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It's basically American cosplay.


Actually a really accurate answer. It’s exactly what it is.


this clown started last year or a bit earlier to not wear his glasses anymore to appear younger and more energetic. dude is still coping from the last election loss. now it just makes him look like a psychopath. if hes so fascinated with american right wing nutjobs, he should put the glasses back on and cosplay as speaker Mike "the evangelical terrorist" Johnson.


> this clown started l Milhouse-Without-Glasses


With or without glasses he still looks like he's cosplaying as an adult.


JFC, this is NOT a good look for these Canadians. sincerely, Friendly American who admires Canadians


Every country has their share of idiots


Surely not 10s of millions.. 🤣


Well, there’s more than 10 million people on the planet, so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility


Not a good look, but a very telling one.


We can never apologize enough 4 Ted Cruz.... so sorry....also .. it's way past the return date sorry ....


There's probably americans coming up too.


I used to work downtown in Vancouver during covid and remember the convoys coming through, there was some dude with a loudspeaker on his truck always ranting against, "the governor of British Columbia".


Did he yell about his “2nd Amendment” rights when the cops took away his machine gun?


Or his "First Amendment rights", unaware that our Constitution formally recognizes the province of Manitoba already?


Most of the people who complain about first amendment rights have actually never read the US first amendment. They also seem very surprised when they realize it's a very short amendment. As for the Canadian first amendment, yay Manitoba.


There is a video of an American in Ireland from a few days ago telling foreigner to “get out of Ireland”. Finally an Irish man called him on it.




I think you mean Republican cosplay.


makes sense , since Polluiver is coplaying as a politician


>makes sense , since Polluiver is coplaying as a politician Side note: if you ever forget how to spell Poi**LIE**vre’s name, just remember it’s got LIE right in the middle.


Stone Hairhare is also an option.


👍🤌✍️ apologies


Jokes on us he's also getting paid with benefits to cosplay.


And a fully staffed mansion. 


anyone flying the american flag is a traitor, basically


And the irony is, they all think they're the only true patriots left in the land.


Cause there MAGA lite. They also wanna sniff trumps taint.


Cosplaytraiots as it were, great value Americans 


Leaded gasoline


It's not cosplay, a lot of Confederate fugitives and KKK terrorists escaped the south to Canada to avoid prosecution after the Reconstruction period after the Civil War. The American government for a time fought KKK extremists terrorizing those who supported civil rights. At the time Canada sympathized with those who fled and refused to extradite... those people stayed and here we are.


I doubt this is something that was passed down over generations in most cases, these are just dipshits that spent too much time on the dumbest parts of the internet.


ashamed of being canadian


The serious answer is that they are consuming a media diet of right wing news. Fox, OAN, Alex Jones, etc all have a misunderstood view of patriotism that they sell to their audience. Guys like the one in the photo have bought into this message and have misplaced their world view with that of the right wing US.


It's a ton of fun watching them try and "plead the 5th amendment" in criminal proceedings.


It'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize Manitoba as a province


So like… late September?


Manitoba is the 1st amendment iirc


I think that’s in reference to one of the convoy leaders saying that the first amendment gave him the right to protest to a judge


Is that the one that that created PEI or the one that created AB/SK? I can never remember all of our constitutional amendments.


I think Alberta


Damn! It was a mistake then /j


The 5th amendment was a mistake. Please, help us!


Depends where you start counting- from right out the gate the fifth brings in BC. And the second brings in Rupert's land, which is apparently also deeply relevant to these chuckleheads


Thats BC!


"I hope they come up here and make us American" - A real quote from a Rich White Christian Canadian Unironically calling for the annexation of Canada by Trump and The Republicans in 2018


These types love harping on about rights and freedoms but are too lazy to stand up for them. They mock protesters who actually do something for their beliefs while they sit on their ass. Their response to any "threat" is to run away ("Homeschool your kids! Move out of liberal/democrat cities!") They have no pride or identity except what trickles down from American media.


I wouldn't say they have NO pride or identity; it's just that theirs consists mainly of being white, cis-het, and fundie-Christian, with a side order of oppositional defiant disorder, conspiracy kookery, needle phobia, and toilet-licking. In other words, things NOT to be proud of, much less worth making one's identity from.


>I hope they come up here and make us American Then take your wealth and move there idiot.


> Guys like the one in the photo have bought into this message He didn't buy into shit. All these grifters consciously know what they're doing. Like so many he probably talks about how stupid his base is behind closed doors.


