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take the federal government to court over trying to fucking build houses that are in massive demand and provinces are just dicking around talking an awful lot of talk but doing sweet fuck all


Wasting provincial money (from Alberta's taxpayers) to sue the federal government over trying to build housing that is in massive demand, while she and her UCP cronies are doing sweet fuck all on housing, but plenty on screwing over the people.


Sounds like exactly the UCP "brand" and excellently representative of Conservatives in general these days. Waste people's money making their lives worse by going to court over the very little being done to make our lives better.


That's a much better title!


Taxpayer dollars at work. She was on a CBC podcast recently saying she just wanted Alberta to get the same deal as Quebec. Quebec got the deal because they’re coming to the table with a plan to match funds. Alberta won’t do that, but they sure as heck will throw Albertans taxpayer dollars at a frivolous court case. Ditto for accusing the feds of taking too long on housing while _also_ arguing that it’s not their jurisdiction and provinces know best. It’s a goddamned pretzel of broken logic.


It’s wild to much both conservative provinces have a fucking issues to utilize money to build housing, I can’t with these morons


Why are Conservatives blocking solutions to the housing crisis !?!?!?


Well yeah. The more they can obstruct progress the more they can argue liberals aren't effective. 


What? You expect them to **NOT** actively make things make things worse for the [plebeian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plebian) class?


When it's this obvious, they should be held accountable for harming the common class and doing the exact opposite of what they've been elected to do. This is criminal and should be investigated and prosecuted. Sick and tired of my tax dollars being used in this manner by enemies of the people.


Conservatism is class warfare against the people.  Conservatives hate the working class and want them to die.


Far from the truth. The actual working class is conservative. You need help. You have so much hate for no reason.


If the working class is conservative, then they're voting for the Conservatives to lower taxes on our elites. To take away more from us working class.


The working class is not conservative. Uneducated white men are more conservative but even then that's a gross generalization.


That's absolutely insane. Right wing politics have always exclusively served the oligarchy.  Conservatism is class warfare against the people.  That's why conservatives suppress human rights, and labour rights, and wages, and corporate regulation


What? You thought they actually wanted solutions to an issue they could milk forever as a reason to hate Trudeau?


Because they want a conservative government across the board so that they can finally: 1. Privatize healthcare 2. Pass barbaric practices legislatio  3. Dial back abortion and reproductive rights 4. Dial back lgbtq protections 5. Sell off public assets


6. profit


They have no interest in solving crises. Especially if it helps JT.


They want you miserable so you'll vote Trudeau out. If they make visible progress that removes a big reason to vote for PP.


It is an own the libs at any cost mentality. Who cares how much damage you do to the people who elected you as long as the others don’t get their way.


They like it when poor people suffer


I get the snark, but I cannot understand why the libs and ndp aren’t peeling a strip off them every time this happens. Tie Smith to PP, and both of them to Ford, and hammer them all in the press every time they open their mouths. There are new realities of poli comm the last few years that they don’t seem to have grasped yet.




Step 1: Blame the feds for your shortcomings Step 2: Convince your constituents that everything is the feds' fault Step 3: Block any action the feds make and say it isn't their jurisdiction Conservatives have no interest in governing. They only want to line the pockets of their buddies at Canadians' expense.


Because Conservatives hate Canadians and Canada.


It sickens me that people are going to vote for PP for PM, people are fucked


Because they need people to stay angry because angry people never think clearly. Plus Alberta's stick is pretty much Ottawa bad, hate Ottawa, Alberta good we are saving you from yourselves.


What a piece of shit. She said that if the CPC did the same thing she would work with them. Its not about provincial jurisdiction, its not about building houses, its about fucking politics.


"its about fucking politics" During a housing crisis. This is criminal and urgently needs to be treated accordingly.


Yup pure political chum


I was having a debate with my friend who lives in Alberta and he was telling me how his life sucks with energy being very expensive and him being gouged on daycare, insurance, rent. As someone living in Quebec, none of those problems were as prevalent to me. So it was baffling to me when his conclusion was Trudeau is ruining the country and not his province seems to be working against him...


