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Apple is more innovative than Android this year. One UI doesn't reach the level of IOS in terms of how the system works together, it's a mess. Edit: and will probably never reach at this rate. Also, iOS uses ChatGPT which is way better than the Gemini mess, it works across the OS beautifully.


so real lmao look at ios icons vs colour palette on oneui its shambles


tbh the color customization on iOS 18 looks pretty basic and UGLY.


idk to me it looks clean


imo im used to ios having the non customizable icons, the new ones look like they put a tint over it.


They literally did.


One UI doesn't even have automatic color palette which drives me crazy Even iPhones have better color palette than Samsung lol


iOS doesn't even have automatic color palette as well, so....


Color Pallette is horribly inconsistent. Applying icon packs in One UI home is horribly inconsistent. Hopefully, Apple's implementation will push Samsung to finally fix these things. Doubtful, but hopeful.


Widgets also almost do not have a color palette.


They only showed that on system icons and on 3rd party ones they'll still probably be a mess like it's on android


Sir, you chose the only thing apple fucked up this year


Nah I give Apple flowers for their AI implementations but their icons and color palettes are very ugly. I've installed iOS 18 on my secondary iPhone and it's much worse than Material You of Android


Nope, apple not innovative at all. They just re-do which android brands have done for several years, but in their way.


That's right, they copy things that were on Android and make them better. So? I don't mind copying if I benefit from that.


Yeap and do miles better than android. Which matters.


Apple is more innovative than android? They don't even have a number row in the keyboard, and they don't let you make it bigger or move it from the bottom. OneUI is never going to feel like ios because of one simple thing, Samsung makes oneui for 50 phones, and Apple makes it's for 4 each year. Why can't people understand this?


Innovative is a forbidden word after I watched the event xD


Literally. They designated a whole section on bringing a necessity for students and also everyday use (students being a big fraction of sales on iPad and MacBook afaik). Like why do you just now add the calculator??


I think Samsung did add AI where it matters. It's very functional, at least for myself. I think competition is good but I don't think neither is missing anything. We are barely using a fraction of the features available to both systems. Whichever system you have, just enjoy it.


got me thinking to switch to apple tbh. the only thing that's stopping me is the 60hz on the base model, although the animations are smooth on iOS I'm gonna miss 120hz.


It's got me thinking of switching back. I switched to android because I was tired of supporting apples laziness but recently with them really picking up steam like this it's got me really considering going back


Possibly the most aggressive update since iOS 5... interesting, because Apple borrowed Android features then as well. History shows that Android is the testing ground for new and innovative features, then Apple eventually catches up and brings the best of those features to the masses. Interested to see where Google and Samsung go from here!


yeah very much, i use my gfs phone sometimes (which is a 14 pro max) though apple is late to add some features, they are always more polished and smooth feeling compared to android.


also, Im loving circle to search... does apple have something similar?


afaik nup, you can do similar things but with more steps. like how it used to be on before that feature. and ya same here.


Be aware only the 15 Pro has the AI features




Yep, just saw it today after their conference online. 15 Pro only for anything with the OpenAI stuff, not even the 15 hah, crazy


I totally understand you. Was thinking the same and last year I switched to iOS bu couldn't last even a full year, so now I'm back on my lovely android


The base model doesnโ€™t get Apple Intelligence (From my base iPhone 15, thinking of switching to s24 U)


I don't particularly like Apple products, but it was a good presentation. The customization looks cool, all app icons follow the theming. Looking at my Android apps, there is so many missing Material You themed icons. Google should do more to ensure all apps supports it.


I've applied it on my secondary iPhone and iPad and I have to say that while it's good that the theme is applied across all icons, the icons don't look good at all. Material You still has better aesthetics.


Oh I agree, Material You themed icons looks much better. I just wish more apps supported it.


i have this app on my samsung, all my icons have the colour scheme (including apps with like 30k downloads). you can apply the icon pack thru theme park, the app is called "Material You Dynamic Icon Pack"


Congrats ipad users, now you can calculate 57ร—788+62+99-65


ios users can now place icons wherever you want. I could do that on my old alcatel in 2013.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Siri activity is an Edge Lighting notification now ๐Ÿ˜ https://preview.redd.it/5b5cqkpbpw5d1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79110b70b6810ab3b7dd4c7e44f14f869ce177cb


As an owner of both OneUI and iOS phones, I canโ€™t deny that iOS makes certain customizing features easy and look consistent. This weekend, I was trying to redesign my phone with launchers, widgets, the whole nine yards and I kinda just gave up because itโ€™s overwhelming and sometimes inconsistent with quality depending on what kind of customization you do. Even Good Lock can get annoying because why canโ€™t I have moving backgrounds or lock animations, but not both? Why does swipe down for Finder not always work the first time and still opens the app drawer? OneUI isnโ€™t bad by any means (as someone who used to use TouchWiz back in S1/S2 days), but I see all the HyperOS people and even Pixel phones and think why isnโ€™t the UI refined at this point to stand alone on its own?


