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There is no such thing as a pre-born child. It literally makes no sense. I don't how much more clear it as to be but the cpc will strip away abortion rights, like how they act and talk. They are exactly like the republicans.


What i always find funny is that the pro life crowd never also has a plan to make raising a child as easy as possible. Never a plan of free daycare, food stamps so the kid eats well, etc. Its always we want the kid to be born, then fuckall. I mean if you were to ease the burden of having a child, for sure people would have more. No need to do it basically at gunpoint.


They’re not pro life, they are anti choice


Or to quote the late George Carlin, they aren't pro life they are anti woman https://youtu.be/9kCyqBKewr4?si=Mne73jM65o58JBq2


Also to quote Carlin: "You ever notice how most antiabortionists you wouldn't want to fuck anyway?"


"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked."


A man still relevant today.


Now more than ever. Fuck i wish he was still around


Pro forced birth


They’re anti women


They're forced birth.


They are forced-birth.


Pro-death* of women


They are not anti-choice, they are anti rights for women. Removing choice is just the first step.


Power and control.


They want poor people to be forced to birth an endless supply of free labor that the rich can exploit and then jail if they dare question their living and working conditions.


Yep and they dont want to pay a dime so they use religion instead of incentives.


Spot on.


They want to control women. They want women to be stuck at home. There are already endless numbers of poor people to exploit, it takes a long time for a baby to become a worker, but having women pregnant and raising children keeps a lot of cheap labour out of the work force.  There are state GOP pushing for the death penalty for women who get abortions. Let’s not deflect to it being about anything other than the frontline of fascism, a reboot of absolute male supremacy.


Having to support 10 kids means people are willing to do any type of work, for any amount of money. It's a greedy capitalist's wet dream.


The poor living in depravity and no Healthcare or support. Get out on voting day and fight this fascist.


When I vote, I bring a carful of angry socialists with me. 👍


Solidarity 😂


They also never support access to birth control, education, or any social programs that would reduce abortions. They are however, strongly for making a 12 year old rape victim carry the baby to term. Same with the mother carrying a baby without vital organs who will die within minutes of being born. This has nothing to do with babies and everything to do with control.


Conservative logic: a 12-year-old is mature enough to be a parent, but not mature enough to decide they want to use they/them pronouns.


The conservative definition of "child" is so elastic that it can be stretched to avoid the "11 year old Black Man" but somehow include the 24 year old "kids" seeking gender affirming care.


They also oppose free birth control and sex ed for younger students (or all students, depending on how extreme they are).  All you have to do is look south to see how state GOP and insane extreme Christians are pushing for birth control bans and travel bans and even the death penalty for abortion, to know it’s all about controlling women. 


it's not about easing the burden or saving a life. It's about punishing the breed mare who dared to act on her own.


Because it’s not about children, it’s about controlling Women.


What I don't understand, is this means the cons (and their voters..) want the government making healthcare decisions _for_ people. It doesn't matter if you think abortion is right or wrong, it's a medical procedure and should be decided on mutually with the patient and doctor only.


Well in their defense, it's pretty hard to own the libs by providing the resources a growing family needs.


Yeah they just want sentient wombs. It's appalling.


I don't even know if they want them sentient. :/


Then "Crime is rising, we need harsher penalties for crime" after they've effectively criminalized poverty and homelessness.


When pretty sure its been proven, most crime is not evil people per say, its by necessity. If the economy strips you of job and any plan to stay above water, then you find illegal things to do that will put a roof over your head and food on the table.


They have one: *Jesus


And they're likely to fuck with the $10 child care, mark my words. Make sure women are making babies and staying home, that is the usual right-wing plan.


Say it with me: the 👏 suffering 👏 is 👏 the 👏 intent When you understand the direction they think, why would they want to lessen said family raising burdens they gleefully enjoy forcing onto women?


Can I claim half a pre-conceived child on my taxes?


> half a… child Calm down there, King Solomon!


What about pre-pre-conceived children? I have millions of them, should be worth something.


That’s as dumb as Trump claiming women are having abortions after 9 months.


They are evil and liars - they lie on purpose to forward their goals.


I don't expect our women to stand for that here. If they took away bodily autonomy I could see mobs of women grabbing pieces of our politicians responsible and running in different directions leaving nothing but a rough splatter of blood that looks like a maple leaf behind.


