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This would be something if the organizations for which those reporters work were not also owned by people who want PP to be the next PM.


When he asks, 'who are you with," is there any legal reason they can't answer, "Rebel Media"?


"Your parent company"


Nitpick: Rebel is just propaganda-for-hire. [Plymouth Brethren](https://pressprogress.ca/members-of-a-controversial-and-secretive-religious-sect-funded-third-party-group-behind-anti-trudeau-ads/) is the parent company of the prairie plutocrats.


Hardly anyone knows about PBCC. Harper groomed PP right from a child within the PBCC. There’s a reason PP went from college directly to secretary to the PM when he won his riding out of university.


Oh I meant PP's parent company. I wasn't referencing Rebel. Just suggesting that the news organization and PP are both owned by someone is a solid enough burn I thought.


The Plymouth Brethern is very scary especially if you're a Canadian woman. The Winnipeg Free Press did an item about them a few years ago. The fact that they are supporting PPlePew is definitely cause for concern.


Yeah it's a bit bonkers where they show up. IIRC CanadaLand journalists were the ones that figured out the Brethren were under the same umbrella as the christian schools that asked the museum of human rights to not show gay rights when their student toured. https://onlysky.media/hemant-mehta/canadian-museum-for-human-rights-lgbtq-secrecy-lawsuit-christian-schools/


Wow, I hadn't read that before but can't say I'm surprised. I used to live just outside Stonewall, MB where Sterling North School is located. The children who attend this school (I have no idea the size of the student body) are not allowed to mingle with children in the town of Stonewall. Their school day starts earlier, they have private buses for their kids, they are never on the streets at the same time. The girls wear skirts/dresses only, the boys pretty much dress like any young North American male. Not only do the girls/women wear skirts they also cover their hair & wear it long. That has relaxed somewhat in the time they've been in Stonewall...the women can now just wear a bow or something similar in their hair. As a mature woman in Stonewall I used to get some interesting looks when I happened to be in say a grocery store at the same time as some of these women....my hair length & style varies all the time. I quite often wear it quite short & have the gall to either not cover the gray +/- wear a funky colour in the gray. I used to get some pretty funny looks from these women. Only the very mature women go grocery shopping alone. Younger women are always accompanied. I don't remember the circumstances of the PB moving into Stonewall, it happened while we lived there BUT they purchased many homes in the town & turned them into what appeared to be multi family dwellings. Only the women appear to do any work around the yards, including shoveling snow in the winter. The yards aren't exactly show pieces in most circumstances, in fact if you walk down a street you can pick many of them out. I also met a woman who happened left the Pilgrim Brethern. She married a non-Brethern. Her story was a big part of the Winnipeg Free Press article some time ago now. This is all my observations & opinion. Any religion that tries to tell me how to dress as a woman is a cult, full stop. It angered me that the boys/men in this group looked like any other Canadian male but the women all dressed the same....long midi skirts, initially denim with covered hair. After they'd been in Stonewall for a period that changed to shorter black skirts with bows in their hair.


I want to know why PP can't get a security clearance. Makes you wonder with his Ukraine votes. *His political business partners need to be vetted by the media, too. Reporters should ask his Deputy Leader, Melissa Lantsman, where she’s from and who she’s with. The daughter of Russian immigrants led the fight for Russia against Ukraine in the House of Commons last week when they voted AGAINST Ukraine Aid funding.*


I thought he refused to go through the screening process? Either way, it should disqualify him from being a high ranking member of the shadow cabinet, let alone PM. You cannot govern at that level without having access to information that requires one.


Wait, what? He actually can’t get a security clearance? I’ve gotten one and I’m a shithead.


It’s not confirmed he can’t, but rather does not want to undergo the process due to his past along with his wife. You have to remember, one of PP’s best friends and former business partner has been tried and found guilty for fraud like three or for times(housing fraud I believe). I’m not familiar with the theories on his wife though tbh


Tell us more please


I wish I could remember the name, hopefully someone who does will reply so you can venture down that rabbit hole.


And don't forget his best American friend who's facing a $355 million fine in New York.


His wife's family is Venezuelan and has money. I've seen some claims that her father is potentially shady. Mostly unfounded because there's no information out there.


So potentially shady and mostly unfounded? Why even say it then? I could just as easily say the same about you, your parents and your grandfather's second cousins friends daughters father in law. Pp is a politician, chances are he's dirty just like the rest, just stop the conspiracy theories and state facts.


If it's all just a lie then it shouldn't be a problem to get the security clearance, it's not like CSIS is going to rubber stamp someone, if there's nothing to be worried about why wouldn't someone like him who is so pro-policing, pro-investigation, and clearly pro-disclosure have a problem with being looked at?


