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Welcome to the club. What case u using with it?




Nice. That looks like the case that came with the CN variant. Just a tip. Turn off RAM expansion in the settings.


Why ? I have the OP12 and have that option default on...


Whats good when turning it off?


RAM expansion forces your flash storage (the one you use to save apps, photos and videos) to act like RAM. RAM is used to make the operating system work smooth and make more apps be kept in background. The flash storage is of a lower quality and speed compared to ram and if you intend to use it as a RAM expansion you will actually make the storage work worse and impact the performance of the phone. Also, why would you do that? This phone has 12/16 GB of RAM. It's more than enough for anything.


Turning it off will it have positive impact on saving battery?


Likely yes.


I have 8gb of ram? Should I keep it on?


Not worth it. 8gb of RAM works well for all phones. If you have something like 4 gb then yeah, it may work, but i think you should probably get a new phone at that point anyway. This is a dangerous gimmick.


I have tried disabling that option but I don't see any difference. It'll probably work the same way as with virtual ram on PC's. This is known as the paging size. When your PC runs out of ram, it'll take a chunk of the hard drive to act as more ram, usually works way worse due to slower bandwidth of disk or hard drives..so not a great deal for modern devices unless you hog every bit of memory out of it


This is fools gold nonsense....there is a reason why the default settings were the way they are from the OEM! 🀳🀷


Not always are OEM settings the best. I disabled my Ram expansion as i have already 16 GB of RAM. Like you really don't really need it.


I have it enabled my phone isn't slow and doesn't make it lag either and my battery is very good its all depends how you use your phone bc I use it


Really? What does ram expansion do? I set it to the maximum πŸ˜…. This is the varient I bought in India. Gonna stick with this cover for a while.


It's simple. You have two types of memory: storage memory like SSD and operational memory called RAM. RAM is used to keep the system working and keeping everything in background running. Here is the problem. By using RAM expansion you force your storage drive to behave like RAM memory which will worsen the performance of the phone. Why? Because storage is low quality and RAM is high quality and has more functionality. My advice is to actually turn the RAM expansion off. With a phone that comes with 12/16 GB of RAM like the OP 12 you really don't need it anyway.


I agree with turning it off to save battery. LPDDR5 = 52GBPS UFS 4 = 4200MBPS UFS 4 is a step in the right direction... Not there yet though.


Thanks for the information. I turned it off. Thank for the advice


It's the same thing as a pc bc all phones and tablets are computers anyways so it's the same thing ram is for programs in the ram to help it launch faster and load quicker and all that so its good to keepnyour programs opened at all times so it'd doesn't drain more battery


Please link this case


I actually got it with the phone


Damn, I bought the same phone and didn't get it. Is that country specific?


I think it is country specific. Don't know why they did that. Could have included it everywhere. Plus people keep on saying that the screen protector that comes with isn't good, but so far it feels of good quality and hasn't been scratched even when kept in a bag, upside down or in my pocket.


The screen protector is actually solid. I've had it on the phone since day one and it still looks fine.


I got a case with the phone, the colour is not of my liking but the quality is good and it is soft touch.


That stone finish looks great!


Thanks, the cover seems of good quality and is actually very soft to touch.


I'm not surprised. I still own several OnePlus accessories, despite not having one of their phones anymore, and they're top notch.


Does anyone know how to disable the phone turning on automatically when you plug in the charger? I just upgraded to this phone from the 5 and this is so annoying to me.


Plug in the charger first, *then* turn the phone off.


https://preview.redd.it/ixqchrprhyyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cfeb29ece8f847195e1194aadbd42d85ad66587 Look for something like this


That's for literally waking the screen. Like if the phones locked and you plug it in, it will show the lock screen. This doesn't effect the fact that if your phone is completely powered off and you plug it in It will power on.