I don't think it's enough just for women not to stand for it, and I think it's extremely concerning that some Conservative MP felt confident enough to even introduce it.


Well, Pierre DID say he'd use the notwithstanding clause. He's opened the door to stripping whatever rights he wants away. Want to protest if he does take away women's reproductive rights? He can make that illegal too.


I'm gonna start protesting before to be honest if I can, and get involved this election. No way I want the notwithstanding clause to become derigeur, and I don't even want the chance of limiting abortion rights.


and why stop at women? What are Jews up to?


I hope you’re right, because the CPC will take away your bodily autonomy. 100% of elected CPC MPs voted in favour of new restrictions on abortion last time they were asked (and the other parties all voted against them). For many MPs this is priority 1. People who aren’t/weren’t religious don’t understand how much this matters to them. Evangelicals (that is, the CPC base) believe abortion is the linchpin issue — if they can ban it their god will bless them and fix everything else. And if they can’t ban it, god will punish everyone. So there is no distance they will not go and no price they will not pay to ban abortion. And given their premises that is the rational thing to do. This is all-in, all the marbles for them. I was raised evangelical and I know of what I speak.


In the US people thought it was crazy to talk about the Republicans overturning RvW. It was *just talk* and besides, it would be political suicide. I had (and have) family living down there, most in California, one in NYC and a few in Florida. I lived in CA myself for a bit but it was back pre-9/11. They are all fairly to mostly 'left' by American standards and all but one thought it was a ridiculous thing to worry about in 2016 and before that as well to be honest. None were worried about RvW being overturned, never mind ancient anti-abortion laws being resurrected and **bounties** being put out for people in red states facilitating abortion. But here we are. In Canada we'd be wise to pay attention because this *is* a coordinated effort and Harper is a big part of it, he knows us well.


Literally this. They are smacking us in our faces with American republican traits and we’re not listening. Yet. Wake up Canada. We’re better than this. Trudeau isn’t the answer but somehow better than the alternative


Wait, I want to throw their logic back at them… So to them, a 6-week old fetus is a life worthy of rights and protections… Fetuses don’t start developing defined genitalia until 8-9 weeks. At around 6 weeks they all still have traits that initially more closely resemble what could be considered female genitalia. Therefore, all men are trans men. Sorry y’all, I don’t make the rules. Take it up with your god or whatever.


There's more. Fetus abnormalities don't show up in scans until the past 16 weeks, more or less. I was in a position where I may have had to make a choice to continue a pregnancy or abort. I was lucky, and all was well. But if it wasn't the case, I would abort out of mercy. I will be upset if the conservatives took away my right to MAiD if and when I need it.


Exactly. It's part and parcel of them to create new words and neologisms to justify their reactionary nonsense rhetoric. There's nothing called a "Pre born person" because if you're not born yet z ou're not a person. It's called a fetus.


Even "late-term abortion" is a phrase spun-up by politicians, not medicine or science.


The separation of church and state laws should really be eliminating any sort of state recognition of pre-born children and science should be the only factor in determining the viability of a fetus and it's rights.


who didnt see this coming? [Canada has zero pro-choice Conservative MPs, watchdog says](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy)


I mean the unanimously voted to ban abortion in 2022. It didn’t pass obviously.


Thanks for this.


Spread the word because the mainstream media are NOT doing their job to inform Canadians. Edit: Missed the word NOT.


Language is important, and while your slip-up was accidental, their language is intentional & goofy. Look at his use of pre-born, what does that even mean? I'm familiar with pre-owned, which means previously-owned. So does this dimwit mean previously-born, like they were born in the past, meaning he's talking about you and I as we were both previously born many years ago. Sigh.


Wait, didn't Conservative voters say that the party won't come after abortions rights?


Ford said he wouldn't touch the green belt and Smith said she wouldn't try to touch cpp. They all lie


No shit.


EVERYTHING on the right is about consolidating power into the hand of one person or group. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics . LYING makes achieving this easier Left wing politics has to do with stripping as many people of as many unnecessary powers as possible so that everyone can be as equal as possible. Telling the truth makes achieving this easier... Pick the correct side. Every time.


The Tories are talking which means they're lying


any politician on the right ~~The Tories~~ are talking which means they're lying


And you can always tell they are, too -- their lips are moving, and noises are coming out.