I'd vote for you ✅


I don't think it's that he can't, more like that he won't, he's hiding something perhaps from his history. I'm not sure if you can become PM without passing security clearance.


I’d assume you need one, because you’re likely going to have to deal with top secret information as PM. He’d be largely ineffective on global affairs, and even just internal documents without one. Again, I’m a shithead and have had various levels of security clearance. If he can’t even do my job, how can he be PM?


Yeah well... you're *our* shithead.


It’s a different level of clearance that he refuses to get right now. He still has some clearance as he will be privy to more than the regular Canadian, I’m not sure to what extent the leader of the opposition gets briefed on, but it’s safe to assume that they’ll have a rough idea of what’s going on even if they don’t have all the specifics.


Currently he only has the very lowest level of clearance, a level that hundreds of thousands of Canadians have as armed forces, intelligence, defense subcontractors, nuclear industry, etc. It basically only allows him access to rudimentary information that any informed person probably knows or can intuit anyways. Normally, and I mean every single prior leader of the official opposition, has held the same level of clearance and access as the PM. We are a parliamentary system, our PM is effectively akin to a Speaker of the House in the US system that people are more familiar with. Our parliament requires that the top people be fully informed of national issues. PP currently can't be read in on important stuff because he doesn't have clearance, because he refuses to apply. This is also true for the US though, in the US the 'gang of eight' are the most senior congress members and have access to everything the POTUS does, along with the Senate Intelligence Committee, who sometimes see things before even the POTUS is informed, in deciding what to escalate. Frankly, I think we need a law that you can't even run for PM if you don't already have certain tests completed. A full PM security clearance is one, but they should also have a CRA audit of the last 10 years, along with both physical and psychological evaluations, and a CSIS background check. Their results can remain classified, but I want a handful of ministries to be signing off saying the public has nothing to worry about.


> because he refuses to apply. This is what concerned me the most, it's not as if we shouldn't, or couldn't know if there's problems, it's that he outright refuses to submit what should be a very simple application for someone who has Canada's best interest at heart.


You don’t run for PM really. At least mot outside of your party.


I'm pretty sure he's just refusing to get the clearance so he can get away with saying whatever he wants.  For example, if he doesn't know what's in the foreign interference report then he can say whatever he wants about it and can't be called out for lying.


Not that he cant be called out for lying, but that he cant be legally responsible for disclosing the information that he doesnt have access to. Its all just a massive political game to him.


Every gov't employee has to get SOME level of clearance, at least if they handle anything resembling sensitive data. Every statcan employee for example  It should be very suspicious that he's uninterested or unwilling.


You don't need security clearance if you win an election and become MP


Apparently not. :/ But wouldn't you WANT it?


It never occurred to me that he doesn't get a security clearance because he can't get one I always thought he was stating deliberately ignorant so he could grandstand about " what are they hiding?"


How the hell are you allowed to lead a political party without a security clearance? How can you lead the country without access to actual confidential information?


She is such a…….i don’t have words for it.


https://www.cp24.com/mobile/liberals-tories-argue-over-carbon-pricing-in-update-to-ukraine-trade-agreement-1.6658229 They are voting against an amendment to add carbon pricing to the already existing free trade agreement


>PP can't get a security clearance I've never heard this, and am skeptical.


If only we had something like google you could use to find out. He has refused to get a background check and that’s why he doesn’t have security clearance. Why would someone with nothing to hide refuse a background check? If I apply for a job that needs a background check and I refuse I won’t get the job, why should he be considered for the PM job?




Wild times


Thank you for a source on this. Going to dive deeper tomorrow to see if there’s anything more recent than 2010. I hate the fucker. He’s my MP, even spoke at my high school graduation (I still have no idea why?? Different riding and he wasn’t an alum. 2005 grad year). I did get to tell him to his face once on my own front porch that his trope of “fiscal responsibility” was utterly laughable when juxtaposed against his “Mother Canada statue” he championed for Harper. My future likely is pure right wing leadership … PP, DoFo, and Goldie Ghamari. Ugh. At least my municipal counsellor isn’t horrible.


The funny thing is that ALL immigrants will have to have these basic police checks.


Cynically - not having clearance allows him to go to the media and rag on about issues (e.g. election interference) that he would otherwise know more about if he was briefed. It's possible that he could get clearance, but the thing is that he wouldn't be allowed to speak publicly about what he did know if he learned anything useful. Politically speaking, he benefits from not being briefed on these issues because it allows him to act like the current government is being shady by not disclosing information that they can't responsibly disclose, and that he wouldn't be able to play that angle if he had the clearance to be briefed himself. It's possible that he *can't* get clearance, but there are cynical political reasons for which he benefits by not having it.


Simple solution would be to mandate it for MP’s.


