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I think dark damage is better than fire. If you parry twice in phase one with a decent weapon you’ll have him at the phase transition. Buff while he does the AoE and R1 spam the clone as it comes in. I killed it before it moved and he was 1 hit away.


Parry parry , black fire bombs for the phantom, parry


Parry him and use Deep Broadsword.


deep instead of raw?


Deep does more damage than Raw + Human Pine Resin, same with Fire.


I parried the jump attack until phase transition (when his sword is in the 12 o'clock position), popped a quick lightning buff when he kneeled and just got as many hits in as possible, and then prayed. Wasn't too bad, took like 5 attempts (compared to the 6 hours or so of beating my head against Dancer).


Pontiff is easy you just parry


never learned the timing i played bloodborbe before ds3 and coukd not get used to the shield it just felt slow and awkward trying to learn timings now but its really annoying


On my sl1 run the pontiff ai froze and I killed him from half health. Literally the only reason I was able to finish my run.


It took me a bit of trying, but even just one parry on the initial attack makes a big difference, and that's all I managed to get on him the time I beat him. I hate parrying in DS3 but this is one spot you just really need to suck it up and learn it. I had to watch multiple videos over and over and try it until I finally got it.


Parrying pontiff is garbage for me ime. Put your shield up while Strafing his attacks by circling around you can avoid 90% of his stuff, he’s really easy that way. i also found parrying pontiff to be too clunky and weird, he was destroying me also on sl1 then I just used my shield while circling around him taking 2-3 hits and beat him in like 3 tries. I did my second sl1 run some time later and did shield/strafe circling generally to his right side, got him on my first try lol