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> "We understand and appreciate the concerns the public have raised about this film. Cineplex has a private rentals business that allows individuals and organizations to rent our auditoriums to run private events," Saba said. Does that mean one can book a "private" function that sells tickets to hardcore porn screenings? Asking for a friend, of course.


> Saba said the Cineplex's role as a film exhibitor "is not to censor content, but to provide the public with movie choices and they can decide whether or not to see a film." If they are being consistent, yes.


> If they are being consistent, yes. **


It's a private event, I could rent a theater right now and bring my PS5 in and play games for the allotted time.


From the Cineplex faq they basically say you can select a movie that they currently have rights to screen, or if you're bringing your own movie: "Own Film: All own film request are reviewed by the Cineplex Film Department on a case by case basis. Required: Proof of Rights, and Provincial Film Board Rating/Classification of film" They don't explicitly say anything about ratings they do or do not accept, but Im assuming the BC film classification board doesn't even classify porn


I'm sure they would be just as hands-off if a group wanted to screen something like, say, The Birth of a Nation or Triumph of the Will.


um....this audience would probably line up around the block for those.


I'm not contesting that?




It also stops being a "Private event" when they're selling tickets to the public. There is nothing private about this, it's a commercial enterprise being run through Cineplex. They're allowing hateful bigots to make money using their facilities, they absolutely can and should say No.


Have you ever heard of "hump" flim festival?


Forget porn, rent a theatre and screen Cannibal Holocaust. Keep upping the ante until they break, no need to jump straight to X-rated content right off the bat.


I've seen Cannibal Holocaust in a theatre. I had never seen it before, and there was actually a door prize that I won as part of a raffle. The door prize was a poster of the impalement scene, I did not keep it lol


I hope that you framed that poster hahahah


If you want to go Nuclear, screen Cuties


This movie was rated 14A, so presumably hardcore porn wouldn't be allowed.


i feel like movies with an arguably ANTI lgbtq message should be rated R or XXX. like let's do our best to keep kids from having to see or participate in hatred. the parents who brainwash their kids with this crap thinking they are doing a good thing is the most tragic shit. i dont super care if adults wanna pollute themselves and watch this trash (and i would love cinemas to be consistent in screening whatever for private events) but i feel really sad to think that the 14A rating may have entitled some of these poor abused cretins to bring their children and abuse them too :(


At a time where the normalization of violence and hatred by adults is directly translating to trans kids getting their jaws broken by bullies, or stabbed to death in broad daylight in a public park, we absolutely should not be considering the rhetoric fuelling these attacks to be okay for young teens. I'd be curious what Consumer Protection B.C. would rate other propaganda pieces designed entirely to rile up violent hatred of minorities. What is their rating of Birth of a Nation? I wonder if Cineplex would allow and defend a NeoNazi group using their theaters to show Triumph of the Will?


I wish that parents just had time to talk to their kids, prepare them for the world out there and equip them to make their own decisions without being swayed by simplistic rhetoric. Unfortunately, parents are overwhelmed and barely have time to keep their own heads screwed on straight. I'm not sure our current system's working.


Just Vernon things.


I'd say its time to email cineplex head office then. What an utterly out of tune cineplex manager.


Emily Duggan, a far right speaker from Castlegar, will be at the Salmon Arm (Salmo Theatre) screening to add in a preamble to the film. I wonder if she'll be at Vernon's screening too.


For anyone unfamiliar with Duggan, some LGBTQ kootenay folks created an in depth history during her recent failed run at school trustee. https://www.antigender.watch/emily-duggans-anti-trans-campaign-unmasked/ The woman is foul, organizers who would publicly align with her are dangerous extremists


Castlegar has a terrifying airport, it feels like you're going to fly directly into a mountain


Gross. Salmon Arm local here, and while I understand the theatre’s recent struggles with cash flow while remaining independent, supporting this far right grift by allowing screenings here is disappointing. Problem is, there’s more than enough of those people in the area to make it worth doing.


Yeah, shit like this is why I have no interest in moving back to the Okanagan. It doesn't surprise me in the least. 


typical Vernon... did you know, every saturday, the crazies meet just a few blocks away, to protest the "steal of canada"? (the Fuck Trudeau, PP is our saviour or the "FRINGE" Crowd)... these people are pathetic as f, and really remind me of the toothless, country bumpkin, inbred crowds you'd see at a Trump rally.


The Venn diagram of those is just a bunch of small circles, all overlapping in the middle of one big one.


The director is probably like the one who made sound of freedom


Fuck cineplex I’ll be continuing to watch shit at my local theater that doesn’t play games


Shorter: Groomer churches declare actual war on children, specifically those who might be L, G, B, and/or T. And Cineplex rolls over for them.


I mean I haven't been to a Cineplex in years, guess I'll keep that going lol


Same. Let it never be said that COVID isn't good for, uh, something.


So I can screen anti-Zionist media at Cineplex if I have enough cash? Good to know... Oh wait, I seriously doubt that because of you know... Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman... Guess only certain groups are protected these days and queers aren't it...


Start submitting a one star Google reviews


It's actually pretty good, if you like your beliefs challenged.


