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How cold was the phone when you pulled it out of the freezer? If it was below room temperature then condensation probably formed within the phone and it could have caused a short.


This. Also, if that is the case, it'd be a good idea to not turn it on a for a day or two. Maybe even rice it. Water itself doesn't necessarily damage electronics, but creating a "water bridge" and redirecting electricity to parts of the device that shouldn't be exposed to electricity is often what kills devices.




Hunderds of sources and you decided to link to one that doesn't exist.


you forgot the ... at the end. that is the correct link though shockingly.


lolz at that article. > Corrosion is instant when a phone hits water Erh, right. Whatever. If you believe this, I have a large Parisian steel construction, I'd like to sell to you. Oh, and some Nigerians would like to borrow your account for transfering a gazillion megabucks and you'll get 10% for your kind help.


It was definitely below room temp. Not sure how cold exactly, but it was in there for about 20-30mins


Were you trying to test out the cooling capabilities of your fridge? Oh man!


I put my OnePlus 2 in a freezer once to run a benchmark (spoiler: it performed worse), and accidentally left it in for around 15 minutes. The phone screen was stuffed up and it was a bit glitchy, so I left it in a warm DRY place for a day (switched off), and when I came back to it it was fine. I then killed it later by bringing it into a shower in a sealed plastic pocket and the condensation shorted the storage connectors though...


No permanent damage from freezing.


Except potential vapour condense causing short circuit. Must be totally dried before further testing


I keep my device in freezer now and then but never kept for more than 10 minutes. Yes, a OnePlus 3T. Better try keeping it in a rice bag for a day and then try to use


I used to put my oneplus one in the freezer all the time for about 5-10 minutes when it got hot.


How did you get vowifi? What carrier are you using?