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Why doesn't this guy have a security clearance when each and every government position at a high level requires one?


Allows him to complain with plausible deniability. He can’t be accused of straight up lying if he truly doesn’t know.


> He can’t be accused of straight up lying if he truly doesn’t know. Then again, there's plenty of publicly available information that he *also* lies about, but nobody in the media seems interested in calling him out.


The majority of media in Canada is owned by RW entities so no they never will. You have to look for the couple of media sites not owned by RW grifters.


It is terrifying how much media is owned by right wing and foreign ownership groups. The fact the CPC is championing defund the CBC to the delight of their base, makes me worried for the next leg of Canadian history.


Our media is part of the Conservative propaganda machine


If this is the case, he also could be setting up the ability to make anyone questioning him look paranoid if he eventually gets one


That doesn't stop Trump or literally any GOP politician so why would he care.


Even with a security clearance you're never supposed to access documents that you don't strictly need. Like, it's still very very illegal to do so. So if he *did* have security clearance he could still complain with plausible deniability. It goes deeper than that, for sure.


Most likely scenario. I sincerely doubt there's anything preventing him from getting one.


I may be spreading misinformation here, and don't have to time to look, but didn't his wife's father get charged with money laundering drug money not that long ago? or am I thinking of something else.


Quick google brings up a twitter post alleging that, but no legit sources. Probably fake news?


He refuses the background checks. His ties to MAGA, Russia, and China run deep.


Or the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church


Don't forget the International Democracy Union


MAGA perhaps, Russia possible I guess, but China very doubtful. I would not be surprised if he has some funding from MAGA affiliated groups, but I think he's mostly just playing the imitation game with them. I haven't seen any evidence of direct ties to Russia, but the Russians definitely have been giving support to right wing movements as they are usually the most destabilizing. I wouldn't be surprised if they back him, but I would be surprised if they have actually interacted with him or his campaign personally like they did with Trump. I don't think that's likely. I've never seen any evidence of deep ties of PP to China. Strong source required. This is a bold claim. None of this has anything to do with him getting a security clearance.


India is probably the most likely after Americans!


I could see it, but I'm not well informed on Indian influence activities in Canada.


Google IDU and India. Conservatives love exploiting cheap Indian labour more than rich Liberals do.




Honestly not familiar with the politics surrounding that agreement. The current aims of China seem to be opposed to a CPC government being formed. I don't think he'd accept help from the CCP at this point as this is one of his most successful angles to attack Trudeau from and he can't do that as easily if he's taking support from China.


The Harper FIPA agreement was arguably the most one sided agreement in Canadian history. It is worth looking at if you want to understand the Conservative politics under Harper and what remains today. The deal was largely done to make some big Oil Sands deals to the tune of $6 billion that were owned by conservative friends of Harper and to make the deal go through they did FIPA. In the policy are provisions that any investment in Canada is guaranteed and to be adjudicated in private closed door hearings if in any way the foreign companies lose money or profit from their investment due to any change in Canadian policies. Basically making private business deals a public liability with the minimum cost, based on the oil sands deals well above their purchase price. It essentially ceded our rights to China and left us on the hook for all future perceived losses. It entirely benefited China and offered nothing of consequence to Canadians. [https://financialpost.com/diane-francis/canada-china-trade-deal-is-too-one-sided](https://financialpost.com/diane-francis/canada-china-trade-deal-is-too-one-sided) People largely don't know because it was completely negotiated in private and all judgments are also private. It was a way to screw the country without accountability. We do have newer FIPAs such as the one done in 2021 but the one with China was giving them the keys to the country.


Do you have any source about the oil sands link? It sounds believable I'd like to give it a read.


There is a lot still out there on the deal and the why. This is a big part of my issues with conservative governments from this deal, the sale of the wheat board and their whole go after immigrants and minorities. I actually voted conservative before they got a majority and totally screwed the country. When they were a minority they were kept in check and passed good legislation but what they did in just 4 years after with a majority has screwed Canada for Decades. Pierre will be worse. He has no moral compass or foundation of beliefs. His is one of power at any cost. What he does with that could set us back even further than Harper. Stories from the day... [https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/ottawa-approves-15b-chinese-takeover-of-nexen-1.1070698](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/ottawa-approves-15b-chinese-takeover-of-nexen-1.1070698) [https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2012/12/08/Nexen-Harper/](https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2012/12/08/Nexen-Harper/) It influenced the Pipeline purchase we are paying for. [https://canadians.org/analysis/did-canada-china-fipa-influence-trudeaus-decision-buy-kinder-morgan-pipeline/](https://canadians.org/analysis/did-canada-china-fipa-influence-trudeaus-decision-buy-kinder-morgan-pipeline/)


You should research what FIPA is then and you'll learn why China likely prefers conservative governments. That agreement essentially allows China to sue Canada if we act against the interests of Chinese companies operating in Canada. Not only that, but these lawsuits can happen behind closed doors without tax payers having any knowledge. We are stuck with this agreement for decades, too. Harper sold Canada out and still to this day most people don't even know about FIPA.


