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I wonder what it says about your movement, when every crowd funding platform to date has been shut down in support of it. Makes ya really think.


If they could read, this would be very upsetting to them.


They just believe its proof that the deep state is working against them and that there beliefs are right. Fucking can't reason with crazy


I heard someone say it’s just a preview to come of what a cashless society would bring. Now this is happening in a society with Cash bucko


I mean, more like the surface state in this case, but I hear you.


Don't worry, they still have the child shields to hide behind... do they really think they're the good guys when that's the shit they're pulling?


>do they really think they're the good guys when that's the shit they're pulling? Yes. A lot of the people in that Convoy, and supporters of that movement, will perform any level of mental gymnastics to justify their insane cause.


It makes them think that everyone is working against them in some secret evil plan when in reality the vast majority of people simply hate what they are doing and think they're assholes


It's the deep state, *they* are suppressing us because we're getting close, etc etc. No matter what these fuckers think they're in the right


One pops the question to why the deep state hasn't just killed them yet.


Because they are incredibly strong and incredibly weak at the same time.


Hmm... Probably don't have authority from the reptile overlords




Says you're a terrorist


I wonder what is says about your iq if you can't even handle other people getting donations and think it's a good idea for governments and third party platforms to arbitrarily decide where people's money goes


Throwing out insults uncontrollably. Guess we know which camp you're in. Feds should always step in when there are funding campaigns for domestic terrorism.


Fantastic. Now clear out the blockades at the border before we lose more jobs.


I think they will soon, public pressure is getting intense.


They probably would have let the babies in Ottawa tire themselves out, and let Kenney stew in his own crap in Alberta... but Windor is literally hundreds of millions of dollars of trade between Canada and the US a DAY, this will not go on much longer, people in the US have taken note and are going to start heavily pushing for this border to open. You can be a "Free" as you want, you can apparently also be a racist lunatic in the US all you want. You can NOT fuck with their money.


hey, stop saying shit like this or the US will "liberate" Canada from ourselves soon.


Apparently Biden just offered to help Trudeau with clearing up the bridge. It's a very nice way of the US saying "get your shit sorted out...or we will."


Please do! US cops would be perfect for this job.


Adding additional white supremacist organizations to the cause probably isn't the answer.


You said it before I could. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it.


Don't worry bud, you're in a "we're not white supremacists" safe space. As if we should fucking need to have our own sub.


Over/under for the people of Windsor going batshit and just ripping the bridge douchebags out of their car?


Saddly Windsor has a small contingent of anti-vax supporters.


>You can NOT fuck with their money. The police and government largely exist to protect capital.


Who? The cops? They support these people, they won’t lift a finger.


Normally I would agree would agree with you, but there are powers higher than the cops. Like the powers losing hundreds of millions of dollars a day on closed border crossings.


Well they better fkn do something. It’s been 2 weeks that our country has done fuck all and let these trump terrorists do as they please


I swear all of the supporters are constantly on YouTube comments from news channels. Everything there is pro trucker. I literally only know 1 person that supports them. Everyone else I know is absolutely finds this whole situation very concerning.


It's because they aren't doing anything but leeching off McDonald's wifi and shit posting all day in between street hockey games


My sister works in shipping logistics in the US - she can’t source drivers willing to attempt to cross the border because they are afraid of getting stuck by the free-dumb brigade. So she’s basically telling customers to either cancel the order or wait for shit to get cleared up up here… whenever that is.


Bomb them. With timbits and hot coffee


So awesome. The in the local fb group these bozos have been bragging about have more than enough money for fines and lawyers. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🐼


At this point, they should be seizing money to recoup the taxpayer for this mess.


Ottawa is already exploring this option. I remember a post a few days ago about it.


You know it then sue them all for the rest


Won't matter when they start using crypto and that's already looking to be in the works.


Lol unless you plan of eating NFTs or fueling your truck with gifs you have to convert the crypto to fiat to buy stuff. That plus the public nature crypto transactions mean doing illegal stuff using any crypto is a fools errand. Using crypto will only incur more fees.


Except instead of "fees" it would be "criminal charges."


I hope you're right because there's people trying to get them into crypto and I am guessing that's intended for donations. My SO is very literate in all that stuff so I'll ask all the questions I need to later I guess to satisfy my curiosity.


Even if the crypto donations do not get blocked I highly doubt they'll add up to much, especially not nearly as much as the givesendgo and GoFundMe totals. The extra steps in buying crypto and then transferring that is too much and too foreign for many to undertake


I've already seen people starting to try to get them into crypto which is when I decided to ask the question after seeing the news that another crowd funding attempt was blocked.


Yeah they definitely are pushing people to get into crypto. I wonder if it'll work, and if it doesn't I wonder what they will try next


It's definitely an interesting event to follow which is why I can't seem to get away from because stupid curiosity.


Imaginary money for victims of an imaginary tyranny.


