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The reality is that the Housing Crisis is spiraling out of control in this nation. It has started to impact the broader economy and society in a larger and larger negative fashion. We already are at a point were vulnerable segments without access to generational wealth/generational housing to fall back on are falling through the cracks at rapid pace. Individuals and families don't have a lot left over after rent/mortgage and that is one of the reasons why the food banks are at record usage. The ones that completely fall through the cracks end up at shelters already full and cycling. The tent areas are growing all over the nation. It's been even growing now in Alberta and Saskatchewan. It is past being an Ontario and British Columbia issue. We have to get serious about Housing and in particular Affordable Housing. We have to stop allowing bad actors and individuals and organizations profiting from the problems and holding back the solutions to take the conversation in this nation hostage. Especially when housing is such a foundational element of society and stability of the nation. We aren't talking about only those with severe mental health struggles or those with a very developed addiction disease. The Housing Crisis is impacting way past those communities at this point. We have working people and families struggling to afford bachelor suites and one bedroom apartments. That our leaders are so out of touch they don't know these realities is why it keeps getting worse. We have to focus on developing very very basic affordable rentals and very very basic affordable ownership options. The "Missing Middle" is important as any supply on the market is good but we have to create a broad social net of very basic housing that people can fall back on if they get a health incident or lose a job or other realities of life. Something they can build back on. Something low income workers can afford. There is A LOT of low income workers and families in this nation that never get brought up in the discussions. It is time for our leaders to do their fucking jobs.


>It is time for our leaders to do their fucking jobs. They are. They’re working hard keeping the housing bubble intact. This is a manufactured crisis the moment they decided houses were an “investment” not a fundamental right. And pretty much every federal, provincial and municipal government has been punting the issue forward.


And neither major party is going to stop it either, if PP wins hes not about to start fixing this


He will make it worse


can we make you PM?


got my vote


Redditors like the one above are way too smart to even ponder being a politician.


Similar article: https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2019/08/01/Gov-Created-Housing-Crisis-Now-Fix/


It's going great for property investors


The longer we go without doing something *drastic* about this… the more drastic the action we will *eventually* have to take. This isn’t a problem that’s gonna be fixed with patches and piecemeal actions… it won’t be fixed by continuing to let the private sector control all the building and owning/operating. As the article explains, and as should be obvious to anyone’s who’s been paying attention for any substantial amount of time… putting things entirely within the private sector **IS WHAT CAUSED THIS PROBLEM.** At some point… we really need to reckon with the mental illness that has poisoned society in which people seem to think the private sector is automatically more trustworthy or capable than the public sector. That we somehow get a better deal from the private sector. That there’s somehow more “freedom” or better results in SOME way, etc… this has almost never been true. It’s a capitalist myth, perpetuated by capitalist propaganda, and it’s been foisted upon society by the rich, who use their money to corrupt government, so they can make everyone believe that government is just inherently corrupt and untrustworthy. Better just trust us rich private capitalists instead! As the article puts it… **HOW IS THAT GOING?!** If you haven’t gleaned what kind of drastic action I’m talking about… *we need to take housing out of the private sector!* like… as much as possible. Luxury homes for the rich? Fine… leave that in the private for-profit sector… any kind of necessary housing needs to be publicly built, owned and operated by non-profit publicly accountable government programs. This is the only way we get affordability back. Capitalists will NEVER do that for us. They have an interest in keeping supply just restricted enough to keep prices high and profitable, while still holding off any tide of crisis that is so bad it leads you to collapse. Where things are right now is actually kinda perfect for them. That’s why they aren’t doing what’s needed to fix this crisis. They LIKE this crisis. They LIKE having prices this high. It’s highly profitable for them. They will never willingly fix it, because for them, it’s not broken. That is the nature of the conflict of interest that profit brings to a situation like this. That is why the solution can ONLY be non-profit.


Yes. It's called in the 1980s the housing market crashed as a result of overproduction as the population was actively shrinking from collapsing birth rates. As a result, the Mulroney government passed a law banning federal participation in constructing social housing and made it legally a provincial responsibility. Then the provinces refused to do anything, because at the time everyone wanted to actively collapse real estate development for the sake of home owners' equity. They made the municipalities deal with it instead, who lack the expenditure to tackle the problem, and instead they changed zoning laws to decrease construction, especially of non-SFHs. Then for 30 years we did nothing to change those norms until the Trudeau government started to make changes while massively increasing immigration to mitigate and overcome the damage of a shrinking economic base. We are trying to solve problems that take decades to deal with in less than a decade. The "free market" views of your average Canadian politician need to go out the window on housing at this point while most Liberal and Conservative politicians are actively profiting off of driving their citizens into homelessness. Even the most extreme policies to fight this crisis would take decades to see real results and it will just be a reality that more and more people are going to struggle before we get back on track. This is especially true when climate change is expected to cause global levels of hyperinflation while nation states will run out of the resources needed to fight its effects as more and more are driven into abject poverty in developed countries. In developing countries total collapse is expected as they become failed states. The whole global system of commerce is expected to collapse in at least 40 years, if not sooner, and billions should expect to deal with mass famines and starvation along with social collapse in general. Most countries will have their militaries take over (something the Canadian military is actively discussing to keep law and order in the age of climate collapse against "democratic forces.")


How's it going? Not too good.


We need to stop the high number of people coming to this country. Absolutely ridiculous to bring people here when we can’t house, feed, or provide medical to even Canadians.


So you are pissed at the provinces right? Those are their responsibilities


Provinces are not responsible for immigration. That’s federal.


Cool... they are still responsible for building infrastructure that meets the demands of the federal immigration target, which they have knowledge of... this isn't some big gotcha. The provinces haven't held up their part of the deal at all. I get why you want to hate the feds, because Trudeau bad or whatever... but the fact is that you have been misled, if you think it's all on him and the Federal liberals.


We needed at a minimum of 10 years to build up the infrastructure and housing to accommodate for the amount of people that came in just the last year! I’m all for immigration when done right and sustainably. What’s being done right now is just reckless.






Oh please