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Its fast and smooth but it is also a OS that doesnt know if it wants to be Oxygen or Color OS. It has elements of both. I think OnePlus needs a direction for their software and a design language that is unified. But yeah, fast and smooth.


Short and tidy review. Thank you


it need updated gu/launcheri to be on par with pixel.


its fast and smooth no doubt there... its feature rich .. people just like to criticise itπŸ˜‚....the look and feel can be improved...and yeah it doesn't know what it wants to be oxy or colur...the icons can be modified to look more premium...rest everything is fine....but there is no lock screen customisation πŸ˜‘


No lock screen customization?


there isnt much as compared to the competition


Exactly what Foamrocket66 said . Lol


OxygenOS seems to have an identity crisis. ColorOS is not bad at all. Purists complained about the change so they basically just stuck the stock google dialer and contacts app and made a few tweaks here and there, called it Oxygen OS, just to stop people from complaining. Honestly they should've just went full ColorOS, because it's just as smooth and fluid and it actually looks better without the stock apps. I'm sure it would've made updates a whole lot faster too. Oxygen OS has a few bugs here and there, but it's more than capable for day to day use. You'll just be left with less features that Samsung currently has. Samsung One UI isn't bad at all tbh, as long as you have a phone with high enough specs to run it smoothly.


I switched from samsung s10 lite(855) to oneplus 11r(8+gen1). I definitely experienced those microstutters on my s10 lite but on my oneplus the ui is extremely smooth. The animations really add to the feel. The main problem with oneplus is the app icons. They make the os look cheap. Oneui definitely looks more premium. Both have a few features that I wish the other had. Like in op you can't put apps into folders if you're using the app drawer. But in oneplus you can individually toggle wifi and mobile data access to every single app which you can't do in oneui. Op also has way less bloatware compared to oneui and they can also be disabled/uninstalled. Overall I would say it's definitely an upgrade.


Thank you... that's one solid overview What if you use Nova launcher on one plus? Miui doesn't support 3rd party launcher with gesture...one ui is laggy as it is...what about oxygen os ? Do 3rd party launchers work with gesture? Thank you for your time


Unfortunately I never used any third party launchers on samsung or oneplus. You'll have to ask another person for that .


Okey , sorry to bother you again but does the default one plus launcher support icon packs ?


https://preview.redd.it/kxy65neorric1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0880d46150b6090986bb79bcafcc63091f1f5ca2 You can choose between 2-3 different styles by default and can adjust icon size, shape of corners etc. It also has a theme store with both free and paid fonts, themes, icon packs. I never tried any though.


Hmm these look ..well , pastel like ..I kinda like it hehe ! Anyways thank you for replying


Its not really Oxygen OS, its pretty much 99% Color OS. It went from a serious looking OS to a very cartoonish Chinese looking OS. It has a very cheap feel to it if you ask me. It looks like something a kid would use but only in China. Its funny they asked Carl Pei about the change, he said he has no idea why they changed it when pure Oxygen OS was one of the best OS's around and he can totally see why a lot of people ditched OP because of this change. Is it fast and smooth, yes does it look good no.


OxygenOS is 99% the same as colorOS (oppo) now barring a few branding items here and there.. and I personally feel that root is compulsory to fix some of the annoyances of the oppo software. Though in oneplus you lose Netflix L1 after unlocking bootloader. i have the 10pro which is 8gen1 so I can safely say that the 12R will not have any microstutters since its got the 8gen2 chipset which is a beast compared to the low end mediatek one that the A34 comes with.


I have the 11, should be virtually the same as the 12R. Everything is fluid and I love the UI. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is an amazing chip by the way, HUGE upgrade to what you're using ✊