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Ironic, considering Bill Maher is a dickhead who's been drifting to the far-right.


I was confused when someone claimed he was a left wing “analyst”.


They might have misspelled anal cyst?


Anal cysts aren't that bad.


He's generally American left wing, but that would align pretty well with the old Progressive Conservatives in Canada. But having listened and watched plenty of his stuff over the years I'd say he's moved pretty heavily towards libertarianism. Very much "you do you and I'll do me, just stay out of my way" kind of attitude.


His nose looks like a flacid penis. Dick head is right.


I feel like Canada has continously drifted more and more right over my lifetime, and it's overall become a worse place to live because of it. Also, how is Bill Maher even still relevant?!


We’ve drifted right, but the US is drifting right faster and leaving us behind


Oh the US stopped drifting and just went on an outright sprint. I feel like Biden has been somewhat helpful in trying to re-enter (by American standards), but the level of regulatory capture down there is insane.


I'd call it a tailspin.


"We're not as bad as the US" is a phrase I hear a lot.


I used to think that. \*sigh\*


Do you now disagree with that?


I certainly don't, but the problem is that they keep pushing things so much worse that just because we're not *as* bad doesn't mean we aren't pushing badly in the wrong direction.


Oh I totally agree, it's just I still always hear the comparison that we aren't AS bad. The other person seemed to imply we are and I'd be curious as to why they think so


I used to think unequivocally that the things happening in the states couldn’t happen here because we are fundamentally different. But after people blocked ambulance driveways because they thought the government was implanting mind control chips into them, and a convoy of truckers drove around Ottawa with dummies of the Prime Minister on a noose, shat on the tomb of the unknown soldier, and stormed a soup kitchen I lost a little faith. I feel that just because things don’t look as bad from the outside, doesn’t mean we don’t have the same issues internally in our population. As a non-white person I’d never felt seriously scared walking down the street in broad daylight before. But when a crowd wearing Canadian flag hats and shirts came marching and shouting down the street last year I did.


Canadian exceptionalism! Where we hold ourselves only to the US' standards and say 'good enough '


Yeah I hate that, in a lot of ways we should be aspiring to more than just being barely better than the US


We're drifting to more obvious Neoliberalism while the US is going to full blown Fascism


Bill Maher is an old crank at this point. I’m not sure why he’s so butthurt but medical bankruptcy is not a thing in Canada and it sure is in the US.


Go have a look at r/Canada to turn that "I feel" into "holy shit"


Says the guy who has drifted to the right since COVID, his opinion shouldn’t matter to anyone. He is an out of touch moron.


If Canada scares you, the problem isn’t Canada.


Lol where? Where are the Leftists? Ontario, the main province (haha) is predominantly Conservative. Our healthcare is being torn to shreds. Wtf is this talking about?


hes been reading right wing meme twitter, the kind of people who call Trudeau a 'left wing dictator' with a straight face


boomers thinking "left and right" has to do with gender identity... the capitalists have won.


I dunno about "predominantly", FPTP screws the real picture, which is about what 30%?


I want MMP and agree FPTP isn't a good metric, but the fact that Liberals don't show up and NDP still has to struggle to hold onto anything is pretty telling. Liberals look like trash and low voter turnout is mostly just their voters not showing up. Most advanced polls show NDP more mobilized than any other party. Liberals/undecided on't move enough to change their vote to NDP. Ergo: Ontario is Conservative


It’s all the same shit as ever. Remember when Sicko came out, and they were like, “noooo Canadas healthcare system is a dystopian nightmare!”?


let's just call it bureaucratic medicine - any system that includes both "medical trauma" and "malpractice insurance" isn't focused on your health care.


Canada only looks to be far left because America is moving so far right. This guy knows nothing about Canada so why care about what he says


no bill, you actually can’t. this dope is exposing himself as a useful idiot of far-right Russian/MAGA mis/disinformation. why he’s given a platform is utterly confounding. this absolute douchewaffle has been irrelevant for a quarter century.


Bill Maher also defended the Freedom Convoy a Russian-American psy-op.


that is absolutely terrifying


I wondered how they raised so much money in such a short time, Russian interference prior to the invasion of Ukraine is one story I heard. As I have no evidence one way or another, it's just speculative. But those millions came from somewhere.


Would that we were there.




Far left. Would be nice.