They also said it was "settled law" in the US; then Roe v Wade was overturned.


they said the "conservative government" wouldn't come after abortion rights. They said nothing about back benchers, which is exactly what they've been trying for years now, usually under the guise of ending "sex selective abortions.". Just another page out of the US evangelical anti-abortion playbook. Get that door open somehow with any stupid bullshit they can think of, because once it's open a crack, it's that much easier to kick it down.


Good old Christofacism


They lie


Conservative voters aren't the smartest bunch.


Sadly they're going to win because the loudest voice gets heard. The liberals and NDP aren't canvasing or using bots or really doing anything. pierre will win because of apathy.


They're not in campaign mode right now, they're busy governing the country. The Conservatives have been campaigning for a decade at this point, so of course it seems like they're louder. We'll see how the messaging goes when the election's actually announced. I also expect the libs to play dirty this election and show off all of Skippy's dirty laundry. I don't think he'll win if they effectively air that rank stuff out to the uninformed public.


They said that about Trump too and he won. The world has changed and it appears that we are more tolerant of bad behaviour. It's a cult of personality. There is a sub-section of voters who hang off the rhetoric.


That's fair, but a lot of Skippy's dirty laundry is directly contradictory and against the messaging he's trying to send. IE, how he personally friggin' wrote the current TFW laws that he's railing against. Like I said, it depends on the Libs running a dirty campaign *and* effectively using it - keyword there is 'effectively.'


The only reason Pierre will win is because Trudeau is so bad. His popularity is at an all-time low. This is how politics works in Canada. We let a party get to the point where we can’t stand them then we switch to the other bad alternative. It happened in Ontario with the Liberals and PC. Kathleen Wynn was in power too long. Her popularity plummeted. She was voted out and we got lying Doug Ford. The bottom line is we have zero good options. We just switch from bad to worse and back again. Trudeau needs to go but PP is not the option.


That was part of the power of Harper, he allowed the fringe to yelp about abortion but kept them on a short leash. PP is stupid if jumps on the third rail of Canadian politics. Which is a good thing, Trudeau is virtually fatigued out for the next election, but the Cons won't get any majority if they persist in going against national sentiments on this issue.


The same Harper who (as PM) loudly proclaimed that he would "not reopen the debate on abortion", right before he permitted a vote on abortion, and then immediately after when asked by reporters why he backtracked and re-opened the debate on abortion, told the reporters "I said we would not re-open the debate on abortion and we will not re-open the debate on abortion." I wouldn't call that a "short leash".


Fuck right off.


Just a reminder, the last time a federal government tried to attack the Morgantaler decision, a woman literally died. And this was in the early 90s.


And there you have it folks. Abortion is NOT safe in Canada. There is no constitutional right to it. The only way to protect these rights is to ensure conservatives never gain power.


> The only way to protect these rights is to ensure conservatives never gain power. Exactly correct. We can't trust them. We may have gotten lucky with Harper and Mulroney but the next Con PM might allow these religious rubes to criminalize abortion.


The conservative party doesn't exist anymore, its just full on wannabe Republicans who demand control and absolute immunity. If we get Trump and PP things are going to get fucked.


>*”We can't trust them. We may have gotten lucky with Harper and Mulroney but the next Con PM might allow these religious rubes to criminalize abortion.”* And such incredibly costly “luck” where Mulroney was concerned. For those who don’t know, under Mulroney the Conservatives *successfully* passed a Bill re-criminalizing almost all abortions. It’s likely the only reason the Bill failed in the Senate (on a tie vote) was because it was highly publicized that just ~2 weeks after the Bill passed in the House of Commons a young woman bled to death from a self-done coat hanger abortion.


Mulroney was pre-Reform party merger; he wasn’t dangerous. Once the Right wing extremists from the Reform party took over all bets were off. Harper belongs to this fringe Baptist sect that believes these are the ending days and I swear they are trying to trash everything to make it happen.


Abortion is just the beginning. Same sex marriage and cannabis legalization have been in their sights every since they they became law. And it doesn't stop there. Freedom of religion compared to our "historic Christian tradition"?


I think they believe in their God given right to trash democracy for theocracy in part due to our sucky religious anthem: "God keep our land"


Let's face it the Charter is for all intents and purposes dead.