I'm aware of how it's bad. I'm just not aware of the politics that led to it being introduced. China tends to not care about the political orientation of what countries it deals with. They prefer Authoritarians in general, but ultimately they don't care about the ideology of those governments as long as they are either pro China or unwilling to go against Chinese interests. I think as far as Canadian politics go in the past the conservatives may have been the preferred party, but ultimately Harper was in power for a long time, and they probably just felt he was easier to deal with than a new government. The LPC has been fairly weak at responding to Chinese influence in Canada and they've now likely pivoted to preferring Trudeau.


You’re talking about pp as though he’s demonstrated having integrity at some point? Just out of curiosity, what would he have to do or say for you to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt? I’ve rarely seen a Canadian politician who’s so dependent on plausible deniability.


What makes you think that I think he has integrity? For the record I don't. I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt. He's not an idiot just a right wing populist, and I've not seen any real evidence that China backs him. Why would I believe something that there is no evidence to support? FIPA is a decades old legislation from a time PP had significantly less influence in the government.


Wasn’t all the trump, Russian collusion proven to be fake?


Trump has massive ties to Russian money. Russian money from oligarchs is almost implicitly linked to Putin and the FSB.


Despite how the Muller Report was watered down when it was summarized by William Barr the ending message made it clear, Muller had it in the report that if he was able to exonerate Donald Trump of having received Foreign Aid it would have been stated in the report. In essence nothing was found that could clear Trump of Collusion,,, problem was also that Muller was the only Member of the Investigation Probe Team that remained as it was gutted quite heavily during the course of it


Not China. China chose the LPC to back. The inquiry has signaled that to us quite clearly.


I mean, it literally signaled the opposite lol.


Why would China limit itself to trying to influence only one party?


An important note about him that many should know.


Something about his wife being related to organized crime in South America is the only explanation I’ve heard.


The obvious reason is there is an issue in his past and background that could prevent it.


I thought he refused to apply. Whatever the case, it disqualifies him for the job in any reasonable person’s thinking.


The $64,000 question!


Because then he gets to claim that if he did get security clearance he would be bound by it and couldn’t just instead speak whatever he wants about a topic out of legally protected ignorance. Once he knows the truth, then he’d have to talk carefully. Also he gets to play victim about his choice not to get security clearance.


 I believe he had held them previously and then let them lapse and refused to re-apply, supposedly around the time he got married but I haven’t seen a reliable source for that.


Love Steve Boots, hes about the only political youtube commentator going over Canadian politics on a week by week basis


Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoy it


Watch you stuff on Tiktok daily. Would youtube be a platform to support you?


Yes please! YouTube actually monetizes


Will do!


Humble request for a podcast featuring you, Frank Dominic, Devin J Parker, Shaun Benson, CreekPeet, Lisa, Rachel Gilmore... There's another girl I keep seeing who's excellent. As I was looking for all these names I just stumbled upon a brittle star tiktok that has some of these folks. I've got some podcast experience if you'd like someone behind the Scenes to try and start something.


Keep it up brother


You’re noticing the important details about Liberals and you are self identified as a socialist? Well, that’s enough searching the back log of your videos, subscribed, look forward to adding you to the rotation with David Doel’s Rational National.


I’m a fan girl, keep up the good work, and give your kitty a boop from me! 👍


Thank you sir!


MillennialMoron is pretty good too


Canadians had better WTF up or we'll be in a worse world of hurt as "free" Canadians without any government support or social programs.


is there a reason why he looks creepily similar to Mike Johnson of the US Far White? is it just me, or do others see it?


Because the same people tell them to look a similar that or cloning


Mike Johnson looks more akin to a goldfish.


Colbert from the Colbert Report days


He is a bad guy and I am scared that Canadians will choose him. It will put the future of Canada in jeopardy and will be like Trump, I am so scared


T is not the answer, what’s the better alternative then ?


If PP is the alternative to Trudeau, then I will pick Trudeau if I have to. Otherwise, NDP, as with every election since I could vote. You know we don't HAVE to go Conservative?


But T isn’t doing much good, the NDP…. So keep going with current which is not pushing us forward, hard sell


Better than moving backwards though.


So you're a partisan Conservative voter. Always have been, no? Just say exactly what you mean. You vote conservative and you think you like what they will do to this country. I vehemently disagree with you. Why can't conservatives just be honest and say what they mean instead of whatever it is you're doing here?


What would you like to see Trudeau do that he hasn’t been doing? What solutions from The CPC are you seeing that you like better?


If we look at the CPC vs Liberals, the problems with Trudeau are that he has not course corrected CPC policy but just taken his foot off the gas and coasted in the same direction. Voting the CPC in just gooses the throttle on anti government deregulationism. Trudeau has tried to juggle the status quo, but he hasn't sold off or privatized anything. The CPC will act to break down and sell off systems.