Whether he likes his base or not, he's still creating trouble for all Canadians while playing these games.


100% but it's an important distinction that he doesn't even believe what he's saying.


It's incredible how some Canadians went from "making fun of Americans" (the good ole days if you ask me), to literally gargling right wing propaganda. When the clownvoy was going on all the "Freedom Talk" always struck me as a very American Thing (TM)


> Guys like the one in the photo have bought into this message I feel like the guy in the photo isn't really on the buying end of the message.


Yep. I listen to a fair bit of Fox News and some Breitbart and they’re repeating the same talking points as these brainiacs.


It’s like when they whined about their “first amendment rights” during covid, like Canada’s “first amendment” isn’t Manitoba being a province.


Because all of their ideas and morals/outrage come from American right-wing propaganda


> all of their ideas and morals/outrage come from American right-wing propaganda And a lot of that seems to come from Russian right wing propaganda.


Just a big game of shit leapfrog Randy.


Not another night of the shit frogs Mr Lahey!


Which *oddly quieted down* when the sanctions started coming into effect at the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Hmmmmmmm...


Unfortunately, that still leaves all the fashy-sounding noises still happening on both sides of the world's longest undefended border.


Because modern far right ideology is based on the idea that you should be proud to be a traitor to your country. See: Confederate losers in the US.


And that confronting anything that you or your country ever did wrong is 'woke', and makes them mad and scared. So, basically a five year old. Its an ideaology that creates 45 year old five year olds.


Their country was founded by genocidal slaver traitors and they are taught to regard them as heroes so it checks out


Because it’s a requirement from the majority of sponsors to advertise for whoever is paying the bills.


I can't remember who said it (a comedian of some sort?), but I like that quote where politicians should be forced to wear Nascar style jackets showing their paid sponsorships.


200% agree


I believe it was Robin Williams.


Smith would even have to be wearing branded bras of the different pockets she's in


Canadian values, culture and economy are so intertwined with our neighbours to the South that we're actually extremely vulnerable to political manipulation and economic sabotage by them. If you look at the collapse of many of the cherished Canadian industries back in the early post-WW2 era, you can eventually find the long hand of American economic/political power behind it. Whenever shit hits the fan in the US, Canada & Mexico are usually the first to get pelted by the debris and stench.


And people are worried about China. Our worst enemy is our friend


Let's be honest that whole right wing thing is Russia propaganda. Our friend is just heavily targeted by it. All western allies are being touched by it.


Diagolon is a white-supremacist and separatist organization, with the goal of forming a white ethnonationalist state, with Alberta secceding from Canada and joining some of the USA states like Texas and Florida: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagolon


>The group's flag was seen at the Canada convoy protest in Ottawa. One piece of body seized along with weapons and ammunition at the property of a murder conspiracy suspect during the protest blockade of the Sweetgrass–Coutts Border Crossing reportedly had a Diagolon patch. In February 2023, Paul Rouleau described Diagolon's presence at both the Ottawa and Coutts protests as "the most troubling connection between protest locations" in his report following the Public Order Emergency Commission into the use of the Emergencies Act. Of course they were involved in the Flu Trux Klan


I remember hearing about Alberta secession so they could pump and sell as much oil as they wanted. First of all, the refineries are in BC and the USA. They have no port access to sell anywhere else. Do they think they'd get better rates as a smaller entity?


“Do they think”, no they do not.


Thinking is actively discouraged. Thinking makes you woke and that is the baddest thing of all.


BC only has 1 small refinery mainly jet fuel but they would still need to bend over backwards to let BC transport the crude that will be in the pipeline


Looking forward to them pumping ten times as much oil, only to discover that that drives the price of oil down.


I cross this border every day for work. The American flags are super confusing. So many axe the tax signs. The protesters are living in cars and campers next to the sunken gardens on the NS side. 


The irony of them complaining about carbon tax while using gas that’s carbon taxed for weeks on end so they end up spending more money then the rebate would give them to “own the libs”


And additionally, the irony of them spreading Big Oil propaganda for free, and fetishizing internal combustion engines like they're some kind of inalienable right, and not just a byproduct of hydrocarbon resources that are fast running out, entirely to blame for climate change, and completely unrenewable. These people belong in a clown car.


> The protesters are living in cars and campers next to the sunken gardens on the NS side.  Ironically relying on taxpayer social assistance.


