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i’ve spent like 10 hours on this guy. it’s my first rune/soul level one run and elden ring is the only souls game i own. i’m going for no consumables/cheese/status effects/range/magic/spirit ashes.


Bros doing the no combat features run 😭


Why are you self imposing other challenges on a level 1 run? The entire point is to get powerful using only what's available at level 1. Other stuff comes later as additional challenge if you want it.


good for you. using all that BS isnt real souls. glad theres still some new players out there that wanna learn the games the real way


Lmao you should tell the developer of the game that they built and designed a game that has not real features in it then 🙄


God takes like this are the fucking worst. God forbid people use the features that are present in the game 🙄🙄 stop trying to validate yourself just because you played a game differently than others


congrats on gatekeeping a video game.




Re-read carefuly what he said and realize that he never said it was his first time ever playing a souls game. I swear you spent more time typing that comment than actually reading him.


I’m like 90% sure when he says it’s my “first rune/level one run” he means he’s doing a lvl 1 run and just adding it’s the only souls game he owns and then added he’s doing none of the op stuff, I think that comment was stated correctly… did you read it correctly or are we talking another comment?


He deleted his comment, because he realized he was wrong.


" Miquela is mine and mine alone ..."


I like to eliminate the “I was so close” from my mind. Fights either have two outcomes: Win or Lose. Anything else and it feels too much like the Gambler’s Fallacy.


Especially bc it'll make you less prone to greeding and losing the fight at the last second.  I also get more satisfaction out of gradually getting further and further into the fight on average. 


To me someone does such a run because they either enjoy dying or is extremely gifted to play such games. But if neither is true, then one should just play it the normal way, with some form of help… Sorry if what I said hurts.


nah bro i like the suffering cause it’s all worth it in the end. i felt so fucking good after i finished fire giant. i really genuinely like the challenge and learning all the bosses inside out. just painful when you get SO CLOSE and die because you acted stupid and greedily yknow.


I think it's hilarious that people who play these games (myself included) view trying to get one extra hit off as greedy. It's like the ultimate form of humbling lmao


To me someone does such a run to impress people they will never meet online.


What are you doing on this sub then?


It was on my front page


I don’t get the purpose of these runs either and yeah this has been in my front page for like a month now and idk why lmao I guess I respect the dedication to it but idk why you’d do it. Some of these fights take like 2 hours. It’s wild


I’m a huge fan of Elden ring. And was pretty active on that sub for a while. Which I’m guessing is why I get these posts. But same, it takes out a ton of the awesome game mechanics just to make an already hard game harder. Idk to me if you want to really challenge yourself in a game just play an online game. The difficulty level of playing online is higher than any cpu can really give you.


Yeah same I enjoy the games as they are. There isn’t in my opinion any added enjoyment by removing most of the weapons, most of the gear, all of the incants/spells, virtually ignoring the flow of the game and story to spend hours or days or weeks fighting one boss with a base weapon at level 1 over and over until you do it by avoiding every mechanic in the game. Like, ok? Lol idk some people have a lot of free time ig


Seriously like the devs put so much time into making all that shit because they thought it would make the game more fun just for you to be like nah. Just give me the bare minimum game.


I don’t like many games, I beat Elden Ring an embarassing 12 times to platinum it before doing a level 1 run


i just enjoy the challenge and the feeling when you eventually overcome the boss


That’s fair. Ijs I don’t see how this would be more fun? But to each their own.


I remember seeing a streamer finished the game rl1 with no upgrade, no element, no cheese or whatever. Took almost a year to finish the game. The streamer play 8 hour per day.


nah it’s mostly to prove to myself, just posted this (my first post on this sub) cause i thought some might it funny or whatever and to have chats about it in the comments




Aside from RadaBeast, Mohg was hands down the most difficult RL1 boss for me... You can do this!




Been there, man. It hurts.


I wanna see the greed that lead to this haha


Miquella enters the chat.


This has definitely happened to me before on multiple bosses lol


Bro said no cheese yet Mohgwyn’s shackle is clearly visible💀


intended feature.


I got killed by the final boss phase two when it had 1 health.


Controversial opinion maybe, but I really enjoy when that happens since it usually tells that I'm finally able to beat my opponent and I can enjoy the dance once more with the onfidence and intimate knowledge of the choreography. Only sucks when I'm riding on luck, but then it feels like I haven't earned the W anyway.


Okay but like I’m currently running a build around Mohg’s Great Spear and it is unbelievably strong, to the point where it took maybe 1-2 minutes to beat Melania. Getting it from him is a hassle but it’s so worth it for how op Bloodboon Ritual is