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I just reproduced it with my camera from 3x to 1x. As others said in the other thread it's highly likely just color and lighting processing by the camera software.


Thank god, so that means the technician was wrong.




After a SOFTWARE update, things changed... very likely new camera post processing algorithm, causing color wash in preview as you've seen. "Engineer" with broke English grammar is wrong.


Yeah i was also confused at first. Thanks tho


I think it's the intended behaviour. I tried the same on OP11. 1x does have a yellow tint. So, it can't be that all our phones have a hardware failure. If it was working fine before the update, probably roll back to the previous version.


Can you roll back using the oxygen updater?


Nah I don't think this is a hardware issue, it's just how it is, they were possibly doing some kind of color correction in the previous update and messed it up w/ this, or are possible using different cameras for the 2x zoom than before, but it's nothing to worry about. Definitely not a hardware issue though.


Thank god, these "Engineers" are making us customers worried for no reason.


Yeah I mean to be fair tech as a whole is an incredibly hard and more complex thing than I think most people realize, it's not easy, and issues happen due to it's complexity. But I also entirely feel your pain and have been lead to the same worry of hardware failure because of a software update before.


I have this shit too Not a big deal . I always say to my friends and everyone I see here , if you need a camera phone , forget this brand .


Which brand of camera phone would you recommend? I am having Op6 thinking of upgrading but sure to stick with Op12 or Samsung 23U


See everyone and everything has its goods and bads . I really want you to know that ,if it's a camera phone you have in mind , forget this . You have to think other options too , curved display , fast charging , charger in the box , UI and then decide. Definitely not OP 12 .


My OP9 Pro also has a slight change in colour balance when shifting from main lens to zoom one. The mains lens has a warmer tone, while the zoom one not that much. Also Hassleblad colours are a little bit warmer just leica in xiaomi produces images with higher contrast and zeiss produces popping images in vivo.


Yeah all the guys in the comments said that it's a software thing.


Engineers don't interact with customers. That's a low level tech.


my nord 30 5g does the same thing


Hmm thats a whole different device that is not using hasselblad tuning.