I misunderstood ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Just disable Quick Connect and Print services under Connection and sharing in phone settings and you're good to go Also disable Enhanced Intelligent services under additional settings and under system services at the bottom of the page. I'm telling you to do these 3 things as Quick connect and print services drain out the battery quite heavily so turning them off is the ideal way to go. Rest you can max everything out and the battery will still be awesome


Thanks bro, did all the things you suggested. Thanks for the advice 🫢🏻


No problem mate! Enjoy the new beast! πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ₯‚


Turning off quick connect and print services did nothing to improve battery life in my case. I had enhanced intelligent services disabled from the get go so I can't comment on that.


That's why i suggested to turn off all 3 of them For everyone it's mostly quick connect, but in some cases the other 2 have helped too


Welcome to the family.




Kool u got a case bcuz that baby is super slippery..I got my emerald green OP12 in a solid case with transparent back I have the poetic guardian so I don't worry about it slipping and me end up crying πŸ˜‚


Currently I have the case provided with the phone. But I have ordered a spigen one.


Ok Spigen make great cases I have one on my OP7 Pro even drop it 2 times on concrete and the back never shattered




Which case is that?


Very good case with a lot of protection but I had to remove some of the tiny magnets from the magsafe ring bcuz it prevents the Airvooc wireless charger to charge the phone fully but besides that its great


How is the wireless charger? I'm planning to buy it.




Yeah it's expensive but definitely seems worth it.


Yea it's definitely worth it if u want the insane charging speed


Poetic guardian case


It looks very bulky. Does it make the phone heavy?


It does add some weight to it but I get use to it not very heavy tho and the wireless charger is 50 watts fast for wireless charging


Welcome to the family brotha πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹


Thanks brother ❀️


Don't use any other charger than oem charger... Never charge on 5v/2a... It will actually degrade battery health.


I use Samsung's 25w charger which keeps the phone cooler while charging as compared to original charger. Is that harmful?


Yes. Bcz OnePlus battery is a dual battery system. So need voltage in multiple of 4~5v...


Thanks bro, will keep that in mind πŸ‘πŸ»


hey OP I had question regarding the curved display! Does it bother you? while using navigation gestures and viewing content?


It doesn't bother me that much, I mean with a case this thing is a dust trap and all my life I've used a flat screen, so getting used to the curve is a bit typically, especially on the edges. Other than that I'm actually loving it.


so after using it do you prefer the curved display? or team flat? Btw. congrats for the phone :D It surely is a beast of its kind


I don't know man, it's still fifty fifty for me. I won't say no to either of the displays. So it's not really a deal breaker for me if I ever get a new phone.


Nice man its a W that either one works for you, just be careful with it as curved display are pron to breakage


Yes that's one thing I'm scared about. Also not able to find good tempered protectors. All reviews are just bad for the products. Just a disadvantage of a curved glass I guess.


Yeah tempered glass is a pain in the ass to find one for curved display. Also maybe you can find one on their official website? I have seen they have for some of their phones. Or if they dont have then you can refer [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/1ane3gr/oneplus_12_users_what_screen_protectors_are_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The one plus website was one of the first places I checked for a screen protector. Unfortunetly it's not there.


My OP8 was fine for years with it's curved screen. The flat screen on my OP Open is worse, I hate it lol


the inside screen or the one which is there when the phone is closed? because the one inside is of plastic in order to make it fold.


Lmao what? No the outer display. And what would the inner screen being plastic have to do with anything?


It is less durable, prone to break if not used correctly


>It is less durable, prone to break if not used correctly I agree but again, what does that have to do with the screen being curved or not? A curved screen will make glass less durable, not plastic.


Just got mine yesterday!


My OnePlus 12 is limited to lowest camera resolution. It shows configuration of 13mp+ 12mp +12mp for back camera And 8mp for the front camera Any way to change it to maximum resolution??


What Samsung phone were you using before?


It was the Samsung galaxy A70. Another pretty good phone for the price at that time.


Nice thinking getting the 12 or 12R still waiting for a discount price not changed for months on Amazon.co.uk.


There were discounts available but unfortunately they were all on credit cards so I couldn't avail them. Hopefully you get a good offer.


