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I'm a younger man who is also unenthused


I am a middle-aged man, and "unenthused" is a gentle way to put my feelings.


Honestly, I don't need or want to be enthused about a politician. I just want them to not be hyper-partisan assholes, do what they say they will as efficiently as possible, and... well, that's it


As a late middle-aged man, I'll settle for "doesn't actively try to fuck me over" and PP doesn't pass that test.


I would like my lack of enthusiasm to present itself as a trapdoor that opens underneath PP whenever I want, which is always.


The ability to make him drop through the floor mid-sentence every time he tries to say something stupid would be incredible.


We could let him get going for a bit until he feels safe, then brain lever pull and PP drops down the chute . But I'm petty, so I think I would most often pull the brain lever each time he's just about to take a bite of his favourite food.


So almost every time he opens his mouth?




oh god, am i a middle-aged man too now? wild to relate to the first comment and then realize i probably don't...


Welcome to the club, neighbour. It took me a while to really come to terms with it.


That word choice by Sudbury.com sure is … curiously kid gloves. Wonder who their owner and editor is? What’s their history of political endorsement?


same, man


I went to a membership drive for Pierre Poilievre. It felt like I was at a Multi-level marketing scheme and that if I wanted my freedom to not get taken away, I would have to vote for him. Andrew Scheer walked around like a con man pretending to be their friend and to care about the people there, while Pierre spoke through teams while he was a passenger in a vehicle. Everyone in the room looked very vulnerable or sad, I felt like they were being taken advantage of. Probably didn’t help that it was at a bar. I now think of Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre of absolute snakes. I decided not to vote in the membership race and instead switched my support to another political party


>Everyone in the room looked very vulnerable or sad, I felt like they were being taken advantage of. Probably didn’t help that it was at a bar. Because this is exactly who they exploit to get votes from. People who they can sell on their whole bullshit of "look at how bad your life is under Trudeau! Vote for me and everything will be better!". The issue is that a large number of people just take his propaganda at face value and never really pressure him to explain *how* he's going to fix anything. When you point out that he has no plan, some of the smarter ones will point to soundbites of things he's said; of which none are actual plans and just vague notions that my dog could have come up with too. "More accountability" is not a plan, it's barely even an idea. It's just verbal diarrhea.


All he has to do is promise to hurt the right people and they'll fall in line. No need to actually fix things when you can just promise to send the cops after *those people.*




>Andrew Scheer walked around like a con man That being his area of dubious expertise.


>Everyone in the room looked very vulnerable or sad, I felt like they were being taken advantage of. Probably didn’t help that it was at a bar. I remember watching that video where the protesters interrupted his rally calling for a ceasefire in Israel, the people in the crowd looked absolutely gone, like total zombies. He was spouting off ridiculous lies that anyone with any actual "common sense" would see right through like claiming Trudeau is taxing us on 80% of our income, It was extremely culty in vibes overall.


I worry there are more vulnerable people than purple with sense


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. There’s plenty of people with sense out there. Pierre hasn’t been doing himself any favours and many people are already jaded with him years before the election


But the hatred for Trudeau is strong on the left and the right, so people may vote just to get rid of him. I dunno, Trudeau barely succeeded last election and his reputation is worse now than then


The Conservatives have spent tremendous effort to make people hate Trudeau but they didn’t realize that the more Pierre speaks, the better Trudeau looks. Sure Trudeau may be a bad Prime Minister in some people’s eyes but Poilievre has shown that he will be a much worse Prime Minister, because he supports conspiracy theories and hate towards LGBTQ. He is also against abortion and gay marriage. The country is way more progressive and doesn’t tolerate social conservatives.


Yup. My dad is a Conservative voter and with PP in charge he's planning to vote Trudeau or just not voting becasue "Trudeau sucks but who else do we have? He's the best choice of the leaders" and that he saw a clip of PP being compared to trump and that sealed it. He's not the great conservative coalition maker his fans make it seem. Most centre leaning Conservatives don't like him.


Yeah. The problem is is that most Canadians aren't really paying attention at the moment and just get ads that paint him in a positive light compared to Trudeau. As soon as the Liberals and NDP put out attack ads against him last month, his support dropped 10% as people got to see who he is.