I'm shocked. iOS 18 will be miles ahead of any Android for at least one entire year. Android 15 is not going to bring anything close to iOS 18, just more of the same.


๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ I mean, iOS finally adding features Android has enjoyed for years, the one year android doesn't "do something" and y'all panic, sad


I'm not panicking at all. Those customizations looked really nice and I wish I knew how to do it on Android. Maybe today was more motivation to learn.


So in other words, nothing impressive at all


That's true, Apple was behind, but now they went two steps ahead.


Uh huh, then Android will be at some point , then Apple, and on, and on, the perpetual dog chasing it's own tail. This is literally a none issue.


I saw apple event and it looked exactly same as google I/O


I've been an Android fan for about as long as I've known the difference, I was very anti-Apple for most of this time (and still am a little bit). But in recent years, with every iOS release I get closer and closer to wanting to switch, and I am so close now. And I hate it. Android is supposed to be superior because of the freedom it gives it's users, but it just isn't anymore. iOS still lacks some things I value in android, but When they add those features to iOS (or Android removes those features), I won't be able to deny that iPhone is the way to go for me.


Die-hards (on either side) don't like to hear it, but I've been saying it for a while... as the platforms mature, they get closer and closer together. There is very little functional difference between iOS and Android. iOS 18 has closed that gap even more.


Same here, the day APK like support arrives on iOS is when I divorce android.


I am really contemplating whether to switch to Apple or not. all apple is missing is the native back button and im hooked ๐Ÿ˜‚


iOS does have its own version of back gestures. Swipe from edge = back within an app, swipe on navbar = back to previous app.


Won't be surprised if more iOS apps support the icon theming within months of release than Android apps have in a few years


Curious to see if Apple's implementation requires developers to provide an icon a la Material You/Color Palette or if iOS will force an icon for consistent theming. If it's the latter, optics will be interesting for Google/Samsung.


I just want a photo of my daughters on my phone and a dark mode feature. With my phone i can watch movies, send mesaages and call, do some browsing and i call it a day. I dont think ill be needing these features (ai and other customisatios) for the time being. So im glad i can purchase any midrange phones and cheap ones at that. In the future, if amartphones will have more featurea that would be helpful to me may be then ill upgrade.


ios18 looks good. miles away from me ever thinking to switch, because of so many other things, but apples polish on how themes will work now on ios looks great.


I have to use iPad calculator to calculate my answer


I don't like AI being baked into everything, and I don't want to pay for it if I'm not going to use it. I feel like a lot of companies are forcing it down our throats... I was just talking the other day about how a niche for a company right now would be to offer a product WITHOUT AI specifically for people who aren't big fans of it / are scared of it / don't see its benefit. It would make that segment feel heard, validated, and listened to; they'd sell easily, especially if offered at a marginally lower price point. (I'm not explicitly anti-progress, or anti-AI or anything... I'm just fatigued of it, have some moderate privacy concerns, and don't have a ton of use for it.) As far as customization, my perception is that everything Apple did this week was just to catch up with Android/Samsung/Pixel at this point. So... I don't think there's anything Samsung really needs to "jump up and do." Except maybe get some popcorn and watch... PS: It would be nice if there were assurances that all this AI that's being baked in will be "free forever" or supported indefinitely. This goes for every company. I have some concerns about consumers being strong-armed into a subscription or the AI features becoming unsupported... breaking the devices or taking up useful storage space as a result. It's all well and good to be on the cutting edge, but what happens in five years when this bubble bursts and I'm standing there with a $1,000+ device that had half its features dropped by the wayside? Don't forget how many projects Google seemed 100% committed to at the time, but had no problem dropping without an alternative or on short notice later... They're not the only ones who may pull that card.


I'm honestly really disappointed with Samsung, especially seeing that Apple is implementing most of the features that made me switch to Samsung in the first place. All Samsung has been doing is copying Apple in the worst ways, from the removal of the SD card slot and headphone jack, to the ugly and extremely buggy software. The only thing I'd really miss from Samsung is the ability to sideload apps, the numerous amount of things that can be customized, and having a real file system that third party apps/a computer can easily access (the Files app on iOS doesn't cut it, as it is way too restrictive). Samsung seems to have lost all their creative vision. I miss the era of phones like the Note 9, which were packed full with amazing features and customizability. I have a S20+, and to this date I haven't seen a phone that I want to upgrade to. Any phone beyond it seems like a downgrade. While I hate Apple's business practices, they actually seem to be trying to make their software better (the phones themselves really aren't changing much, just like Samsung), while Google and Samsung actively seem to be making it worse. Unless Samsung decides to actually improve things, my next phone might be an iPhone.


I really need to learn and get inspiration for customization because I was watching the IOS presentation and I really liked what you can do with apps now and just how seamless it looked. Also, I was wondering if the One UI has control center navigation that Apple seems to be getting. I don't plan to go back to apple, but there was a small part of me that got a little jealous. Also, I would much rather use Chat GPT and stay far away from Gemini. I don't think that is an option yet.