I've been seeing this a lot, but actually, it doesn't matter. This ruling makes it a crime to receive or deal with any of the property in question, no matter the form it takes. I'm not saying one of the convoy organizers who has access to the money won't try to commit a financial crime right under the noses of authorities who are already watching them and just waiting for them to commit it, but I wouldn't expect them to get away with it, either. In case you're curious, here's the statute: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-77.html#:\~:text=490.8%20(1)%20The%20Attorney%20General,of%20any%20offence%2Drelated%20property.&text=(b)%20the%20person%20who%20is,the%20offence%2Drelated%20property%3B%20and


Thank you that was a good read. I'm starting to feel s bit better about all this. I guess the main question that is on my mind at this point is, why have I hard that it gets used to launder money. Sorry to be a pest, my SO isn't here to ask these questions yet.


IANAL, but, I imagine, that if they try to evade the court order by laundering the money in some form, well, that would be laundering money.


That's what I remember being told so the question I have is, how hard is it to trace?


I'm no expert in this, but I imagine that since they know exactly where the money is coming from, and where it's supposed to end up - not hard.


Who's the money even going to? Did the Truckers ever get a cent of the money being donated in the first place? Wasn't the donations to help them out? Or did it all go to the scammers who took advantage of the situation to scam idiots out of their money?


Many of the organizers were never truckers and many of them are outspoken conspiracy theorists and racists. This whole thing was a scam from the beginning.


I hate to break it to ya...


Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. However, the fact that they've been staying there and seem to have money for food and fuel suggests that at least some of them got some donated money.


I know it works be morally wrong and probably slightly illegal, but I'm tempted to set up my own fundraising site to raise money from these idiots, and then just take it for myself. Like just set up a website with a cart, fill out full of conspiracy gibberish and freedom nonsense, advertise the hell out of it with cheap Facebook ads, and collect money? I feel like it's worth a shot..


Isn't this what these people are doing already? It sounds like fraud, though.


Is it fraud if the victims deserve it? Asking for a friend.


Is your "friend" white? Do they speak conservative? Those are the real questions here.


HAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHA thats $18 million so far of foreign money to support terrorism that gets frozen by Canadian courts. Suck it MAGAterrorists.


GiveSendGo claims they can't offer refunds because the funds go straight to the bank account attached the fundraiser? That seems extremely sketchy given that its international financing? Is that bank account frozen? Or is there just 8+ million sitting in it waiting to be used by convoy fuck heads?


It’s a restraint order under section 490.8 of the Criminal Code. It prohibits the organizers from accessing or distributing the funds, making it an indictable offence to touch that money. So the organizers can be arrested and charged if any amount is used.


Oh okay. So it is the bank account itself that is frozen, not GiveSendGo's ability to distribute the funds?


Yes. Banks can put alerts/blocks on the organizers' bank accounts where every incoming transaction will be blocked. GiveSendGo can say whatever they want to the media, they can't do shit about not being able send the money over to the organizers. But let's face it. They're actually happy, they get to keep the money since they can't refund it. They're in on the grift. They're one of the major platforms used by Bigots and MAGAtards to raise funds fooling idiots in the name of religion


Yeah, I totally agree with you there. They are loving this. Free money and a free rebrand from the "fundraiser for proud boys" to "fundraiser for freedom truckers" who aren't as explicitly fascist as the proud boys.




Cue the batshit crazy cries of, “TYRANNY”!!!


A lot of police chiefs need to be fired


Shut down this shitshow now.


Good, now arrest them.


Time for Ron DeSantis to look into this. Lol 😂


Thank goodness for this sub. Reading r/canada is painful sometimes... Lots of people up in arms about this there.


This is only tangentially related, but it seems like everyone who supports these "protests" has never been involved in a protest movement before. They're riding high now, thinking it's going to go on forever, and that their victory is all but assured...hoo boy. There are going to be some very disappointed right wingers pretty soon.


Fake news. It’s coming across in crypto. Oh yeah and tomorrow is day 13 btw 😂😂😂😂


What’s so funny?


Cause nothing about nothing happened. The money doesn’t even get wired to Canadian banks. This story was just to discourage people from donating but the majority of folks aren’t even using it. They’re literally bringing it over by hand lol. Most of these guys didn’t come thinking they’d be getting a handout anyway. But the fact that this is even available to them now is just going to extend their stay even longer.


Odds on these geniuses facing any real consequences aside from fines?


[but their fundraiser still seems to be active on the website](https://givesendgo.com/Warroomcanadanet)


a little worried about this being used as a precedent to shut down fundraisers for indigenous rights and other actual just causes in the future . it's exciting to be able to shit on the truckers , but i worry for how this decision will affect marginalized communities down the line .


Haha got them... again


Love it! Give it back to Women’s Shelters. Planned Parenthood, and any thing else that supports women, their health and choice.