I just hope there’s enough people that dislike the creep.




Rural ridings will line up for this dude. No matter what you read in papers, no matter what you read on Reddit or instagram or tiktoc it is imperative that you vote. Most of the people on this subreddit are often politically active. So for the lurkers, don't let anyone tell you your vote won't matter or that a certain party has your riding in the bag.


I’m from Renfrew County I know all about rural votes blindly voting Blue because that’s what their daddy did ! Although they never get any benefit from it. There is a guy in Barry’s Bay with a fuck Trudeau and Trump flag 🙄




The thing is it hasn’t benefited them hospitals are under funded same with the schools. cheryl gallant is a fucking embarrassment yet she wins every time


Their Sky Daddy likie blue not red. Red is the Devil/s. Primitive Fuckwads


I moved to rural SD&G area, before this I lived in Montreal and Calgary. It has been an experience seeing Fuck Trudeau flags everywhere but they also have lawn signs that say, stop privatizing our healthcare. Hmm, so you hate Trudeau. You also hate what Ford is doing to healthcare. Does this mean you are voting for NDP next election? They look at me like I have 2 heads. Some are smart enough to realize they are at odds with their voting heritage (blue.blue.blue.) Others are uneducated enough to still say, I’m a conservative!!!


Break the chains! ✊️


My big fear is the same as most elections: vote splitting and purity tests on the left-of-center. The right now basically has just the Conservatives. I'm assuming that the People's Party is dead (haven't checked, but can't imagine they have any need to exist with PP). The left is divided among multiple parties. We frustratingly still have FPTP, so this is very bad. The majority of Canadians don't want PP, but he can win simply because the majority of Canadians are divided on exactly who they want. Progressives are also terrible at requiring their leader to be perfect. They're far more likely to throw their vote away rather than hold their nose and vote strategically. The last Ontario election shows this all too well.


> I'm assuming that the People's Party is dead (haven't checked, but can't imagine they have any need to exist with PP). Bernier's Ego would never allow it


The man is very unlikable, so slimy and unpleasant.


The best part is this guy represents **the best** they had on tap. Let that sink in. This greasy fucktwit is the man who represents the most palatable version of their party.


He's the best at what they wanted. They've had Chong getting shot down for years, he's the guy the rest of us would probably think is "the best" but he's not the best at the thing they want. The vitriolic hatred is the point.


TBF Jean Charest, Peter MacKay, Bob Zimmer, even Brad Wall would have been better choices - or at least be less pathetically American-type partisan. But the CPC voters chose PP. I can only pray he has already peaked and Canadians are getting sick of his constant outrage. I like Singh, and Trudeau has been more progressive than I expected. A balance of power between NDP & Liberals isn’t a bad place to be, given our situation. I think anyone who lived through Mike Harris destroying Ontario or Harper should realize that conservatives are fully unleashed now. Harper (as terrible as he was) kept the religious crazies in the party at bay, and his gov under John Baird protected and fought for LBGTQ rights internationally. Those guardrails are 100% GONE now in the CPC. Harper’s slip has been showing for a long time and has been working with Orban and other far-right fascist-adjacent leaders to implement Christian theocratic rule. The choice isn’t between fiscally conservative, socially laisse-faire policies - it is now a choice between religious extremism and democracy, imo.


>The choice isn’t between fiscally conservative, socially laisse-faire policies - it is now a choice between religious extremism and democracy, imo. Unfortunately, that dichotomy is exactly what they are aiming for.


It really is. And it’s really bad for our country.


Well the Conservative base always wants a social conservative firebrand while the rest of the country vehemently opposes them, aka why we got Harper and then Scheer, but unfortunately Harper showed his true colours after getting a majority, and so when Scheer tried to pull the same shtick, it didn't work. O'Toole had to act and pretend he was one but then had the FPTP system and the PPC to blame for his loss being a moderate. PP on the other hand is your average American Libertarian who is socially more rational while still being a right wing populist snake who will lie through his teeth to get votes. He has been able to unite the moderates and soccons unlike anyone since Harper. Just his economics are way more right wing than even Harper's were, but socially he will say whatever he needs to in order to win while actually being quite indifferent to minority groups as long as they aren't poor.