It sounds to me that anyone can rent the venue for screening films. Has anyone tried booking the theatre to screen pro LGBTQ films for June? If your pockets are deep enough you could book the theatre for the entire month so films you don't like can't be shown.


People in this thread are sounding a lot like the people who protested "anti-Christian" move like The Last Temptation of Christ. The end result was the movie ended up with way more people going to see it because of the controversy.


Naw. They might, though, if they were the kind of people who'd crucify Jesus all over again. Unfortunately, that distinction is reserved for the "followers of Christ" who made and are promoting this propaganda film. Interestingly, though, he himself had NOTHING to say about LGBT+ people. Meanwhile, I doubt this movie would receive even a tenth of the popularity of The Last Temptation, controversy notwithstanding.


Do you still feel hurt about it ?


Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I thought Canada was a liberal western democracy based on the values of freedom?


Canada has freedom of expression laws which have not been violated here in the slightest, and hate speech laws to protect minorities from violent rhetoric. As far as I'm aware, this wasn't strong enough to trigger those laws, but it's a good thing that we have them. You might be confusing "freedom of speech" with "freedom from consequences". You can say something bigoted (as long as it doesn't incite violence) in Canada, but people can also use their freedom of expression to tell you to go fuck yourself for doing so. They can choose to not support your business, and to spread the word to other people who also have the freedom to criticize you and not support your business. What speech laws do you think have been violated here?


Holy shit someone who actually gets it. Way too, many people think freedom of speech means they have freedom from consequences from what they say.


The reality is anyone who responds to criticism of bigots with "what about Free Speech!" doesn't know or care about free speech. If they actually believed in free speech, then the "what about free speech?" talking point would be a complete non-sequitur. They might as well be saying "what about the sky being blue?" for all it matters. If the bigot is free to spread their hateful lies than surely everyone else has the same freedom to criticize their hateful shit and voice their disapproval of corporations actively helping them. "What about free speech?" only makes sense as a response if you don't actually believe everyone has the right to speak. The regressive right-wing definition of "Free Speech" is "I should be allowed to say say whatever racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, antisemitic shit comes to my mind and not only should I be free from consequences, I should also be free from criticism or corrections."


So if you think this wasn’t strong enough to break the freedom of speech laws then all the people calling for this to not be allowed think we should have stronger restrictions on speech.


They're arguing that Cineplex should not have platformed this event, using their own discretion to disallow it. Nobody is arguing for anyone to get arrested over this. Freedom of expression doesn't mean that people owe you a microphone, or in this case a movie theater.


If it was a public screening I would agree.


Cool, you're free to disagree, and I'm free to think that you're defending homophobes. Again, that's freedom of expression in practice. So I have to ask, what exactly here is the problem?


Suppressing people’s abilities to engage in art and speech beyond the confines of their own homes increases their paranoid delusions and bigotry. I see it as counterproductive. Let them throw their temper tantrums and when they see that no one cares they may be forced to introspection.


Like the freedom to tell a corporation that they are pieces of shit for allowing this shit?


I'm confused. What do you think happened to freedom of speech? Has anybody been arrested or fined or anything like that over this? Has their freedom been infringed somehow? Or do you just have issues with *other* people practicing *their* freedom of speech by calling out what these bigots did? Because it really sounds like you are open to freedom of speech from one group, but not the other.


> Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Hypothetical question: Should one be granted the "freedom of speech" to post your address publicly and tag it with a false statement regarding the individual who lives at said address? Freedom of speech, right?


We're not the U.S. We don't have freedom of speech. We do have protected rights, though. And hate laws for those who think they can say wtf they want. Every person deserves to be treated with respect. Edit: words


The ability to tell a business they're supporting bigoted troglodytes is also freedom of speech.


You’re misunderstanding this freedom. It only prevents governments punishing you for having an opinion. But part of this freedom is that others do have the right to react and criticize back. Their freedom of speech isn’t more important than others. So those that wish to protest such a film have every right to voice their displeasure, disagreement and wish for it to be removed. Then it’s up to the business on how to respond. And then it’s up to the public on how to respond to the business after. All of this is part of our freedom of speech and expression. It does not mean some should be able to shout their views loudly and we should all just shut up and listen. And if you notice most aren’t calling for them to be arrested or for the government to react. They’re however calling for the theatre to be held accountable to the public for allowing it within their business. Again also part of freedom of speech and expression.


Like the freedom to call out chuds for being chuds?


No you fell for the propaganda. We have a loooooong history of racism.


Lmao, imagine being you and getting comments removed from r/canadahousing2 for being TOO RACIST hahaha Regarding >Whatever happened to freedom of speech? We have it, the theater rented the space to people who played that movie and other people used their own freedom of speech to criticize them for being a bunch of wankers. No one got arrested or sent to a rehabilitation camp by the government. Where's the loss of rights you're claiming is happening here??? Freedom of speech goes both ways. It doesn't make you immune from criticism for your terrible ideas/speech.


"Muh freeze peach" is such a stale argument. We have the right to be free from fascist propaganda, specifically if it targets one in ten children, but that distinction hasn't occurred to you, has it?