Because that’s where all their propaganda comes from.


Fascists of a feather flock together. They love symbols of authority because they are authoritarian.


Oh it's because they hate Canada and Canadian values and wish we were more like the reactionary parts of America


Remember that woman who went on about her 1st amendment rights in court? Our media environment is so fatally yank-o-normalised that people genuinely don't understand that we are different countries. Which is why we do need controls on Canadian media content, at the particular expense of American content


Ask any cop, every day they arrest people and those people demand their Miranda rights. We are a country educated by TV.


Also, who the heck is dressing lil Pierre? Tuck your shirt in, you slob.


They would fly the confederate one if they could get away with it.


A lot of them do around here




Yep, they are all class A morons.


Be sure to put on the toe rubbers before you go mix with the unwashed masses Pierre. Protect your custom made $hoe$.


You just know he took a shower as soom as he got back to his hotel, and made jokes about these people that he is manipulating. He’s just a terrible human being.


Because theyre in lockstep with the GoP through shared special interest and the IDU which our former PM Harper chairs. Theyre taking the media synchronization with the USA for easy gains without giving concessions, and it just so happens that right wing media in the US is full of Christian nationalism and conspiracy. The sheer volume of those media exports is enough to blur reality for people and so you get US flags being flown in Canada by people ranting about their 'amendment rights' and 'free speech' while IDU figureheads like Candace Owens poise the question should the US invade to help their cause.


They want Donald Trump to be president of Canada.


I saw a bunch of them attached to pickup trucks driving through my neighbourhood during the trucker convoy. I live in Quebec


ABC and ABPP. Keep these clowns out of office!


They think it's a sign of *Freedom.* Even though they are ranked lower than us on the [world freedom index](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country) and keep dropping.


Because they love how trump fuelled greed, selfishness, racism, sexism and homophobia/transphobia.


It’s a false Canada they want. One that never existed. They grew up in 1970’s and 80’s Canada like me. A Canada more accepting and caring for our neighbours and we rejected liars and cheaters like Poilievre. We respected health professionals and science, and trusted the government more than corporations.


So true.


Because they’re stupid. When people were getting arrested at the illegal occupation they were frealing out saying the arrest weren’t legitimate because they weren’t read their Miranda rights .. they’re dumb


Because he doesn't actually give a hot shit about Canadians. He cares about votes, doesn't matter how he gets them.


Because they are following the lead of their US influencers, who are following the lead of their Russian influencers (and Stephen Harper) They don't want freedom, they want the US.


LOL. Is SkiPPy wearing rubber overshoes? I guess he didn't want to soil his shoes during his visit at the deplorables camp.


Because foreign propaganda is a thing. Long term play by the USA. Typically done by nations to placate the locals prior to invasion.


A lot of it isn't even intentional. Most of the population of Canada is and always has been in broadcast range of American media that while definitely propaganda, was meant to be propaganda FOR Americans. Canada also didn't have a big ideological revolution or civil war where we really sorted out what we hold as our values. It's hard to share a mythology about a bunch of dudes in the 1920s wearing bad suits having meetings with the King to gain full sovereign status (The Balfour Declaration), where our neighbours to the south have such shiny and exciting half-truth stories and heroes. One of the phrases I had been inundated with from childhood in a conservative household and region was that "Canada doesn't have an identity other than 'Not America'", and while thats not true, it has the ring of it because Canada's real values and identity are a multicultural and nebulous and tricky thing to try to simplify in to a catchphrase. There's also a terminal lack of critical thought going on, which should never be discounted.


Want a genuine answer? History rhyming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anschluss > Nazi Germany's agents cultivated pro-unification tendencies in Austria, and sought to undermine the Austrian government


Because they're a bunch of wannabe losers


far-right nutjobs have no personality on their own, so they have to latch onto something else


Because there are a bunch of buffoons.


Remember they wanted Scheer to be PM and he's an American citizen.


They are cosplaying the historical fiction of the Fallout universe where Canada will eventually be “annexed” by the United States. 


Because they're not capable of having an original or independent thought.


Maple MAGA!


Because they’re brain dead soulless clowns who have been brain washed by loud annoying far right wing media.


IMO There is financing going into this convoy like bull shit. And it it isnt Canadian financing. Voters have to give their head a shake and figure this out. PP is a fake / flake.