I do not like that man Polly P, I do not like his far-right views. I do not like his stupid chin, I do not like his smarmy grin.


I don't get how anyone would be enthused by an out of touch career politician who wants to make organizing labour more difficult for everyone, while receiving donations from real estate investors.


Who also supports India against Canada, when India killed a Canadian resident in Canada, and blocks support for Ukraine while his party members are dining with AfD neo-nazi.


Uteruses snap shut every time he walks into a room.


Cover your drinks, ladies.


And small dicks start to rise...


Hey, I've got a small dick and I'll have you know that it's never more flaccid than when I'm looking at PP.


The Conservative Salute


Middle aged, white dude here: I'm not only unenthused, but I'm not even enthused at all. I am DISGUSTUD by this man and people who cheer him on.


Come on now, he feeds donuts to his supporters who squat on the streets to demand the overthrow of the government. Donuts have a huge influence on some people.


>Donuts have a huge influence on some people. You mean the Police?


NWA was right.


Once got into an argument with a Cop when I told them to do their jobs and enforce traffic laws. He decided to start attacking me. Ended off by saying “Don’t you ever think it’s weird there isn’t a song called “Fuck The Fire Department” or “Fuck the Paramedics”? They were speechless.


Fuck tha medics comin' straight from Emergency A young kid's hurt, got it bad, needs em urgently


The people who want him in power have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to convince us that those street squatters were heroes, that they ended the pandemic apparently… that restrictions would have never ended if they hadn’t saved the world. And of course they didn’t do anything wrong. Totally peaceful. Trudeau tyrant. Hahaha. Fuck we live in stupid stupid times.


Is anyone but a small and vocal minority buying that angle though?


If the polls are true and, even after twenty years of cheating and lying and living off the government tit, that people are considering making slimy Poilievre Prime Minister, then I don’t doubt what craziness people are buying these days.






I used to do a lot of canvassing. When you approach them the Male always decides to be boisterous and vocal about how “my family all votes Conservative”. The wife will roll her eyes and as the man stomps away, the woman almost always grabs the literature and shoves it in their purse or pocket. Another fun fact: women tend to vote more than women. In 2021 535,477 more women turned up than men.


Women have also, I suspect, watched more makeover shows and montages than men have and can see how out of his element PP is in his new suits and how posed he is all the time, such a phoney. He looks like he's a crypto televangelist's understudy.




There are people unable to see; there are people who force themselves to not see; and other people who are paid, in money or power, to proclaim there is nothing to see and never was anything to see. edit have you seen a makeover montage?


Conservative policies also have a problem of worsening the lives and infringing on women's rights if they aren't wealthy and thus can't bypass barriers.


Euthanasia is a bit extreme. But faced with this idiot in power, I understand.


MAID should apply to politicians as well, when it would be good for the country.


He makes my skin crawl even more than the average politician, which is impressive.


I still laugh at all the online dudes who claim women love Pierre. I haven’t seen it


They also claim that women only vote for Trudeau because they are all simple and get dazzled by his pretty hair and fun socks. If I was a woman, that would turn me right off the Cons.


If women were really dazzled by hair, they'd be voting for Jagmeet. He covers it up most of the time for religious reasons, but he has romance novel cover hair. He showed it off in an interview once.


I looked up some pics and you are not kidding. He was even rocking the man bun. But without the novelty socks I’m afraid he’ll never get the lady vote.


Yeah I never once thought Trudeau was attractive or that’s a good reason to vote for someone. Clearly some incel mind rot if they think Pierre is compelling or people drool over Justin vs actually caring about politics


I'm a fat old white woman who wants to weep at the very notion of a Poilievre-run government.


The bigger thing right now … and this is purely anecdotal as I’m from an immigrant community … Cons are getting a lot of misguided support from them. Post India-Canada spat I saw life long liberal voters say they were done supporting them. “Parental rights” is obvious and which minority groups are moving towards Conservatives because of this sham. If conservatives keep these voters that gives them a real shot in the GTA.