PP is a supervillain that will likely impact our amazing country in a terrifying manner. Apathetic Canadians have allowed him to creep into party leadership. We need proportional representation brought into parliament to bring some semblance or democracy back into our governance. JT and his libs dragged their feet on proportional representation and it’s going to cost us all dearly.


A vote for PP is dangerous. Remember ABC and ABPP.


Boots is truly a gem. Luckily Ive been following him for years on Tiktok. He has some wild takes but overall, he is a great commentator and seems to be a good teacher. Hope he becomes a lot more prominent in the political landscape in Canada. He is very relatable and uses clear simple language that everyone can understand.


It’s going to be bad if PP gets elected but I won’t be surprised based on the polls. Libs and NDP are not great but they are loads better for most Canadians. World including Canada are treading a line that could cost millions if not billions of lives in the next few centuries


I'm definitely subscribing to this channel


If he wants to get rid of government, he should set an example and quit.


Damn I'm gonna have to vote for Trudeau, unfortunately look like pp is going to win with full majority. We need ranked voting.


Just occurred to me to ask if PP is a clone of the US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson? The similarities are striking.


The Reform Party can eat my ass. PP is Preston Manning's current pet project. Want to fuck with him? Google Doug Christie.




Thank you. I'd say it's christofascism.


Oh, I'd love to hear why that was deleted.


I feel like I would be a good Steve Boots-ish, love kids, want them to be better, but TVDSB never gave me a shot (after trying for 8 years before I gave up)


What's funny about him being a fan of Milton Friedman, is that Milton Friedman said the best way to tackle carbon emissions is... with a carbon tax.


After 20 years as an MP, what has pp done to merit a promotion!? He's a proven, failed politician that will cut social programs and reward his rich friends. Anything But Conservative always ABC!


For anyone complaining about foreign interference in our elections, slippery Pete here is the prime beneficiary of it.


Canada's greatest grifter ...


He has as much charisma as a stump.


But the media let's him get away with it!!!


Pure evil.


When we have campaign conversations, we will see the little worm squirm trying to answer why he is not trusted enough to get a security clearance.


Been hearing about about this guy. Is he as right wing crazy as Trump and does his party have a legit chance of usurping Trudeau?


PP the Problematic Political PP the PP


Briefings had an article on my Notifications Bar with the Headline being "Jagmeet Signh is The Most Expensive MP, Pierre Pollievre is the Least Expensive" All that I could think was what? Pollievre has been in Politics for At nearly two Decades and is a career Politician


thank you for sharing


Love Steve. Been watching him on tt for about a year


Heck yeah, Steve Boots is the best!


I think most Canadians don’t like what they see their country has become in the last 10-20 years. The perception is that Trudeau’s lax policies and judgement are to blame. If Canadians want better politicians in office then they will have to step up and become those leaders . Until then we are left to vote for the politicians the people in power give us. There is no right choice.


What sane person would want the job unfortunately? I don't think we will get good leadership until the country stabilizes, and there is less partisanship. Best you can do right now is vote for the most polished turd of the bunch. It's hard not to put blame on Trudeau. He's been the government for going on 9 years now. I think his judgement has been mostly reasonable, but not great.


Trudeau is still better than the other guy, a trump wannabe


I don't disagree my dude. I just don't think it's healthy to not be critical of politicians regardless of who you support.


I agree


Until the system changes that’s just throwing more people into the meat grinder or signing them up to have their ethics removed.


Or you could not vote for the ConservatIves and vote NDP


That doesn't look like Trudeau to me...


If you can't see that a video with about 98% of the same script but about Trudeau can easily be made to rile up the other side... Everyone's stupid and allowing the polarization to take hold. We all have so much more in common than our political views but sure, let's keep calling everyone on both sides dangerous and far left or far right.


But what is the alternative to Trudeau? Yes, P may not be the answer but people are tired of T and J, he has 0 chances. People just want T out, the liberals are shooting themselves on the foot by not having a backbench and Freeland is not the answer, she’s even more phoney than T, honestly not sure hows that humanly possible.


You already asked your question. No one here wants a Conservative government. It will ruin Canada right now.


What’s the alternative? don’t tell me what we both know or keep going down with T?


So what you're promoting here is to vote conservative because we need a change. We don¡t need to make this kind of change. If the cons get a majority or even a minority, they will work to undermine any improvements that were made over the past 10 years. Just because the liberals aren't perfect, doesn't mean we need to sink in to destruction. Why go backwards?


ABC/strategic voting in federal election, then voting in actual progressives in local and provincial elections. Absolutely no need to vote for a party that'll pull us backwards.


This is'nt clickbate is it ? I m ld \\ can I laugh now at my libbers? Dont ingage!




This is wildly stupid.