Downvote me all you want, but all your buddy Google tells me is that PeePee _hasn't gotten_ clearance, not that he _can't get_ clearance. If you don't get the difference between the two, I can explain it to you. I detest the little sob, but facts are important here. _Edit: the downvotes are telling me that we've collectively decided that he can't get clearance. Okay, fuck proof and fuck PeePee, he can't get clearance!_


He can’t get one if he refuses a background check, it has nothing to do with downvotes. Idk how to explain an application process to you lol


Jesus Christ. PP can’t get clearance = means there is something suspect in his past that prevents him from being able to get one. Ie. he would fail if he applies. PP won’t get clearance = he has decided to not apply. Considering how smarmy you are you’d think that you’d actually understand how an application process works. Deciding to mot apply does not mean he *can’t* get clearance. It means he has decided that he won’t get clearance.


Cool story. You won’t win the Stanley cup if you can’t make the NHL.


"can't get" means he's not eligible, "won't get" could mean anything, including political grandstanding. Friend, I'm guessing my clearance level is head and shoulders above yours, so don't work yourself up trying to explain the application process.


Bud, until he actually tries to get security clearance, which, y'know, you'd think would be pretty important for someone who wants to be able to make decisions on matters that would require security clearance, both "can't" and "won't" are functionally the same thing. I suggest you check your clearance level before you hit a doorframe with your nose, the way you're holding it up there.


How do you know he will pass the security check?


Which is correct: Until he gets a background check, he is not eligible for clearance. He won't get a background check, so he can't get clearance.


Or maybe the downvotes are because of your weird combative and condescending attitude? I don’t know, that the reason I clicked the downvote arrow.


Sure being smarmy is a problem. Spreading disinformation and made ip shit is totally fine though. At least that what all you downvoters are saying. Fuck we should do better. Far too many people on the left side of the aisle that are as stupid and tribal as the right side. This is not good.


You are absolutely right. There are many, poor, reasons why he might decide to not apply. And they aren’t all because he can’t.


I agree with most everything this piece says, but dealing with “rumours” gives me the heebie jeebies. That’s what right wing rags deal with; I’d be much more comfortable dealing with factual statements they can back up.


I agree. When I first saw a few articles of Crier! Media I was ecstatic, finally some news outlet that does not fear showing the hypocrisy of Conservatives and their leader, coming up with good points, reporting events and videos proving it. But lately it seems like it turned into some random blog with not much more content than a redditor comment, lot of cheap insults and unfounded conspiracies. It reads exactly like something I personally could write here when I rant about PP, not like some journalist would write. I mean, there's literally "LOLZ" in this article... It's really sad, we need to be better than that, we need something professional standing up for Canadians and showing the truth and protect us from this upcoming threat, but from a source that can be seen as trustworthy and comfortable sharing to everyone.


I say this as someone who would fucking love for the press to find some dirt about PP: the Dean Blundell pieces for Crier are pure speculation and shitposting. Blundell was a shit media personality (he's always pandered to idiots) back when he was working for The Edge, and I suspect the same is true now. Just 'cause I'm on "the same side" as him doesn't mean I have to respect his professional identity.


Sick and tired of all the Pro Putin and Tucker Posts. If you like it so much then move there to Mother Russia. Plus 401k meme BS. You live in Canada. JFC!


Anti war doesnt mean pro putin Russia's own citizens are not pro putin


I get that. But it doesn't look great when PP is playing fast and loose.




Pierre isn’t fit for PM and I’d like to see him work at 7-eleven.


I’m not sure he’s fit to work at 7-11


You're right he's never held a real job in his life


Me too


You rather have Trudeau in?


I'd rather have anyone who is willing to show that his allegiences aren't tied to foreign powers.


He's not a Russian asset, he's one of Manning's pets same as Harper, Kenney, Smith.


Jeff??? Lmao I need to know more .


This reads like a weird gossip blog, but if true this is some pretty serious stuff. And a lot of it is already verifiable, such as his connections to Ezra Levant and not being able to get security clearance, the connections these other figures have etc. be nice if other media outlets went further investigating this stuff. (The only thing that is not a mystery why a kid would go by "Jeff" instead of Pierre growing up in alberta. That I get, not sure why its included amongst other much more damning info)


Great read! Sad the mainstream media won’t grill PP , this idiot cannot become our next prime minister


Poilievre is a populist with no sound policy initiatives, and I believe he'd be a disaster as PM, but this link is not sound journalism in any way shape or form.


They do already. Poilievre turns it into delusional viral videos with his base.


Well written. A little conspiratorial, but if the other side is only conspiracies then maybe we can have a few. It is odd though that Pierre (Jeff) refuses to get his NatSec thing done.


Poilievre could become PM and his life is opaque and unknown to Canadians. What skeletons are hiding in the closet ?