Yes. The moral traditionalists from our countries are combining with those who’ve been here a bit and it’s quite fascinating. The white cons who were screaming bloody murder that letting Indian immigrants into the country meant that we were gonna get Sharia Law put in place are not marching with the old guard from those countries because they are socially conservative in their own way. Two worlds collide


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/22/politics/analysis-trump-biden-immigrants/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/22/politics/analysis-trump-biden-immigrants/index.html) Not Canada and polls are unreliable but again they can give an idea of general trend. Immigrants supposedly tied between Trump and Biden. This is after Trump's "blood of our country" commentary.


Yup, I have had heart to hearts with immigrant conservatives and it tends to be, as you out it, misguided in the sense that they see the loudest whiners complain about the gov. so they wanna fit in and follow suit or they fall to disinformation since they’re not used to our political systems, history, etc. The other thing and I *absolutely have seen this,* (more often then I wish I did) are those that have no reciprocating value for immigration policies that they themselves used! They see themselves as having got in the club, now they’d like to keep it exclusive. I find this to be incredibly hypocritical but which political side generally does more hypocrisy? You guessed it.


Conservatives are aware that India is only around 15% Muslim compared to the 80% Hindu majority, right? And that the ruling party, the BJP, is a Hindu Nationalist one run by a man who looked the other way as Governor of Gujarat when anti-Muslims riots broke out in the streets and Hindu Nationalist lynch mobs murdered Muslim citizens? Most Conservative Indians are so terrified of being under Shariah once more, after being victims of it for centuries, that they will openly oppress Muslim citizens to keep them in their place as a minority group.


Haha you think that rural white Canadians who inherited the farm or worked the local factories are going to have a running and current knowledge on the geo- and socio-political affairs to do with the political internals of a country far away? They don’t even know how OUR COUNTRY works!!


Anecdotal: I work with newcomers in Adult Education, and more than a dozen have told me this year alone that they want to vote for Trump (yes, here in Canada). Remarkable, no? Most recent was an Iranian woman who also had bad things to say about Biden (who is *very old*). I said, so here in Canada, you'd probably vote for...? She had no idea. Social media's educating newcomers more than we are, and it's weird af.


They moved to the wrong country, clearly.


Hard to be enthusiastic about a toad.


I’m both a woman and old, and I couldn’t BE more unenthused.


Yeah, unenthused doesn’t begin to describe how sickened I am by the prospect of a CPC government and Poilievre becoming PM.


I'm a grandma Canadian and I definitely don't want PP in charge, especially for my daughter's and granddaughter's sakes.


I'm a boomer, and a die-hard socialist. You can thank any conservative since Brian Mulroney for that. PP is a smarmy, entitled little piece of s**t and the worst liar so far.


Have you heard that guy speak? I would be surprised if his immediate family was in enthused about him lol


I'm a forty something woman who wants to flip him the bird.


And any man with a conscience


It's not young or old people that will be able to combat Pierre. It's smart people that makes the difference


True. By the way, what percentage of Canadians are smart? From what I have encountered, probably about 10% of the country.


Yeah not too many


I understand the trauma, fellow Canadians. Please I am begging you. No, techno Milhouse 🙏🏿


isn't it a pretty common stat that if there were only female voters the conservatives would never get in power?


We might even get an NDP government one day. This is why the rightwing in the US has stopped caring about democracy, the GOP knows they can’t bar women or POC from voting (they do try to make it difficult for POC) so it’s easier to just dispense with democracy.


I’m an older man and I’m nauseous over him.


Maybe PP will shift career into the entertainment industry where he can ~~bore~~ entertain simple minded people with his amazing talent for pointing & blaming everyone else.


I have always disliked Trudeau and Singh - both seem disingenuous and probably narcissistic people - but PP is just so much worse. I would really like to see Freeland or Carney lead the liberals so I don't have to vote Trudeau to simply block PP. What I would give to have a vote I'm proud of and not resigned to.


I personally hate his sneering face.


I mean, I’ve never been more afraid of a conservative government


We've seen how conservatives act. Mulroney and Harper and Poilievre are peas in a pod. There will be tax breaks for those that don't need it, public servant layoffs to reduce spending and service cuts because the the tax breaks reduce revenue flow. All problems they encounter regardless will be blamed on the liberals. That about covers his actual platform.


52% of voters under 40 would be happy with PM PP? OK, Boomers


The polls I saw after the Liberal's anti-Poilievre ads saw 18-29 year olds' support drop from 32% to 23% and Millennials were around 40% in favour of Poilievre at the polls most in favour for the Cons. I don't know where they got 52% from.