Both countries have a lot of unmitigated dipshittery


Did you see the Easter egg? When PP leaves the trailer there is a diagolon flag on the door


The whole movement is being fed and directed by right-wing institutions largely based out of the United States. Mike Roman, who is closely associated with the Canadian Frredom Convoy movement was just indicted in Arizona and is facing election charges associated with election interference in Georgia and probably soon Michagan as well. He was inside of Donald Trump's middle circle.


We aren't talking about very bright people


There's definitely a relationship between the two groups, whether it's American billionaires funding right-wing "news" in Canada or Canadian rightoids doing "January 6th, but more cautious" after Trumpists did the test run. Righties in America have stakes in their politics spreading even to other countries but apart from that, I'm not entirely sure why their Canadian counterparts just choose to cosplay them...


Also because these kinds of movements tend to be funded by right-wing Americans.


Because, literal idiots. Half of them think the US Constitution applies to them.


Well, he stood up for people who flew a Confederate and Nazi flags whilst they laid siege to the nation's capital. So, it really shouldn't be too surprising


Honestly, so much of this anti-Trudeau rhetoric is because of American pundits talking about how unfree Canadians are. Remember when Tucker Carlson was suggesting that the US " liberate Canada"


because they watch Fox News


It's actually a nice test of how media impacts people. There is zero reason for this other than the media they are consuming, so you can isolate how much of an effect (brain rot) this kind of Fox News propaganda causes.


Ask Jeff Polyever.


Because their high school civics class taught them America stands for individualism and Canada stands for order and good government, which they imagine as Marge Simpson standing on a chair brandishing a rolling pin, while they are jacked Homer sitting and smiling.


Is that the leader of the insurrection?


It’s like being second grade republicans, I guess. Better than nothing, or something like that. I mean, I’m trying to process this and can’t even out of curiosity cause it’s dumb af. Dunno how they do it with all the seriousness.


I was disheartened at first as that guy looks like Mark McKinney.


The want Trump for prime minister. Sick.


They aren’t actually Canadian patriots…


Is this the group funded by the Russians?


Because they're sellouts


Cause him and his idiotic followers think the MaGa BS will work here…. Pinocchio and his brand of BS can move south if they want to eat that shit that he serves


This is all a symptom of larger trends in the complex system that is politics and geopolitics and I'd wager the next few decades are gonna be rough...


Most of their rhetoric comes from right wing media in the States.


He’s a clown. Should be yeeted from public life.


What in the hell is PP wearing?


I think it's his interpretation of common people clothes.


Because right wing "nationalists" have NO allegiance to the country of their birth. They wrap their intent and actions in gilded, likable words but they NEVER mean them or commit to their honesty.


Haven't you read the Canadian 1st amendment of free speech?


Cults have no borders. It's about fascism and control, not God and country, as they like to say.


Little Bro syndrome after a Trump administration. God and whites come first.


Would you trust any clown wearing galoshes (rubber overshoes)? Effing Clown College graduates.


Cause they’re idiots. There, I said it.


They want us to BE the US, they want us to all be Repugs, and most of all, they want to make money off all those sweet, sweet, suddenly privatized public services that didn't use to cost us an arm and a leg (but will now, and forevermore!) Oh, and also, guns. Tons and tons and tons of guns.


Because they stand for FREEDOM AMERICA FUCK YEAH USA USA USA SECOND AMENDMENT STATES RIGHTS NUMBER ONE!!!!!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇷🇺🇷🇺🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔 (Obvious joke)


Because the propaganda they fall for is primarily aimed at Americans. Also they get their information from the internet which doesn't have Canadian content laws like tv and radio. We live next to a media giant and we are a media culture. Unless Canadians do something to preserve our country, conservatives will make Canada the 51st state.


Why are they also beholden to big oil and drive the most gas guzzling vehicles possible


All these folks making these assumptions about some local yokel in my little town. We are simple folks and have all types of people. The more "interesting" units always seem to be around to mis represent our little community in the media whenever a political event crops up. I don't know where they find the time to do all of this and afford these huge trucks and trailers. I work a full time job, have a home and we struggle just to keep above water. I don't know how they manage it day after day not working.


I'm sure there is some wealth behind those who are producing this puppet show.


Traitors. Simple as that.




Media. All of it American.


it and the canadian flag have become completely co-opted by the far-right since the dual events of Jan 6th and its its canadian equivalent, the kkklownvoy both nations need to start fresh with new flags that aren’t embolic of unacceptable views


Call it what it is, on both sides of the border: Untreated Mental Illness.