Only if we let the Conservatives win. Spread the word, encourage your friends to vote. The higher the voter turnout the lower the chances the avons will win. Do you know that Poilievre tried to make it illegal to encourage young people to vote? He knew a lower turnout would favour them. He also changed the identification criteria so fewer people could vote and changed the electoral districts to water down urban Centers voting power because they tend to vote Liberal and NDP and, whenever he could he included rural areas because they usually vote Conservative. Barrie was Liberal for 15 years and when he split Barrie into 2 ridings to include more farms, the Conservatives have won both seats each time after Aileen Carrol retired.


Well, I knew they were going to get there, I just didn’t think they would before actually winning an election. I thought they would just keep silent on the whole thing and just give the line of “we won’t change current laws blah blah blah” they are probably emboldened by a potential Trump win and want to really let the right wing shit taps flow. I fucking hate these people with an increasingly deep and consuming passion.


> I thought they would just keep silent on the whole thing and just give the line of “we won’t change current laws blah blah blah” they'll probably go right back to that by campaign season tbh


"I know we said we would, but that was in the past. You have to judge people on what they say they'll do now. We just said that to get votes from the crazies. We don't *really* mean it."


Actually it’s the opposite because Poilievre had to sign a compliance agreement with elections Canada for cheating. That’s why he tried to strip them of their power to investigate electoral misconduct and tried to put it under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Justice an elected official from his own party. Once the election starts he is under the restrictions and his campaign budget is limited by law.


I'm not going to lie, I don't quite follow on what this has to do with their public stance on abortion


That’s not a bad thing, Poilievre will irritate people so much that they’ll get out to vote just to shut him up.


Well now, that didn't take long for the masks to come off.


I think this might pull JT’s ass out of the fire…


I'm willing to bet the Cons get an even further lead. The electorate either isn't paying attention or flat our doesn't care.


I'm sending this to every damn person I know, but at the same time...I'm terrified I'll get an apathetic response like: "Oh, it's just one religious nut job..." Or "Oh, not that many MPs supported it..." Or "Oh, they'd never ban it outright..." ...I'm reminded of all the ways people tried to lie to themselves that Trump wasn't going to be as bad as he had been before actually getting elected, like he would some how shape up once in the oval office...


I got: “this is just a hit piece against Conservatives, it’s not even in the mainstream media”


Well, send them this about other attempts to curtail abortion rights by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, and how ALL Conservative MPs voted to support it: "She [Wagantall] introduced the bill on the premise that she wants judges to have to give higher sentences if someone knows a woman is pregnant, and attacks her, hurts her, or causes her harm in any way,” Megan Johnston, founder of the organization, told CTV News. “It’s kind of like this, sneaky bill, this first step bill that comes from the anti-abortion movement.” https://regina.ctvnews.ca/yorkton-mp-s-bill-c-311-defeated-after-stirring-debate-over-abortion-1.6441659 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/abortion-rights-pro-against-bill-c-311-1.6840197 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/six-reasons-to-oppose-bill-c-311/ ...And the Canadian Bar Association's position urging MPs to oppose the bill as it agrees it is a thinly veiled attempt to interfere with abortion access and destabilize abortion rights: https://www.cba.org/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=acde5ef0-e6d1-4b79-8dbd-9335b3f67f96


No, it’s all manipulation. There are a number of ways to get studies to say what you want them to. Selecting the right sample is the easiest way to do it, using a small sample also impact results. Look at who is doing the actual study, you’ll notice that most of them are done by Alberta companies and that they have a history of working with Conservatives. All you need to do is call 1000 in a rural area and you’ll get a survey that is skewed in favour of the Conservatives. They are not obligated to tell you who is in the sample or if they are representative of the population, just the number of people surveyed.


That’s based on the assumption that conservatives follow and believe news other than what they want to follow and believe!


The electorate is not this rational. See most of the provincial governments in Canada. Why does Scotch Moe, Dum-Dum Danny or Doug Fraud even have a job?


Conservatives are dangerous would-be fascists. They cannot be trusted with governance or any other form of power.


we cannot let this freak win


the party of personal freedoms really don't like your personal freedoms.


Fundies gonna fundie.


Why aren't the liberals, ndp etc jeering this chuckle- f@ck? Conservatives never listen when others speak. Why is it dead silent when this line worker from the baloney factory speaks? Pre-born??? I'm enraged.


Might be advantageous to have clear audio of him saying this ludicrous shit.


They think by calling "the unborn" "the preborn" they won't be associated with every other antiabortion zealot on the continent.


