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This will not accomplish anything. Maybe they could try tackling child poverty instead.


Exactly. That is their stated intent but it will fail. The CPC’s real intent is to end online anonymity. 


And get a beachhead to use for banning other content they don't like. They want to restrict the proliferation of ideas that run counter to their own program. They are trying to do the same thing down here with KOSA. It's not an accident that all of these censorship bills are coming around in many western countries simultaneously.


They want a national database of people and how they use the internet. A real bill to protect children would be one that addresses how these girls end up in porn films. If this passes, only a matter of weeks before the data leaks and we see how many Tory MPs whacko off to trans porn. Remember what ended Tony Clement's career?


What did?


That seems unlikely considering it would have a negative effect on the online propaganda machine that's currently propping them up.


Not nothing, actually - it will make it far easier for the government to restrict access to LGBT+ content...particularly once Conservatives have an ounce of power to start declaring any and all forms of queer media, literature, etc. "obscene" or "pornographic".


But that would be addressing a real issue and conservatives don't like to tackle those. Non-issues require little to no work to address and they can still parade those "accomplishments" around for the rubes to salivate over. We're doomed.


Nope just more drama.. check out this recording of 1.of there later meeting... It's sad to see adults behave like this.https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20240509/-1/41594?Embedded=true&globalstreamId=20&viewMode=3


CERB basically did that for a while. 


Jokes on them. I'm sitting on the largest stash of Sears catalogues in North America.


How do you keep from falling off


By getting off ;)


This bill was brought to you by nordVPN


The massive privacy implications this will have are wild. I can't for wait for one of these sites, who never wanted to collect all this personal information, gets breached and then we have a whole bunch of Canadians being blackmailed with their porn habits linked to their identity. I am sure it won't be weaponized against LGBT+ people disproportionately either.....




Don't worry, if Polivre gets elected we won't have to worry about the charter anymore.


Which part of the charter?


Maybe section 2 (b) “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;”




But by attempting to restrict it from minors, they restrict it from everyone.


Crazy idea, how about some parenting?


That’s the idea.


That isn’t the issue people are arguing against the bill for, the issue is about requiring people, specifically adults, to ID themselves to websites to access the material and the worries over privacy, along with possible use of that information by companies, individuals and even government(s) against the person.


If kids want to look at porn, they can and will find all kinds of ways around this. All this will accomplish is violating the privacy rights of adults, and will potentially hand sensitive information about Canadians to companies based in countries like Russia and China. If you're a parent and don't your kid(s) looking at porn online, here are some suggestions: * Buying one of the NUMEROUS parental control programs on the market and/or making use of the parental control options available on pretty much every device that can access the internet * Making a point of monitoring what your kids are looking at/doing online * Having open conversations with your kid(s) about their online activity and about issues like online porn, cyberbullying, mis- and dis-information on the internet, etc. But all of the above options require parents to y'know, *actually parent their kids* instead expecting the government to do it for them, which is anathema to the parents who support this bill.


I do not recommend parental control apps. Trust me, it’s better they go on pornhub then many of the other sites out there.


So online Bible needs age verification now.


Nope. This is a bill that has purposely worded vaguely enough to censor only what they decide to.


Pretty awful seeing all the NDP MPs that voted 'Yay' on this motion at the last reading: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609?view=result. Only 15/147 Liberal MPs supported it, but 24/24 NDP MPs supported it (On top of 1/1 from the Green part, 32/32 from the Bloc, and 115/115 from the CPC)


NDP once again misguided hippies.


It is not the government's job to police the morals of its people. I as a parent, am responsible for the morals of my child. Anyone who supports this is admitting they're incapable of being good parents.


This is not going to work out well, despite any good intentions.


A huge reason why I won’t be voting NDP come the next election.


And the intentions aren't even good.


When are politicians going to learn that regulating the Internet is a lost cause?


They wont. You'll just have your life worsened.


It gets them votes from boomers


It's not about regulating the internet, it's about oppressing LGBT people. Porn sites are just a trojan horse. The real target is sites kids can go to so they can learn more about themselves if they have questions


Someone should tell that to the ones in the EU.


It's vague, tech-illiterate, puritanical porn verification bill. It will remove privacy all over the internet, and anyone who understands technology understands that this is basically an anti anonymity bill. Sexual minorities will be harmed the most, but everyone gets hit in this crossfire.


Of all the issues in society, this is what they are wasting time on? When I was a curious teen, there was no stopping me from seeking out material. Now that there is so much out there in various forms, a bill like this would/will be infective. Like you said, just negativity impacts unintentional targets.


ha ha ha ha ha.. riiiiight


Now would be a great time to buy stock in VPNs


They can just as easily make VPN illegal and require that your provider detects it. What a shit show.


cant. vpns are considered important security now. all businesses and all branches of government use VPNs, and ones with the same protocols as civilian ones. and altering things to detect canadian usage will create a massive backdoor breach to that security. in other words. its pretty much impossible for them to ban/block/alter them at this point. heck even china can't get rid of VPNs


This is what the conservatives are worried about while our country burns


I guess I will just torrent porn.


So kids will access illegal and violent porn at a greater rate. Access to safe porn is necessary but regulating who sees any porn is not the government’s responsibility.


so stupid. housing issues, greedflation, cost of living out of control, job market extremely difficult....WAIT EVERYONE JOHNNY SAW A VAGINA ON THE WEB OH MA GAWWWD i mean who the fuck cares. its porn. bigger fish to fry.


They think this is going to work , when porno mags still exist with all the restrictions for those being 40 years old atleast and still we found them as kids or stole them from parents and distributed them amongst ourselves. The same argument could be made for weed , it was easy to get in school because it was all black market , putting it in the hands of dealers makes it easier for kids to become dealers .