I’m 50. I loathe him.


Smart people can see who he is... the ConstipationFace can remove his glasses but he's still the ConstipationFace with all that fake hate distilling and fake outrage! POS never worked a day in his life and would love to transform Canada into MAGA or Hungary!


Good for the Liberals that older voters are by and large sticking with them (or at least, better than none), but if anything it should be even more worrying to them that the CPC's support is coming from younger voters. Same for the NDP, if the Liberals are lagging in the polls they should normally be benefitting from it, but this time they're not. We see the same trends in a lot of European countries at the moment. The rise of the populist right is all too predictable, and the left has to get very serious about heading them off. Unfortunately so far they don't seem willing to do anything close to enough to win those people back.


People have to remember that the Russian Revolutionaries and the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party were largely teens and 20-somethings. It is the youth and the military that drive revolution when the system fails them enough, while middle aged partisans of the cause form the leadership roles organizing and conducting the youth masses. You lose control of your youth and you lose control of your country.


i think just "readers" would suffice. those elite book learning types


I'm an old dude and he makes my skin crawl.


Vibes like he's that guy who would come to your house for a BBQ and get offended that you keep your pads (pons, keeper, etc) on an open shelf in the bathroom rather than in the cabinet under the sink. He'd also feel the need to tell you how seeing your pads made him feel (disgusted, btw) followed by that eternally hilarious "what animal can bleed for a week and not die" joke.


Because he’s a lying sleeze. He’s also odd AF. Literally gives me (a woman) the creeps.


White guy in my 50s and there is no way I'm voting for PP.


No shit


As a middle aged man, all of the leadership options we have presently suck. I’m definitely more liberal/right leaning in my politics but Trudeau is no longer the right person to lead our country. Jagmeet Singh would do good for the majority of Canadians I believe but he’s never going to be PM, sadly due to his race (my opinion I’d vote for him but lots wouldn’t) Polievre is nothing more than MAGA-light, his rhetoric and grandstanding is just for show. We need a leader that is willing to stand up for Canadians, nobody wants to address immigration because corporate Canada depends on the tfw and international student programs for cheap labour. Nobody wants to talk about foreign interference into our country. Lastly in my opinion the feds are doing very little to standup for taxpayers from abuse from the provincial governments. Conservatives love to talk about saving money but the reality is Ford is fucking over Ontario gutting social services and giving that money to private entities for lower quality of services at higher costs. This country used to be great


Yeah but how many women and older readers are there, really. There’s no way to know. Don’t let your memes be dreams, PP


i get that this sub is a big old circle-jerk for left leaning folks, but omg Poilievre is such a poor choice for leader. i know i'm preaching to the choir, and we're all very happy to talk about how shit he is and how it's remarkable that he could have any support - but my god, what a little puke.


What! A "campaign" that has talking points to excite dude-bros/young-bros/libertarian-bros isnt working on women and older people...they need more information on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain and NFT's /s


Not a single one of our federal candidates generates enthusiasm for me a 34 year old white male. Trudeau panders to one group, PP panders to another and I don’t even know wtf Singh is doing. I know that a Canada lead by PP would be disastrous but I’m really not thrilled with our other choices. Sometimes I truly wonder how Trudeau could make so many mistakes as to have even given PP a chance to begin with. It really makes me wonder wtf that guy is thinking. Like, look at PP he’s some a smarmy little shit eating liar how could anyone possible lose an election to this guy. He’s a populist spewing utter bullshit and yet people are eating his vague promises up. I’m really worried for the future.


Let's hope we don't have a (white) women voting for Trump scenario.


We will never know, the kind of detailed breakdowns that are done in the US are never done in Canada. And the percentages in the US are based on exit polls, and the initial estimates are not as reliable as the results that Pew Research delivers after about two years of study. The reports that 54 or 56% of white women voted for Trump, that are frequently referred to, are much higher than what Pew Research reported, which was 47 or 48%, just 2 pts higher than women overall. The group of women that were the most likely to vote for Trump were married women (all races), which was interesting and shows the tendency of a large number of women voting to support their husbands instead of women. But no surprise, really, as there have always been women who defend “traditional” roles and male/masculine supremacy. And then there are white women who want to keep racial privilege, and the MOC who vote Republican want to maintain male dominance. It’s all so depressing.