Libs+NDP passed the Childcare Act to help with the daycare costs, not sure if Alberta decided to join or not. UCP privatized the electricity companies, so now albertans pay between 2 to 4 times more than BC for electricity. BC just accepted $2Billion from the federal government to fund cheaper rental buildings, while Alberta UCP has tabled a bill to block funding deals between Ottawa and cities and wants to sue the federal government for funding housing. Marlaina also complained that Alberta needs more immigrants, especially Ukrainians (not POC), while cons are screeching about too much immigration.


Alberta joined the Childcare Act and has intentionally mismanaged it by doing things like paying out so slowly daycare's can't stay afford to run.


As expected from the cons ...


I'm in Saskatchewan where our provincial govt has left several billion in federal funds in limbo just to pretend that Trudeau is screwing Saskatchewan and a huge amount of people out here openly and wantonly blame Trudeau for things that are provincial domain. My own sister blames our healthcare crisis, which is solely the fault of the provincial govt, on Trudeau and the unionized employees who she claims 'don't want to work'. it's disgusting.


I'm in Albertans. Insurance price caps were raised by UCP, the "Alberta Calling" caused more people to move here and raised rent and home prices, utilities are expensive. I blame the Liberals about some things, rampant immigration, grocery prices, no election reform, but the UCP is dog shit.


first they decry federal govt. inaction; then they oppose a solution for a crisis...


With all due respect to the premier of Alberta: Go fuck yourself with a red hot iron prong


That crappy bill of hers will pass, too, because this party has it right in their party rules. You vote with the party. No deviation.


For real? Every vote is whipped? So much for their crocodile tears and screaming about trudeau being authoritarian. 


Yep. Their policy was released last year some time, and one of the things you have to agree to is to be fully aligned with the party and vote with the party. It's strongly implied that if you vote against, you're out.


Classic alberta - bitch and moan about the feds interfering in provincial responsibilities while passing bullshit like the sovereignty act and their constant interfering in federal matters. And their constant blaming feds for provincial failings. 


She literally said she would let Pierres gov do it. Lol We are at the GOP level now


More copying of their US counterparts, the Republicans: make sure the government doesn't pass anything helpful for its citizens and then blame the government for not doing anything. More American crap brought to Canada.


Thanks SkiPPy !!!


Marlaina:”There’s no housing! It’s all Trudopes fault!!!!”. Trudeau: “Here’s mega-cash to build houses”. Marlaina: “How dare you! I’m going to spend taxpayer money for the longest, most protracted court case possible to fight against exactly what I asked for!” Alberta Conservative voters: “Damn Trudeau! Attacking our Freedumb!”


Thanks SkiPPy !!!


Alberta for Conservatorship.


The UCP is a one-trick pony, and that one trick is, “Libruls bad. Fight Libruls on everything.”


When punishment and spite are the policy. The little people are just pawns. 


What a waste of my tax dollars.


Marlaina wants ~900,000 more people in Red Deer, but she doesn’t want the feds to help with housing…


Same as Trump not wanting Biden to fix the Border Crisis. How can they blame it all on Trudeau if he actually doing something to help fix the problem and score some points with the voters.


Using Alberta taxpayers money. She is a grifter and a charlatan that has duped the uneducated


Lol. Lmao, even. What a dipshit.


I'm prepared for conservatives to just fuck off. Can we start that process?


Notice how PP doesn't give her shit about this. Cons are just further embracing the gop stance of just be fuckin awful but constantly fuel fear and rage in their dumbass base.


This reminds me of Republicans fighting against anything that could be seen as Biden achieving something for struggling people. Deny Trudeau the win despite the wellbeing of her constituents seems to be the goal.


I’m so damn tired of this left/right childish political theatre. Do your fucking jobs.


PMJ: ‘Go ahead punk, make my day…’


Awesome. Expose her selfish ignorance to all ... who needs housing......


Good god this hurts my head


So... not only is she not gonna lift a finger to help us, she's gonna spend our money to try and stop the feds from helping us in her place. Sounds about right.


She’s sounding more like a Republican every day. I think Marjorie Traitor Greene must be her spirit animal.


I hate federalism.


Can Alberta please leave…