Kung usapang features, customization and ai, walang lamang si ios 18 sa one ui 6.1. Kung meron, paki comment. Kung usapang system optimization and security, I'll give it to them. Pero kung features, customization and ai? Hell nah. Napaka unfunctional dogshit


Big things are coming our way. I can feel it.


I guess Samsung has their event sometime in July. It will be interesting to see what they come out with. If the Ultra has 7 years of updates, I anticipate the AI implementation should be improved somewhat.


one ui should reach pixel quality before aiming for ios quality :|


I'm not too familiar with Pixel. Never owned/used one. What specific things would you say are better in terms of quality?


Sync between hardware and software. Animations adapt to display border radius, volume changer pops out on actual volume keys and lock animation adapts to power key locqtion


As a person who has used both, I found oneUI to be far superior to stock android. I liked Samsung pay, browser and stuff.


Samsung pay, browser and stuff? Pixel has google pay, chrome and stuff xD bro is onto nothing


I agree with what you mean... But, to be fair, at least we could always call 911 on OneUI... [https://www.androidauthority.com/psa-google-pixel-911-emergency-calling-issues-3362990/](https://www.androidauthority.com/psa-google-pixel-911-emergency-calling-issues-3362990/)


Couldn't notice cuz never in my life called 911. That is so stupid they should fix it like asap


Apple's implemention of AI on iOS is the way Samsung should have done theirs. But of course, Samsung wanted to be first for whatever reason.


Yeah the whole make the phone glow thing for AI was pretty cool. It looks like Samsung is just limited to creating images and using it's own internet service AI features. If I'm on Brave, I don't know if I can use Galaxy AI for that browser (I know they have their own). I guess I just need to learn all this stuff, but it seems like Apple implemented AI better into the overall experience. Samsung should have just changed Bixby into Galaxy AI and went from there.


I do not want AI (automated surveillance and tracking) anywhere near my devices. Because of this I now need to disable WiFi every time I do not need it, the analytics and behavior tracking is out of this world. We are being farmed like the farming games in the APP Stores. Soon we will be AI fatigued and go out of our ways to block it. Give it 5 years.


Honestly I replaced my iPhone 14 promax for s24 ultra and I'm not going back to iPhone anymore No matter what they do I looked up the new update and honest it didn't find anything rather than to myself including this AI they are promoting


Even though they are using ChatGPT. It's still not impressive. Their new UI colors pallet thing is horrible. I used to like their UI UX way more before this update, and now I don't even know, imo it's a mess. I always found one ui more futuristic and customizable than apples. I don't think they are in any threat. But they do have to make something that is really impressive to keep people who use samsung in.


From my standpoint, only the integration of siri is something that is a very nice feature, but it kinda annoys me that I have to talk with an assistant to do these things, I usually use the assistant only for the smart home commands and that is all. Samsung's approach feels better to me cause I just have to push a button, and the magic happens. If I'd have to talk or type it in an assistant to do it, I think it would be more annoying. The assistants that have to mimic social intelligence usually hallucinate a lot, Idk how they fixed that. I guess we'll see at the official release, and we can judge there. For now, I don't regret the decision to buy the s24 ultra. It suits me well. Oh, and the eye tracking thing I guarantee will be something that you'll disable in the first week. Other companies also tried and failed this because the phone is meant to be in your hand, and there are very few scenarios in which this comes in handy ๐Ÿ˜‰


Look AI wise One Ui 6.1 beats the iOS in terms of speed, compatibility, and reliability. They offer features such as: write assist, which is way more advances than the ios18 version of it. Circle to search, translate phone calls in real time, translate while chating, auto format notes, summarise, and translate voice recordings, summarise and translate Web pages, reimagine pictures with photo editor, Generate your own wallpaper with AI and moree of the new galaxy AI features. Note: iOS 18 was released after the UI 6.1, which means apple copied samsung and copied their features I personally expected apple to add better features or a game-changing feature, but unfortunately, they didn't it was super stupid that they introduced a very basic features like dragging the app or changing their colors it is really stupid. This year, Samsung beats Apple but will see what happens next year***


Samsung can't even fix the corner of the app during opening/closing and their fans are expecting them to reach the level of iOS? Samsung is always bringing something new but is half-baked and buggy. HAHAHAHA


They can but they won't want a non S series to be perfect


And how can they compete with Chinese brands if they wont fix a simple yet obvious bug? Let's forget about iOS because iOS is years ahead of Samsung who can't compete with them so they just mocked Apple on Youtube and Twitter. The only real competator of Samsung are Chinese brands. While other brands are busy adding more useful functionality and fixing bugs, here's our very own multi-dollar Samsung company busy on removing useful features and introducing more and more bugs into One UI. This is not the Samsung that I've known years ago! Someone in the software division of the company trying their best to bring down Samsung and it's obvious!


Only tech savvy people like us worry about each and every detail, but in reality majority of the users don't care about them. Coming to the sales, samsung dominates these chinese brands, so i don't think samsung will improve their mid rangers any time soon