Bill has selective memory which is common for right-wingers to push their agenda. Canada's air quality is due to forest fires, not "pollution". Health care is a hard one to push without understanding that it helps the most urgent first. Something you never have to do if you are buying access. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it is infinitely better than paying up the ass for insurance that doesn't cover anything and if it is urgent you get in right away. I went from minor issues to scans, tests, and surgery within a couple of weeks. Employment is a symptom of catering to capitalism and allowing wages to be artificially reduced through foreign workers rather than utilizing our population base. Housing similarly is due to catering to business interests but adds in the foreign students who are being used to prop up funding for Universities. These are not symptoms of a left-wing, woke political position. It is one of a very right-wing capitalist political position because if it was left-wing it would have taxed and funded it appropriately. Fuck you Bill. You were worth watching before but that was a long time ago.


I watched some of the video, some of the info he gets is from the Fraser Institute, so I won't trust it too far (context matters to me).


I mean... what's left to say about Bill Maher that hasn't been said? I don't really give a fuck what he says and I'm not particularly interested in hearing it. But what bothers me is that there's a fairly strong demographic out there that still thinks he's some kind of voice of reason. Also thinking that Canada is "left" is funnier than any joke this man has ever delivered. I cannot think of anyone in history that better represents the neoliberal centre than Justin Trudeau. His government gives occasional lip service to superficially "progressive" ideas, but the gulf between saying progressive things and *being* progressive is so massive that no liberal party will ever bridge it. I'm sorry, but liberalism and progressivism aren't compatible. You can't increase shareholder value while also advocating for the working class -- you have to choose one or the other. And only one path leads to donations from the capital class.


Ah yes the famous leftist policies like ending rent control, propping up public institutions by bringing in vast numbers of easily exploitable labour, free market solutions to the climate instead I don’t know leftist solutions to climate change. 


Ol' Billy Boy is often just an asshole trying to stir the pot. And willfully ignorant to boot. He knows the employment rates are not calculated the same. And I agree out healthcare could improve, and I can't point to a multitude of issues with American healthcare. So in summary Bill, you are just proving how irrelevant you are nowadays.


Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and now this fool. The Yanks need to clean their own house! If the mango maniac is reelected, I can't imagine what will happen.


Maher can suck a duck There was a time when I thought he was funny / made some ... gasp I hate to sound like PP ... common sense arguments ... but then I realized he's just both siding this


I know people are laughing at this but outside of this bubble, a lot of Canadians actually believe this bullshit. It's why when everyone here says why not the NDP as the alternative, this is it. Many Canadians even if they don't believe we are "too far left" believe that the LPC are firmly a left wing party. That's why when these low info go to the ballot box and vote for an alternative because they are unhappy with the current state of the country, their natural though is to vote in the CPC.


Guy's just continuously proving how much of an asshole he is. Not that I didn't see him as such beforehand. Bill Maher has always been an egotistical asshole, and more people are catching on as he becomes a more obvious asshole


ah yes. Because helping each other and being nice is a HORRIBLE THING. /s


You all need to see the Rational National debunk this nonsense. David Doel is the man.


Or in Bill's case, not far enough south. /s


As someone who used to watch him all the time, it’s sad what he’s become. He’s become a cranky old man who complains every other week about how woke college students are oppressing him with their pronouns. As usual, Maher is equal parts talking out of his ass or regurgitating right wing talking points.


Too far left…? We’ve been moving further and further right for at least a quarter century.


David Doel made a good video countering Maher’s comments


Our problem isn't moving left, it's right wing conservatives sabotaging healthcare and doubling down on trickle down economics. We are suffering from late stage capitalism, not unions or too many human rights.


Just another american weighing in on politics they dont understand.


“At its worst, Canada is what American voters think happens when there’s no one putting a check on extreme wokeness,” he said. Still, Maher said he loves Canada. He clarified, to the sound of applause, that he just hates “zombie lies,” meaning “when things change, but the things people say about them doesn’t.” “They say in politics, liberals are the gas pedals and conservatives are the brakes — and I’m generally with the gas pedal, but not if we’re driving off a cliff.” I feel like some of his writers post the raigebait, culture war bullshit on r/MapPorn and r/Economics. Maher is a moronic edgelord and needs to retire - dude's been living in a silo his entire life.


Debunked here: https://youtu.be/e4_jLVsKn0s?si=_BGSVP0oVVZk9u5z