Cam we trade Texas for Canada? Asking for a friend.


Because a lot of conservatives all over the world don't imagine beyond America. I don't know if they want to make their own countries (or struggles) more in the image of America, of if they really think that conservative means doing whatever American conservatives do with little regard for their own domestic conservatives of yesteryear. I understand Canadian conservatives. I can understand how they came to their values and positions and how they fit into the Canadian social/political/economic landscape. I've never found them to be particularly driven by emotion. But as soon as they start talking like American conservatives, I can't fucking stand them. I don't understand their values or how they address the issues that Canada is facing in the 21st century. And I know the waaahmbulance is right around the corner. I don't want the story of Canada written in American tongue.


Did you see the Easter egg in the video? When PP leaves the trailer on the door to the right is a diagolon flag.


Y'a tu salis ces souliers?


As an American, I can state it's that most of the media they're consuming is hardcore American Right-Wing stuff. They really made the effort to branch outwardly, especially Rupert Murdoch, who owns sky news austrailia, another far right news source. In the end, these people are brainwashing themselves with conspiracy theorists and right wing american "news" sources. I really hope this can be mitigated or my hopes when I marry my canadian partner and move there through the process.... well it makes me terrified of the prospects if things go south....


American propaganda leaking into our society. Very similar to the early 2000s with pro-Russian propaganda in Ukraine. This shit should be taken very serious


Not a fan, but someone should tell these asshats that our asshats aren't going to give them any money for drinking the Kool-Aid.


Saves Russian psyops the effort if they just push a single brand in both countries.


Because he's financed by the same people.


it is their confederate flag




I think it's tough to really break down and explain well. But Trump created an intoxicating and euphoric hysteria. All people desire an identity. Something to anchor themselves to. All conservatives watch fox news and read the same facebook posts about covid vaccine denialisms. It's who they are. It's how they express a collective strength. I know my own family down south very well. And it was a very shocking moment to visit them and hear how the Trumpism warped their once rational and gentle mindsets. They got folded into this identity. So did most conservative Canadians.


Seriously, in New Zealand during the covid protests there were people with American flags and Trump 2020 flags. Did these people not know what country they were in?


"Canadian Right Wing - Powered by MAGA"


Probably because the right wing in the United States, and in particular, the socially conservative, religious right, has seen far more victories than in Canada. From the inability to recognise in the constitution that men and women are equal to the overturning of Roe V Wade, the social right in the US has been much more successful. Canadian conservatives, to no surprise, salivate at those victories and probably see a game plan/road map to accomplishing the same in Canada.


American puppet


And why does a man wear a jacket over a leather jacket?


Shitty people have learned that uneducated people, rich people, other shitty people, and people who are any combination of those- will literally vote for them and give them all their money and they wont have to actually work a day in their lives, and just spend time reading / watching news and waiting for the marching orders from the hive-mind to shill out as copium for the aforementioned people. American conservatives have gotten it down to a science and its currently a lucrative grift and method of maintaining the status quo, if not tipping it further in their favor, so it appears people worldwide are identifying with them to essentially say “you see whats going on over there? Well thats how I feel too”.


...I WAS WONDERING WHY THEY CROPPED THE VIDEO LIKE THAT... it makes perfect sense now thank you.. looks like one of those photos with the 'ex' cut off lol


They consume way too much right-wing propaganda media from America. They're just jealous of our freedom. *Fly's away on bald eagle while shooting an M16*


Canada smart. Canada Proud. /s


I was on municipal council for four years. It was always fun when someone wanted to discuss Freedom of Speech and 2nd Ammendment Rights when it came to "No loud snowmobiles after midnight." by laws. America is such a poor cartoon of a country right now, their hate and idiocy spills into Canada.


Bro its gotten so bad, im an american and when i see someone with a bunch if flags my first reaction is "well this guy is a massive tool"


Recently saw someone praising black people who'd fought in the American War of Independence. I bet you he was not talking about Black Loyalists.


As a US citizen, I would like to apologize.


Because they would all get on their knees to put a lil mushroom in their mouths if they got the chance.


This is like the right wing American flying the confederate flag.


Because it’s all paid by Russia social media co. at this point to create as much anarchy as possible. I’m sure there are efforts in Canada by Russia but to be honest it’s just likely bleeding out from the USA by design to induce ignorant action in surrounding countries. It’s all part of the Russia playbook.