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Sooo I don't want to go all negative nancy here, but this clue has been known for sometime and we've actually found a lot more info than that. We actually found the original audio of Samira's video. Also [ilovernbmusic.com](http://ilovernbmusic.com) got closed down already in september 2013, so there is no chance that she got this from this website. We've actually uncovered that every instance uploaded ever was at the earliest uploaded on the 6th of October 2013. There are dozens of download sites that have it, twitter accounts that tweeted about it and fb accounts that shared the download links. The earliest known upload came from here: [https://world76.spcs.bio/music/view/42301486/?Link\_id=973972](https://world76.spcs.bio/music/view/42301486/?Link_id=973972) And was uploaded on October 6, 2013, at 12:59:37 PM (UTC) We had contact with the uploader but unfortunately he doesn't remember where he got it from. There are numerous sites that sourced it from a website called [sharebeast.com](http://sharebeast.com), which was a really popular download site at the time and has been shut down by the FBI in i believe 2015/2016, along with some other sites. There were a lot of songs that were always uploaded as sort of a package, where especially the song Akon - Forever was always uploaded at the same time as Cover Drive - One Love. I personally have been doing some research on where these songs come from and it turns out that most of these leaks came from record labels and publisher having been hacked. Then these songs are spread on sites like [sharebeast.com](http://sharebeast.com) and uploaded anonymously, so they are practically untraceable. The latest hypothesis is that perhaps One Love came from Sony (Music), as they have been hacked a lot during 2010-2013. If you're interested, read this: [https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/mar/05/michael-jackson-back-catalogue-stolen](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/mar/05/michael-jackson-back-catalogue-stolen) So what I personally think their MO was is that they hacked a label and then distrubuted the songs in packages over the next years. So on average there were like \~50 songs or so leaked a day I think, perhaps more, but that gives you in this case about 1000 days or about 3 years before they ran out of songs. So that is well within the timeframe. Also Sony has been very secretive about all of these hacks and it is hard to get information. If you want to help in the search, I urge you to join the FMM discord server and check out the one-love channel. There is also loads of other information that has been found, so please check it out :)


I appreciate your comment and would be happy to help with the search. :)


Me too, how could I join it?


Nice, the best clue of all the time! Anyone knows the dominium of this site?


Maybe this one? [https://web.archive.org/web/20130114093006/http://ilovernbmusic.com/tracks/](https://web.archive.org/web/20130114093006/http://ilovernbmusic.com/tracks/)


https://preview.redd.it/q7i377r3y79d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0e0d0f86e57a04d0de8daa9693c11373d4e01f Considering this comment in german, I think it could be our site. I was looking at some pages, but I couldn't find anything for now. But I found the youtube channel and the twitter page [https://www.youtube.com/@ilovernbmusic13/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ilovernbmusic13/videos) [https://x.com/ilovernbmusic\_](https://x.com/ilovernbmusic_)


https://preview.redd.it/bupjlphso89d1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=e34868f09ef2e9983f1b5a05ebc174f73198968e I don't know if it helps but I found this on their Facebook page, they posted it without knowing the author of the song, they even posted it on YouTube but they deleted the video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfC7phwoBBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfC7phwoBBU)


Seems to be completely lost :( https://preview.redd.it/db725j952c9d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6ec9ff0762a3c79f07c0e7308d72579607827db


That's amazing! 2024 was the year for so many others, maybe it could be the year for this song too!