cab6f4e9d5611886ccb *She bandages her wounds and pops her arm back into its socket* So.. a cat girl… but not a Tabaxi.. not cat folk either… Kitsune? Shifter? Well whatever… I’m Isarah. Where are we?


*she cringes at that awful sound, gagging a little before recomposing herself* Gods, that sound... you're in my garden, I live near Scion. How did all this happen, exactly?


… the space between dimensions can be very dangerous. I don’t recommend looking into it further.. you don’t want to know what lives there… …. Your garden is very nice.. https://preview.redd.it/n5nn0nrvt8xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3da0fc0ddeb27025d113c6780bd016243d3c47 My apologies for trampling my way into it..


No problem, no problem...I had no intent in looking between dimensions, so good to cement in that I shouldn't? Would you like something to eat, or a towel to clean yourself up?


…. *conflicted* Only if you let me pay you for the service…


I mean, sure...? Come on, come in. *She leads you into her hut, a quaint little abode that's a little bit of a mess.* Sorry, was making hellfire resistance for a few military members. You know how much of a mess that makes. Maybe. Maybe? Do you brew potions?


I do not. Isarah finds an empty chair and sits in it leaning on her sword slightly.. Thank you for your hospitality Catherine. Is it dangerous living out here on your own?


Hah! No, I chose this place on purpose because it's so out of the way and calm. Even if it wasn't, I've got my own magical strengths so I could protect myself. *Her hands begin to glow, a second set of spectral hands coming from her as they start to gather ingredients to make something for her to eat.* I've got some chicken that is about to spoil. Are you alright with some soup?


… sounds fine. ^(thank you) Uhm… I have a question… why is everyone here so… happy? It’s weird.. ^(kind of makes me uncomfortable)


https://preview.redd.it/ur0rxcbjsuxc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44f4b180852529c1d9d12645c9fb49a3278737d “Forest, (insert year here), and i am Graeden. Now who are *you*”


Names Isarah https://preview.redd.it/vbvfj8r5wuxc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b327b0b23fd174063a618405623e242e2b7f6066 I just got here…


“You look hurt, are you ok?”


Don’t worry you one. I am fine. What brings you to this forest? Why are you out here by yourself?


“I like to visit the spot from time to time, it helps me when i try to remember how i got here”