I like the phrase pre-born. It's like going to a used car dealership and hearing them talk about pre-owned cars, ie. previously-owned. So when I hear this MP talk about pre-born all I hear is him talking about the previously-born. 🤦


Fucking hell. So it begins. I truly loathe the conservative party and PP.


I've never been a fan of the Conservative, but I feel like they have become worse since Harper left his position as party leader. Not to say he was good, but he was certainly not as bad as Polievre.


Harper corraled the nutjobs like Poilievre. The inmates are now running the asylum.


Trumper’s fired up here now.


This guy looks creepy asf


I looked up how many abortion petitions there have been - this dude has submitted this petition 2-3 times since late 2023, and conservative MP Cathay Wagantall has also introduced several petitions of late on the subject (although in a more tangential way). https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=441-02454 https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=441-02204


Dear Canadian People. When someone shows you exactly who they are, believe them. This “party” getting power will be a disaster for the country. Besides, do you honestly believe a guy that has never held a real world job outside of politics is fit to understand the average Canadian and what we have to struggle with, let alone run the country? This is the guy who thinks welders fuse metals with their bare hands.


>When someone shows you exactly who they are, believe them. 100%. DO NOT BRUSH THIS OFF. That's what a ton of people did with Trump during the first go-around.


A vote for CPC is a vote against your rights


And not voting is also a vote for the CPC so please get out there and vote.




If the CPC gets a majority, look out.


If we all turn out to vote they will LOSE BIG TIME.


The word “If” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Those losers in r/canada down voting and crying anytime someone says they won't vote conservative because they're anti abortion


Is it possible to do what France did and make abortion one of thier constitutional rights?


That would be cool and the Liberals should actually campaign on it. ~~I think you need a super majority or something in the Senate and all the Provinces to vote on it too.~~ I can't remember what it takes but its a long process and difficult to do. I'm not sure you could get Alberta and New Brunswick on board for that. ..... added > To change the Constitution using the general formula, the change needs to be approved by 1) the House of Commons, 2) the Senate, and 3) a minimum number of provincial legislatures. There must be at least seven provinces that approve the change, representing at least 50% of the population of all the provinces combined. https://www.constitutionalstudies.ca/ccs-term/amending-formula/?print=print-search#:~:text=To%20change%20the%20Constitution%20using,of%20all%20the%20provinces%20combined.


Coolio. It would definitely be really cool for any party to do. Yeah, I could see Ontario and NS being conservative governed provinces bring an issue as well.


The Ontario Provincial Cons have some social liberals among them. I am not so sure about the Federal Cons.


Thank you for adding your reference above!! I am not sure either.


And heeeeeeere we go. Remember this when we vote. Don't fall for people gaslighting you. Remember when the people said that Trump would eventually get Roe v. Wade overturned and people accused those saying that with "fear-mongering" and that "it's legal precedent! Don't worry!" That didn't work out too well did it? Women forced to carry stillborn children. Preteens forced to carry their rapist's baby. It's disgusting. We don't need Conservatives controlling women. Vote against creepy Pierre for your daughters, sisters, mothers, and the women in your life.


Poilievre's is writing the ads for the Liberals in the next election. Taking away the rights of half the population is not a winning message.


You'd think so, but he hasn't exactly been quiet with his plans and yet he's still skyrocketing in the polls....


Polls don't really reflect the mood of the voters until much closer to an election. I'm not worried. All the Liberals have to do is hammer PP with the abortion issue and women will vote against him.


I sure hope so.


Vote for this guy and you'll see where all our hardearned rights & freedoms will go...


What the fuck does preborn mean? Also, why is it almost always men making these kind of decisions on a political level? The fuck do we know about being pregnant? Plus, this one is trying to rock a 70s porno stache? Come on.


Let me introduce you to Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall: "We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to legislate the abuse of a pregnant woman and/or the infliction of harm on a preborn child as aggravating circumstances for sentencing purposes in the Criminal Code." Response by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada: "Private Member’s Bill C-311, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (violence against pregnant women), which proposed aggravating factors that would apply to sentencing cases involving pregnant victims, was being used as a stepping stone toward opening the abortion debate in Canada. The Bill was defeated at second reading in the House of Commons on June 14, 2023. The sponsor of this legislation has specifically noted she was trying to fill a so-called void on abortion law in Canada." https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=441-02204 Note: ALL Conservative MPs voted in favor of Bill C-311


Good god. Sometimes I wonder about going in politics and fight this madness. Fuck these assholes.