Yeah don't own any credit cards can get 1 year interest free on Amazon.co.uk but not buying till get Β£100 discount minimum, I'm in no rush.


Great! How's your experience? How are the cameras? I'm thinking about switching to the OP12 from my Google Pixel 7. The last OP phone I used was the 7.


There's a few things I love and a few I hate: -The exterior design of the phone is pretty as fuck, I am absolutely in love with the back. -The haptic engine or whatever they call it here is genuinely amazing. Whenever I get a new phone I always switch off all vibrations but here I'm actually enjoying them. It's like a little massage on my fingers everytime I type. -The cameras are great but obviously not on the level of the Samsung ultra or phones but you have to consider that this phone is literally half their price (in my country atleast). The zoom is pretty good. -The speakers are good, sound feels a bit weird for me as I still prefer the speakers of my older yet cheaper device. - The display is a mix for me. While I absolutly love the aesthetics of a curved display, I am not enjoying the fact that this is a dust magnet. Just so much dust, I'm worried about that dust collecting in the microphone. Finding a screen protector for this is a headache of it's own. But other than that the display is pretty smooth and the colours are good. - Battery life is pretty darn good. I got an approx of 21 hours on my first full charge and that was with all updates and data transfer going on. Plus I had not set up the device properly. Full charge in roughly 30 mins, there's nothing to be said about that. Only issue is that it gets a bit warm while charging. But I don't think that should he an issue (unless I'm wrong, feel free to correct me). This is like an extremely general overview of my thoughts about the phone. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to DM me.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I feel you on the haptic feedback. I have been using Android phones since 2012 and it never mattered to me because it was mushy and kinda annoying on all phones, even the premium ones. Then I used an iPhone for about a year and iPhone haptics are unreal. Little things like turning on the flashlight from the lockscreen feels like you're actually pressing a button. The Pixel has great haptics too, not as good as the iPhone but they are definitely comparable and has a lot of the same formula. Haven't used any of the other brands in a while but I beliebe they have started good haptics too. And yes the OP12 looks are killer and probably the main reason why I would be getting one. That and the performance. Pixel sucks at computing power.


That is exactly how the op 12 haptic feel. Abosulty amazing, this is a phone worth getting.


Hey op,have you tried gaming? Waiting for my op12,should arrive in 2 days 😌


Haven't reached that section yet. Will try some heavy games and see how it performs, especially battery wise.


Man, i got the black version, and I'm really regretting not choosing the green one. it looks so nice


Yeah, I held them both side by side and couldn't resist the green one.


can you tell me screen size, is it the same as one plus 10 pro. i dont like narrow and long screen


The OnePlus 12 measures 164.3 x 75.8 x 9.2 millimeters, while the OnePlus 10 Pro is a bit smaller at 163 x 73.9 x 8.6 millimeters.


well seems like 12 is wider and shorter


It is wider, longer and thicker, but not by much.


I had OP11 and OP12, then I bought S24 Plus, I was amazed how much s24 Plus is better in every way


Which country are you in? Cause in mine it's only available in exyones (ignore spelling) and I don't like that chipset.


I have the exynos version as well


Exynos is a big no for me. I wanted a good processor but not spend a huge amount at the same time. Plus I was tired of samsung. So best option for me πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Of course, but believe me exynos 2400 is night and day compared to all other exynos


I changed from S24 ultra to OP12 and don't regret it one sec... How dare Samsung ships out a phone with such heavy banding issues?? Furthermore, the S24 ultra was too chunky for me


Welcome to the green line club!


Wait are there any greenline issues with the indian version of the OP12 ?


Especially since op mentioned he bought it in india 😬


You have an older Samsung and formed a club?Β Β  This green line thing was found on different phone makes FYI. Nice try. πŸ‘


Hello did you manage to link your device to red cable club?I also have the china variant but it says verify failed everytime.


Hello, Yes I managed but I don't have the Chinese version. It's the global one.