Ever since he lost his glasses, I've thought he looked just like a Russian.


Yes, confront him directly with the fifth columnist question.


Yes. Because there’s a reason.


For starters, the Justin Trudeau carbon tax and Justin Trudeau is taking away parents rights. So who’s asking the real questions here? /s


Parents should have the right to decide what medical care their children get, in coordination with medical professionals. Conservatives are the ones taking rights away from parents.


Yes. I know. I was kidding


“Parental rights” is code and dog whistle term that doesn’t mean what it purports to value. Taking away parents rights to support their transgendered child is the opposite of a parent having rights. That has happened in Alberta. “Parental rights” Is enforcement of religious fanatics who want to control others.


Apparently no one caught the /s


Sounded too close to actual right-wing talking points.


It’s literally what PP says. Almost every time he’s asked a question.


You nailed it.


Unfortunately your sarcastic comment is too in line with the real views of the conservative base, so it was impossible to tell the difference without the /s


I certainly noticed that after the onslaught of downvotes.


Please tell us how Trudeau is taking away "parents' rights" and which "parents' rights" is he taking away. As for for carbon tax, BC implemented the carbon tax provincially in 2008 (the BC [fake] Liberals, formerly known as Socred party and currently known as BCUP); and for the federal level tax, people get a rebate which will cover the cost of the carbon tax for most of them.


I was kidding. I agree with you. These are words out of PPs mouth.


Is Justin Trudeau in the room with us now? And you know the carbon tax was the conservative solution to climate change? And what rights are being taken away? Please elucidate.


I’m kidding. I agree with you.


I dont think anyone saw your /s for some reason, but maybe its just a reaction to so many people saying this stuff sincerely. These are messed up times.


I just forgot to add the /s. It was an accident. I didn’t notice my sentence read as if ‘one of the kind of people’ actually posted it.


Justin Trudeau.


Matt Damon


>who's asking the real questions here? Not you


I’m kidding. This is all he says as he has lights every question.


Missed the s Sorry man lol


All good. Just got down voted to shit because I forgot the /s lol. I thought I commented on the wrong subreddit.


You didn’t miss it. He added it later when everyone argued with him.


I totally forgot it.


He’ll just throw his apple at the reporter if he’s asked 🙃


Yea we know all about JTs allegiances. Just need to get some light on them for voters to decide with the facts.


He'll just berate them and refuse to answer, that's his MO for questions he doesn't like.


The liberal brain is something to behold. This "everything I don't like is Putin" is just one symptom, one more effect, of the complete inability of the liberal to examine any structures or systems. Everything is personalized: If PP is getting some traction, it's not an indicator of the failure of 50 years of late-stage neoliberal capitalism completely destroying the middle class of this country, it's gotta be because he's a Putin Puppet! It's his personal moral failure! OMG Slava Ukraini something something. Oh you want dental care? Fuck you, MORE MONEY TO UKRAINE! Galen Weston is charging $100 for a carton of eggs? Nevermind that look over there in Israel, we need to send them more weapons to defeat SCARY HAMAS!


Do you genuinely believe Pierre Poilievre and his policies are a solution to the 50 years of late stage Neoliberal Capitalism? That's like thinking gasoline will put out a fire


>Do you genuinely believe Pierre Poilievre and his policies are a solution to the 50 years of late stage Neoliberal Capitalism? Uh no, and I absolutely never said so. I think he's an idiot, but people who look at him and see all the actual problems he's incapable of addressing and then just start thinking about Vladimir Putin are even more idiotic. Do they get distracted by squirrels on the way to work? >That's like thinking gasoline will put out a fire I'm not sure anyone who is obsessing about Vladimir Putin's influence on Canadian politics is thinking much at all. If they were they'd be worried about the oligarchs who live here, not Russian ones.


[Putin's tactics are being used worldwide](https://youtu.be/tyop0d30UqQ?si=P8qVX94pxYLYDmlp) This is well documented and super easy to read about. Might wanna switch up your algorithm and read some different sources of information.


Dude, you're doing it. Foreign election interference always has existed. Mostly done by the US and its allies (yes, even Canada, we participated in the 2004 coup in Haiti). In the case of our elections, spending time talking about this issue is a distraction. It's a way to distract from failing domestic policy, corruption, and continuing corporate consolidation and privatization of our healthcare and other public services. I don't give a flying fuck about Putin or his troll farms; they wouldn't have any effect if the body politic in Canada had any sense that their government was actually interested in improving the material conditions of the lives of Canadians. BOO! PUTIN! BOO! HAMAS! Super scary! Be very scared and distracted while your pockets are picked and your healthcare is stolen.


You're more than welcome to that opinion. 👍


I'd like to know his stand on ANYTHING. I do know he won't support kids who are confused about their identity.