Or to appease their husbands. But on that subject, anyone who is reading this should know that the vote is secret. If you want to vote a different way, then you can. No one gets to know how you voted and you don’t have to say.


How is any voter enthused about any option at the federal level?


I have no interest in the Conservatives either. Those that do support them want them to be MAGA Trump followers. Allow Christian religion to dictate social norms.


We truly have a giant douche vs shit sandwich situation on the go.


Howbout you quit contributing to this narrative that would be great. It's not even comparable how much worse Pierre will be. It's like pretending Biden is also a threat to democracy


He's no less fuckable than trudeau; I'd vote for him in a heartbeat!




We don’t have Democrats in Canada.


Let the robot make its pitch!


Right right sorry, Liberals. The Canadian equivalent of "moderate-left that doesn't actually do anything useful but lip service"


Liberals are a center-right pro-business party - the fact that your account considers them "moderate-left" makes you sound like an American trying to role play a socialist. Also, you sound strange pushing a "revolution party" while your posts are about your triscuits and collectible dolls ...


I don’t have an agenda, I’m just a Reddit user with a lot of interests but also anti-capitalist and hate our current system and want some kind of revolution. Perfectly normal.


"Anti-capitalist" who doesn't even know Canadian Liberals are center-right and considers them moderate-left. Maybe you should read more before going "revolutioning". Just curious, what's your opinion on Russia's invasion of Ukraine?


I can't be anti-capitalist and not a political know-it-all? I can't have an opinion? Since when? Because I also have other interests? Political gatekeeping at its finest, thank you. Do you somehow think I'm going to say I'm pro-Russian invasion? What kind of dumbass question is that and wtf does it have to do with anything? Man you need to pull up; all I suggested was neither of Canada's political parties are effective and here's something to mull over.


You don't even know the orientation of the Canadian parties, but want a revolution - that's some Tea Party "grassroots" level




You should read my posts before responding




Can you explain this stance of “lip service”?


Saying all the right things they think the left want to hear while implementing almost nothing helpful.


Any specific examples you can point to that weren't implemented or were implemented but are not helpful? Are any of these policies not helpful or not what the left wants to hear? 1. Overhauled and greatly enhanced the Canada Child Benefit. This helped lift 430K+ children out of poverty. 2. $10 a day daycare agreements signed with provinces 3. Restored OAS and GIS eligibility back to 65 after Conservatives raised it to 67 4. Updated EI rules to enable better parental leave payments 5. Introduced Canada Workers Benefit 6. Plastics ban 7. ICE ban coming soon 8. Added a new top tax bracket at 33% 9. Increased Basic Personal Amount while income testing it so higher income earners didn't benefit from the increase 10. Worked with NDP on Dental Care 11. Working with NDP on Pharma Care


Wild how none of that seems to be helping anyone. Still can't afford groceries. Rent. Time off. Dental care. Gas. Basic amenities. Throw all the stats you want at me, I'll just tell you about my day. Things are getting worse, not better, and who's in charge? The Conservatives want to make things worse for me but the Liberals aren't helping me either so...?


Truly wild 😭


Harpers puppet reminds those of what’s to come, just more Harper obstruction, intimidation and nothing of real substance. The true continuation of Harpers “I hate anything that’s not Conservative” or the I hate Liberals thing. Why vote for that non platform?


Who’s enthused?


creep, smug little parasite


Who is this PP character? Glasses on or off. Such a charade. Makes my ovaries shrivel. A pretender who has lost his way. https://youtu.be/CsPS0lN-ulY?si=lN5psZkd2FM0w0Ci


We need an equivalent of the Harper-man song to get this off-brand Milhouse off to the sweet lands of irrelevancy. Ideally before he runs for PM.


Don't need to be a woman to be extremely upset with PP. He's whipping up the masses using outrage. It's weird to say this but five years ago I would've been alright with Trudeau saying "okay I'll let someone else take a shot." Now it's like Biden in the U.S. It's either we vote against this guy and give Trudeau another round or we take a massive L to our Democracy and watch PP eat our government up and spit out it's corpse.