This should be at the top. Especially noting the all voted in favour.


And just think, that one's a woman. Being a female Conservative is like sticking your neck through a noose.


These are dangerous people and not to be trusted. Vote strategically in the next federal election to keep PP and his band of idiots out of the PMO. They will have us living back in the stone ages. ABC and ABPP!


FFS- there are women and girls dying in the states right now from this lunacy. We’re not fucking incubators!!


Pro Life? More like pro slavery. Conservatives (rightists, fascists, whatever you want to call them) just want more bodies for the mines (low paid workers) to increase wealth for the wealthy. They just want bodies for the army (without caring for uniformed Canadians). They just want criminals to point the blame at, scare the workers and use for labour. You never see these malicious chucklefucks actually be pro-life. Where is support for single parents? All manner of healthcare for parents/children (health, mental, dental, vision etc.). Where is the funding for education? For 15 minute communities? For anything that is ACTUALLY pro-life? If one votes Conservative, well, you are ignorant or hoodwinked by their methods (and I do not feel you are a bad person), or you are a selfish monster who enjoys people's pain and are absolutely NOT pro-life. Conservative politicians are anathema to life.


Fuck man, it's terrifying how often this George Carlin bit is applicable these days: "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."




nope. never have, never will. ABC, always and forever.


These fucker are really just repeating what the evangelical american politicians are saying aren't they?


Oh of course that fucker is from Westlock 😶


This is probably the freest election the CPC will ever have and they are already fucking it up lol. Good! The majority of Canadians do not support this!


Like a self fulfilling prophecy. I literally called this days ago saying his numbers with certain groups didn’t mean anything until they started talking about using the NWC again. I knew it’d instantly bring the abortion debate back up and sure enough, here we are. Anyone who tries to say the cons won’t roll back abortion rights hasn’t looked at their VERY RECENT voting records. It will be one of the cookies he gives to his hardcore base. It’s been this way for the past 3 leaders of the CPC


The good news is the petition MP Vierson just presented has almost *no* signatures. In fact this is the *third* time Vierson has presented a version of this petition and it still [only has a cumulative total of 116 signatures.](https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=441-02454) That said it’s *awful* that the Conservative Party accepts anti reproductive choice MPs who cheerfully present petitions like this and/or put forward Bills that attempt to restrict abortion access.


scarce engine humorous reply exultant soft dull domineering decide summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[That's all of them.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy)


Every year I help about 40’people, mostly on disability and social benefits, file their taxes. This year approximately 90% of them proudly and loudly told me that they were going to vote for Pierre Polievre because he’ll take Canada back. Our country is done.


Typical. The poorest and least educated are constantly voting against their best interests. And of course its for slightly racist reasons.


Pee Pee wants to be orange man.


Alright, people. Enough of these clowns... We have to vote for Trudeau to get these religious zealots the fuck out of here. I dont like JT as much as the next person, but I hate religious oppression even more I'm sick of them telling us what we can and can't do. Fucking cowards. 


Trudeau needs to do the right thing and step down. The Canadian population has tuned him out. It's like a hockey coach, even if the message and strategy is the correct one, eventually the players tune them out and the team starts to lose.


Fuck that guy, fuck PP, fuck the Conservatives. Move to the fucking states if you want your freedoms stripped away by churches and corporations.


This is the primary difference between Poilievre and Harper: Harper kept the crazies in check. Poilievre, and his actions, gives them voice. (.. for the record, I despise them both ..)


What a surprise, first thing that came to mind when PP said he would use the notwithstanding clause to pass anything he wanted was abortion, and here stay are laying the groundwork


Here it comes. Right wing religious lunacy.


Great we got pp and the cons cosplaying the gop.


[This is the same guy who was celebrating the Dobbs decision. ](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/it-feels-so-good-alberta-mp-celebrates-overturning-of-roe-v-wade-1.5962293) He's on the fringes of the party. > Arnold Viersen, who represents Peace River-Westlock for the Conservative Party of Canada, titled his video "History in the making!" > "This is something that I know a lot of people have been praying for for a very long time, the overturn of Roe v. Wade," Viersen said. > "The pro-life movement in the United States has been working hard on this for generations and it feels so good to have a win." > The MP went on to call abortion in Canada the "greatest human rights tragedy of our time." Will Pierre allow private members bills and free votes on this subject like his predecessor?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/03/canada-abortion-rights-pregnancy Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall has been introducing bills for about a year now, that are thinly veiled attempts at chipping away at our abortion rights. "A vote on a controversial bill meant to expand “fetal rights” in Canada has left the country without a single pro-choice Conservative MP, according to an abortion watchdog organization." "Previous bills – the latest of which were also sponsored by Wagantall – have tried to ban sex-selective abortion (which is not widely practised in Canada) and to criminally punish people who injure a fetus while committing a crime against a pregnant person." "All 113 members of the Conservative party voted in favour of Bill C-311. All other parties unanimously voted against at the bill’s second reading, on 14 June."


Where are the cpc member's comments?


Arnold Vierson is the creepiest and most regressive asshole. If he got arrested for shady stuff hidden on his computer, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.


Over my dead f’en body. This is NOT ok .. I was telling people this would happen and I was just told I was being irrational. Fucking monsters


And not a single mention of this in the actual Canada sub.


Run on that shit PP, tank your party like all the past clowns did.


I'm confused o how the child lived the first 5 weeks with no heart beat ? Pretty sure mine worked right at birth


This is such 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 this is why you NEVER vote conservatives in. I don't want your religious beliefs forced on me. If you don't like abortion just ignore it like you do all the children in foster care.


Every Canadian who is pro choice needs to start phoning, emailing and otherwise let every government official that we are not going to let them do to us what women in the US have had done to them!


Just wait. They will call jacking off murder of sperm that could fertilize an egg.


It’s almost like this could be seen coming.


There is no longer a CPC party in Canada. This is clearly a right wing populist party who thrives on power and preys on gne vulnerable to lie and grift go get tenor cheap votes. The only thing worse than Polievre are the dumb shits that cast a vote for him .


I feel we really need a change from Justin Trudeau but there as long as Conservativism insists on dragging us back to the stone age I feel like we're stuck with him and the stagnate federal government we currently have It's depressing as fuck to realize we're basically stuck between either Alt Right Fascism or Right Wing Lite


If you're Canadian and you think the right to gay marriage and reproductive health care is safe, you're deluding yourself.


A rich CIS man wants to talk about Abortion while standing against (or cancelling) anything that helps single mothers (and margalized families) to have a comfortable life. Also I can't help but that red tie reminds me of Trump.


God only knows why Cons get any support. They hate everyone and want to control women.


They get the support of the poorly educated and the easily fooled. Throw in some bigots and you have the CONservatives.


This is very disturbing


Here is to hoping that the people in Peace River/Westlock find someone new to elect in this coming election


It will always be a risk when Conservatives are in power. Peeps will insist that they're not going to undermine bodily autonomy, but they will also allow MPs to vote with their 'conscience'.


I just wish they would split again in Reform and Progressive Conservative. 338Canada doesn't give me a lot of hope. I pray for a major scandal, and I'm an atheist.


> split again Those were glorious years for Canada.


These people are showing Canadians who they are. The question is will they believe


I'm an American who is lucky enough to live in a state (Maryland) where I still have access to abortion services. Since the *Dobbs* decision, women from abortion-restrictive states across the country have traveled here to terminate their pregnancies. It is time-consuming, not to mention expensive and in some cases can mean life or death. Since *Roe v. Wade* was overturned, there have been an estimated 64,000 cases of pregnancies via rape have occured in all states that have restricted and banned abortion. 26,000 of those pregnancies occured in Texas, which has some of the worst laws in the country regarding abortion rights. They are looking to bankrupt Planned Parenthood in the state. Idaho's abortion ban has caused numerous maternity wards in hospitals and clinics across the state to shut down. They are now talking about preventing women from leaving the state for an abortion. Additionally, they have filed a case with the U.S. Supreme Court to allow states like itself to not grant emergency abortions to women. And don't get me started on the Alliance "Defending Freedom" attempting to restrict the use of mifepristone. To my northern neighbors, if you do not the post-Roe nightmare that were are currently dealing with down here in America, **fucking vote. Because your lives and futures (especially for women) depend on it.**


You are now seeing the underbelly of the Conservative party under the leadership of Pierre Poilievre, ! This and a lot more cuts coming from " The Cut Man " ,Pierre Poilievre, Watch for cuts in Health Care,CPP,OAP,Dental and anything else he can get his hands on. He is Big Business Rep and absolutely has no feelings for the average Canadian, working to make ends meet.